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Munk Debate on Zionism


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
So you agree, Geno, that Hamas was ordered by the UN to return the hostages taken on Oct.7 and they have not. The UN said to do so unconditionally therefore what Israel does or doesn't do is irrelevant. It is not a condition that gives Hamas permission to disobey the UN. Condemn Hamas for not complying with the UN.
How can Hamas return hostages when they are being bombed and every time they go out they are shot by snipers?
How many hostages do you want Israel to kill?

If you want them back, you need a ceasefire.

Did you see what Israel does to their hostages?
fucking nazis

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dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Your definition of lying is to quote the document?

But sure, go to the muddy language of clause 20 instead of the extremely clear text in clauses 1, 2, and 3.
Yes, when you use partial quotes it is lying.
The UN ceasefire calls for both sides to stop.

Netanyahu negotiated with Hamas and 105 hostages were returned with no killing.
If you want them back, you need a ceasefire.

Meanwhile, Israeli concentration camps are just expanding.
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dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
1. Welcomes the new ceasefire proposal announced on May 31, which Israel accepted, calls upon Hamas to also accept it

Instead, Hamas sent a new set of demands.

And the UN, ICC, and ICJ were 100% about Hamas' hostages. The fact that you think Hamas is justified doesn't change what any of those groups said.
You are the shittiest hasbara troll, basketcase.
Biden submitted that ceasefire plan to the UNSC claiming Israel agreed.
When it was passed Netanyahu declared he didn't agree and would never ceasefire until he's implement his final solution and 'finished the job'.

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Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
How to claim an apartheid ethnostate is a "democracy": Just exclude half the population from participating.
Democracy is a term relating to a free election to determine who governs. Every citizen gets to vote. Apartheid is a term that describes how some citizens are discriminated against by governmental policy compared to other citizens and has nothing to do with who or how a person or party comes into power.

They are two separate topics.


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
Denial of citizenship to certain people in territories that a certain other ethnic group controls is apartheid 101. The black South Africans who resided within the white minority controlled South Africa, were denied citizenship the same way Palestinians who live in Israeli controlled West Bank, are denied citizenship. And denial of citizenship is the tip of the iceberg. Then come the walls, the segregation, the separate laws for each group, the racial discrimination etc.,
Learn history. At one point, blacks in S. Africa were citizens with full rights but the governmental policy of apartheid took many of those rights away. Palis on the West Bank or in Gaza were never citizens. As such no rights of citizenship were ever taken away from them. There is no apartheid and the UN's lack of a resolution saying that bears me out. They passed a resolution in 1963 condemning S. Africa of just that, apartheid. This is documented history. These are my facts and this is my logic.

Please stop with your idiotic claims. I've educated you multiple times already.

You have been educated time and again on this, yet you stick to your illogical diatribes.
I have been educated throughout my life by intelligent and educated people. I would never include you in that group.

respond back to me unless you are willing to use facts and actual logic (not the one you claim they taught you at the UofT). I am saying this out of concern for you because you will inevitably end up pretzeling yourself and making yourself look foolish as you have been for more than 1000 pages in various threads.
Worry about yourself and all the people that mock you for your inability to maintain a coherent conversation. Should I name them all?


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
Ending the occupation would have ended that need.
No it wouldn't. Hamas has stated that they want to eradicate all Jews in the area. They will keep bombing and attacking.


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
How can Hamas return hostages when they are being bombed and every time they go out they are shot by snipers?

Do you understand English? It means that the UN doesn't give a shit about what's going on around them.

Are you saying NOW that we shouldn't listen to what the UN says? Are you changing your policy regarding statements from the UN?


Well-known member
Dec 31, 2022
Learn history. At one point, blacks in S. Africa were citizens with full rights but the governmental policy of apartheid took many of those rights away. Palis on the West Bank or in Gaza were never citizens. As such no rights of citizenship were ever taken away from them. There is no apartheid and the UN's lack of a resolution saying that bears me out. They passed a resolution in 1963 condemning S. Africa of just that, apartheid. This is documented history. These are my facts and this is my logic.

Please stop with your idiotic claims. I've educated you multiple times already.

I have been educated throughout my life by intelligent and educated people. I would never include you in that group.

Worry about yourself and all the people that mock you for your inability to maintain a coherent conversation. Should I name them all?
Unaware of history. Inculcated with racist ziontology myths from birth.


Well-known member
May 21, 2002
Apartheid is a term that describes how some citizens are discriminated against by governmental policy compared to other citizens and has nothing to do with who or how a person or party comes into power.
How to claim an apartheid ethnostate is a "democracy": Deny citizenship to half the population, but also deny them their own state.


Well-known member
May 21, 2002
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His most imperial galactic atheistic majesty.
Mar 8, 2017
Geno, I thought that I was the worst. You've always liked bc the best.:cry:
I mean BC is no Steel Panther, but their first to albums Bodycount and Born Dead were pretty good and even afterword they have some good tunes.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Democracy is a term relating to a free election to determine who governs. Every citizen gets to vote. Apartheid is a term that describes how some citizens are discriminated against by governmental policy compared to other citizens and has nothing to do with who or how a person or party comes into power.

They are two separate topics.
Yes, and when the indigenous population are not considered 'citizens' and instead are internationally recognized as 'stateless refugees' living on their own land, then its apartheid.

Denying Palestinians citizenship is proof of apartheid, Shazi.

Killing the entire native population won't solve your problems, Shazi.
Neither will recreating Auschwitz for 2 million people.

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dangling member
Apr 10, 2015

Do you understand English? It means that the UN doesn't give a shit about what's going on around them.

Are you saying NOW that we shouldn't listen to what the UN says? Are you changing your policy regarding statements from the UN?
The UN also said Israel has to cease fire, Shazi.
The ICJ also ordered Israel to prevent the killing of all Palestinians in Gaza, allow all aid through and charge those for inciting genocide.
Inciting genocide carries a 5 year sentence in Canada, by the way.

And yet here you are still inciting genocide.
Israel has clearly failed to obey the UN as well.

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It Doesn't Matter What You Think!
May 12, 2023
Learn history. At one point, blacks in S. Africa were citizens with full rights but the governmental policy of apartheid took many of those rights away. Palis on the West Bank or in Gaza were never citizens. As such no rights of citizenship were ever taken away from them. There is no apartheid and the UN's lack of a resolution saying that bears me out. They passed a resolution in 1963 condemning S. Africa of just that, apartheid. This is documented history. These are my facts and this is my logic.
History and facts show that Black South Africans did not have citizenship rights before 1948 when the National Party came to power and the apartheid era began. Black South Africans did not have the right to vote, had some freedom of movement, education and employment prior to 1948. But with apartheid, they were herded into Bantustans and pass laws were implemented to restrict movement of Black South Africans, while severely restricting all of their civil rights.

The exact same thing happens in Palestine. Before the formation of Israel, Palestinians lived everywhere in present day Israel. They have all been herded into Gaza and the West Bank in a few disparate ghettos, their freedom of movement is severely restricted via walls, checkpoints. Similar to the pass laws implemented in South Africa, Palestinians have passes restricting their freedom of movement. They are also subject to different laws, subject to racial segregation and violence, similar to how Black South Africans were treated.

Hence, it is exactly the same thing that happened in South Africa, and it IS Apartheid.

Now coming to the UNGA resolution, show me an international law, that states, that for Apartheid (which is a crime under international law), to be considered to exist, it needs a UNGA resolution first. Well, there is none. Same with genocide. Has there been a UN resolution against the Armenian Genocide? Yet it is considered a genocide. So no, there is no need for a UNGA resolution for a crime of apartheid to exist.

Your post displays a profound lack of logic, or fact. As I said, I have educated you above. Take some time to go through the actual history (not your own imaginations), and correct yourself.
I have been educated throughout my life by intelligent and educated people.
Yes, by people like me. And your posts are a product of conveniently ignoring people who educate you.
I would never include you in that group.
Now it is clear why your posts are so completely lacking in logic or fact. You conveniently ignore actual facts and ignore people who fact check you. I was raised with values, where they taught me that "with age comes wisdom". I no longer believe this to be true. You are one of the case studies why.
Worry about yourself and all the people that mock you for your inability to maintain a coherent conversation. Should I name them all?
I dont have to worry about myself, because although I have a lot of support from actual sensible members on this board, I never resort to relying on them as I am confident in my own posts.

You could name them if you like. After all you need the support. But as I have said multiple times, you and your ol' buddies, that people laugh at, or what you guys rant on about at the early bird special, is frankly, irrelevant.
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Well-known member
May 21, 2002


His most imperial galactic atheistic majesty.
Mar 8, 2017
Not a fair comparison. Nobody is Steel Panther.
The are lyrical geniuses and understand that Death to all Butt Metal is the only way to go.
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