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men in toronto do not pick up enough


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
AH the shy thing, it is NOT being shy at ALL. (well, there are some who are but that would be the case in ANY city).

Sorry, it isn't about balls, it isn't about being shy, it is about the attitudes one gets or the looks. Yes the "how dare you even THINK about talking to me".....and yeah, being 5'6" in this city is the death nell. Even women 5' and under want 6' or taller.....

I think angelique hit on something: the look don't touch scenario.

With me anyways, it's about respecting their "space". Maybe I've listened too much to the "leave me alone I just want to (blank)" stories.

Now if a woman approached me? HELL yeah.....but then again, hell would be frozen over so I'd need my parka lol.

I've said this before and I'll say it again and again and again, if you're A list material? You're gold in Toronto. If you're not? You're gold everywhere else.....


Active member
Nov 24, 2005
tommy2bit said:
The bottom line is, if you are a handsome guy then women will be attracted so you will not have a hard time. The issue with women in this city is that average or normal doesn't cut it. Good personality doesn't mean shit. Short and or bald doesn't cut it. If you approach women as a stranger and you aren't tall, dark and handsome and in good physical shape, then you better pray for some assistance from above. This is why most of the responses in this thread differ vastly from you, asn and rubmeister100. ;)
I wouldn't necessarily say that. If you dress nicely have a good personality and talk to women about subjects that they like, then that can help you down the road. The personality that you have right now doesn't mean shit and a woman can read right through you. If you keep on having that negative attitude, you will not get anything. Remain positive at all times. A lot of it has to do with attitude. Be confident but not cocky. Even if you are married, it is harmless to flirt a little bit. You have to make her want you. Keep them intrigued. Most women know how to play the game. They are the masters of the game and they wrote how the game should be played.
You can be butt fucking ugly but if you play your cards right, you can get see the difference with results.

The Houdini

Mar 18, 2008
tboy said:
AH the shy thing, it is NOT being shy at ALL. (well, there are some who are but that would be the case in ANY city).

Sorry, it isn't about balls, it isn't about being shy, it is about the attitudes one gets or the looks. Yes the "how dare you even THINK about talking to me".....and yeah, being 5'6" in this city is the death nell. Even women 5' and under want 6' or taller.....

I think angelique hit on something: the look don't touch scenario.

With me anyways, it's about respecting their "space". Maybe I've listened too much to the "leave me alone I just want to (blank)" stories.

Now if a woman approached me? HELL yeah.....but then again, hell would be frozen over so I'd need my parka lol.

I've said this before and I'll say it again and again and again, if you're A list material? You're gold in Toronto. If you're not? You're gold everywhere else.....
Sorry man,

There are sooo many women in their 30's and 40's DYING to meet a normal guy. Someone with a job, and his own place. I even know they're not looking for some handsome thing. Just someone who's nice and genuine.


Sweetie Pie
Feb 23, 2004
W3bster said:
I don't think women even need to approach men. All that's needed is for a woman to give a clue/hint of interest that would let her still retain her dignity--women here are completely incapable of or maybe even unwilling to do that (broad generalization, yes).
I agree...I have no problem giving subtle hints - a smile or a couple of seconds of eye contact. For fear of sounding conceited, I get approached a LOT. But I think it's because when I'm out (whether it's at a bar or the grocery store), I'm very friendly - I smile a lot and talk to people and thus I'm probably viewed as very approachable.

To Maya, I'm no expert, but I think a lot of women subconsciously send out "don't approach me" vibes despite the fact that they want to be approached. Maybe they don't want to appear 'easy' or as a flirt. Maybe you are unknowingly doing this? Or maybe there's somthing about you that intimidates guys...who knows?

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
MissCroft said:
To Maya, I'm no expert, but I think a lot of women subconsciously send out "don't approach me" vibes despite the fact that they want to be approached. Maybe they don't want to appear 'easy' or as a flirt. Maybe you are unknowingly doing this? Or maybe there's somthing about you that intimidates guys...who knows?
That's True.

You can tell when a woman gives off those vibes and you tend to back off. If a woman doesn't even so much as give you a look, you're really reaching for it by hitting on her. Maybe some guys don't take no for an answer and have a better success ratio, I dunno.


Banned - Never!!!
Sep 21, 2008
a 1 player said:
Wow, what a depressing bunch you all are.:( I have no problems walking up to a woman I find interesting and initiating a conversation (given it is in the right place). Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. No big deal, won't stop me from trying.

That is it right there.

Grow a pair of balls guys.


Aug 21, 2007
CUPID said:
It is interesting that you bring this up Maya. When I am in Vancouver I am beating the men off with a broom but in Toronto I rarely have men approach me and when they do it is usually that they are from out of town.
And then when they ask for your number you politely tell them to get lost as Maya and her friends probably do. This is why many men don't bother asking anymore, they've given up rather than trying. Also in Toronto there is a concern that some women consider approach harassment.


Registered User
Sep 26, 2003

tboy said:
There's your answer, it's not the men, it's the women......

Here's a hint: if you're interested, why not approach MEN?

GASP you mean, omg, to actually walk UP to a MAN and ...and ...and...say HELLO?

GAWD no, women don't DO that lol

(pssst it's 2008) is your answer.

Or, in other words, based on what I've been told by a few women (a couple as attractive as yourself...) Canadian men are too chicken shit. Hence, they now prowl for Americans, who they know aren't as shy....


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
The Houdini said:
Sorry man,

There are sooo many women in their 30's and 40's DYING to meet a normal guy. Someone with a job, and his own place. I even know they're not looking for some handsome thing. Just someone who's nice and genuine.
OH I totally agree, that's what they WANT but that's not what they go for or accept approaches by. Believe me, I've seen it happen. The guys that women mostly settle down with are usually the nice and genuine guys who have been introduced via friends, coworkers or ?? Not the random pickup.

See, IME ladies go for the guy (in this context) that has all the right things to say, has the right smile, the right look, the right demeanor, but they aren't the guys they really want. It has been my experience if he has all that and a bag of chips? He's also a player.

Don't get me wrong either, it is not always what one would normally consider "handsome" but in Toronto, I find that he has to have the "look". WHich is what I refer to A list, not necessarily GQ or metrosexual, but that certain something that makes him "it".

I also find that women go for the guys that can talk for hours about nothing, but is that really what a woman wants? To talk about nothing for the rest of their life or do they want a guy that speaks when he has something to say?


Registered User
Sep 26, 2003

The Houdini said:
Sorry man,

There are sooo many women in their 30's and 40's DYING to meet a normal guy. Someone with a job, and his own place. I even know they're not looking for some handsome thing. Just someone who's nice and genuine. very true. Back when I was dating more actively I met such woman all the time. Women DESPERATE to meet a normal guy their age with a job and a place to live who wasn't a troll and didn't think since he was normal that meant only 20 something hotties were good enough for him. I met so many of them who were so "desperate" that they didn't even mind that I was dating others...they weren't necessarily looking for anything serious...just wanting to be shown a nice time periodically.

Men who complain about women are just making excuses. EVERY woman isn't going to be a slave to your charms, and if you think you as an AVERAGE guy (and trust me, you are definition) are just too good for any woman who is less than an "8" and less than ten years younger than you, you are going to spend a lot of time whacking off. Other than that, save for online, women out number men is EVERY social interaction venue. You just have to get over yourself and approach them...


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
MissCroft said:
I agree...I have no problem giving subtle hints - a smile or a couple of seconds of eye contact. For fear of sounding conceited, I get approached a LOT. But I think it's because when I'm out (whether it's at a bar or the grocery store), I'm very friendly - I smile a lot and talk to people and thus I'm probably viewed as very approachable.

To Maya, I'm no expert, but I think a lot of women subconsciously send out "don't approach me" vibes despite the fact that they want to be approached. Maybe they don't want to appear 'easy' or as a flirt. Maybe you are unknowingly doing this? Or maybe there's somthing about you that intimidates guys...who knows?

OMG what the heck are you doing in toronto? Shit RUN RUN RUN AWAY as fast as you can before the other ladies find out you're actually friendly towards men!! damn, they're gonna kick you outta the club for being that way! LOL

I mean really, you smile at a guy? Don't you know he's a masher, rapist, user, drug addict and all around cad? lol.......


May 27, 2005
MLAM said: is your answer.

Or, in other words, based on what I've been told by a few women (a couple as attractive as yourself...) Canadian men are too chicken shit. Hence, they now prowl for Americans, who they know are as shy....

ok... so guys are tired of Toronto women and their bullshit so they dont bother...and women are tired of waiting for local guys to approach them?

I tell ya theres a disconnect somewhere....

I've seen it so many times. I hear women bitch and complain... oh theres no guys... then a nice guy comes along and she makes the guy feel stupid for even entertaining the idea of approaching her. Hey if youre not interested youre not interested but you dont have to be rude about it...who needs to put up with that attitude?


Registered and a User
Jan 6, 2003
In a deep, but well lit, hole
Mongrel4u said:
Thats because women in general these days are impossible and completely stuck up....especially in Toronto and guys are sick of it.

Anytime a friend or family member comes here to visit me thats the first thing they notice about the girls here.
I completely agree.


Registered User
Sep 26, 2003

lawyerman said:
I wouldn't necessarily say that. If you dress nicely have a good personality and talk to women about subjects that they like, then that can help you down the road. The personality that you have right now doesn't mean shit and a woman can read right through you. If you keep on having that negative attitude, you will not get anything. Remain positive at all times. A lot of it has to do with attitude. Be confident but not cocky. Even if you are married, it is harmless to flirt a little bit. You have to make her want you. Keep them intrigued. Most women know how to play the game. They are the masters of the game and they wrote how the game should be played.
You can be butt fucking ugly but if you play your cards right, you can get see the difference with results. cosign. But I wouldn't even call it a "game". It's called being "personable". If you don't understand the difference between how to talk to a woman versus your fantasy football buddies, you deserve to have to whack off all the time...


Aug 21, 2007
Miss Maya Blue said:
One, to encourage you single guys, when you see a pretty girl, make a move! We (single) girls want you to!
What I say to Maya and all the other ladies who complain about men not approaching them is tell us where you'll be and we'll show up to talk to you. Right Terbites!


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
Men who complain about women are just making excuses. EVERY woman isn't going to be a slave to your charms, and if you think you as an AVERAGE guy (and trust me, you are defintion) are just too good for any woman who is less than an "8" and less than ten years younger than you, you are going to spend a lot of time whacking off. Other than that, save for online, women out number men is EVERY social intereaction venue. You just have to get over yourself and appraoch them...
The same goes for women too. Just because you're average doesn't mean you deserve a GQ bay St lawyer stock broker who lights his stogies with 100 dollar bills and has 3 platinum cards in his wallet.

This goes right along with what I've said all along: There are A list men and women and B C D E F and so on. The A list men and women number around 5% of the population and the remaining 95% of the B C D E F G all go for the A list......(men and women alike).

But seriously, when you approach a M list woman with 10 kids (ok 4) broke, lives in a trailer and hasn't seen her feet in 20 yrs because of her front bum and she shoots you down because "she shouldn't settle for less than she deserves" then what does that tell you?


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
MLAM said: cosign. But I wouldn't even call it a "game". it called being "personable". If you don't understand the difference between how to talk to a woman versus your fantasy football buddies, you deserve to have to whack off all the time...

See that's the difference: there's first impressions then there's lasting impressions. One can't be both. Women tend to go with FIRST impressions.....and then complain cuz they don't last.......


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
asn said:
it tells me you're going after the wrong women. LOL!

LOL yeah, which is why I said go after the A list hotties because if you're going to get turned down by someone like I described, then you might as well get shot down by someone out of your league lol

The Houdini

Mar 18, 2008
itmeans said:
What I say to Maya and all the other ladies who complain about men not approaching them is tell us where you'll be and we'll show up to talk to you. Right Terbites!
So you want it served on a sliver platter??? That's called SP's.LOL...


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
itmeans said:
What I say to Maya and all the other ladies who complain about men not approaching them is tell us where you'll be and we'll show up to talk to you. Right Terbites!

ACTUALLY, this guy might have hit on something pertaining particularly to celest, Maya and Sierra: we ALL know that we're not supposed to approach SP's when they're out in private life. So maybe THAT"S it?

Most of the guys have seen or know someone whose seen them so they won't approach them in public.......

BTW: I teased Jillian about this before, CUpid's, Mirage and the other agencies have all the hot single women scooped up as SPs so there's none left for us to hit on lol.......
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