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men in toronto do not pick up enough

a 1 player

Smells like manly roses.
Feb 24, 2004
on your girlfriend
Blue_eyes_TO said:
As someone who has met Celest in a public setting, not only in her private setting, i would say that she would be fairly intimidating to walk up to. Maybe it is just me, but i don't think i could walk up to her and start talking.
She is very striking. I haven't seen Maya or Sierra but if your style is anything like Celest and you were all out walking...i would stare, but just watch you all walk by...LOL Way to intimidating. Even 1 - 1 it was intimadating, but with the 3 of you....never.
What do you find makes a woman intimidating?


New member
Aug 3, 2008
MLAM said:
And...technically bet you guys would LOVE to hear the story) I STILL haven't paid for least not all of it.
Yes, I would like to hear the story, you obviously have a pretty arrogant attitude towards the whole please humour us with your story.


Active member
Nov 24, 2005
MLAM said: cosign. But I wouldn't even call it a "game". It's called being "personable". If you don't understand the difference between how to talk to a woman versus your fantasy football buddies, you deserve to have to whack off all the time...
I never knew you were the ladies man. :rolleyes:

I am personable with women and I have been very successful in capturing a woman's intrigue.

Maybe I should have not called this a "game" per se but the fact of the matter is that I am not screwing around and I am straight up with the ladies and being a gentleman at the same time.

It has worked for me.


Nov 8, 2005
a1 said:
What do you find makes a woman intimidating?
When the woman is very attractive:) . I personally have no problem starting up conversations with women with whom I am not physically attracted to.

It's the good--looking women who give me extreme stagefright---lol.


New member
Jan 19, 2007
tommy2bit said:
These women are out with a purpose: looking for that A list guy (like someone else mentioned, the people who make up only 5% of men out there). And it's funny too how most women think they are darn entitled to it, regardless of what they bring to the table.
To be honest I don't think that Celest is thy type that is looking for A-list type guy. She seems like she is a really down to earth girl type girl.

That is definitely not what i was trying to say from my post that you quoted. They are intimidating cause of their looks. Trying to talk to 3 women who are hot and out for a walk...that is intimidating regardless of what they are looking


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
Holy Shit, I actually agree with BB for once....damn....


So I guess what I'm saying to both sexes is that talking is a win-win no matter what way it goes. If she/he shoots you down in a rude manner then did you really want to get to know her/him anyways ... that in itself is a win.
I've come across women like this many times and eventually (due to circumstances) gotta to know them and when I bring this up "I thought you were a total bitch when I met you"...know what their response was?

"it's my defence mechanism". I asked "defence against WHAT"? Oh, it's so scary for a woman out there, she has to be SO careful".....of what? Toronto is one of the safest big cities in the world......then I asked "have you ever met or known a woman who was raped? Date raped? Got into trouble with a guy? (other than some guy pestering her in a bar) Her answer was no, so eventually we came to the point where she admitted that she really didn't have anything to be so afraid of.....


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
Blue_eyes_TO said:
To be honest I don't think that Celest is thy type that is looking for A-list type guy. She seems like she is a really down to earth girl type girl.

That is definitely not what i was trying to say from my post that you quoted. They are intimidating cause of their looks. Trying to talk to 3 women who are hot and out for a walk...that is intimidating regardless of what they are looking
Liike I said before "you have to separate one from the herd"'s bad enough trying to leave a good impression on one, let alone THREE.....

a 1 player

Smells like manly roses.
Feb 24, 2004
on your girlfriend
squash500 said:
When the woman is very attractive:) . I personally have no problem starting up conversations with women with whom I am not physically attracted to.

It's the good--looking women who give me extreme stagefright---lol.
Interesting indeed! I would be far more intimidated approaching an unattractive woman wearing gang colors or an older woman wearing a mink coat with 5 poodles wearing rhinestone collars. But hey, that's just me.


Epitome of Sensuality...
Oct 16, 2007
tboy said:
"it's my defence mechanism". I asked "defence against WHAT"? Oh, it's so scary for a woman out there, she has to be SO careful".....of what? Toronto is one of the safest big cities in the world......then I asked "have you ever met or known a woman who was raped? Date raped? Got into trouble with a guy? (other than some guy pestering her in a bar) Her answer was no, so eventually we came to the point where she admitted that she really didn't have anything to be so afraid of.....
Defence mechanisms do exist - I know that I have one for sure as do many other ladies in the city. Sure, it may seem as though it is useless because the lady (or anyone she knows) hasn't placed herself into harms way, but (IMHO) I think being defensive in this city isn't a bad thing at all. I surely wouldn't want to be engaging in a passionate eye-contact with the next Paul Bernardo or BTK-killer. Always ere on the side of caution.

The Options Menu

Slightly Swollen Member
Sep 13, 2005

tommy2bit said:
These women are out with a purpose: looking for that A list guy (like someone else mentioned, the people who make up only 5% of men out there). And it's funny too how most women think they are darn entitled to it, regardless of what they bring to the table.
And the "Toronto women are frigid" thing is bullocks.

At worst 'Toronto women' are slightly more restrained and cautious than in other parts of the country. I've spent time in the rural north and Quebec, and Women (and people in general) are more approachable. But 'Toronto women' aren't looking for the 1 in 20 earner, and aren't frigid.

I don't see SPs (yet, LOL) and I don't on-line date. I only do 'pickup', and I've always done fine and am doing better over time. Reading the TERB seems to indicate why...

This is not hard:
1. Go out and do things you find interesting / enjoy. Anybody you meet you already have something in common with.
2. Don't go out to pick up unless you're 'a player', and 9 out of 10 people that think they are 'a player' quite simply aren't.
3. When you go out don't look like a slob. You don't have to dress up, but you do have to look right (for the circumstances).
4. Look for signals, fleeting glances, etc... If you see that strike up a conversation.
5. Strike up a conversation yourself.

Most of all, learn to take a hint... On the upside where you see a woman checking you out or finding an excuse to sit near you, stand near you, or bump into you, AND ON THE DOWNSIDE where she just wants you to go away. Rejection isn't fun for anybody, but you shouldn't be approaching with any expectations for more than a moment of conversation. Anything beyond that is all upside. (Heck, I chat with guys too, and I don't want in their pants.)

I've dated / picked up in Toronto while employed, unemployed, a student, living in nice places, and living in shit-holes. I'm not a stud. So the fact that I can should mean that anybody can, but you do have to get out there and you know, umm, talk and stuff...

Oh, and have realistic expectations...

Oh, and not have a 'sexual predator trying to get in my pants' vibe...

If you want 'easy', hire a (reputable) SP, if you want 'real' you have to get out there and learn by trying.


Active member
Nov 24, 2005
Noir said:
Defence mechanisms do exist - I know that I have one for sure as do many other ladies in the city. Sure, it may seem as though it is useless because the lady (or anyone she knows) hasn't placed herself into harms way, but (IMHO) I think being defensive in this city isn't a bad thing at all. I surely wouldn't want to be engaging in a passionate eye-contact with the next Paul Bernardo or BTK-killer. Always ere on the side of caution.
Smart and beautiful. Noir, you are awesome. :D


Epitome of Sensuality...
Oct 16, 2007
lawyerman said:
Smart and beautiful. Noir, you are awesome.
Thank you. ^_^ If I could blush a noticeable shade of red, I would be blushing. lol...

Miss Maya Blue

New member
Aug 21, 2003
san francisco
i think what i am realizing is that men are as scared as i am to initiate.
i think i am going to work on my pick up skills. online dating has been to tedious and time consuming...only to meet people that in 'real life' i never would have approached.

and for the record, neither celest, sierra or myself date A-list guys. im cut out for a more down to earth lifestyle.

give me a guy that will accept me for who i am, can make me laugh, challenge me intellectually, and rock my socks off in bed and im good to go.


Registered User
Sep 26, 2003
If you mean...

tboy said:
So you just admitted that other than your rants and tirades you really haven't and don't contribute to the general premise of this site?
...write reviews, actually, I have a few. Go look if you want.

In so far as simple could think of it that way if it makes you feel better. I'm not the monkey in the cage who goes into a fit every time he is poked...


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
Noir said:
Defence mechanisms do exist - I know that I have one for sure as do many other ladies in the city. Sure, it may seem as though it is useless because the lady (or anyone she knows) hasn't placed herself into harms way, but (IMHO) I think being defensive in this city isn't a bad thing at all. I surely wouldn't want to be engaging in a passionate eye-contact with the next Paul Bernardo or BTK-killer. Always ere on the side of caution.
Hmmmm ok, so like Paul Bernardo et al are like, what? 1 in 10 million? Yeah, that's reason to have walls up.

Now I'm not advocating being reckless but let's be realistic here: the odds of that guy who walked up to you and said hi at the grocery store being any sort of real danger to you are worse than winning the lottery.

In fact, I believe the typical sexual assault occurs from someone you know as opposed to a total stranger.

According to the police services website there have been 1184 sexual assaults to date 2008. (down 8.4% from last year). Now let's just say there are what, oh, 500,000 single men in this city? That's about .002%


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
MLAM said:
...write reviews, actually, I have a few. Go look if you want.

In so far as simple could think of it that way if it makes you feel better. I'm not the monkey in the cage who goes into a fit every time he is poked...
Oh you write reviews but don't pay for it? LOL OH kay......where have I heard THAT one before....

As for a fit? Naw, I just don't back down from baboons just because they play with their own feces......


Registered User
Sep 26, 2003
I agree...

lawyerman said:
Maybe I should have not called this a "game" per se but the fact of the matter is that I am not screwing around and I am straight up with the ladies and being a gentleman at the same time.

It has worked for me.

...that is how it is done.


Registered User
Sep 26, 2003

tboy said:
Oh you write reviews but don't pay for it? LOL OH kay......where have I heard THAT one before....

As for a fit? Naw, I just don't back down from baboons just because they play with their own feces...... didn't look.

And again, call it whatever you want...just make sure you kept a blood pressure cuff handy...
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