Club Dynasty

men in toronto do not pick up enough


New member
Oct 20, 2002
SupahotGavin said:
In honour of this most delicious post I will approach the first hot woman I see in the airport tomorrow and report back!

Stay tuned

NO! Don't do it. You can't report back if you miss your flight because you are in jail.:D

a 1 player

Smells like manly roses.
Feb 24, 2004
on your girlfriend
Wow, what a depressing bunch you all are.:( I have no problems walking up to a woman I find interesting and initiating a conversation (given it is in the right place). Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. No big deal, won't stop me from trying.


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
If you think its bad for adult women - being a widespread epidemic of having a serious attitude problem -

you should see the younger ones - many of them have the "conceited princess complex" and the case of "superiority over the mainstream people" and many of them feel their entitled and actually enjoy seeing guys get rejected or dumped.

they call their gfs and discuss it as if it was their latest conversation/gossip material...

and then ironically......(yes, Miss Maya Blue isn't the only girl that posted a thread asking this question, other girls - even teenage ones - go online and ask, "Why don't guys have confidence?" or "Why don't guys ever approach or make the first move?") then, girls in toronto, being single for five years.........wonder why guys are reluctant to endure their inhospitable(sp?) attitudes.


New member
Feb 26, 2006
I was once approached by a really hot chick at the Govurment during a rock concert a few years back. She was so straight forward and said I was the kind of guy that she wanted to fuck with. At that time I just smiled and said thank you because my nosy friend was standing next to me and back then I was too nervous and didn't know how to handle it. Damn, if it was happening today, I know what to do. You just need to be in the right place at the right time.


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
rubmeister100 said:

And there is another point boys... aim high! As Music Box says, the hottest girls don't get hit on as much and they are impressed that you have either the confidence or the authenticity to approach them. The middle of the road or not so attractive ones get hit on all the time by losers and guys who bring an attitude that since she is homely she is obtainable to me.

Aim higher!
I have to agree with you there: if you're going to strike out, might as well strike out with a hottie than a nottie.....(cuz the notties give one the same attitude as the notties lol)


Nov 14, 2006
tboy said:
I have to agree with you there: if you're going to strike out, might as well strike out with a hottie than a nottie.....(cuz the notties give one the same attitude as the notties lol)

Hell yeah. Getting turned down by a lady like Maya Blue is reasonable...after all she probably has a lot to choose from.

Getting turned down by a crackhead MILF with 4 missing front that's depressing.


New member
Jan 19, 2006
torontojohn said:
Even at work, I dare not compliment a woman without the looming threat of a visit to HR. It's just a generally shitty environment in which to meet
It's no better if you're the boss and it's a small company now instead of being reported to HR, instead it just does straight to the human rights commission or you are sued.

Yes there is real sexual harasment, but there is also a lot of "instead of saying no I'm not interested" instead I'll go to HR.
Those cases may not go anywhere, but they can make life quite difficult, and cost money. And best of all are typically covered by "whistleblower" type workplace protection. THerefore for men in that type of work enviroment particularly those in jobs where the licensing board or HR or whoever takes such complaints very seriously, needless to say it affects how they deal with approach women out in the "outside world."

Plan B

Race Relations Expert
Jun 7, 2008
The expectations of women in this city are quite frankly ridiculous. Go to any other city in Canada, and you'll notice that women get married at a younger age. In Toronto, women are extremely picky in their 20s and 30s, and then when they start getting over the hill, they complain about how there are "such few good men" out there. Crazy. I generally have stopped approaching women due to the icy stares I've gotten that say "how dare you approach me". But try approaching women in other cities like Winnipeg, and Mid-Central US, and its a whole different ball game. Women there are much friendlier.

Plan B

Race Relations Expert
Jun 7, 2008
a 1 player said:
Wow, what a depressing bunch you all are.:( I have no problems walking up to a woman I find interesting and initiating a conversation (given it is in the right place). Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. No big deal, won't stop me from trying.
A1-can you elaborate on the right places, whether they be coffee shops, lineups, grocery stores, because I find that approaching without a context brings about less than 10% chance of success.
Jan 19, 2004
No place like...

Toronto women have established themselves as the most difficult women to approach and greet. They are always on the defensive when a man only wants to say "hello". Immediately, a man is suspected of something negative just because he dares to say HI. I travel quite frequently and there is no place like Toronto for cold, unapproachable women.


Out-Call Escort Agency
Supporting Member
Jan 12, 2003
Out-call Only
It is interesting that you bring this up Maya. When I am in Vancouver I am beating the men off with a broom but in Toronto I rarely have men approach me and when they do it is usually that they are from out of town.

a 1 player

Smells like manly roses.
Feb 24, 2004
on your girlfriend
Plan B said:
A1-can you elaborate on the right places, whether they be coffee shops, lineups, grocery stores, because I find that approaching without a context brings about less than 10% chance of success.
A 10% chance would be about right, and that is not too bad. Think of it this way, at my age many women are married or in relationships, lets say (guessing here) about 50%. That right off the bat takes away half of your chances. Another way to look at it is now your chances are 1 in 4. Not bad odds there at all. I meet people wherever I am, not necessarily to pick up, but just by talking you have given yourself a chance that you did not have if you remained silent.

Think of this, if you go out looking to pick up you will probably fail, as you send out the wrong vibe right off the start. If you go out looking to talk to someone, all pressure is off. Big difference. I have (met) people in the following locations.

GO train
Night school
Busy coffee shop (asked if I could sit at the table)
Book store
Hospital waiting room (excellent place BTW). Boring as hell and outdated mags.
Grocery store
Cooking class
House party
Jazz club
Bank line up
Christmas shopping

Over the years, all have resulted in at least one date. In most circumstances, I was not looking to get a date out of it, I just ended up asking for the hell of it. For the record, I have been brushed off in all of those places as well. I can't stress this enough, if you find someone interesting and appealing, talk to them and be genuine. That is all there is to it, really! If you do not make getting a date a priority, you cannot strike out and you can leave with your esteem intact. Every single woman in the world is a potential date, think of it that way.

Oh, and put yourself in the womans shoes for a minute. If women approached you, (I'm not saying they don't), how many would you want to date out of them, especially ones who started with a cheesy pick up line? Start by saying hello, and making small talk. You will know in the first few seconds if the conversation is going to progress. Again if it does, brilliant! If not, you got some practice in.


Stand tall
(Try) not to be shy
Use manners
Don't use a pick up line
Know what you are talking about
Ask open ended questions
Listen carefully
No cheesy compliments
Look for body language
No deep discussion topics
No insults
No bad jokes
Show respect for everyone
Dress nicely
Groom properly
Do not touch her
Have a get away plan
Have fun (it is just a 'game' after all)

Again, it really is that simple.


Aug 19, 2006
ditto! Most look at you like you are from Mars, a rapist or well dressed pan handler.

Not really sure if that is from years of being approached by losers or they are uptight but after a while you get shell shocked.


Nov 14, 2005
My reason.......................

If a woman is interested she will give some extra interest in me. If I show interest first it is a no go. BTW I am 5'6" .... SHORT ! Put it simply .... I be better off having leopracy . For women .... a short man is like a man having AIDs. Soooo not surprising ... 44 yrs & still single. Oh I get the... " your good looking .... surprised your still single" What a joke!:mad:


Nov 10, 2004
Toront Ho
Toronto is known throughout Canada as not the friendliest city in the world.
Those are not my words, those are the words of the vast majority of people I spoken to throughout
Canada (and the U.S).

Its similar to NY City in a lot of ways


Active member
Nov 24, 2005
If I was on the prowl, I would be picking up women all the time.

There are so many hot looking women in the city and these guys are either too shy, too boring, etc.

There is no reason why men should lack the confidence in talking to a woman and trying to pick her up.

Gentlemen, love yourselves, gain some confidence and go out there and talk to them. Get your thumbs out of your asses.


Active member
Nov 24, 2005
You're right asn. You must have confidence in youself and be able to love yourself. There are many people out there that don't even like themselves and that is sad. BTW, great story.

I was very much an introvert as well until I reached my teenage years. I decided to excel in athletics. I was never in the "popular" crowd but I was greatly respected because of my athletic ability.

I always dated other girls in high school but never my own. I always thought that was kind of strange.

Whenever I was looking to pick up women, it just never happened but when I wasn't, it would be like bees to honey. Amazing. I could pick up women while driving my car. For example, if I was on Bloor Street and saw a couple of hotties, driving along, I would ask them what they were up to and if they wanted to go for coffee on the Danforth. Believe it or not, this worked most of the time. Probably 9 times out of 10.

The Houdini

Mar 18, 2008
I would have to agree with Maya on this.

My sister who's very pretty and outgoing, tells me all the time how men in T.O are just so shy to approach women. She's a Travel agent and travels a lot. She always says how she gets hit on so much more in other countries. She absolutely hates the single scene in T.O.

She just came back from Australia, and told me with a laugh how it literally took 5 minutes in a bar for two guys to hit on her. In T.O she says it just doesn't happen.

Get some balls fellas. Talk to women like people, not like meat, be yourself and be genuine. I guarantee you'll have success.

It's almost as if two cars a stopped in a 4 way stop sign each waiting for the other to make the move to cross the intersection. MAKE THE MOVE...

Man-o-man if I were single....
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