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men in toronto do not pick up enough


May 27, 2005
wantoplay said:
Why with 2009 approaching why are guys still expected to pick up? Unwritten female code or something?? (They can't do it.)[/B]
Well the answer is obvious but perhaps hard to come to because its so simple you dont even notice it...

Its because it serves women best thats why.

They fight for equality and for there to be no difference between men and women because it means they will get paid the same and have the same opportunities...which is of course desirable. Yet they are afraid of rejection and dont want to deal with they conveniently opt keep that nicety of being a woman.

Doesnt make sense right? I mean you gotta be able to take the good with the bad right? thing is this isnt a woman thing or a man thing.. its a people thing...people want to have their cake and eat it too.

Women can get away with it so they will do exactly that....if Men could do it they would.


Well-known member
Apr 17, 2003
Mongrel4u said:
Well the answer is obvious but perhaps hard to come to because its so simple you dont even notice it...

Its because it serves women best thats why.

They fight for equality and for there to be no difference between men and women because it means they will get paid the same and have the same opportunities...which is of course desirable. Yet they are afraid of rejection and dont want to deal with they conveniently opt keep that nicety of being a woman.

Doesnt make sense right? I mean you gotta be able to take the good with the bad right? thing is this isnt a woman thing or a man thing.. its a people thing...people want to have their cake and eat it too.

Women can get away with it so they will do exactly that....if Men could do it they would.
There is some truth to that, but I think the real reason is that women can live without sex a long time and it doesn't bother them. This doesn't mean that they don't want sex, but their standards are much higher and they'd rather go without it or without a date until they find their "ideal" guy. Because in their minds women still "give it away". Sad but true.


you must be fk'n kid'g me
Nov 13, 2001
Miss Maya Blue said:
I'm curious about other women's experiences with men in Toronto, as well as you fellas out there..your opinions.

I've been in Toronto for 5 years now. I go out often enough.
Cafes, bars, concerts. The gym. I walk my dog everyday.
I think of myself as a relatively approachable person.
I am single. and looking.
In the 5 years I have lived in Toronto,
I have probably been picked up maybe a dozen times.

Often I am out with Celest and Sierra too. Between the three of us, we have pretty much every 'type' covered. lol. Lemme tell you, we never get hit on.

I understand that some women are likely brutal if they are not interested. But honestly, we are nothing like that. In fact, i give respect to anyone that does attempt to talk with me...simply because i know how hard it can be.

I guess my reason for posting is two fold.
One, to encourage you single guys, when you see a pretty girl, make a move! We (single) girls want you to!

and secondly, to ask
why is it you men don't make a move more often?
mmmmmmmm..what bars are you hanging out at?


Registered User
Sep 26, 2003

Dr69 said:
Your reason for the frustration among men was because you thought they were going for unobtainable younger women. Yet, now you say that these women are indeed obtainable. In fact, you tell us now that you pick them up, "all the time".
I said no such thing. In fact, I said I as a very general rule do not enjoy the company of females under the age of 35 at all. That said, I also revealed that three times in the last year or so, I have in fact gone out with women in their 20`s.

Anyway...I am done arguing with you. Perhaps one day you will be mature enough to think of women as something other than just an object to look at and fuck. Or perhaps one day you will secure enough that you won`t need to try to impress the world at large with how "hot" the woman you are with is.

Until then...just live in your own insecurities about who and what you are.

41 years old....and still not mature enough to find anything worthwhile about a woman who isn`t on her back...or able to deal with one mature enough to be able to drink and vote in all 50 states. And still of the mindset that the better looking a woman is, the better the sex is (I suppose if you aren`t having it very often...and think of sex as pretty much summed up by what you see in pornos...this thinking would only follow)

I mean - really - a guy who is prepared to have sex with a 16 year old...

(btw - why is 16 the limit? You think you`d have so much more in common with a 16 year old versus....say....a 13 year old? Pesky child molestation laws)

...isn`t going to understand me anymore than I understand him.

(I mean...even the way you "talk" you sound like an escapee for Bill and Ted`s Excellent adventure..."grandma"??? Oooooo ...good one!!! You got me there!!!!:rolleyes: )


Well-known member
Dec 14, 2001
MLAM said:
I said no such thing. In fact, I said I as a very general rule do not enjoy the company of females under the age of 35 at all.
Is English your first language? Really? Or have you become so senile that you refuse to recognize your own writings?
1) Many...if not most (and certainly within a population sample of men who value physicality so much they are prepared to pay for it) men have a distorted idea of how attractive they are. Not just genetics...which actually women tend to care less about than men. Just how they carry themselves. Accordingly, they play out of their league. THEY think that at age 47, 27 year old females should still think them hot. Newsflash - they don't.
YOUR WORDS. NEWSFLASH. 27 YEAR OLD WOMEN DON'T FIND YOU HOT! Nothing to do with whether you enjoy their company or not. You categorically state that they are not interested in guys like you.

Anyway...I am done arguing with you...blah.. blah.. blah..
I guess you gotta go.. your girlfriend needs her adult diapers changed..


Well-known member
Dec 14, 2001
Anyway, back to the topic at hand:

Observations from a Pick Up Artist visiting Toronto from D.C.

If you go there to pick up women, don’t expect any fools’ mates. Chicks simply do not check out guys. Stone-faced and looking straight ahead is the order of the day. They are as chilly as the climate. I was told Toronto men never approach women and most have zero game, so how anybody hooks up is a mystery. Intimate social circles where men and women just sorta kinda fall into each others’ genitalia must be the default mating method.

It seems that Toronto women have an international reputation for being unfriendly and unapproachable.


Registered User
Sep 26, 2003

Dr69 said:
I guess you gotta go.. your girlfriend needs her adult diapers changed.. me again!!!!

I guess it has been so long since I was in grade school, I'm just out of practice...and with no 16 year old girls in my life to give me tips....what am I to do?

I concede. You are indeed the wittier man....:rolleyes:

(41 years old...holy fuck...)


Well-known member
Dec 14, 2001
MLAM said: me again!!!!

I guess it has been so long since I was in grade school, I'm just out of practice...
The way you brag on here about your sexual conquests with washed up old women, you might as well be in grade school. As I said earlier, you remind me of that kid in high school who always banged the fat chicks and went around telling everybody what a stud he was. You are the same, instead of fat chicks, you bang up shrivelled old bags because the 20 somethings won't give you time of day. I don't see anyone else here giving us detailed descriptions of their supposed sexual conquests the way you do.


Registered User
Sep 26, 2003

Dr69 said:
As I said earlier, you remind me of that kid in high school who always banged the fat chicks and went around telling everybody what a stud he was.
...because that is EXACTLY what i think of you.

The guy who couldn't get laid in HS and least not be anyone anybody now that he is all grown up and has money and everything, uses that to "charm" the daughters of those same girls into going to bed with him.

Like I said - I have been where you are. I was the football hero...I dated the cheerleaders...I even did the stripper thing a couple times after marriage #1.

Time for the next chapter in life. I'm a grown up now.

I still can't get over that you are 41 though....


Well-known member
Dec 14, 2001
MLAM said:
Time for the next chapter in life. I'm a grown up now.

You are not grown up. You are fat, overweight and balding. Young, attractive women are beyond your reach. And you sit here gnashing your teeth in jealousy over guys who do actually date these women.

You are still bragging about what you did in high school! Isn't that pathetic that you feel the need to tell us how succesful you were in high school?

Actually, not much has changed, you still post like a high school kid, bragging about your sexual exploits. These are not just my observations, but that of many on this board.

But, whatever, this is getting boring and tiresome. I am putting you on ignore. I couldn't care less what you have to say. No use wasting time over you.

Captain Fantastic

Jun 28, 2008
Dr69 said:
Anyway, back to the topic at hand:

Observations from a Pick Up Artist visiting Toronto from D.C.

It seems that Toronto women have an international reputation for being unfriendly and unapproachable.
You're basing this on one second-rate PUA who steals all of his material from others? Seriously, Roissy is considered a hack in the community.

The one thing I will agree with is this - especially the bolded text:

...Since these chicks are cosmopolitan and don’t get sloppy garbage-hour drunk like American chicks, your game has to be tight; any hint of cheesiness or awkwardness will send them running. Plus, when the local guys make no effort to game women, the rewards for the enterprising PUA are greater. You can stand out a lot more in Toronto as an assertive man than you could in DC, where every douche and his little douchey brother get some liquid courage and boost even the fat girls’ egos, and where the pickup scene is more widespread.


Well-known member
Dec 14, 2001
Captain Fantastic said:
You're basing this on one second-rate PUA who steals all of his material from others? Seriously, Roissy is considered a hack in the community.

The one thing I will agree with is this - especially the bolded text:
Don't ALL PUAs steal material from one another? I don't think there has been anything original since The Game came out.

Chicks simply do not check out guys. Stone-faced and looking straight ahead is the order of the day. They are as chilly as the climate.

Plus, when the local guys make no effort to game women, the rewards for the enterprising PUA are greater. You can stand out a lot more in Toronto as an assertive man
Well, these two quotes really sum up our entire discussion here don't they? Yes, Toronto women are unapproachable, but for the man who does actually approach, the rewards are great.

One more point, I think the term "Toronto women" has almost become a misnomer. A lot of the women I have met and dated are not necessarily what you would call "Toronto women". Many of them weren't born here and/or haven't lived here their entire lives. There are lot of women in Toronto that fall into this category. And they are not that hard to find.


Registered User
Sep 26, 2003
Says the guy...

Dr69 said:
You are not grown up. You are fat, overweight and balding.
...who'd be banging 16 year olds if he could.

Yup. No question - you are the arch typical example of maturity and I have oh so much further to go....


Aug 17, 2001
Between a rock and a hard place
CUPID said: Vancouver I am beating the men off with a broom.
Does this cost extra or is it included in the hr :D ?


Aug 13, 2007
Give Her A Smile

Does anyone remember that Seinfeld episode where George
does the complete opposite of everything?

Why not try that as an experiment... how about a big smile as you pass a women. Or a Good Morning beautiful!"

A married woman told me that she is flattered when a guy comments about her hair or how pretty her dress looks. !!(Try to be sincere!!)

Yesterday I noticed a women with a great hairdo in a retail store and with an enthusiastic smile I said to her how attractive it made her look. Her face beamed and she said, "You made my day!!

When I took my puppy for a walk along the boardwalk many women stopped to ask me about my dog. It was a great icebreaker!

Try to find a common denominator and not come across as desperate for love. Woman still love to go dancing and have a nice dinner , don't they?

So try it guys...exude happiness.. alot of lonely women would love a ray of sunshine in their lives!!

p.s I once asked a beautiful single woman to be my date at a formal dance after much hesitation because I figured she would certainly have been spoken for...To my amazement she hadn't and she told me that many guys were afraid to ask her..(as I had been too) , but I took the chance,she said yes and we had a great time!!

Don't take yourself too seriously guys. Try it and see....


Mar 12, 2004
Interesting thread and I must add my 2 cents here. I'm a born & raised Torontonian and I've traveled some. I always get more positive responses from females in other cities and countries than TO.

Toronto has a rep for being a cool, reserved city and it's deserved. Many women give off that "don't talk or bug me 'tude", so why bother?

As for Maya and her friends going out together, most guys know better than to try & crack into a girls' night out.

Finally, I've just come back from spending a week in NYC, being helped by strangers in the streets and subways with directions, chatting up women in bars, shops, eateries and bringing a couple of gals back for "nightcaps".

Toronto, as a city is uptight (male and female) and this city seriously needs to get laid.

Pink Panther

Mar 28, 2004
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

I don't want to wade into the p!$sing contest that most of this thread is made up of. Ooh what a mighty battle these web warriors fight, sight unseen!

Anyway, I want to make an observation or two. I don't think you can fault women or men in Toronto. It is EVERYONE. Kids, roaches, trees. Seriously, people in Toronto have bad attitudes. I don't know if it's because there are so many immigrants mixing all together, with no social graces, along with the mainly working class background locals. The city and the metro are comprised of mainly visible/audible minorities. I have travelled to some other countries, and adjusting for the fact that one perceives places differently when away from home, and for the "big city" excuse, I don't think Toronto compares well at all, at least in the friendliness and attitude departments. Surrounding town and area tend similarly.

The insecurities men and women have - and we all have them - are universal. If you are short, bald, etc. there is not much you can do about those things, and the benefits you would get from doing something drastic would not be worth the effort or cost. I suggest you accept yourself, and it is easier to do this if you are more forgiving of the weaknesses of others. One dynamic that wasn't touched on in the thread, as far as I could tell, is that of the mingling of races. And I want to emphasize I am only talking about the pool of people we are interested in. Say certain immigrants from a part of the world, for cultural reasons, stay only with other people like them. Maybe it is a language issue. I am not talking about them. I am not talking about people who believe in only arranged marriages, or dating only people with an identical background. I would say white and black are in one category since mass media treats those as normal, and unfortunately, most people take their cues from films and TV, especially American media; and most people includes you and me. All others, are to varying degrees of acceptability, "the other", and treated as such, in the workplace, in the classroom, and elsewhere. Therefore, my question is are we talking simply of white men hitting on white women, or white women who are curious about if they can come back after going black. Look around downtown on a mild day, and you will note that there are white men/Asian women couples. There will be hardly any Asian man/white woman couples.

During a discussion in a group (mostly women), the issue of accents came up. The women swooned over the European accents. To guage reactions, I suggested mischievously that studies had shown most women found heavy Indian and Chinese accents to be irresistable. Just to be egregious - I guess I could have picked Somalian and Japanese. The uncomfortable silence that followed was priceless! Then one brave lady finally said, "Not me."

It is obvious that people's social conditioning will influence their decision on what is acceptable. Does that make them racist? I guess, if we were to define it, sure. So as long as we are discussing the insiders and outsiders, let's not be naive. Ethnicity, perceptions associated with appearances, all of these have a lot of power over not only how the approached woman reacts, but also how the man approaches, or whether he makes an approach to begin with. Sadly, I conclude that Toronto is a model of why the world's intercultural problems are a long way from being resolved, and evidence that they are probably unfixable.


Apr 24, 2005
Pink Panther said:
Look around downtown on a mild day, and you will note that there are white men/Asian women couples. There will be hardly any Asian man/white woman couples.
You are opening a can of worm. White men prefer Asian ladies because they get treated like men. Asian men prefer Asian women because they get treated like men.
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