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men in toronto do not pick up enough


New member
Jan 23, 2004
Captain Fantastic said:
There's empathising and then there's being an enabler and excuse-maker.

To tell guys that haven't got the sack to wake up, grow up and just start out small (baby steps people) and say "Hi" and flirt a bit to become comfortable with the opposite sex is not being rude/mean/apathetic, it's telling people to be responsible for their own happiness.

I for one believe that everyone has their own inner game and no book or set of rules is going to help in a one-size-fits-all way. Books like "The Game" and acting like a European or Latin male are just a basic premise - rough guidelines - not an end-all, be-all for how to meet, date and have sex with women. Everyone has to have their own comfortable persona but at the end of the day, a guy has to try and keep trying until he gets it right - just like with everything else in life.

As far as blaming society - that's the most pathetic excuse I've ever heard. Would you accept that as an reason for crime? Welfare fraud lifestyles? Greed? Daddy/mommy issues? I doubt it, because they're all equally HUGE cop-outs when you are dealing with adults.

Ultimately we as grown-ups are all responsible for our own happiness, successes and failures. To throw one's hands in the air and just whine, complain and ultimately quit because "Toronto women are standoffish/bitches/picky" or "It's all society's fault" is exactly the reason why women (and men) are not attracted to these types of people. It becomes a self-perpetuating cycle of bitterness, loneliness and failure.

So unless you actually have some semblance of advice to offer instead of excuses and misogynist nonsense, I really don't think that you should be denigrating people that attempt to give tried-and-true tips, experiences and recommendations.
Funny how you have to write like this to grown men lol.

The harsh reality of life is that we all make our own bed in the end.
Might as well fill it with a hot woman.


Well-known member
Dec 14, 2001
Captain Fantastic said:
So unless you actually have some semblance of advice to offer instead of excuses and misogynist nonsense, I really don't think that you should be denigrating people that attempt to give tried-and-true tips, experiences and recommendations.
Do you actually follow your own advice? Your "tried and true" tips seem to be doing very well for you.

But also because, like MLAM, I am willing to look beyond the esthetic (most of the time - LOL!) and focus on all the other benefits of being with a good woman.
I guess that is why you date esthetically challenged women. LOL. Of course you need to "focus on benefits of being with a good woman" probably because the women you date don't have much else to focus on.

Or maybe you need to read "The Game" again? I don't know about the other guys on here, they might find your advice useful, but personally I wouldn't be interested in "tried and true" tips from a guy who dates other men's leftovers.


Well-known member
Dec 14, 2001
MLAM said:
You place the physical attractiveness of a woman as the be all end all because you aren't capable of ENGAGING a woman on any other level. Girls...perhaps. Women - no way.

What he is explaining the difference between "girls" and WOMEN. The fact that you cite "Girls Gone Wild" videos as an example of what men (not boys) actually want in a female speaks for itself...
Why do you make it sound like you have a choice between "girls" and "women" when the fact of the matter is that you don't. You have told us yourself that women 15 years younger than you are not interested in men your age. Besides that you are not even a very attractive man, by your admission. You are fat and balding. Any attractive 20 something would run a mile. I picture you as a black version of Peter Griffin from Family Guy.

So, all your claims of preferring "women" over "girls" are BOGUS! You CAN'T GET DATES WITH 20 SOMETHINGS. So, what do you do? You claim that you like women over girls and you thrown in a couple of fake dates with 20 somethings to make your point.

A mid 40s guy who thinks he is "all that" because he fucked some loose 40 something your old women up the ass is laughable at best and pathetic at worst. A guy your age dating 40 something women is no great achievement as you appear to make it out to me. It is par for the course. Picking up these women is easier than ordering coffee at Tim Hortons. I could walk out right now and get numbers off five 40 something year old women. What is the big friggin deal. They have nothing to offer me. And they have nothing to offer, succesful men their own age. That is why men their age are dating younger women. And you are stuck with their left overs.

At the MINIMUM you should be dating girls in their late 20s and early 30s. Not washed up 40 year olds. Of course, they are "women". LOL. That is the biggest joke out there man. You don't have what it takes to date young, desirable, attractive women. And you are pretending like you have a choice! LOL. Poor MLAME.

A mid 40s guy who can pick up 20 year olds? Yeah, that is a guy with game! Not you. You are laughable.


Well-known member
Dec 14, 2001
capncrunch said:
Two other, uh, female friends are age 41 and 49.

So before you go denigrating almost every woman over the age of 40, I suggest you take a better look at what's around you.
Sorry man, but there is a time for dating 40 and 50 year old women. And that is when I am in my 60s. I am gonna keep banging those hot 20 year olds for as long as I can.

Captain Fantastic

Jun 28, 2008
Dr69 said:
Do you actually follow your own advice? Your "tried and true" tips seem to be doing very well for you.

I guess that is why you date esthetically challenged women. LOL. Of course you need to "focus on benefits of being with a good woman" probably because the women you date don't have much else to focus on.

Or maybe you need to read "The Game" again? I don't know about the other guys on here, they might find your advice useful, but personally I wouldn't be interested in "tried and true" tips from a guy who dates other men's leftovers.
Where have I ever said looks and personality are mutually exclusive? I only said that I don't focus solely on the esthetics. Pretty girls without substance do nothing for me.

Tell me, where have I once bragged or otherwise made any claims about my prowess? As some anonymous poster I don't feel the need to - I'm very secure and happy in my relationships and sexuality. I simply stated that guys need to be accountable for themselves, stop blaming others for their own shortcomings and just get out there and have some fun. And if things don't work out, work at it and keep trying some more.

A final question: isn't every woman some "other men's leftovers"? Or do you only date little virgin girls? I mean, you said you like 'em young... ;)

a 1 player

Smells like manly roses.
Feb 24, 2004
on your girlfriend
Where to begin...

Dr69 said:
You are fat and balding. Any attractive 20 something would run a mile.
Not necessarily. There are many women out there who are not shallow and that judge a person based on what they are able to bring to the table personality wise, and not solely based on appearance. Yes there appear to be more who have a certain type of man in mind, but these women certainly exist. How many times have you asked yourself "What can she possibly see in him"? The proof is out there and one can see it every day. A very dear friend of mine is a 300+ lb. man, yet his wife (4 children later), is still a size 2 or so, and has the looks of a runway model, even in her late 30's. Why did she fall in love with him? Because he is a great guy, has a heart of gold, and he treats her like a princess, and to him she is one, and to her, he is a prince. She is well educated, comes from a well to do family that has money, and she was a semi professional athlete.

Picking up these women is easier than ordering coffee at Tim Hortons. I could walk out right now and get numbers off five 40 something year old women. What is the big friggin deal. They have nothing to offer me. And they have nothing to offer, succesful men their own age. That is why men their age are dating younger women. And you are stuck with their left overs.
Again I respectfully disagree. There are many men out there who want a trophy wife, someone who they can parade around and show off. That is not the case for all men. There are those of us who want and require substance in order to be happy. How many times have you seen a plain looking woman and after talking to her for a while she suddenly appears to be much more beautiful than you had originally noticed? Alternately there are some women who are stunning who quickly appear less attractive once they open their mouths. (Yes ladies, the same can be said about men).

Thank you for pointing out that a woman in her 40's has nothing to offer this (moderately) successful man. I would love to know where you get that idea from. Older single women are certainly not leftovers, we are not talking about last nights dinner here, we are talking about people. My god, is that really how you feel about women? That they are disposable, a possession, have nothing to offer a man other than physical beauty or sex? If that is indeed the case, I really feel sorry for you. Hell, I questioned myself about nipple hair, now I really know what the meaning of shallow is.

Granted, you might be able to pick up women in their 40's, good for you. The question is do you have the skills to be able to hold one. Meeting someone is only the first play of the game, if one wishes to call it a game. Getting a date is the easy part, being able to turn that date into something meaningful is where the skill lies, and that is about showing ones true colors and the type of person you really are. One can easily fake it to get a date, but faking a relationship is a whole other thing.

At the MINIMUM you should be dating girls in their late 20s and early 30s. Not washed up 40 year olds. Of course, they are "women". LOL. That is the biggest joke out there man. You don't have what it takes to date young, desirable, attractive women. And you are pretending like you have a choice! LOL.
Why should one have an age limit on a person they are interested in? Why would one wish to date someone who they are not compatible with? Why would one even want to try? Because their belly is a little flatter, their skin is a little tighter, they are more niave and easier to take advantage of? I really do not understand what you are getting at? Yes, I have called picking up a person a game, and perhaps it is if one is looking for a mutual one night stand, but if one is looking for something more long term, selective criteria must be met, and it then turns into a job.

Everyone has a choice as to who they wish to date. Though I myself prefer women who are in their 30's, I would not hesitate to date a younger woman if I thought we were compatible. I have dated a few women in recent years who were 10 years my junior, but in those cases (at least in my case), there was just a bit too much of a generation gap between us that made for awkwardness. Perhaps I am mature for my age, perhaps the women were not mature enough, who knows, who cares. The point being is that i tend to CHOOSE and age category that I am comfortable with. I do not want to discuss who is the best looking New Kid On The Block, and I don't want to go to a rave. Why would I CHOOSE someone who was interested in those things? I like photography, wine tasting, fine cuisine, jazz clubs, smoking a good tobacco in a pipe, gardening, cooking, reading, foreign films... There are not too many twenty somethings that enjoy these types of things, so again, why would I look in that direction?

A mid 40s guy who can pick up 20 year olds? Yeah, that is a guy with game! Not you. You are laughable.
Yet once again surprisingly I don't agree. In my opinion a mid 40's guy who purposely tries to pick up a a twenty year old is laughable. To me it shows that he has nothing to offer, is scared of commitment, is too shallow, has something to prove, has an over inflated ego for the wrong reason, or wants a trophy. This is EXACTLY the same as being upset at the 20 year women who many feel are stuck up and will not date an average man. This type of man will not date an average woman, and is probably the type of man that women bitch about being unapproachable, and shot down in flames when they try to meet him.


Registered User
Sep 26, 2003

Dr69 said:
Why do you make it sound like you have a choice between "girls" and "women" when the fact of the matter is that you don't. You have told us yourself that women 15 years younger than you are not interested in men your age. Besides that you are not even a very attractive man, by your admission. You are fat and balding. Any attractive 20 something would run a mile. I picture you as a black version of Peter Griffin from Family Guy.

So, all your claims of preferring "women" over "girls" are BOGUS! You CAN'T GET DATES WITH 20 SOMETHINGS. So, what do you do? You claim that you like women over girls and you thrown in a couple of fake dates with 20 somethings to make your point.

A mid 40s guy who thinks he is "all that" because he fucked some loose 40 something your old women up the ass is laughable at best and pathetic at worst. A guy your age dating 40 something women is no great achievement as you appear to make it out to me. It is par for the course. Picking up these women is easier than ordering coffee at Tim Hortons. I could walk out right now and get numbers off five 40 something year old women. What is the big friggin deal. They have nothing to offer me. And they have nothing to offer, succesful men their own age. That is why men their age are dating younger women. And you are stuck with their left overs.

At the MINIMUM you should be dating girls in their late 20s and early 30s. Not washed up 40 year olds. Of course, they are "women". LOL. That is the biggest joke out there man. You don't have what it takes to date young, desirable, attractive women. And you are pretending like you have a choice! LOL. Poor MLAME.

A mid 40s guy who can pick up 20 year olds? Yeah, that is a guy with game! Not you. You are laughable.
...are an idiot.

Did you NOT read where I said I have been on at least 3 dates with 20 somethings in the last year? Not only that, but you might be surprised to learn who a couple of them were. I am not sharing anymore because *I* a) Can tell you are an idiot who could not be trusted with such information b) Know better than to fuck up a good thing by wasting it on someone like yourself, and c) Am mature enough to know to respect peoples privacy - and that I actually have no need to "brag".

I also said that my newest "friend" is 33.

I PREFER the company of when in their late 30 to early 40's. And each time I have gone out without someone out of that range, I've been reminded of that....though I can think of one person who really is quite smart, interesting and intelligent. Alas, she isn't the relationship type, neither am I, and being the sort of gal she is, she probably is a bit more "esoteric" "ethereal" and in general "difficult" (she actually admitted to that one) than I am used to. Too bad - because we did have fun :)

Now - YES. I completely acknowledge that I am not the sort of guy most 24 year olds think about when they are thinking of a guy. But you know what? They aren't what I am thinking about either. You haven't learned to think of a woman as anything other than a fuck. This is because you are both limited by your maturity and your intellect. I have enough money and means AND game that I could focus on 20 somethings and do well enough....especially since unlike you, rejection doesn't bother me, and also unlike you, I actually have some notion of how women think. I "pick up" women in the demographic you are speaking of all the time, just to stay "sharp"...waitresses...etc. Flirt...collect a phone number. I just don't bother asking them out because I KNOW we aren't going to have much in common.

Insofar what I look like...whatever makes you feel better. When you get older, you also realize another thing women like is modesty and self-deprecation.

The bottom line is this - whatever YOU think of who I might date or not date is irrelevant to ME...because I left the school yards 25 years ago. If I wanted YOUR life...hanging out in bars, getting shot down all the time, spending time with women who careened between being vapid and financial vampires....I would. I wanted to date 20 year olds...I'd drive around U of T in my Hip Hop approved SUV (well...that is before the lease was up) dressed up with music blasting and simply open thew doors. Young white chicks just LOVE big Black guys....I know this from experience. heck, about two weeks ago a couple were waving at me from a bus while I was walking down the street on my way to the bank. I was in my black leather coat and some black sweats...just running a quick errand. They probably thought I was "gangsta".

Yeah - that is the type of women I want to spend time with....not.

I prefer MY life...where I spend time with people who I like, who are really low maintenance because they are done growing up, know who they are and know what they want. They have lives of their own, that don't include needing to dominate mine, or needing to know where I am going or who I am with, or what it means that we have been going out for 3 months.

They are also the sort of people who don't make my head hurt with their stupidity.

All of your gnashing of teeth assumes two things 1) I haven't been where you are, and 2) I would prefer your world over mine. Neither is true.

I spent Friday, Saturday, Sunday and last night with two different women, having GREAT sex (when you grow up, usually also come to realize that what a woman looks like has LITTLE to do with how good she is in bed...and as a general rule, the more pretty and stuck up she is, the more selfish she is). Today, i am going to go to a meeting, and then I am going to see if I can connect with an old friend who called Friday to tell me she is in town. If we can make it work, we will get together, grab some lunch or business (she owns her own boutique consulting firm, and I've done work for her in the past) and then....I think there is a one in four chance she will ask me to get on an airplane and join her on a trip to Chicago where she is meeting more clients and she could "use my help". She and I went out a couple times a couple years ago when I was working for her - but ultimately she couldn't pull the trigger because I was still married. Now...I'm not. This woman is tall...blonde...and has the sort of body you'd expect a former Olympic athlete to have. She also has the sort of brains you'd expect of a woman who has her own firm that does about 10 -15 million a year in business.

And yes - she is in her late 40's.

Guess what? The grown ups who just read that paragraph are thinking "man- I bet she is one hot piece of ass.".

You are hung up on her age.

And boy, she and I are both REALLY glad...because she wouldn't want you either....

And couldn't get HER number (she has little boys trolling for cougars pushing up all the time) or the number of anyone else I go out with. They don't do the young and stupid...and that is amongst the reason I like them...


New member
Sep 4, 2004
How many times do I want to keep hearing "Piss off, you are FUGLY!!" I have no confidence left, and have no Idea how to read women!! What am I to do??


I sent you a pm!!


Active member
Jan 17, 2004
Plan B said:
Finished bragging yet MLAM?? There seems to be a pattern in your posts about how often you're getting laid. If you think readers are impressed by your conquests, you're sadly mistaken.

LOL. that was good.

a 1 player

Smells like manly roses.
Feb 24, 2004
on your girlfriend
wantoplay said:
How many times do I want to keep hearing "Piss off, you are FUGLY!!" I have no confidence left, and have no Idea how to read women!! What am I to do??
If a woman actually says those words in the way you have expressed one of two things is happening in my opinion:

-The women have absolutely no character or class and you are better off without them
-Your approach is far too strong and threatening

Only a couple of times in my entire adult life has a woman ever come across so crass to me, and I have struck out more than many men have. What exactly do you mean you have no idea how to read women? I typically fine all people easy to read, perhaps it has to do with the career I chose, or maybe the hundreds of psychology books, I don't know. Look for eye contact and body language, they are the dead give aways.


New member
Jan 17, 2005
Don't live in Toronto, but i'm sure all big cities are the same. Women make themselves very unapproachable. It's difficult enough as it is, but if you're with a group of women, or on your phone, or listening to an ipod, I presume you want to be left alone.


New member
Jan 17, 2005
wantoplay said:
How many times do I want to keep hearing "Piss off, you are FUGLY!!" I have no confidence left, and have no Idea how to read women!! What am I to do??


I sent you a pm!!

Wow, i have never experienced anything like that. I don't hit on women often, but, if I am reading signals, I normally get a number, though this is at bars. Recently I haven't cared too much, and just write down my number and give it to them, realizing they won't actually call me, but I feel good about my accomplishment that she didn't tell me to piss off.


Well-known member
Dec 14, 2001
MLAME, the thing about the internet is that it has a long memory. So, backtracking or downright lying is not that easy.

Now apparently, according to this, you are a real Don Juan with the 20 something women, you can pick them up left, right and centre at will.

MLAM said:
Did you NOT read where I said I have been on at least 3 dates with 20 somethings in the last year?

I have enough money and means AND game that I could focus on 20 somethings and do well enough.... I "pick up" women in the demographic you are speaking of all the time, just to stay "sharp"...waitresses...etc. Flirt...collect a phone number.
So, according to this, despite being a balding, overweight, middle aged guy you are telling us that you would have no problem dating 20 something women if you so desired.

But, a few pages back, you had this nugget of information to share with the readers of this forum:

Here is the disconnect:

1) Many...if not most (and certainly within a population sample of men who value physicality so much they are prepared to pay for it) men have a distorted idea of how attractive they are. Not just genetics...which actually women tend to care less about than men. Just how they carry themselves. Accordingly, they play out of their league. THEY think that at age 47, 27 year old females should still think them hot. Newsflash - they don't.
Your reason for the frustration among men was because you thought they were going for unobtainable younger women. Yet, now you say that these women are indeed obtainable. In fact, you tell us now that you pick them up, "all the time". So were you lying then? Or are you lying now? What changed in the last few pages? If you are such a Don Juan with 20 something women then why are you telling the other readers on this board to lower their expectations and stop chasing younger women. After all, if an older, balding, overweight fat dude like you can easily pick up these 20 something like you NOW CLAIM, then why can't these other guys on the board? I am sure there are guys on this board who are better looking and have more money than you, why couldn't they be as succesful as you claim to be with these women. And maybe unlike you they are normal and like to date, young, attractive women. So why did you try to dissuade them earlier from pursuing these women if it really is that easy? Could it be that you are really not succesful with attractive women at all? Could it be because you are LYING NOW?

. I wanted to date 20 year olds...I'd drive around U of T in my Hip Hop approved SUV (well...that is before the lease was up) dressed up with music blasting and simply open thew doors.
And you think this would work? You would get laughed out of there. Yeah, some fat, balding old guy trying to dress like a rapper. I see some of those guys on the street sometimes. They look like they are wearing their son's clothes. They are laughable.

Young white chicks just LOVE big Black guys....I know this from experience. heck, about two weeks ago a couple were waving at me from a bus while I was walking down the street on my way to the bank. I was in my black leather coat and some black sweats...just running a quick errand.
And THIS is the sum total of experience as to why you think young white chicks love big black guys? LOL. You really are delusional. Ummm.. maybe they waved at you because in your sweats and old coat you looked like a bum and they were just being nice to a homeless old man?

MLAM said:
I spent Friday, Saturday, Sunday and last night with two different women, having GREAT sex ..blah.. blah.. blah.. blah.... ... I am so full of crap, I am always boasting about how many old bags I have had sex with and fucked up the ass.. because I am a fat, balding loser who can't get young chicks so I pretend I have an awesome life and I actually like fucking old bags.. blah.. blah.. blah..
Anyway, run along, I think your grandma.. uhh.. I mean girlfriend has bought some sexy new Depends, just for you and is waiting for you to rip them off and do her up the ass.


New member
Sep 4, 2004
Ok, next question, which I am sure I will get flamed for, but don't care. I don't drink, so I don't do bars or clubs, which lowers my chances Big time.

Missed a few pages last night, as I was working.

Why with 2009 approaching why are guys still expected to pick up? Unwritten female code or something?? (They can't do it.)


Apr 17, 2008
wantoplay said:
Ok, next question, which I am sure I will get flamed for, but don't care. I don't drink, so I don't do bars or clubs, which lowers my chances Big time.

It doesn't. Most women in bars aren't looking to be picked up, they just want to get more attention than the other women. Not a good place to meet anyways... too noisy, too many distractions, BS... as was discussed earlier.
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