Israel at war


License to Shill
Jan 28, 2013

Exactly! Both are just as unrelenting and unaccommodating as each other. Heck our TERB members (including myself) who have nothing to do with either peoples, are unrelenting, so just imagine the Israelis and the Palestinians! 😂

And yet, I'm still waffling from day-to-day over my feelings on the Israeli-Palestinian issue. I love to be convinced to change my mind. Yet, I hate to be bullshitted or tried to be played.


His most imperial galactic atheistic majesty.
Mar 8, 2017
My comments in blue

You didn't comment on the video I posted. You just used it to tee off on. You still haven't. You still just used it as springboard to go off further on your narrative.

It's almost like he doesn't even read what is posted here, he just posts some drivel from twitter. His talking points have been countered over and over and he keeps going on about it.

I don't think he is a bot, but at his point he might as well program one up
He is the Serdar Argic of Terb. Much like Serdar he is pro genocide only Sedar had a hardon for killing Armenians.
Also at least Serdar was kinda funny and creative with his insults so there was some value to his posting. I think one of the most famous this is obviously a bot moments was when someone posted a Greek recipe for turkey and as it mentioned Turkey, he responded with absolutely no food based content.

I wonder...

Your posts, by and large, have the opposite effect that I think you want them to have. You are almost rabid and seem to be far past being able to have a reasonable discussion with.

Despite your counter-productive narrative, I do feel horribly for the Palestinian people.

I don't, they seem to be very pro Hamas and the terror they do and very pro extermination of the Jews and the genocidal river to sea Progrom [spelling intentional] of Hamas and their other terrorist allies.
But the more I read from Fankie and pals, my fucks to give get even lower and lower. Those people are just getting what they give out. Likewise when people bitch about Bomber Command and the 8th AF and what they did to germany, I have 0 fucks to give, nor the submarine blockaid and fire bombings in Japan [which killed more than the A bombs did BTW]. Oh you want me to care. Rape of Nanking, unit 731, so nope, no fucks to give. As I sarcastically pointed out, to use Frankfooters "logic" we were the bad guys because we were much more effective at killing their civilians than they were at ours.


License to Shill
Jan 28, 2013
My comments in blue

I sarcastically pointed out, to use Frankfooters "logic" we were the bad guys because we were much more effective at killing their civilians than they were at ours.
Yes, this is what I feel too.

Seems that it doesn't matter who the defender or aggressor is, or who is fundamentally right or wrong in so many conflicts.

Worse, it doesn't seem like we ever learn from history.

Worst of all, is the realization that all the 1970 and 80's Beauty Pageant contestants who said their one wish was "World Peace" had better values than we gave them credit for. And bigger delusions.


License to Shill
Jan 28, 2013
Just read through the history of how Israel was formed, the justifications and tactics used, how they have treated the Palestinians etc., I posted several documentaries of it on these threads.

From my side which is pro-Palestinian, and I say that explicitly, so you know am not trying to play you lol, here are a few documentaries you can watch.

This is a good documentary on Israel's formation:

This is a good documentary on the apartheid conditions in the West Bank:

This is an Israeli documentary on the subject of Nakba - the 1948 ethnic cleansing, but it only deals with the Tantura Massacre.

Another video on the 1948 Nakba. There are several parts to this interview, but this is Part 1. You can follow along to Part 2 from YouTube. Ilan Pappe is an Israeli historian and an anti-Zionist.

Here is the al-jazeera recent documentary on October 7, because there has been a lot of propaganda:

If you find documentaries or articles or videos refuting these, let me know and I will give it a watch and respond.
Thanks, I will have a look at them and see if they hold my ADD interest. 😜 🙈🐿

It's not that I don't know about the basic history. Wayyy before the Brit's promised the Palestinians this for being allies against the Ottomans and then gettin double crossed when the beleagured jewish people were granted a state to declare as their own place of safety etc etc. It's that I don't know how far back or how offended /spiteful is reasonable to draw the line at. And where to go from here. In practical terms. Call be a bigot or whatever, but both Arabs and Jews can be pretty fucking stubborn , never mind conflict between them.

And who the fuck am I to impose my safe high living lifestyle morality and values or offer opinions on the lives and futures of the descendants of goat herders?

I'm also researching whose pussy I want to throw ten bags of flour worth of cash into later tonight.
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dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Tell me exactly what is wrong, racist or idiotic with me saying what background my friends are?

Especially in light of Frank suggesting that I don't know any Palestinians.

Especially when they are telling ME what they feel about something that I would otherwise have no knowledge of.

Are you dismissing my personal experience in making my contribution to a discussion? Am I allowed to tell or ask anyone about what my online acquaintance Klatuu says about Palestine or Israel?

If I'm not allowed to mix with or have friends of other skin colours and cultures then I am not going to have anyone to talk to about anything. And I'll have to cut out a lot of friends from my life. Or not share appropriate their music and culture! Fuck... and I really liked shawarmas! Gefilte fish I can live without... please. But what about EYE-talians? They're white but two generations ago they were considered the Mexican's and people from Shit Hole countries of the US and right wing Canada. Will it be kosher if I eat pizza?

So please excuse me for a few months while I read your entire posting history. Then once enlightened I can re-enter the conversation after I have learned the Revealed Truth by Klatuu.
I'll back you up here, your post was in reply to my question.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
But one thing I have never detected from jewish people is hatred towards anyone. Nor any sense of inhumanity. Despite what I understand was their own history of being treated as sub-humans by many, including Palestinians in the past couple thousand tears anf Germans in modern history. And right-wing racists in 2024. Their anger towards Palestinians is certainly there. And IMO, a natural and justified response to the extremist Palestinians who are carrying out the terror du jour menu. Hijacking airliners to suicide bombers to home made missile attacks, and the Oct 6-7 thing. etc etc.
You haven't been reading these threads, have you?
Nor have you listened to Israeli politicians or Israelis who have been blocking aid or settlers attacking the west bank?

You need to start from the understanding that Israel has been occupying Palestine for 75 years and is still taking more land through 'settlements' and consider if that have something to do with anger from Palestinians. This is still an active and ongoing settler colonial enterprise.

Here's what should be an easy question, schlong.

Palestinians are living under what is internationally recognized as an illegal occupation. Do they have the right to self defence against this illegal occupation? Do you believe Palestinians have this basic human right?

Every single Israeli supporter on this board says they do not have that basic human right. If you prod further, they will refuse to say that Palestinians have any rights and indeed, most Palestinians under Israeli occupation are considered stateless refugees and under Israeli rule they have zero rights.

As I understand it, Palestinian people were and are accepted into society in Israel, far more than they are in fellow Arab countries. And for the most part, were happy to live under what some call Israeli "oppression" and others call "effective modern democratic governance". There are buses, water, electricity etc under Israeli governance. Hamas and the PA are pretty effective at making efficient use of foreign (Iranian) aid for creating tunnels, missiles and weapon... not so much with water and sewers.
The UN, Amnesty, HRW and B'tselem have reported three levels of apartheid in Israel, from 'Israeli Arabs' to those in Jerusalem to those living as stateless refugees under Israeli military occupation. You just argued that Palestinians can and will live happier lives if they had even mostly full human rights as 'Israeli Arabs' do. Instead Netanyahu funded Hamas for years in order to divide Palestinians and keep them from working towards the two state solution and peace. In 2014 Palestinians in Gaza protested at the borders every Friday for almost a year and were met each week by Israeli snipers, killing 200 and injuring 14,000. There has not been an avenue for Palestinians to settle peacefully for half a century now, instead there have been 800 attacks by settlers outside of Gaza since Oct 7.

If I'm a a Palestinian (even muslim), I'd rather live a life governed by (even jewish) Israelis. I hear they're pretty good with managing money too (y) 😜
Sigh, you finished with an antisemitic trope.

You didn't comment on the video I posted. You just used it to tee off on. You still haven't. You still just used it as springboard to go off further on your narrative.
I did mention the video, I'll discuss it again.
The historian in the video, Hitchens, discusses one historical story he heard third or fourth hand, likely. It may be true and it may not be true. Its quite possible the Muslim leader in the video said something like that and had those attitudes. Racism 150 years ago was everywhere, how long after the end of American slavery was this quote taken? I doubt those attitudes, if the quote is true, were limited to any one religion or people. That's why it makes me ask why you picked this one quote from Hitchens, where he has other attitudes that I doubt you'd agree with, like his views against zionism and Israel.

Posting a quote like that is a setup for arguing that 'the terror that is Islam' as you said, is historically based. But it would be like trying to argue all Germans are nazis because its historically based.

And you make assumptions of me and my motives, bias' etc that I don't even know because I'm still trying to figure the whole thing out.
No, I do believe that you are trying to figure things out. I'm just trying to point out that you are coming from a place that already has considerable bias towards Israelis and zionists.

If you recall the thread about the guy in the BMW charged wtih murder of the police officer, you might recall me at one point saying, no matter how hard I am trying to comprehend the facts and testimony, not only do I still not understand it, I am more confused than when I started. That's because the cops were shading their testimony to obscure and excuse the behaviour and actions that precipitated the entire chain of events.

And once the objective facts of the physical evidence came into play, then I came to my personal conclusion that the driver was legitimately scared and instinctively fleeing, that the three on-scene police officers colluded in their note making and testimony, also likely did not approach nor handle the scene and situation approriately and their conduct was the proximate cause of Officer Northrup's death, and that the Crown et al were complicit in railroading a man and his family with an improper, political, purpose.
I don't remember that story but glad to hear you are open to change.

Fuck off with S
top that already! I didn't post it with any intention EXCEPT for comments on that particular 60 second Short. I don't agree with nor support Netanyahu. But I also hate fucking mushroom soup. Doesn't oblige me to be "fair and balanced" and pre-address direct or adjacent implications that might be imputed by hundreds of TERBites.

I expected comments and even opinion explaining pro and anti positions. ON THAT SPECIFIC POINT.

I can slosh through 800 pages of xitter re-posts myself. I didn't know anything about the Tripoli coast, Barbary pirates, American slaves, least of all it havig anything to do with Islam. Nor being permitted by the Koran under some infidel rule. Guys like @mandrill and @NotADcotor who are history buffs provide some relevant information.
On what specific point? The argument that since one Muslim leader 150 years ago was racist and hate filled that you think all Palestinians today are also? Again, that's like posting a video about Hitler in a thread about Germans attitudes and saying 'discuss'. I can find one or more hateful quote from Israeli leaders for every Palestinian/Hamas quote you find, but its not helpful towards discussing solutions.

I am still trying to figure out a much more complex situation, that greater minds than all of ours combined have not been able to.
Start with this.
Do Palestinians deserve equal rights?

Your posts, by and large, have the opposite effect that I think you want them to have. You are almost rabid and seem to be far past being able to have a reasonable discussion with.

Despite your counter-productive narrative, I do feel horribly for the Palestinian people. Even the Hamas terrorists. I can only try to imagine the rage and hatred bred and indoctrinated into me such that I would derive pleasure from killing anyone and genuinely look forward to being killed, as a martyr, myself! What a horrific life to experience. Never mind the reasons behind it.

I feel the same for Russians, and conscripted Russian soldiers.

But if I'm a Ukrainian living in my home and Putin sends them to blow up my house, rape my mother and re-claim this cpuntry as their ancestral homeland... they're going to have a helluva fight on their hands.
But if you're Palestinian and living under a 75 year occupation, inside a 17 year blockade in Gaza and watching settlers take Palestinian land by force throughout the year, what do you?

If you're Israeli, you're there with an army and $3 billion in annual US weapons and have wiped Palestine off the map. The violence is the resistance of the people you are occupying, if you want the violence to stop you need to find a way to end the occupation.

Same if my cousin is at a music festival and gets shot in a port-a-potty, raped and kidnapped by a bunch of fanatics directed by Hamas leaders living in luxury in aa safe third country, fucking right I'm going to raze every building to find every last one of them. Even though I know for every one I kill, I'm creating another that will ripen in 15 years. I gotta do what I gotta do, now.

And if Palestinians and Russians want to keep killing themselves at a ratio of 1 to 5 or 10, to win back what they feel is their ancestral rights, then that's their choice for this life. Stupid fucks sacrificing their lives for some ideology that is self-defeating.
Again, if you are using the Russian metaphor, use it correctly.
Ukraine is being occupied and invaded by Russians.
Palestine is being occupied and invaded by zionists.

To this day Israel is still announcing new 'settlements' on what could have been Palestine.

Really, I'm interested in figuring out how to stop the genocide, end the occupation and allow the two peoples now living in Israel/Palestine to live together. Arguing that Palestinians have no rights to 'ancestral' lands when it is their land and the land of their parents is disingenous, its again arguing that Palestinians have no human rights including the UN ordered and internationally recognized Right of Return.. There are Palestinians in Gaza that are older than Israel.

And you don't know anywhere near enough about me or my friends or our relationships and what we feel comfortable talking about to say anything that doesn't demonstrate how Trumptard-like you have become when it comes to this issue. You couldn't be more wrong. Any more wrong than how I felt you and I had some kindred spirit. Your thoughts and words you express towards me suggest we don't. And that saddens me. Soory to say but you're acting like the Nottyboi of Palestine! 😜
Likewise, I've always enjoyed our discussions and debates on other subjects.

Offline I'd invite you to a coffee with Palestinian friends to really discuss the issues, or to meet up with left wing Jews who are also anti zionist. If you really want to understand the issues you need to talk to Palestinians who will talk to you about their family in Gaza or the West Bank and tell you what life under Israeli occupation is really like. They are just people, most just want to live their lives.
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dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Yes, this is what I feel too.

Seems that it doesn't matter who the defender or aggressor is, or who is fundamentally right or wrong in so many conflicts.

Worse, it doesn't seem like we ever learn from history.

Worst of all, is the realization that all the 1970 and 80's Beauty Pageant contestants who said their one wish was "World Peace" had better values than we gave them credit for. And bigger delusions.
The super quick history, sure to start lots of debate on its own.
1900's Palestine was pluralistic, Muslim, Christian and Jews under British rule.
1900 - 1930's - the zionist movement decided Israel was their new homeland
WWII - holocaust and horrid shite happened to the Jewish people
Post WWII - Churchill, himself very racist, works to solve the Jewish refugee problem by offering them half of Palestine, despite having promised Palestinians to return the entire country to them.
1948 - UN agrees to give half of Palestine to 7% of the population, Palestinians aren't happy and zionists aren't either.
1948 -67 lots of fighting
1967 - Israel takes over all of Palestine
1967 - now - Israel wipes Palestine off the map, occasionally pretending to talk peace like with Oslo, but always establishing 'facts on the ground' as Netanyahu called them
1988 - Hamas is started in reaction to an ineffectual Palestinian government

Zionists are like Russia is to Ukraine here. A foreign movement that has taken over another country.

The issue is that there are 5 million Israeli Jews and 5 million Palestinians so while Israel has taken too much land to enact the two state solution if you ask them about the 'demographic' problem they'll also freak out. Israel can't exist as a 'Jewish' state if Palestinians have the vote, since they are half the population. And that leaves them where they are. No land left for a viable two state solution and too many Palestinians for them to accept Palestinians with equal rights. Palestinians have nowhere to go and don't want to join the other 5 million Palestinian refugees who were chased out of the country in 1948.
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dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Yes, I think this is a useful discussion to have because what is done is done regardless of who is wrong.

In my opinion, 1967 is a good line to draw because Israel started building settlements in the West Bank in 1967, which are actually illegal per international law.

So a good next step would be, to end the siege on Gaza. Hamas 100% needs to be removed from power, so I would say Israel needs to go after them in Qatar where their leaders are hiding using their special forces and covert ops. At the very least they need to be kept there and not allowed to influence anything in Gaza. Then install PA as the governing authority in Gaza, and then start negotiations for a 2 state solution. I think Israel needs to go back to 1967 borders, or a variation of it due to the settlements, and help create a Palestinian state with PA representing the Palestinians. Heck, even if it is just Gaza, Area A and Area B in the West Bank, the PA should accept! Set up a country, set up embassies, develop relationships, get recognized and then continue to negotiate.

Most importantly, Bibi and his far right wing extremists he is in bed with to stay in power need to step down or be deposed. He is an ultra right wing lunatic and as long as he is in power, this conflict will never end.
But if you use 1967 then Israel has to give up all the settlements, which now house about half a million 'settlers'. The UN says all settlements are illegal.
It could be done, but only through international pressure, Israel would never agree.

The PA are as hated as Netanyahu. Turf them all, take Netanyahu and Hamas leaders to the ICC and keep them busy in court. Figure out if there is an alternative to the hard core right wingers in Israeli government. For Palestinians, Marwan Barghouti was once considered the Nelson Mandela of Palestinians, so Israel has kept him in jail forever.

Someone should come in and enforce the ICJ ruling on the apartheid wall and tear down all the walls. Tear down all the walls in the West Bank and tear down the walls around Gaza. It'll take 80 years and $40 billion to rebuild, latest UN guess.

Israel is now in a defacto one state apartheid solution, tear down the walls and give Palestinians the vote and equal rights.
Let them figure it out in parliament.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005

In my opinion, 1967 is a good line to draw because Israel started building settlements in the West Bank in 1967, which are actually illegal per international law.
The fact that you need to draw the line there says a lot. It's obvious why you don't want to start in 1919 when Arab leaders incited mob violence against indigenous Jewish populations or 1948 when Palestinian and Arab leadership chose rejection and war.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005

Hamas are Palestinians. Palestinians are not Hamas.
Some terrorists are Muslim. Muslims are not terrorists.
Islamic Fundamentalists believe in Islam. Muslims who believe in Islam are however, not fundamentalists.
Yet when it comes to Israel's Jews, you have said they all should be expelled, even the ones who have dedicated their lives to fighting for Palestinian rights.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005

The super quick history, sure to start lots of debate on its own.
1900's Palestine was pluralistic, Muslim, Christian and Jews under British rule.
1900 - 1930's - the zionist movement decided Israel was their new homeland
WWII - holocaust and horrid shite happened to the Jewish people
Post WWII - Churchill, himself very racist, works to solve the Jewish refugee problem by offering them half of Palestine, despite having promised Palestinians to return the entire country to them.
1948 - UN agrees to give half of Palestine to 7% of the population, Palestinians aren't happy and zionists aren't either.
1948 -67 lots of fighting
1967 - Israel takes over all of Palestine
1967 - now - Israel wipes Palestine off the map, occasionally pretending to talk peace like with Oslo, but always establishing 'facts on the ground' as Netanyahu called them
1988 - Hamas is started in reaction to an ineffectual Palestinian government

Zionists are like Russia is to Ukraine here. A foreign movement that has taken over another country.

The issue is that there are 5 million Israeli Jews and 5 million Palestinians so while Israel has taken too much land to enact the two state solution if you ask them about the 'demographic' problem they'll also freak out. Israel can't exist as a 'Jewish' state if Palestinians have the vote, since they are half the population. And that leaves them where they are. No land left for a viable two state solution and too many Palestinians for them to accept Palestinians with equal rights. Palestinians have nowhere to go and don't want to join the other 5 million Palestinian refugees who were chased out of the country in 1948.
I love that you are at least attempting to discuss history. Would you like some of the gaps filled in? I know you refuse to believe Arabs can have agency or ability to make their decisions but...

I actually spent 15 minutes writing up a deep summary of the conflict but I know you won't read and instead will just scream , yell, spam tweets, and fake posts.
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