Israel at war


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
brainwashed and ignorant...your ilk...
'Ilk' is another racial term.
What you won't do is define what this 'ilk' is.

Neither will you even say that starving 1 million people is wrong.

A million people in Gaza could face highest level of starvation in July: UN report

If war continues unabated, more than one million Palestinians in Gaza could suffer the highest level of starvation by mid-July, according to a report by the UN’s World Health Organization (WHO) and Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO).
That would be an increase from 677,000 people who were experiencing famine-level conditions in March, as documented by the Integrated Food Security Phase Classification.
The joint WHO-FAO report said hunger in Gaza is being exacerbated by intensive restrictions on aid access and the collapse of its local food system.
“In the absence of a cessation of hostilities and increased access, the impact on mortality and the lives of the Palestinians now, and in future generations, will increase markedly with every day, even if famine is avoided in the near term,” the report said.

One toilet per 4,130 people in al-Mawasi: Oxfam

Aid organisation Oxfam has warned that conditions are insufferable in Gaza’s al-Mawasi evacuation zone, with a dramatic shortage of clean water and limited access to toilets.
According to the group, there are just 121 latrines for some 500,000 people crammed into the area – which averages out to one toilet per 4,130 people.
“This area was designated a humanitarian zone, but there is nothing humanitarian about the situation here,” said Meera, an Oxfam staffer in al-Mawasi. “The conditions are unbearable, there is no access to clean water, people are forced to rely on the sea.”

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dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
"rules apply to thee, not to me"
When Hamas attacked....they celebrate....then cry victim when Hamas get spanked..."

Like UN SC resolutions?
Like international law and ICJ provisional measures?
Like ICC charges?
Like the Geneva Conventions?

Why do you think those rules don't apply to Israel?

How can you back genocide and apartheid and then argue its the other side not following rules?
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Well-known member
Feb 11, 2009
'Ilk' is another racial term.
What you won't do is define what this 'ilk' is.

Neither will you even say that starving 1 million people is wrong.

A million people in Gaza could face highest level of starvation in July: UN report
If war continues unabated, more than one million Palestinians in Gaza could suffer the highest level of starvation by mid-July, according to a report by the UN’s World Health Organization (WHO) and Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO).
That would be an increase from 677,000 people who were experiencing famine-level conditions in March, as documented by the Integrated Food Security Phase Classification.
The joint WHO-FAO report said hunger in Gaza is being exacerbated by intensive restrictions on aid access and the collapse of its local food system.
“In the absence of a cessation of hostilities and increased access, the impact on mortality and the lives of the Palestinians now, and in future generations, will increase markedly with every day, even if famine is avoided in the near term,” the report said.

One toilet per 4,130 people in al-Mawasi: Oxfam
Aid organisation Oxfam has warned that conditions are insufferable in Gaza’s al-Mawasi evacuation zone, with a dramatic shortage of clean water and limited access to toilets.
According to the group, there are just 121 latrines for some 500,000 people crammed into the area – which averages out to one toilet per 4,130 people.
“This area was designated a humanitarian zone, but there is nothing humanitarian about the situation here,” said Meera, an Oxfam staffer in al-Mawasi. “The conditions are unbearable, there is no access to clean water, people are forced to rely on the sea.”

wrong...I don't know you and I don't know I wouldn't know what race you both both support terrorists...that's what you have in common....if there's anything else...I'd say intelligence...
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dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
wrong...I don't know you and I don't know I wouldn't know what race you both both support terrorists...that's what you have in common....if there's anything else...I'd say intelligence...
The WHO says 1 million people in Gaza are at risk of starving to death.
That's 1 million civilians, half of whom are children.

Anybody still supporting this is a monster.
A nazi level evil, monster.

The fact that you won't even say its wrong to starve children to death is disgusting.

Over 1M people in Gaza 'expected to face death, starvation' by mid-July: UN
Ongoing conflict in Palestine expected to further aggravate already catastrophic levels of acute hunger, with starvation, death already taking place, says UN food agency



Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
Race is a social construct, not genetic. Racism exists only in the mind of the racist. They are always looking for biological reasons to explain social, economic and cultural differences. Racists don’t like intermarriage. Ring a bell?

Educate yourself

“Race is often culturally understood to be rigid categories (Black, White, Pasifika, Asian, etc) in which people can be classified based on biological markers or physical traits such as skin colour or facial features. This rigid definition of race is no longer accepted by scientific communities.[1][2] Instead, the concept of 'race' is viewed as a social construct.[3]


What are they basing the racism on? Physical differences. You are putting the cart before the horse.

Again what race is any religion?


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
Race is a social construct, not genetic. Racism exists only in the mind of the racist. They are always looking for biological reasons to explain social, economic and cultural differences. Racists don’t like intermarriage. Ring a bell?

Educate yourself

“Race is often culturally understood to be rigid categories (Black, White, Pasifika, Asian, etc) in which people can be classified based on biological markers or physical traits such as skin colour or facial features. This rigid definition of race is no longer accepted by scientific communities.[1][2] Instead, the concept of 'race' is viewed as a social construct.[3]



Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
Nope those are not rules that I made. Those are actually the rules that govern our society, democracy and culture.
  • Criticizing a state, like Israel for its genocidal policies and actions is not just okay but infact welcome. The last time someone failed to criticize a state for such policies, 6 million people died.
  • Criticizing an ethnic group - or more accurately, abusing them by calling them terrorists or negatively stereotyping them, is racism. Ethnic groups cannot be criticized because you will then be applying the actions of a few, to an entire demographic group. That is stereotyping. That is racism 101.
  • Criticizing any religion is okay. But stereotyping a religion, by calling them a death cult, or stereotyping members of said religious group in any negative way, is Islamophobia, antisemitism etc, which again is a form of racism.
  • Nobody encouraged or even supported adults being naked in front of kids. So this is an outright lie.
  • Criticizing medical procedures not because you actually know anything about it, but because YOU HATE transgender folks, IS transphobia.
  • Criticizing India's caste system has never been called racism. I criticize it and so should everyone else. Similarly we should also criticize racism, systemic racism etc in Canada. So again this is an outright lie. However, using the caste system to negatively stereotype an Indian IS racism and xenophobia.
So you have either outright lied here, or pushed hypocritical bullshit.
1. Its not genocide, its called war. Again, if they wanted to commit genocide every Gazan would be dead right now
2. You do the exact same thing when you call Westerners "colonialist" and when you tell Jews to go back to Europe
3. The LGBT community is very quiet when it comes to naked men parading in front of kids, and you clearly said my thread was hate-speech when I pointed that out
4. I criticized medical procedures for children under 18, not for adults. Yet you still called my posts hate-speech
5. I'm glad you agree Indian caste system is racism. Therefore your country of origin is riddled with racists as well
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Well-known member
Feb 11, 2009
The WHO says 1 million people in Gaza are at risk of starving to death.
That's 1 million civilians, half of whom are children.

Anybody still supporting this is a monster.
A nazi level evil, monster.

The fact that you won't even say its wrong to starve children to death is disgusting.

Over 1M people in Gaza 'expected to face death, starvation' by mid-July: UN
Ongoing conflict in Palestine expected to further aggravate already catastrophic levels of acute hunger, with starvation, death already taking place, says UN food agency

It's wrong to starve women and's wrong to kill and target Hamas should keep the citizens to safety...maybe start by not going to war.... they are indeed evil monsters-Hamas.


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
  1. Nope it is a genocide. The UN Special Report - Anatomy of a Genocide along with the cases at the ICJ beg to differ.
  2. I have never called for Jews to go back to Europe - that is an outright lie. I said they are settler colonialists from Europe, which is true. It is also a matter of historical fact, that Americans and Canadians and Australians are settler colonialists. I mean you may not be, because you were born here, and I am not either, because I immigrated, but the original inhabitants of Canada and the US were not white people or even black people. They were indigeneous people and there were no countries called Canada or the USA. These were formed subsequently by settler colonialists so it is a statement of fact that these are two colonial nations. I dont say this about Europe though, which is also "Western".
  3. Because it isn't as much of a concern given the short duration of Pride and the very few people who do it.
  4. Your criticisms should be based on actual knowledge of said medical procedures, or atleast cite peer reviewed studies to make a point. Making points based on how you feel about transgender folks, is basically an expression of your own biases, which is why it is rightfully called transphobic.
  5. Sure. India is racist as well. I agree. It ought not to be and we should do more to raise awareness and educate people. But we are not in India. We are in Canada. Where racism is alive and well. So let us tackle our problems here and leave India's problems to Indians who live in India.

Nope. Not just physical differences.
  • Discrimination, hostility, differential treatment, differential application of laws etc against individuals of a particular skin colour, ethnic group, religious group, caste, sect, or any other demographic characteristic is racism.
  • Appreciation or exoticization of individuals of a particular skin colour, ethnic group, religious group, caste, sect or any other demographic characteristic is racism.
  • Discrimination, hostility, or stereotyping individuals of a particular culture, or assuming behavioural traits based on these stereotypes, is xenophobia, which is also racism because that inevitably leads to #1.
  • Supremacist political movements such as ultra-nationalism, Nazism, Zionism, which others and divides people, based on certain demographic characteristics, are racist and rely on racism to advance their argument.
There are others that I am sure I have missed. But this is just off the top of my head.

Oh and also:

Then by your definition all the Muslims are Settler Colonists as they didn't exist until long past Jews did.

And thanks for proving I'm right by stating you think the definition should change. It shouldn't by the way. You just need to use the correct terms.


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
No they are indigeneous. They are people who have lived in those lands for 1000s of years. Also the definition of racism has long been accepted the way I defined it for you, in my previous post. Where have you been?
Muslims didn't. You need to decide if you are going to define people's race by their religious choice or ethnicity. Which is it?

If its by ethnic background then you acknowledge religion doesn't apply to race. If it does then they are the interlopers. And remember it means that all people who ever moved, by your definition are colonists dating back 1000 years and therefore are not legitimate.

In the real world thats just not going to happen.
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Well-known member
Dec 31, 2022
Muslims didn't. You need to decide if you are going to define people's race by their religious choice or ethnicity. Which is it?

If its by ethnic background then you acknowledge religion doesn't apply to race. If it does then they are the interlopers. And remember it means that all people who ever moved, by your definition are colonists dating back 1000 years and therefore are not legitimate.

In the real world thats just not going to happen.
It’s a concept you can’t seem to grasp but racism is in the mind of the racist, it’s not a quality or property of the victims. It’s a projection on to victims by the racist.

Racism abounds everywhere. Races don’t exist. Scientific advances tells us that.

All racists are ill informed, by definition. I fear that’s the reason you can’t wrap your head around this.

“1. Racism can be defined in many ways. A broad, general definition is used here in order to have a common understanding of the concept. However, there is a problem in that the term 'racism' presupposes the existence of different races. Recital (6) of Directive 2000/43/EC (Racial Equality Directive) states that 'The European Union rejects theories which attempt to determine the existence of separate human races.'
2. According to the EU acquis, and specifically Art. 1 of the Council Framework Decision 2008/913/JHA, offences concerning racism and xenophobia are considered to be:
(a) publicly inciting to violence or hatred directed against a group of persons or a member of such a group defined by reference to race, colour, religion, descent or national or ethnic origin;”

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