Is there a Holocaust Industry?

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Jun 29, 2003
onthebottom said:
Quick, someone list all the Catholics, Protestants and Muslims that work in the Entertainment industry.

What, no blatant racist source for this, that's weird.

We are NOT talking about
People who Work in the Entertainment industry

You have to learn to read better, . . . gee man how did you ever managed to go through any schooling??? :confused:

As for the "Ownership"
Sorry they are all taken!
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Dec 19, 2005
cyrus said:
We are NOT taking about
People who Work in the Entertainment industry

You have to learn to read better, . . . gee man how did you ever managed to go through any schooling??? :confused:

As for the "Ownership"
Sorry they are all taken!
Looks like you missed Woody's earlier thread.

"Foreign companies are buying up our water systems, our power generating systems, our mines, and our few remaining factories. All because "flat world" so-called "free trade" policies have turned us from a nation of wealthy producers into a nation of indebted consumers, leaving the world awash in dollars that are most easily used to buy off big chunks of America. As notes, US Government statistics indicate the following percentages of foreign ownership of American industry:
· Sound recording industries - 97%
· Commodity contracts dealing and brokerage - 79%
· Motion picture and sound recording industries - 75%
· Metal ore mining - 65%
· Motion picture and video industries - 64%"

Must be those gosh darn Japanese Jews.


New member
Jun 29, 2003
Romeo said:
If the Jews are so powerful why is their country so small?

To answer to your question first we have to understand the true meaning of the Israeli flag – the ultimate Zionist Symbol
Two blue lines on top and bottom of the map represent the River of Euphrates in Iraq and the River Nile in Egypt and the Shield of David as a symbol of the kingdom of Israel covering the all the area in between.
Thus, because they want it all, so shall they loss it all!

Genesis 13:14-15
The lands where Abram lived is the land of Canaan, called Israel today. That, then, is the Promised Land—that is why it is called the Promised Land!
But for how long? Forever! The inheritance is to be an eternal inheritance, which of necessity involves and includes everlasting life!

If one inherits a piece of land, the deed must describe the exact boundaries of the property. Is such a description given in this deed of the land we may hope to inherit? The answer is found in
Genesis 15:18,
"In the same day the LORD made a covenant with Abram, saying, Unto thy seed have I given this land, from the river of Egypt unto the great river, the river Euphrates." From the Nile River in Egypt, to the Euphrates in the Near East!

We have all seen enough maps to know where that is, and I am sure we all know it is not up in heaven somewhere, but right here on this earth. "And if ye be Christ's, then are ye Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise" (Galatians 3:29); and the promise—the promise of eternal inheritance—is the land of Israel, from the Nile clear to the Euphrates, here on this earth!

Von Wigglestaff

Rock me Amadeus
Jan 23, 2004
Takeshi Castle
Sure this thread may be distasteful but that's part of maintaining freedom of speech. Everyone has the right to voice an opinion and everyone has the right, in voicing those opinions, to accept the consequences that come with it. To remove this thread just because it offends would be just plain wrong. Cyrus has a right to voice his opinion no matter how jaded and convoluted it is.

It amuses me that no one has picked up the irony of this thread: Cyrus was the Persian King who freed the Jews from slavery in Babylon.

And when it comes to creating wealth there are no rules.:D


New member
Jun 29, 2003
They sure get offense!:rolleyes:
Why because I call one a Jew for whom he is and the other a Russian Jew for where he came from!

As for my opinion being cynical, how so?
If one is not Cynic for what one believe is wrong then how one can criticize it?


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
At first, I though it was worthwhile to debate with cyrus but his posts like the one below are pretty much straight out of Mein Kampf.
cyrus said:

Jewish influence in the Bolshevik Revolution as George Pitt-Rivers said that this revolution was in fact a Jewish revolution, pinpointing to the nature of a Jewish Problem,
I think I've heard this phrase before

"The general causes of anti-Semitism have always resided in Israel itself....”
despite Israel existing for only 60 years. I guess anti-semitism is only that old.
“The Jew was "unsociable... because he was exclusive, and his exclusiveness was both political and religious..."

... Rich, powerful, they had lived on an equal footing with the Christians, treated as though of the people amid whom they lived; but they could not help giving themselves up to their usual commerce, their vices, their passion for gold....

Dominated by the Talmudists they succeeded in producing nothing beyond commentators of the Talmud.
yet somehow they "control" the world?

The Rosenbergs case, that it was their duty to pass the atomic information to the Soviets (read the trial Doc. )
A personal choice now is the fault of the entire religion?

The Talmudic Rabbis responsibility & influence in reference to their malicious debate with Christianity against Jesus concerning Crucifixion resulting the isolation of the Jews in East Europe and forcing of Jews into ghetto system
Yes, the Jews are to blame because they are "Christ Killers" How is this on topic? You just quoted how Jews chose to isolate themselves now you say that they were forced into ghettos. Make up your mind!

The Zionist-Communist influence that took place to establishment Zionist Israel in 1948,
Cold war politics. The only benefit the Soviets had were arm sales and a place to ship their Jews to.
And the terrorist tactics that was used against the British and the Palestinians that led to the creation of one of the biggest refugee problems in history.
Maybe they should have sat quietly like good Jews as the Arabs (armed by the Brits) rioted and then invaded in '48.

Are these enough generalizations and racial lies to justify calling him a racist or does providing racist quotes qualify his opinion as correct? A blatant anti-Semite who has in the past talked about Zionist world conspiracies. He's a nut and a racist.


New member
Oct 17, 2004
cyrus said:
To answer to your question first we have to understand the true meaning of the Israeli flag – the ultimate Zionist Symbol
Two blue lines on top and bottom of the map represent the River of Euphrates in Iraq and the River Nile in Egypt and the Shield of David as a symbol of the kingdom of Israel covering the all the area in between.
Thus, because they want it all, so shall they loss it all!

Genesis 13:14-15
The lands where Abram lived is the land of Canaan, called Israel today. That, then, is the Promised Land—that is why it is called the Promised Land!
But for how long? Forever! The inheritance is to be an eternal inheritance, which of necessity involves and includes everlasting life!

If one inherits a piece of land, the deed must describe the exact boundaries of the property. Is such a description given in this deed of the land we may hope to inherit? The answer is found in
Genesis 15:18,
"In the same day the LORD made a covenant with Abram, saying, Unto thy seed have I given this land, from the river of Egypt unto the great river, the river Euphrates." From the Nile River in Egypt, to the Euphrates in the Near East!

We have all seen enough maps to know where that is, and I am sure we all know it is not up in heaven somewhere, but right here on this earth. "And if ye be Christ's, then are ye Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise" (Galatians 3:29); and the promise—the promise of eternal inheritance—is the land of Israel, from the Nile clear to the Euphrates, here on this earth!
As I'm sure a similar quote could not be easily found in the religios texts of palestinians. Substituting Israel for Palestine. Which is why this whole situation arose.

This whole argument is the best example, in my mind, of why church and state must be separate entities.


Puttin' in Face Time
Oct 8, 2003
Something positive, instructive

With each post and repsonse cyrus is revealed to be a true hater and it just gets more and more obvious that he's grasping at the same thin straws over and over again.

Perhaps this is a lesson in the value of free speech, at least where there are people ready on one hand to challenge the "received wisdom", which when I first saw cyrus' posts I was ready to concede,

and yet when the challenge devolves into thinly-disguised misinformation and hate, as we see cyrus' posts have, as they mushroom into a noxious fungal spew, there are people ready to challenge and respond to this, with some truthful fungicide (to continue my stinky metaphor)...

The question is whether the debate is healthy enough as it stands or is the mere repetition of cyrus's rantings somehow able to influence other robots like him (sorry, new metaphor!) to believe him simply because he seems like the underdog.

Anyway I'm glad there are others here to challenge his ravings.


New member
Jun 29, 2003
basketcase said:
At first, I though it was worthwhile to debate with cyrus but his posts like the one below are pretty much straight out of Mein Kampf.
Are these enough generalizations and racial lies to justify calling him a racist or does providing racist quotes qualify his opinion as correct? A blatant anti-Semite who has in the past talked about Zionist world conspiracies. He's a nut and a racist.

A) You have not figured out a single word I’ve said, for most were said by Jews themselves! Not Jews like you but Philosophers and scholars
B) I said a few out of many as an example to illustrate The Jewish Collective influence on man’s history including their own providence!

Originally Posted by Cyrus
I am saying that "Influential Jews" break the rules just one too many times!

Originally Posted by Asterix
“Excuse me, but you're being evasive. I assume by influential, you mean moneyed. What other people so described play by these? "rules" with any more integrity or honesty; tell me who they are, and why you feel the need to define this in terms of religion or race”

Thus, first learn to stick to the subject matter at hand, and then learn to debate the merits of the issue(s), just saying this is anti-Semitic would not gain you any undeserved sympathy for your basis anymore!

Back to your quote…unquote.

What do you think of Natan Sharansky statement? “I see the world as one, the Jewish world,” so said Sharansky

Have you read the work of “Bernard Lazare”
“Anti-Semitism: its history and ca.../lazare-bernard/1894/antisemitism/preface.htm


Dr. Robert S. Wistrich,

What about

Israel Shahak,
Israel Shamir,
Alfred Lilienthal,
John Sack & Norman Finkelstein on
Jewish/Zionist influence in government and the mass media

You see, I didn’t even try to quote anything from a non-Jew in this debate so maybe it give you a pause and let you think for a change as per

Dr. Oscar Levy, a Jewish philosophers who once said, "The question of the Jews and their influence in the world, past and present, cuts to the core of all things and should be discussed by every thinker.”

As for my list of Jewish "Kosher" who own and control the Mass Media,
Don’t you agree that they are all Jew?
You tell me, which one is not a Jew.
Remember these are all Owners, CEO’s, & major Stockholders


New member
Jun 29, 2003
DATYdude said:
...and yet when the challenge devolves into thinly-disguised misinformation and hate, as we see cyrus' posts have, ...
I dare you to prove your case!


Sr. Member
Aug 6, 2002
cyrus said:
A) You have not figured out a single word I’ve said, for most were said by Jews themselves! Not Jews like you but Philosophers and scholars
B) I said a few out of many as an example to illustrate The Jewish Collective influence on man’s history including their own providence!

Originally Posted by Cyrus
I am saying that "Influential Jews" break the rules just one too many times!

Originally Posted by Asterix
“Excuse me, but you're being evasive. I assume by influential, you mean moneyed. What other people so described play by these? "rules" with any more integrity or honesty; tell me who they are, and why you feel the need to define this in terms of religion or race”

Thus, first learn to stick to the subject matter at hand, and then learn to debate the merits of the issue(s), just saying this is anti-Semitic would not gain you any undeserved sympathy for your basis anymore!
Interesting that you quote me, considering you never did answer this question.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
cyrus said:

Thus, first learn to stick to the subject matter at hand, and then learn to debate the merits of the issue(s), just saying this is anti-Semitic would not gain you any undeserved sympathy for your basis anymore!
First, I never said the thread was anti-semitic, I said you were.

I've tried stayin on point with you before to no avail. My point is quite clear. Why do you focus on Jews breaking the "rules"? Either you think that no people from other cultures or religions have ever done anything bad or your anti-semitic view sees them as a blight on humanity, more evil than any other group.

Your hate is quite clear with your repeated focus on how the Jews are responsible for every wrong that has happened to them and every wrong that has happened to others. You repeatedly refuse to view Jews as individuals who make individual choices but generalize them as some pack of theives that are unified in their evil plans. The only logical conclusion to draw from your posts is that you are irrational and an anti-semite. This might not be your fault. You might have been raised this way or gotten syphillis from a Jewish SP but try to get the hate out of your brain and view people as individuals.


New member
Mar 14, 2004
its the absolute truth tho....more tragedies have happenned from bosnia to rwanda and now our friends are destroying iraq...what a fucked up world - but hey never forget...ya what ever:rolleyes:


Puttin' in Face Time
Oct 8, 2003
You're right cyrus

The misinformation and hate is NOT thinly disguised.

Others are helping me prove my point, basketcase did a good job in a recent post.

My observation to add:
You love to quote Jews criticising Jews, like this validates your argument. So, when Jews criticize Jews they're correct, when they defend Jews they're liars or acting only out of tribal self-interest...

BTW to all the fellow world-dominating Israelites -- See you at the ZOG meeting this week-- remember it's high-stakes poker this week, we'll be playing for Asian and Oceanic dominance this time. Bring your own tallis!


New member
Jun 29, 2003
basketcase said:
Your hate is quite clear with your repeated focus on how the Jews are responsible for every wrong that has happened to them and every wrong that has happened to others. You repeatedly refuse to view Jews as individuals who make individual choices but generalize them as some pack of theives that are unified in their evil plans. The only logical conclusion to draw from your posts is that you are irrational and an anti-semite. This might not be your fault. You might have been raised this way or gotten syphillis from a Jewish SP but try to get the hate out of your brain and view people as individuals.
We don’t live alone in a Jungle; we live in circle and in various communities
As an individual, we will all die and our existence will fade from memory. However, as nations we will endure through history.
We will be judged as a nation of people and embraced for our communal goodness or cursed for our combined wickedness. .
. . . So how can I view a Jew only as an individual when Jews themselves pursue their commitment to their Jewish ness, political existence, and Jewish traditions collectively?


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
And what culture doesn't follow their traditions?(else they wouldn't be a culture) When you walk down the street (with the exception of Bathurst maybe), how many people "flaunt" their Jewishness, or can even be distinguished as Jews? Again I ask, why is it you choose to focus only on Jews if it isn't out of an anti-semitic bias?

As far as the political, have you ever heard the joke:
An orthadox Jew was found after being trapped alone on a desert island. After getting through the preliminary rescue jubilation, the rescue team finds that the man had built not one but two synagoges. In confusion, the rescuers asked why and were told that "One is to pray in and the other is to never set foot in again."
"Jewish" politics and poliical opinion is about as diverse as can be. Take a look at the number of diverse parties are represented in the Israeli government.

Again I will say it. Only a racist refuses to view people as individuals.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
To top it all off, to prove that their is a collective will of Jews to promote their unified views, you use Jewish writings that oppose those views. Doesn't that defeat the whole purpose of your ramblings?


New member
Jun 29, 2003
basketcase said:
And what culture doesn't follow their traditions?(else they wouldn't be a culture) When you walk down the street (with the exception of Bathurst maybe), how many people "flaunt" their Jewishness, or can even be distinguished as Jews? Again I ask, why is it you choose to focus only on Jews if it isn't out of an anti-semitic bias?

"Jewish" politics and poliical opinion is about as diverse as can be. Take a look at the number of diverse parties are represented in the Israeli government.

Again I will say it. Only a racist refuses to view people as individuals.
Ok , would you mind for a moment read back my previous post just one more time and interpret what I have said, please do that then I will gladly follow up to your next point!

Here this is what I have said earlier

We don’t live alone in a Jungle; we live in circle and in various communities
As an individual we , will all die and our existence will fade from memory. However, as nations we will endure through history.

We will be judged as a nation of people and embraced for our communal goodness or cursed for our combined wickedness. .
. . . So how can I view a Jew only as an individual when Jews themselves pursue their commitment to their Jewish ness, political existence, and Jewish traditions collectively?

Then if you may please weight them up alongside the historical events of Ukrainian War of Liberation of 1648-1654
Which Dr. Robert S. Wistrich's elegantly summarized below

"All over Europe the Jews enjoyed the greatest tranquillity during the eighteenth century. In Poland alone they fared badly for having once lived too well. They had been prosperous there up to the middle of the seventeenth century. Rich, powerful, they had lived on an equal footing with the Christians, treated as though of the people amid whom they lived; but they could not help giving themselves up to their usual commerce, their vices, their passion for gold. Dominated by the Talmudists they succeeded in producing nothing beyond commentators of the Talmud. They were tax collectors, spirit-distillers, usurers, seigneurial stewards. They were the noblemen's allies in their abominable work of oppression, and when the Cossacks of Ukraina and Little Russia had risen, under Chmielnicki, against Polish tyranny, the Jews, as accomplices of the lords, were the first to be massacred. It is said that over 100,000 of them were killed in ten years, but just as many Catholics and especially Jesuits, were killed as well."


Puttin' in Face Time
Oct 8, 2003
Irremediable anti-semite

The plain fact is that cyrus is not reformable, he has no powers of self-criticism or he might recognize that some of the criticisms of him are valid.

There is just no point.

"We will be judged as a nation of people and embraced for our communal goodness or cursed for our combined wickedness. .
. . . So how can I view a Jew only as an individual"

"they could not help giving themselves up to their usual commerce, their vices, their passion for gold. Dominated by the Talmudists they succeeded in producing nothing beyond commentators of the Talmud. They were tax collectors, spirit-distillers, usurers, seigneurial stewards. They were the noblemen's allies in their abominable work of oppression"

-- are these the words of someone who is anything less than a fanatic?

All i want to know, since I was always taught to look to the source, is what abuse were you subject to in your past?

cyrus, at this point all I can feel for you is sorry, because you are a pathetic little man wallowing in hate. I would never want to be in your little shoes.

P.S. I apologize in the name of all Jews (they have authorized me to do so, of course, notthat they need to because we are all the same) for all the wrongs we have done to you and to whatever group of pathetic people you belong to.
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