Is there a Holocaust Industry?

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Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
It is quite clear that all of his information comes from racist sites, despite his claims of owning books (any books). This is obvious because he quotes sources of which anyone who takes the time to research will find the actual source is contrary to the way that the racists claim. When confronted with the true magnitude of the work, he has no reply except to try to find some other pile of crap to distract people from his inability to form a rational arguement.

Of course he will come on here claiming all sorts of things about why the refutations are not applicable or just find a quote from moses saying something bad about Jews. Unfortunately for him, I have decided to stick with his crap. Tomorrow or whenever I have time, I'll shoot down whatebver pile he chooses to make and of course, he will ignore it or try to change the topic. That is the way that racists work.


Active member
Aug 23, 2001
cyrus said:
Is there a Holocaust Industry?
Yes I believe so. There was theis group called the Nazi's in the 1930's who were the world leader in this industry. They met a quick demise and since then others have come to this industry to keep it going.


New member
Jun 29, 2003
Natan Sharansky

“I see the world as one, the Jewish world,” so said Sharansky

News: Natan Sharansky decides to resign to protest against Sharon’s disengagement plan

In his letter to Sharon, Sharansky said he considers the disengagement plan a concession to Palestinians that should not have been offered. "We must have it all!"
This is the man who according to our friend-- "basketcase"
is a long time advocate of freedom through democracy hint: "the invasion of Iraq"

basketcase said:
Another of your other heros
Natan Sharansky - a long time advocate of freedom through democracy.
.....This guy directly criticizes people like you who attack Israel and Jews repeatedly. Don’t see how he supports you views.
This is the man who became a celebrity in Washington, DC, after President George W. Bush endorsed his second book
This is the man who inspires George W. Bush
And has a great influence on U.S. Foreign Policy Diaspora
With his pro-Israel policies, that advocates dual loyalty to both Israel and the United States.
The same George Lucky Luke Bush: Shoot first, think later

Front Page:
The patient George W. Bush suffers from a serious case of chronic political myopia

The pre-emptive, unilateral, "at a stroke", all-guns-blazing policy of crisis management adopted by US President George W. Bush becomes more incredible by the day. After the assertions that Iraq had Weapons of Mass Destruction and the resulting act of butchery, after the construction of the world's first concentration camp since Auschwitz and Dachau, he now praises fellow murderer Ariel Sharon for a peace plan which is bound to inflame the Palestinians and which shoots the Road Map to pieces.

George Bush's acceptance of Ariel Sharon's peace plan (drawn up in the 1970s by Sharon himself) without bothering to consult the Palestine Authority, was a spectacular act of political myopia, even for Bush. In one meeting, when the two mass murderers stood side by side, grinning inanely at each other and smirking arrogantly, George Bush brushed off the table years of delicate and complex peace negotiations among the Quartet (UNO, Russian Federation, European Union and USA), Israel and the Palestine Authority on a permanent and peaceful settlement to a deep-rooted problem which is half a century old.

Like a drunkard who comes home and sweeps the carefully-cleaned and immaculately placed crockery onto the floor, and kicks a screaming and frightened wife in the pit of the stomach, George Bush displays a blatant disregard for the Palestinian cause, a total ignorance of world events and a shocking inability to grasp simple issues.

What did Bush do?

Ariel Sharon's Road Map, which he drew up three decades ago, is a State of Israel which excludes Gaza (from which he now proposes to withdraw) but includes large parts of the West Bank and makes no concessions whatsoever for Palestinians who had their property inside Israel confiscated (stolen) after the creation of the State of Israel.
Given that the West Bank is Palestinian territory, what he calls a "disengagement plan" based on pulling out the Jewish settlements in Gaza - but not in the rest of the occupied territories - can never be called a peace settlement but a hideous and sinister partial compromise which could never be accepted by any Palestinian, Arab or Moslem with a heart and a soul.

To turn the analogy against George Bush, suppose Mexico invaded the southern United States, occupied it for 50 years, built colonies, shot US children in the eye with rubber bullets, massacred whole communities of civilians because they resisted and claimed what was rightfully theirs, only to see some foreign leader tell him that he had to accept part of southern California and a slice of Texas?

That any such settlement can be made in Washington between Sharon and Bush and without Arafat, the democratically elected President of the Palestine Authority & now Hamas, speaks volumes about Bush's world of international politics, where Hollywood-style solutions are applied to cartoon fantasies, where the good guy who wears the white hat is white and western and rich and the bad guy in the black hat is one whose skin is dark (the darker the skin, the worse the person), or who is poor.

Such a world belongs to the annals of history, to the dark ages of medieval feudalism, of lords and vassals, not to a modern world that wishes to develop together, based on the principles of diplomacy, democracy and equality, on dialogue and discussion, and the acceptance that not everything is black and white, but has various shades of grey.

In this world, George Bush does not and cannot exist. He and Sharon have just committed another grave error, a monster of bad judgment and a mountain of sheer arrogance. Like all demagogues, they are both bound to fail

So in conclusion "Natan Sharansky" is indeed "basketcase" & "George W. Bush"
hero who is able not only to spot Anti-Semitism with a glimpse of the eye but he is also a long time advocate of freedom through democracy
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New member
Jun 29, 2003
Don said:
Yes I believe so. There was theis group called the Nazi's in the 1930's who were the world leader in this industry. They met a quick demise and since then others have come to this industry to keep it going.

I consent to Nazi's great contribution to the “Holocaust Industry.”as prior to World War II the majority of Jews were non-Zionist, even openly hostile to Zionism.

"When Zionism first appeared on the world scene most Jews opposed it and scoffed at it. Herzl was only supported by a small minority.
"It was not until the full horror of the Holocaust was realized that the great bulk of the Jewish community came to support Zionism.”

By Nahum Goldmann, the former president of the World Jewish Congress

Since then support for Israel has virtually become a litmus test for loyalty to the Jewish community, and the role of their religion has clearly weaken. Anti-Zionist Jews are simply rejected by their own communities and if they become vocal they are attacked as self-hating Jews, even as "Kapos" (Jews who collaborated with the Nazis in the concentration camps), for betraying the new belief system “Zionism.”

This belief system “Zionism” is the main reason why Israel does not want peace in the Middle East.
This interest has been openly acknowledged by the president of the World Jewish Congress, Nahum Goldmann below;
"On the day when peace comes, the leftist movement will undoubtedly be very strong in Israel, and it will be anti-Orthodox. A great cultural battle will then break out which, like Ben Gurion, I want to avoid at this moment: as long as war prevails, that kind of internal struggle would be terribly dangerous. But after the hostilities the first thing to do will be to separate religion and state. Today we confine ourselves to telling the leftists: "Don't make a fuss on this question, you will be obstructing our defence policy, which requires national unity" -- and the leftists, being good patriots, give way. But after the peace they will resume the debate.

Below please read, point of views of some famous self-hating Jews / "Kapos" :confused: like Albert Einstein on the politics & militaristic nature of Zionism.

“I should much rather see reasonable agreement with the Arabs on the basis of living together in peace than the creation of a Jewish State. Apart from practical considerations, my awareness of the essential nature of Judaism resists the idea of a Jewish State, with borders, an army, and a measure of temporal power, no matter how modest. I am afraid of the inner damage Judaism will sustain” by Albert Einstein

“How tragic that in our own time the very state established by Jews in the aftermath of this evil has become a place where racialism, religious discrimination, militarism and injustice prevail; and that Israel itself has become a pariah state within the world community. Events taking place today are all too reminiscent of the pogroms from which our own forefathers fled two and three generations ago -- but this time those in authority are Jews and the victims are Moslems and Christian Palestinians.”
"The Nation" on February 3, 1988, endoresed by many prominent American Jews including
-Henry Schwarzschild, of the American Civil Liberties Union
-Professor Don Peretz, Department of Political Science
-Professor Yigal Arens, the son of Moshe Arens
-Mark Bruzonsky, chairperson World Jewish Congress Organization
-Rabbi Susan Einbinder, Colgate University

“Besides the millions of Jews who are non-Zionist, there are many hundreds of thousands of Jews who are fervently anti-Zionist. They are opposed to Zionism and the very existence of the Zionist state because Zionism seeks to change the essence of Judaism and substitute chauvinism and militarism and loyalty to the Zionist state for the lofty and unchangeable principles of the Jewish faith. The Jewish nation was not founded by Zionist politicians but the character of Jewish nationhood was determined on Mount Sinai and the Jewish people as well as every individual Jew are bound to fulfill the Mitzvos (commandments) of the oral and written law of the Torah. Jews are certain that the Jewish redemption will come with the coming of the Moshiach. The establishment of the Zionist state before that time is heretic and indeed blasphemous. Our greatest rabbis have taught us that Zionism is one of the worst calamities that has ever befallen the Jewish people.”
By Neturei Karta (Guardians of the Walls) - The New York Times June 15, 1981

"Zionism forestalled the Messiah. . . brought the Holocaust and other calamities on the Jewish people.” In his view the Jewish state "condemned itself through its own lifestyle and politics."
By Joel Teitelbaum, the Satmar rebbe, N.Y., 1979 (Teitelbaum's 40,000 chassidim are found largely in Williamsburg, New York, and in Jerusalem.)

“It is our duty to denounce those who invoke the name of the Almighty in vain. It is our holy obligation and our moral responsibility to call on them: Stop using these falsehoods and heresies to justify yourselves and your misdeeds. The Jewish faith, as transmitted by the Almighty to our forefathers has not and will never countenance the zionist and nationalistic doctrines of the state of Israel. These false doctrines are compounded of atheism and anti-religious zionism, ideologies alien to Judaism. Let them not be misrepresented to the world as Jewish”
By Rabbi Reuben Slonim, 1983 (one of the spiritual leaders of the Canadian Jewish community)

“…we protest against the political segregation of the Jews and the re-establishment in Palestine of a distinctively Jewish State as utterly opposed to the principles of democracy which it is the avowed purpose of the World's Peace Conference to establish.
Whether the Jews be regarded as a "race" or as a "religion," it is contrary to the democratic principles for which the world war was waged to found a nation on either or both of these bases”

The 1919 petition to President Woodrow Wilson, signed by 31 prominent American Jews including
-Henry Morgenthau, Sr., ex-ambassador to Turkey;
-Simon W. Rosendale, ex-attorney general of New York;
-Mayor L. H. Kampner of Galveston, Texas;
-E. M. Baker, from Cleveland and president of the Stock Exchange;
-R. H. Macy's Jesse Straus; New York Times publisher

“I would say the only human response to Holocaust is to try not to be like Nazis, in word or in deed. What brought the Holocaust was the racist attitude towards Jews, the division of German society into Jews and non-Jews on grounds of race. This is exactly the same thing that is happening in Israel.”
By Israel Shahak, Holocust Survivor, President of the Israeli League for Civil and Human Rights

“The big crisis of the Jewish people is that the overwhelming majority of the Jews genuinely desire to be Jewish -- but they have no content for their Judaism other than a piece of colored rag attached to the end of a pole and a military uniform. The consciousness and the desire to be Jewish did not vanish, rather they are transformed today into a Judeo-Nazi mentality.”
By Professor Yeshayahu Leibowitz, the renowned scholar of Judaism and philosophy, the editor of Encyclopedia Hebraica

“It is both understandable and natural that an enslaved people will fight for its freedom against an occupying power with all the means at its disposal, and without regard for their propriety; this phenomenon is recognized to be part and parcel of the wars of liberation of all peoples. We use the term "terrorism" to describe the acts of the Palestinian people, and call their fighters "terrorists." But our rule over a resistant people could not persist were it not for the use of means which are considered to constitute war crimes throughout the world -- and even plain criminal acts. We do not view these acts as terrorism; they are considered to be policy because they are being implemented by a legal government and a state arm. "Aberrant acts" by necessity become the norm because, far from being a side effect of an occupation regime, they are its essence.”
By Professor Yeshayahu Leibowitz, an acclaimed scientist and Judaica scholar

I hope this post also provide some answer to the question that some people keep asking me on this board about why I keep using the word "Zionist" but NOT "Jew" when I am referring to an Israeli


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
cyrus said:
...So in conclusion "Natan Sharansky" is indeed "basketcase" & "George W. Bush"
hero who is able not only to spot Anti-Semitism with a glimpse of the eye but he is also a long time advocate of freedom through democracy :)
cyrus said:
I listed many including
Natan Sharansky
Jewish writers and philosophers, who have been examining their own History & culture;
Israel Shahak,
Israel Shamir,
Alfred Lilienthal,
John Sack &
Norman Finkelstein...
First you calim him as supporting your view now you renounce him as hy "hero." Do you realize how dumb this make you arguement seem?


New member
Jun 29, 2003
basketcase said:
First you calim him as supporting your view now you renounce him as hy "hero." Do you realize how dumb this make you arguement seem?
This is a good example of logical problems that you all are having with your attacks on me (change of direction or irrelevancy due to not carefully reading the discussion)

Now, please turn the page back to post 42, page 5 in this thread

You will see that I have listed him as a person of great influence on USA Foreign Policy in M.E. as part of my answer to the question of "list me one Jew who did this or did that . . .?" In line with the dispute over the influence & contribution of Jews to the rise of anti-Semitism through out their history


New member
Jun 29, 2003
Stop, in the name of the Holocaust
The Sunday Times

A Jewish academic is afraid that rampant exploitation of the Holocaust is summoning up a new anti-semitism. It is hard not to agree, says Bryan Appleyard

"I sometimes think," writes the American academic Dr. Norman Finkelstein,

"the worst thing that ever happened to the Nazi Holocaust was that American Jewry discovered it."

The quotation comes from Finkelstein's explosive book The Holocaust Industry, It accuses those who exploit the Holocaust of telling lies, conniving in Israeli atrocities, and of naked greed. The pursuit of reparations is damned as "an outright extortion racket". The ruthless industrialisation of the Holocaust has encouraged the rebirth of anti-semitism in Europe and the United States.
"If any of this had been written or said by a non-Jew with no direct experience of the Holocaust, it would have been savaged as anti-semitism or, worse, Holocaust denial ".
But Finkelstein is a Jew - both of whose parents were survivors of the Warsaw ghetto and concentration camps. All the members of their families were wiped out by the Nazis. Even so, his views make him an outcast among the American Jewish establishment and define him, for many, as an enemy of Israel. So why has he done it?

"I will not have," he shouts down the phone from New York, "the suffering of my parents used for any ulterior purpose, whether it be the prevention of the assimilation of Jews or the defence of Israel."

Finkelstein's father never spoke of his experience, but his mother spoke of little else. Yet, he recalls, even she was disgusted at the rise of the Holocaust industry in America. There were, he says, only 60,000 Jewish survivors of the camps and 20,000 of those died in the first week after liberation. Yet in the 1960s and 1970s many of his parents' friends started claiming to be survivors. Soon everybody was a victim of the great martyrdom.

"I'm not exaggerating when I say that one out of three Jews you stop in the street in New York will claim to be a survivor. And, since 1993, the industry has been claiming that 10,000 survivors have been dying every month. That is completely impossible. It would mean that there were 8m survivors in 1945, but there were only 7m Jews in German-occupied Europe before the war."

Finkelstein says the Holocaust industry was born at the time of the six-day war in June 1967 - before that both the Holocaust and Israel were scarcely mentioned in American public life. But it was not born, as many have said, out of fear for the survival of Israel; rather it sprang from American strategic interests. Israel became the American surrogate in the Middle East and the Holocaust was evoked morally to justify the alliance. Israel became the defender of US values and, since America at that time was losing the Vietnam war, it was a more effective defender than America herself.

The American Jewish elite embraced the cause of Israel and created the contemporary image of the Holocaust. Finkelstein highlights the power of this elite by pointing out that Jewish income is almost double that of non-Jews, 16 of the 40 wealthiest Americans are Jews, 40% of Nobel prizewinners in science and economics are Jewish, 20% of professors at main universities are Jewish, as are 40% of partners in law firms in New York and Washington.

Led by campaigners such as Simon Wiesenthal and Elie Wiesel - Finkelstein claims the latter gets a minimum lecture fee of $25,000 plus chauffeured limousine - the industry insists on the unique nature of the atrocity. It can be compared, they say, to nothing else. Finkelstein - rightly, I believe - identifies this as the intellectual heart of the matter.

Wiesel and others insist that the Holocaust stands outside history and rational discussion. The only final response is silent incomprehension. This position has become so extreme that any attempt to compare it with other episodes of human cruelty - Finkelstein mentions the deaths of 10m Africans in the Congo as a result of the Belgian ivory and rubber trade - is often met with accusations of anti-semitism and Holocaust denial.

The result is that America is dotted with Holocaust museums and memorials, but there is none for the many more victims of communism. There is not one even for the gypsies and the mentally and physically disabled who died under Nazism. Finkelstein says that a higher proportion of the gypsy population of Europe died than of the Jewish.

And, at his most scathing, Finkelstein points out that there are no memorials to the millions who died in the slave trade or in the genocidal campaign against the American Indians. The presence of the Holocaust Museum in Washington "is particularly incongruous in the absence of a museum commemorating crimes in the course of American history".

"My parents would never have claimed that the Holocaust was unique," he says, "they would have said that it made them sympathetic to the suffering of other oppressed people."

The danger of the uniqueness argument is that it blinds us to the possibility of other forms of evil. People see the Holocaust museums and memorials, they see the face of Hitler, and they think that that is what evil is like. The truth is that evil also wore the masks of Stalin, Lenin, Mao and Pol Pot. And, if we are convinced that evil must wear jackboots and a little moustache, we may not recognise it the next time round.

Finkelstein adds that the leaders of the Holocaust industry use the uniqueness argument to convince themselves of their own virtue. If this particular suffering and martyrdom were worse than any other for the victims - including indirect victims such as contemporary Jews and the whole state of Israel - then who dare say a word against the moral stature of those who daily remind us?

So is he right? Well, in one key sense, he must be. THE HOLOCAUST CANNOT BE UNIQUE. Every starved, tortured and murdered person, of any race, has something in common with the victims of Auschwitz. The idea that one historical event is different from all others is plainly irrational. It is also dangerous because it silences discussion and analysis of the Holocaust, and when that happens we lose our ability to learn anything.

"THE CHALLENGE TODAY," writes Finkelstein,
"IS TO RESTORE THE NAZI HOLOCAUST AS A RATIONAL SUBJECT OF INQUIRY ... The abnormality of the Nazi Holocaust springs not from the event itself but from the exploitive industry that has grown up around it ... The noblest gesture for those who perished is to preserve their memory, learn from their suffering and let them, finally, rest in peace."

But is he right that the Holocaust industry is entirely self-serving, corrupt and destructive? It is true that it has produced absurd fantasists like Binjamin Wilkomirski, who have persuaded publishers and scholars of the truth of their fabricated tales of survival under the Nazis. Many of the claims of those who pursue reparations are plainly outrageous, and I do not doubt that the political ruthlessness with which many of these claims have been enforced is, as Finkelstein says, encouraging a new wave of anti-semitism...........


New member
Jun 29, 2003
Special conference on Holocaust Industry​
Leading speakers from across the globe.
Programs geared especially for educators & CEO's.
The conference will take place in Jerusalem
JUNE 26-29, 2006​
Anyone who wished to register should do so by checking the link below . . . !
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Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Hey, you support Iran holding a conference on it, what is wrong with one that is far more historically accurate?


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
I'm surprised that you haven't posted some hate filled spew the "Slavery Industry" in North America. But of course, that doesn't fill your need to attack anything Jewish.


you must be fk'n kid'g me
Nov 13, 2001
cyrus said:
Special conference on Holocaust Industry​
Leading speakers from across the globe.
Programs geared especially for educators & CEO's.
The conference will take place in Jerusalem
JUNE 26-29, 2006​
Anyone who wished to register should do so by checking the link below . . . !
this is not what the actual link says. you are a disgrace.


New member
Jun 29, 2003
red said:
this is not what the actual link says. you are a disgrace.
Ooops . . . my big mouth, sorry! :eek:
[looks like the secret was revealed]


New member
Jun 29, 2003
This is the second year that we have partnered with Yad Vashem in creating a forum for methodology and the sharing of ideas of how to teach future generations about the Holocaust. As the years pass and the number of survivors shrink it is vital for our collective memory to create dynamic new methods of teaching this subject.

We look forward to partnering opportunities with you and your organization and hope you will chose Oranim Educational Initiatives when considering group travel world wide.

You are invited to visit our websites:

Additional Nights (pre and post conference): Cost per person in
Half Board
(Breakfast and Dinner) Cost for
Half Board
(Breakfast and Dinner)
$58 $104

Pre and Post tours:
Tour 1 - Massada and the Dead Sea (full day)
Saturday, June 24, 2006 - 69 US$ per person
Head down to the lowest place on earth and explore the rock fortress/palace of Massada. Then relax at a Dead Sea Spa and swim (float) in the Dead Sea.
(09:00-17:00 - lunch included)
Tour 2 - The Galilee (full day)
Saturday, June 24, 2006 - 69 US$ per person
[Christian/Muslim oriented tour]
Head north to a region that is rich in magnificent views, fascinating flora and fauna, and is home to so much history and religion.
(09:00-19:00 - lunch included)
Tour 3 - Tel Aviv, Jaffa, Caesarea and Haifa (full day)
Sunday June 25, 2006 - 59 US$ per person
Tour the ancient port of Jaffa and the modern metropolis of Tel Aviv before visiting Caesarea, with its Roman Theater and Crusader Fortress. Then to the modern port of Haifa atop Mt Carmel.
Tour 4 - Massada and the Dead Sea (full day)
Sunday June 25, 2006 - 69 US$ per personHead down to the lowest place on earth and explore the rock fortress/palace of Massada. Then relax at a Dead Sea Spa and swim (float) in the Dead Sea. (Return before Shabbat).
(09:00-16:00 - lunch included)
Tour 5 - The Galilee (full day)
Sunday June 25, 2006 - 69 US$ per person[Jewish oriented tour]
Head north to a region that is rich in magnificent views, fascinating flora and fauna, and is home to so much history and religion. (Return before Shabbat).
(07:00-16:00 - lunch included)
Tour 6 - Massada and the Dead Sea (full day)
Friday June 30, 2006 - 69 US$ per person
Head down to the lowest place on earth and explore the rock fortress/palace of Massada. Then relax at a Dead Sea Spa and swim (float) in the Dead Sea.
(09:00-17:00 - lunch included)
Tour 7 - The Galilee (full day)
Friday June 30, 2006 - 69 US$ per person
[Christian/Muslim oriented tour]
Head north to a region that is rich in magnificent views, fascinating flora and fauna, and is home to so much history and religion.
(09:00-19:00 - lunch included)
Tour 8 - Massada and the Dead Sea (full day)
Saturday, July 1, 2006 - 69 US$ per personHead down to the lowest place on earth and explore the rock fortress/palace of Massada. Then relax at a Dead Sea Spa and swim (float) in the Dead Sea.
(09:00-17:00 - lunch included)
Tour 9 - Tel Aviv, Jaffa, Caesarea and Haifa (full day)
Saturday, July 1, 2006 - 59 US$ per personTour the ancient port of Jaffa and the modern metropolis of Tel Aviv before visiting Caesarea, with its Roman Theater and Crusader Fortress. Then to the modern port of Haifa atop Mt Carmel.

CYRUS:See you guys there :)


Puttin' in Face Time
Oct 8, 2003

Is this what you've been spending all of your energy on, the best example you can come up with is what amounts to a few bucks by tour operators who are marketing to educators attending a conference on teaching about the Holocaust?

You are such a pathetic fool!

I mean, do you expect people NOT to teach about the holocaust after the last survivors die? DO you expect the people housing conference attendees not to profit from them like they do for any other guests? You think $70 US per day is outrageous, or that this is the Holocaust industry?

Cyrus, you should go! You have a lot to learn.


Puttin' in Face Time
Oct 8, 2003
Oh, and credit where credit is due

YOU HAVE FINALLY ADMITTED THAT YOU HAVE DELIBERATELY DECEIVED YOUR FANS. Good for you. You might want to continue the theme and just admit that you're full of the stinky brown.


New member
Jun 29, 2003
DATYdude said:
YOU HAVE FINALLY ADMITTED THAT YOU HAVE DELIBERATELY DECEIVED YOUR FANS. Good for you. You might want to continue the theme and just admit that you're full of the stinky brown.
I thought to let you know just incase U might be interested to register . . . as I am sure having 100's of museums and 1000's of books as well as the support of major Hollywood studio’s, with a movie or two every other year ant enough to educate populace on the subject thus we must create dynamic new methods of teaching [manipulating] this subject to the next generation [While we are busy milking the "cows" for a few more Bucks]

“ the years pass and the number of survivors shrink it is vital for our collective memory to create dynamic new methods of teaching this subject.”
Dr. Motti Shalem, Director, International school for holocaust


Puttin' in Face Time
Oct 8, 2003
That's one way of looking at it.

Another way to look at it is this:

1. Millions of our people died in part because of the inhumanity and ignorance of their killers, those who supported them, and the masses who were too spellbound, ignorant, or apathetic to do anything to stop it. This should never happen again, and it is OUR RESPONSIBILITY to teach the world about it, WHETHER THEY WANT TO HEAR ABOUT IT OR NOT.

2. As people hear about the Holocaust over and over they become inured to it, begin to tire of it, and begin to forget the scope and magnitude of it as a crime, and then distance themselves from it, as though it is some distant event only spoken of by very old people or on TV or in a movie as if it's fiction. We must fight this by learning new ways of teaching about the Holocaust which engage people and make it immediate so that it's relevance is not lost by its repetition or the passage of time.

WHAT IS WRONG WITH THAT? THERE IS NO MANIPULATION OF THE TRUTH, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. YOu begin with the idea that the Jews are manipulating the truth of the Holocaust and then ascribe the manipulation to all the Jews' actions. Hey maybe your premise is wrong, genius...

I'd go on the tour for sure, not for the conference though, would love to go back to Israel for the fun of it, beautiful beaches, super sexy women, great party town in Tel AViv, great food etc...

Personally I find the Holocaust stuff too much of a downer, I'd pass. I know enough about it to know not to engage in another one, and I'm not a teacher.

And BTW F-U for all your garbage holocaust denial stuff. Most of my family (my grandparents' genaration, those who stayed) was killed, and I had two teachers as a child with numbers tatooed on their arms from the camps who made the political very personal for me. These teachers were just little girls when this was done to them, their parents killed not long after. And here you are more than 60 years later spewing your hatred and lies.



Puttin' in Face Time
Oct 8, 2003
Freedom of speech be damned.

I am publicly asking the moderators that his thread be closed before cyrus can post a response to my last post. Enough is enough. Let's move on.

Here's the text of my message to the Mod:

***I'm tired of dealing with cyrus' BS on the "Holocaust industry thread" and ask please that you close it, for what it's worth.

I know it's my choice to not look at it, and I know it's your choice to do what you want on your board.

As a reasonable and respectful member of the board, I'm just asking that's all.

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