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Is there a Holocaust Industry?

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Unstable Element
Jan 15, 2004
In a very dark place
Be careul what you say

Von Wigglestaff said:
The Jews have always been an industrious and resourcefull people; and for thier success they were subjected to pogroms by their neighbours. In areas where liberalism and tolerance was the rule, they helped build great cities (Amsterdan, Berlin).

What rankled most in the minds of the Nazis, who were themselves the dregs of German society, was that Berlin could not have become the great city that it was/is without the Jews. During the Renaissance, Berlin was an insignificant shithole that the Prussians wanted no part of. It was only after the Duke of Brandenburg gave refuge to the refugees of the religious wars ( a large number of them being Jews from other parts of Central Europe) that the city began to prosper.

As for the continual barrage of Holocaust films; remember that the movie industry is their industry. The believed and nurtured it at a time when Christian businessmen thought it sleazy and beneath them. They can produce the types of films that they want.

And Munich is the movie of the year.
Say it isn't so. You better watch your step because the media in the US goes to great lengths to tell us that they are not controlled by Jews. And now you tell us that the movie industry is their industry. Confusing. You should all be reading from the same script. Hey, script, like in movies oh my God its everywhere. Not that there is anything wrong with that. :p


New member
Jun 29, 2003
LancsLad said:
Say it isn't so. You better watch your step because the media in the US goes to great lengths to tell us that they are not controlled by Jews. And now you tell us that the movie industry is their industry. Confusing. You should all be reading from the same script. Hey, script, like in movies oh my God its everywhere. Not that there is anything wrong with that. :p
Why are you playing around the bushes?
Why would you even try to deny what every other person knows it very well that is true . . .?
You have to understand that no one here or any where else in the world would have a problem with any Jew owing high profile enterprises or profiting from their own assets
Other wise it would be like saying that poor people in general are very jealous of wealthy people, thus they go around and rub them blind, all the time that is pure crap and you know it!

The protest most people have is with the fact that Elite Jews put their Jewish ness above everything else and take advantage of their privileges at the expense of less prosperous people that is highly racist and offensive. Why is this so difficult to understand?

Why is it so difficult to say that it is not righteous for Radical Elite Jews?
1-To scam & swindle profit out of Holocaust

Why is so difficult for you to say that it is not acceptable?

2-To popularize the suffering of the Jews for cynical reasons . . .

Why can't they play with same rules like other influential people? After all, they are not the only people who have influence over others! That is what I am trying so hard to understand!


Puttin' in Face Time
Oct 8, 2003

I hear ya, but I don't agree except that it may be fair to make a very loose statement like "some of the critics of Israel have unfairly been labelled anti-semitic" and "some Jews unfairly get their backs up when someone like Chomsky defends the right of a holocaust denier to publish his views".

Look, you kill 6 million (or 5.1 million, or 1 million or whatever) of any group just because of who they happen to be (by birth or culture or whatever), and hey, they just might be a little sensitive about those who would deny it happened, minimize what happened, or espouse views ever barely resembling those of the perpetrators. Go figure.

Actually the Chomsky case is a little different because Faurisson used Chomsky's introduction (defending free speech) with permission but Chomsky had not asked what the book was about.

When he was scolded about "defending" Faurisson, he said something to the effect that freedom of speech isn't reserved for speech you like, it's precisely for speech you DON'T like.

To say that the Holocaust has become an industry and that it has been exploited for profit is an EXTREMELY UGLY ACCUSATION, really among the worst sort of anti-semitic comment.

OK you'd like to forget that it happened and just feel GOOD! OK you'd like the Jews to stop going ON AND ON AND ON about it. Sorry, not going to happen. I agree it has led to a victim's mentality among some Jews but that is changing, if slowly among some people. We were victims for a long time. Many recognize that it's time to move from "OY" to "JOY".

Don't forget that for every Jew talking about the holocaust there's one working for social justice. For every Jewish banker there's a Jewish communist. And for every asshole settler who believes the Arabs are scum there's a human rights worker. You can't pin us down, we're a diverse bunch.


Sr. Member
Aug 6, 2002
cyrus said:
Why can't they play with same rules like other influential people?
Gonna have to explain this one to me. What are the rules, and what influential people are you referring to?


New member
Jun 29, 2003
DATYdude said:
I hear ya, but I don't agree except that it may be fair to make a very loose statement like "some of the critics of Israel have unfairly been labelled anti-semitic" and "some Jews unfairly get their backs up when someone like Chomsky defends the right of a holocaust denier to publish his views".

Look, you kill 6 million (or 5.1 million, or 1 million or whatever) of any group just because of who they happen to be (by birth or culture or whatever), and hey, they just might be a little sensitive about those who would deny it happened, minimize what happened, or espouse views ever barely resembling those of the perpetrators. Go figure.

Actually the Chomsky case is a little different because Faurisson used Chomsky's introduction (defending free speech) with permission but Chomsky had not asked what the book was about.

When he was scolded about "defending" Faurisson, he said something to the effect that freedom of speech isn't reserved for speech you like, it's precisely for speech you DON'T like.

To say that the Holocaust has become an industry and that it has been exploited for profit is an EXTREMELY UGLY ACCUSATION, really among the worst sort of anti-semitic comment.

OK you'd like to forget that it happened and just feel GOOD! OK you'd like the Jews to stop going ON AND ON AND ON about it. Sorry, not going to happen. I agree it has led to a victim's mentality among some Jews but that is changing, if slowly among some people. We were victims for a long time. Many recognize that it's time to move from "OY" to "JOY".

Don't forget that for every Jew talking about the holocaust there's one working for social justice. For every Jewish banker there's a Jewish communist. And for every asshole settler who believes the Arabs are scum there's a human rights worker. You can't pin us down, we're a diverse bunch.
Wow . . .Now you start making some sense :)


Puttin' in Face Time
Oct 8, 2003

You're not trying hard to understand anything.

And don't call me a hypocrite.

I want concrete examples of:

"Elite Jews put their Jewish ness above everything else" (also you could explain why this is bad).

"and take advantage of their privileges"

"at the expense of less prosperous people that is highly racist and offensive"

"Radical Elite Jews?" Who, specifically?

"scam & swindle profit out of Holocaust" examples please! Alright, other than the lawyers in the Swiss Bank case, that was some docket!

"To popularize the suffering of the Jews for cynical reasons" You talking about Schindler's List? Is your characterization the only valid way of seeing this?

"Why can't they play with same rules like other influential people?" What the HELL are you talking about??? Rules? Jews "play" by different rules?


New member
Jun 29, 2003
Asterix said:
Gonna have to explain this one to me. What are the rules, and what influential people are you referring to?
Thank you, I sure will do!

The rules are simple;
Be moral & ethical
Be courteous and sensitive to the position of others
If you have to push, if you have to influence, then do it as an exception to the rule & NOT the rule itself.


Puttin' in Face Time
Oct 8, 2003
Don't suck up to me cyrus

After calling me a hypocrite.

What you refuse to do is show any recognition of the nuance in the world.

Palestinians have suffered but their ills are not entirely the fault of the west or the Jews.

It's time for people to take some responsibility for themselves and to stop blaming others, and that goes for everyone.

And until you show a little intellectual honesty as opposed to being a propagandist of the most meagre kind, I can only try to show those who are prone to believing any opinion that's not mainstream -- however intellectually void it happens to be -- that it ain't necessarily so.

It burns me that rather than concede ANY point you just move along to the next piece of propaganda. That just shows how little place truth has in your agenda.


Sr. Member
Aug 6, 2002
cyrus said:
Thank you, I sure will do!

The rules are simple;
Be moral & ethical
Be courteous and sensitive to the position of others
If you have to push, if you have to influence, then do it as an exception to the rule & NOT the rule itself.
OK. So your position is that influential Jews do not play by these rules, and other influential people, who you have yet to describe, do. Do I understand you correctly?


Puttin' in Face Time
Oct 8, 2003
The rules of influential people

"The rules are simple;
Be moral & ethical
Be courteous and sensitive to the position of others
If you have to push, if you have to influence, then do it as an exception to the rule & NOT the rule itself."

Please show me how it is that

1. Jews (I believe your term is "Radical Elite Jews" but I'm not sure who they are) fail to observe these rules. (And since you generalize I will need you to show that "all", "nearly all", "most", or even "many" show this behaviour.)

2. Non-Jews observe these so-called rules.

I'll forget the fact that your rules are undefinable.


New member
Jun 29, 2003
Asterix said:
OK. So your position is that influential Jews do not play by these rules, and other influential people, who you have yet to describe, do. Do I understand you correctly?
I am saying that "Influential Jews" break the rules just one too many times!


New member
Jun 29, 2003
DATYdude said:
After calling me a hypocrite.

What you refuse to do is show any recognition of the nuance in the world.

Palestinians have suffered but their ills are not entirely the fault of the west or the Jews.

It's time for people to take some responsibility for themselves and to stop blaming others, and that goes for everyone.

And until you show a little intellectual honesty as opposed to being a propagandist of the most meagre kind, I can only try to show those who are prone to believing any opinion that's not mainstream -- however intellectually void it happens to be -- that it ain't necessarily so.

It burns me that rather than concede ANY point you just move along to the next piece of propaganda. That just shows how little place truth has in your agenda.
“Don't suck up to me cyrus”

such up to you . . right!!!
That would be a day! :rolleyes:

As for your Jewish ness, it should be very obvious to anyone with even a bit of graciousness that there is no merit in discussing this issue with you any further as you are just beyond any rational redemption as far as I am concerned !


Sr. Member
Aug 6, 2002
cyrus said:
I am saying that "Influential Jews" break the rules just one too many times!
Excuse me, but you're being evasive. I assume by influential, you mean moneyed. What other people so described play by these "rules" with any more integrity or honesty; tell me who they are, and why you feel the need to define this in terms of religion or race?


New member
Jul 6, 2002
at the Y between heaven and hell
I grew up in post WWII Germany and , after having studied the works and lives of some of the great philosophers of Greece and Rome in Jesuit school , began to realize that nothing is absolute , i.e. everything is subject to interpretation according to the mores of the moment we live in .....

Why does the holocaust ( does it really make a qualitative diff if there were 6 m or 1m victims ??? ) deserve to rank on a separate scale from the other horrors of recent history like the Armenian massacres of 1915 or the so-called "Indian Wars" in our own backyard ??? Or if that goes back too far for your taste : how about the ethic cleansing in Rwanda and East Timor just a few years ago ?

Seems we as a society , haven't learned much , have we ?
And chances are we never will.................


New member
Jul 6, 2002
at the Y between heaven and hell
I grew up in post WWII Germany and , after having studied the works and lives of some of the great philosophers of Greece and Rome in Jesuit school , began to realize that nothing is absolute , i.e. everything is subject to interpretation according to the mores of the moment we live in .....

Why does the holocaust ( does it really make a qualitative diff if there were 6 m or however many victims ??? ) deserve to rank on a separate scale from the other horrors of recent history like the Armenian massacres of 1915 or the so-called "Indian Wars" in our own backyard ??? Or if that goes back too far for your taste : how about the ethnic cleansing in Rwanda and East Timor just a few years ago ?

Seems we as a society haven't learnt much , have we ?
And chances are we never will.................


New member
Jun 29, 2003
Asterix said:
Excuse me, but you're being evasive. I assume by influential, you mean moneyed. What other people so described play by these "rules" with any more integrity or honesty, tell me who they are, and why you feel the need to define this in terms of religion or race?
This is very clear;
I am saying that "Influential Jews" break the rules just one too many times!

If you don’t know what I am talking about, then lets not play with words and waste each other's time,then let it be so.

Thou shalt not kill.
Thou shalt not commit adultery.
Thou shalt not steal.
Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour.
Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's house
thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's wife
nor his manservant
nor his maidservant
nor his ox
nor his ass
nor any thing that is thy neighbour's.


Sr. Member
Aug 6, 2002
cyrus said:
Lets not play with words and waste each other's time, if you don’t know what I am talking about, then let it be so.

Thou shalt not kill.
Thou shalt not commit adultery.
Thou shalt not steal.
Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour.
Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's house
thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's wife
nor his manservant
nor his maidservant
nor his ox
nor his ass
nor any thing that is thy neighbour's.
Pick up the ball and go home. I asked you to describe who you were comparing one group to, and why they violated your "rules" more than another. You've provided nothing to answer my question, or substantiate your statement. Your choice.


New member
Jun 29, 2003
DATYdude said:
"The rules are simple;
Be moral & ethical
Be courteous and sensitive to the position of others
If you have to push, if you have to influence, then do it as an exception to the rule & NOT the rule itself."

I'll forget the fact that your rules are undefinable.
What do you think all these means? literally or metaphorically speaking, since you are such a good Jew!
Thou shalt not kill.
Thou shalt not commit adultery.
Thou shalt not steal.
Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour.
Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's house
thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's wife
nor his manservant
nor his maidservant
nor his ox
nor his ass
nor any thing that is thy neighbour's.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
cyrus said:
The rules are simple;
Be moral & ethical
Be courteous and sensitive to the position of others
If you have to push, if you have to influence, then do it as an exception to the rule & NOT the rule itself.
Find me a person who got rich and I'll show you someone who didn't follow your rules, whether Christian, Moslem, Jewish, or Zorastrian.

cyrus said:
Thou shalt not kill....
nor any thing that is thy neighbour's.
What does this have to do with you, as you don't perscribe to the religions that base their practices on the ten commandments? Each person has the right (at least here) to choose their own moral basis, either religious or not, within the limits of our laws.

Yes, Jews have made a big issue of the Holocaust. Are they to blame because they have fixated on an event which wiped out somewhere between a third and half their population? And yes, the Hollywood scene had Jews play a major role in the development of the film industry. Put two and two together, Jewish people in the film industry can promote the movies they want. If you don't like it, don't go.

It would be useful to be aware of other genocides that have gone on and are currently going on. For instance, the Star had an article this weekend on the Tamil Tigers and the conflict in Sri Lanka but just as most non-Jewish Canadians have little tolerance for hearing about the Holocaust, most non-Tami/Sinhalese Canadians care little for the suffering in Sri Lanka or non-(any group) Canadians care little about the plight of others, unless it gives them something that supports their world view (by "joining the fight" or complaining about it).

Daty stated it clearly. Some Jews are unethical cheats, some aren't, just like is true in any culture. Cyrus, stop your anti-semitic generalizations, debate the topics on hand (including supporting arguements with facts), and you might have the credibility and sensibility that Eli has shown in this thread.


Sr. Member
Aug 6, 2002
cyrus said:
What do you think all these means? literally or metaphorically speaking, since you are such a good Jew!
Presbyterian actually, by family tradition anyway. Didn't take really, but then the ministers didn't try much to play to the faithful. My confusion is why you feel the Jews should be held to a higher standard when "influential", then others, still unnamed.
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