In the 21st century, anti-Zionism means anti-Semitism


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Exactly. You desperately make excuses to avoid criticizing when Palestinians (or any other anti-Israel group) do something bad.
Killing tourists? No issue. Shooting up a patio? No issue. Gunning down drivers? Well it's their own fault for being Jews in the West Bank. Deep seated anti-Jewish racism from Palestinian leaders? Not a problem. Continually rejecting and obstructing the possibility of peace talks? It's Israel's fault.
The Italian tourist was killed by the IDF, he was shot, not hit by a car.
Tourists? One of your tourists was here to join the National Guard.
Get your facts right, then discuss how many people on both sides are getting killed.
Otherwise you're just here celebrating settler colonialism and violence.

The outrage is that there is still a 53 year old, violent occupation and colonization still ongoing and that foreigners are there as 'tourists'.
End the occupation and/or apartheid then bring over tourists, don't put them in danger in an occupied foreign country.

Nobody should be killed on either side.
End the occupation.
End apartheid.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Wow Your arguments are pathetic strawmen to try and cover for your own hatreds.

I have to give your source credit because unlike you, they admit that over half were members of what Canada sees as terrorist groups. Add in that many of the civilians were killed in gun battles with Israelis or during terror attacks.
Palestinians have a right to self defence, basketcase.
Its just more of your apartheid that you claim they are terrorists for using the right to self defence under an occupation.



Well-known member
Dec 31, 2022
Like when I asked you to comment on Palestinians overwhelmingly opposing a One State peace?
Why would you expect me to answer what you refused to? We are all still waiting for you to answer In a way other than a western elite.


Well-known member
Jan 31, 2014
But you were asked a question and now you are running. Be a good boy and answer.
Firstly I didn't ask you anything, nor am I interested in your questions nor answers. Secondly, my question was for Franky and he doesn't get to answer with a question.


Well-known member
Dec 31, 2022
Firstly I didn't ask you anything, nor am I interested in your questions nor answers. Secondly, my question was for Franky and he doesn't get to answer with a question.
You’ve got to stop running, little guy.


Well-known member
Jan 31, 2014
You’ve got to stop running, little guy.
ROTFLMFAO!!!!! Never shed a tear at the grave of terrorist protecting Jew hater.



Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
The late Rachel Corrie like most pro-palestinian types she supports terrorists so what else is new?

The verdict handed down today by a Haifa court in the lawsuit filed by the parents of Rachel Corrie will be denounced by Israel-bashers everywhere, and taken as confirmation of their dim view of the country’s justice system. For them, Corrie, a 23-year-old member of the International Solidarity Movement who was killed in 2003, is a martyr to the cause of peace and freedom for the Palestinians. They continue to believe Corrie was deliberately run over by an Israeli bulldozer knocking down the homes of innocent Arabs. But, as the court rightly pointed out, the truth is that though her death was regrettable, it was an accident caused by her own rash behavior.

The structures that she was attempting to protect by lying down in front of a bulldozer were fronts for tunnels along the border between Egypt and Gaza through which munitions and explosives intended to kill innocent Israelis were being smuggled. Even more to the point, the idea that Corrie was in Gaza to promote peace is a myth. The purpose of the International Solidarity Movement’s activities in Gaza was to shield Hamas and Fatah terrorists and to prevent the Israel Defense Forces from carrying out measures intended to stop the flow of arms and terrorist activity. If Corrie’s parents, who have pursued efforts to hold the state of Israel responsible for her death, should sue anyone it is the group that led the foolish American to Gaza and deliberately placed her in harm’s way.

Over the past decade, pro-Palestinian groups and activists have done their best to burnish Corrie’s legend as an American idealist whose death shone a spotlight on Israeli evil. Her diary was adapted by actor Alan Rickman and Katherine Viner into a play–“My Name is Rachel Corrie”–which earned raves in London and a slightly less enthusiastic reception in New York. The play was the centerpiece of a propaganda campaign aimed at convincing the world that Israel was committing barbarous acts in Gaza against helpless people.

But the truth about the International Solidarity Movement was something very different than what has been depicted on stage. Rather than advocating a two-state solution, the group is opposed to the existence of the State of Israel and opposes all measures of self-defense on the part of the Jewish state. What was going on in Gaza during Corrie’s time there was a terrorist war of attrition in which Palestinians sought to bring Israel to its knees with a campaign of suicide bombings and other attacks which, over the course of the second intifada, took the lives of over 1,000 Israelis. You hear nothing about this in “My Name is Rachel Corrie” or any of the accounts of her activities by her fans. Nor do you see the Rachel Corrie captured in a photo of her at the time, face contorted by rage as she joins Palestinians in burning an American flag.

But, as British journalist Tom Gross memorably wrote back in 2005 in his piece, “The Forgotten Rachels,” those promoting the cult of Rachel Corrie don’t seem to care about the Jewish girls by the same name who were slaughtered by the terrorists the ISM activist sought to shield.

As for the particulars of the incident, Corrie’s death was unfortunate. But, as the judge said in his verdict, her death was an accident that occurred during “a military activity meant to prevent terrorist activity.” As the Times of Israel noted:

The commander of the troops on the scene, an infantry major, testified last year that the activists had ignored repeated warnings to leave and were endangering his troops. “It was a war zone,” he told the court. The judge repeated that description in Tuesday’s decision, saying that from the outbreak of violence in September, 2000, and until the day of Corrie’s death Israeli forces counted some 6,000 hand grenades thrown at them in the area, as well as 1,400 shooting attacks, 150 explosive devices, 200 anti-tank rockets and more than 40 instances of mortar fire.
As the judge said in his verdict: “She chose to put herself in danger. She could have easily distanced herself from the danger like any reasonable person would.”

The Jewish Rachels who died at the hands of Ms. Corrie’s Palestinian friends had no such chance. They were blown up or shot by Palestinians with munitions like those smuggled in the same tunnels that Corrie was protecting, while driving in a car, sitting in a pizza parlor, waiting for a bus, shopping in a grocery store or just sitting in their own home. But there are no plays about them.

Rachel Corrie should not have put herself in front of a bulldozer in the middle of the confusion of a military action in a war zone in which she was taking a side. Her death was as unnecessary as the intifada itself. Had the Palestinians accepted Israel’s offers of an independent state in 2000 and 2001 (and repeated and turned down again in 2008), there would have been no need for any hostilities in Gaza. But they chose war instead of peace and were aided by fools like Corrie in this futile endeavor. Peace will never come to the Middle East so long as Palestinians devoted to destroying Israel can count on the support of Western elites and pilgrims like Corrie to support their murderous activities.

Rachel Corrie Was No Peace Activist - Jonathan S. Tobin, Commentary Magazine


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
ROTFLMFAO!!!!! Never shed a tear at the grave of terrorist protecting Jew hater.

The late Rachel Corrie like most pro-palestinian types she supports terrorists so what else is new?
Oh what a surprise!
You both think it was right that Israel killed an american kid who was protesting for human rights cuz 'antisemitism' or something.

So killing civilians is ok if you think they are racist?

What did basketcase say about people with your attititudes?

Only racist scum think self defence includes attacking civilians who were not engaged in acts of violence.
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Well-known member
Dec 31, 2022
ROTFLMFAO!!!!! Never shed a tear at the grave of terrorist protecting Jew hater.

NOTHING justifies targeting of unarmed civilians. NOTHING. You would do well to remember that while living peacefully in Canada. Anyone who does is a fucking kook.
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Well-known member
Dec 31, 2022
The late Rachel Corrie like most pro-palestinian types she supports terrorists so what else is new?

The verdict handed down today by a Haifa court in the lawsuit filed by the parents of Rachel Corrie will be denounced by Israel-bashers everywhere, and taken as confirmation of their dim view of the country’s justice system. For them, Corrie, a 23-year-old member of the International Solidarity Movement who was killed in 2003, is a martyr to the cause of peace and freedom for the Palestinians. They continue to believe Corrie was deliberately run over by an Israeli bulldozer knocking down the homes of innocent Arabs. But, as the court rightly pointed out, the truth is that though her death was regrettable, it was an accident caused by her own rash behavior.

The structures that she was attempting to protect by lying down in front of a bulldozer were fronts for tunnels along the border between Egypt and Gaza through which munitions and explosives intended to kill innocent Israelis were being smuggled. Even more to the point, the idea that Corrie was in Gaza to promote peace is a myth. The purpose of the International Solidarity Movement’s activities in Gaza was to shield Hamas and Fatah terrorists and to prevent the Israel Defense Forces from carrying out measures intended to stop the flow of arms and terrorist activity. If Corrie’s parents, who have pursued efforts to hold the state of Israel responsible for her death, should sue anyone it is the group that led the foolish American to Gaza and deliberately placed her in harm’s way.

Over the past decade, pro-Palestinian groups and activists have done their best to burnish Corrie’s legend as an American idealist whose death shone a spotlight on Israeli evil. Her diary was adapted by actor Alan Rickman and Katherine Viner into a play–“My Name is Rachel Corrie”–which earned raves in London and a slightly less enthusiastic reception in New York. The play was the centerpiece of a propaganda campaign aimed at convincing the world that Israel was committing barbarous acts in Gaza against helpless people.

But the truth about the International Solidarity Movement was something very different than what has been depicted on stage. Rather than advocating a two-state solution, the group is opposed to the existence of the State of Israel and opposes all measures of self-defense on the part of the Jewish state. What was going on in Gaza during Corrie’s time there was a terrorist war of attrition in which Palestinians sought to bring Israel to its knees with a campaign of suicide bombings and other attacks which, over the course of the second intifada, took the lives of over 1,000 Israelis. You hear nothing about this in “My Name is Rachel Corrie” or any of the accounts of her activities by her fans. Nor do you see the Rachel Corrie captured in a photo of her at the time, face contorted by rage as she joins Palestinians in burning an American flag.

But, as British journalist Tom Gross memorably wrote back in 2005 in his piece, “The Forgotten Rachels,” those promoting the cult of Rachel Corrie don’t seem to care about the Jewish girls by the same name who were slaughtered by the terrorists the ISM activist sought to shield.

As for the particulars of the incident, Corrie’s death was unfortunate. But, as the judge said in his verdict, her death was an accident that occurred during “a military activity meant to prevent terrorist activity.” As the Times of Israel noted:

As the judge said in his verdict: “She chose to put herself in danger. She could have easily distanced herself from the danger like any reasonable person would.”

The Jewish Rachels who died at the hands of Ms. Corrie’s Palestinian friends had no such chance. They were blown up or shot by Palestinians with munitions like those smuggled in the same tunnels that Corrie was protecting, while driving in a car, sitting in a pizza parlor, waiting for a bus, shopping in a grocery store or just sitting in their own home. But there are no plays about them.

Rachel Corrie should not have put herself in front of a bulldozer in the middle of the confusion of a military action in a war zone in which she was taking a side. Her death was as unnecessary as the intifada itself. Had the Palestinians accepted Israel’s offers of an independent state in 2000 and 2001 (and repeated and turned down again in 2008), there would have been no need for any hostilities in Gaza. But they chose war instead of peace and were aided by fools like Corrie in this futile endeavor. Peace will never come to the Middle East so long as Palestinians devoted to destroying Israel can count on the support of Western elites and pilgrims like Corrie to support their murderous activities.

Rachel Corrie Was No Peace Activist - Jonathan S. Tobin, Commentary Magazine
When are you going to stop running from this? We need to get an explanation as to why the soldier just stood by while the Christian was spat on. Systemic racism is a huge problem in Israel.



Well-known member
Jan 31, 2014
Oh what a surprise!
You both think it was right that Israel killed an american kid who was protesting for human rights cuz 'antisemitism' or something.

So killing civilians is ok if you think they are racist?

What did basketcase say about people with your attititudes?
No, killing American civilians protecting terror tunnels is not only a OK, it's a good and righteous cause. I know you'd be outraged, she, too, defended terrorism. Birds of the feather, Franky, birds of the feather....


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
Oh what a surprise!
You both think it was right that Israel killed an american kid who was protesting for human rights cuz 'antisemitism' or something.

So killing civilians is ok if you think they are racist?

What did basketcase say about people with your attititudes?

Franky' anti-jewish and terror supporting posts. I post these everytime Franky slander and lie about me

promoting a youtube channel that promotes holocaust denialism, anti-semitic claims of jewish control, the khazaria myth, and terror apologism

franky used an anti-semitic term "Jewish Supremacy" which is used by white supremacists, neo nazis and other anti-jewish types to demonize jews

quoting the Palestinian Centre for Human Right who are linked to the PLPF terrorist organization

quoting btselem an anti-semitic website who was caught hiring holocaust deniers

franky again quoting from btselem who hires holocaust deniers using the anti-semitic term "Jewish Supremacy

racist towards me saying blacks cannot defend israel ignoeing the fact that over 180,000 black people reside in israel which includes 25,000
black americans. quoting jewish voice for peace that supports terrorism and was busted citing neo nazi and white supremacists websites

claiming that black persons cannot support Israel that have over 180,000 black people living there

justifying terrorists attacks against israeli and jewish civilians

supports the anti-jewish vandalizing of a business owned by a Jewish man and making excuses for it

promoting the ethnic cleansing of Jews from the region.

apologist for hamas the terror group

defending the PLFP terror group

refuses to condemn anti-jewish hate crimes commited by anti-jewish gangs

refuses to condemn the anti-semitic attacks on jewish shoppers at a supermaket in Thornhill, Ontario Canada.

franky continues to sink deeper and deeper into anti-jewish terrorism. franky defends a mapping project in Massacheusets
anti-jewish activists create a list of jewish organzations for anti-semitic purposes

more anti-black racism

supports and defend anti-semitic actions at the University of Wisconsin

franky butturt at the definition of anti-semitism because he is one

franky defends a terrorist that was killed in a shootout with the IDF

defends hamas claiming that it is islamophobic to call hamas terrrorists

defending an anti-semitic terror supporting rally

defending a terrorist attack against a security guard(security guards are civilians)

still refuses to condemn hamas

post anti-black racism to deflect rom his support for terrorists and anti-jewish hate crimes

justified the murder of a security guard

franky resorts to slander defending the Fatah organization who admitted that they are a terrorist organization

continue to lie and slander

still lying and slander

still defending hamas

franky saying the intafada(terrorism and against israelis and jews) is resistance

defending a voilent anti-semitic organization "Within our lifetime"

defending hamas again

defending Rabab Abdulhadi, a San Francisco State University associate professor with a history of expressing support for terrorist groups

defending PFLP Terrorist organization

defending the Fatah organization that recently called for terrorist attacks against Israel

Franky defending the terrorists that were killed after shooting at the IDF

Franky defending an anti-jewish hate crime vandalism

citing an anti-semitic, terrorist supporter Sana Saeed

defending terrorist organzation calling themselves the lions den

refusing to condemn anti-jewish hate crimes in New York

Justifying the murder of civilians

franky supports the right of palestinians to commit terrorism against jews and israelis

justifying the killing of Israeli Civilians

franky's continued justification for terrorist attacks


Well-known member
Dec 31, 2022
No, killing American civilians protecting terror tunnels is not only a OK, it's a good and righteous cause. I know you'd be outraged, she, too, defended terrorism. Birds of the feather, Franky, birds of the feather....
NOTHING justifies targeting of unarmed civilians. NOTHING. You would do well to remember that while living peacefully in Canada. Anyone who does is a fucking kook.
Clueless. A self identified kook.


Well-known member
Jan 31, 2014


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
No, killing American civilians protecting terror tunnels is not only a OK, it's a good and righteous cause. I know you'd be outraged, she, too, defended terrorism. Birds of the feather, Franky, birds of the feather....
Rachel Corrie was an American civilian.
She was unarmed and not part of any active militant actions.

NOTHING justifies targeting of unarmed civilians. NOTHING. You would do well to remember that while living peacefully in Canada. Anyone who does is a fucking kook.
Supporting her death makes you a 'fucking kook' by your own terms.
Feel free to take this post to the mods.
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