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I think the Freedom Convoy may have already accomplished something…


Everyone's hero's, tell everyone's lies.
Jun 1, 2006
Which they spend on new drilling and exploration, aquisitions, new land lease, dividends to shareholders or debt reduction
They do not spending $ promoting ideology
Yes. They. Do. They fund all all kinds of right wing propaganda. Ask Ben Shapiro. He is backed by North Dakota Oil.

I don’t mind you having a different opinion, but blatant lies seriously make me wonder. You never seem to participate in any other discussions on the board, and yet go all in here. Hmmm.


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
You had god damn better have proof if you are going to call me a liar
Provide that proof , aplogise or get lost
Use the defense:"It is not a lie when I believe it is true"


Everyone's hero's, tell everyone's lies.
Jun 1, 2006
You had god damn better have proof if you are going to call me a liar
Provide that proof , aplogise or get lost
A liar? If I were a mod I would have labelled you a troll account long ago. Come here pushing a bullshit agenda.

You are actually suggesting the Oil companies do not spend money lobbying politicians? Or contributing to “charities” that in turn spend money politically? You act like “Dark Money” was never written, or the nobody has ever read it. Apologize? How about stop insulting our intelligence.


Everyone's hero's, tell everyone's lies.
Jun 1, 2006
Here’s a website the board members can peruse in their leisure.

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Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
Yes. They. Do. They fund all all kinds of right wing propaganda. Ask Ben Shapiro. He is backed by North Dakota Oil.

I don’t mind you having a different opinion, but blatant lies seriously make me wonder. You never seem to participate in any other discussions on the board, and yet go all in here. Hmmm.
Thats your proof?
What did they give him, $10-20 K tops
Ben Shaprio is on record as saying he beleives AGW

I don’t mind you having a different opinion, but blatant abandonment of common sense seriously make me wonder.

You never seem to participate in any other discussions on the board, and yet go all in here. Hmmm.
Oh boy
I understand the physics of IR absorption by organic molecules, so I know psudeo science whan I see it
I am also very convinced the foolish "Net Zero" ideology will lead to needless sufferng and misery for hundreds of millions of people
This plan is already starting fall appart
Do not blame me for calling out stupidity

So if you are a conspracy nutter who thinks all opposition to net zero & AGW is driven by "oil money" , I can assure you nobody pays me for my views


His most imperial galactic atheistic majesty.
Mar 8, 2017
By disgracing Terry Fox. I'm guessing they"ll go after Tommy Douglass next on their way back.
Well I have seen a clip of Tommy saying Homosexuality was a mental illness. Granted by the standards of the day it's better than thinking they were depraved abomination against god which was the style of the time, but I guess woke rules don't often apply to icons of the left like our black Prime Minister, or at least very inconsistently.


Everyone's hero's, tell everyone's lies.
Jun 1, 2006
Thats your proof?
What did they give him, $10-20 K tops
Ben Shaprio is on record as saying he beleives AGW

I don’t mind you having a different opinion, but blatant abandonment of common sense seriously make me wonder.

Oh boy
I understand the physics of IR absorption by organic molecules, so I know psudeo science whan I see it
I am also very convinced the foolish "Net Zero" ideology will lead to needless sufferng and misery for hundreds of millions of people
This plan is already starting fall appart
Do not blame me for calling out stupidity

So if you are a conspracy nutter who thinks all opposition to net zero & AGW is driven by "oil money" , I can assure you nobody pays me for my views
Ben Shapiro believes a bunch of Bs…. That is true. It’s the funding he (and other right wingers) attract. Stating he believes AWG is not denying he takes money from oil companies, and it’s to push an ideology. Oil companies are not funding David Suzuki.

And the Koch brothers actually host secret meeting with politicians and other billionaires… they create fake charities, Donate anonymously, and use the charities to spend the money on political ideology. They are targeting schools. Set up many many social media channels…. All that money came from somewhere…? Hmm.


Well-known member
Mar 21, 2018
A liar? If I were a mod I would have labelled you a troll account long ago. Come here pushing a bullshit agenda.

You are actually suggesting the Oil companies do not spend money lobbying politicians? Or contributing to “charities” that in turn spend money politically? You act like “Dark Money” was never written, or the nobody has ever read it. Apologize? How about stop insulting our intelligence.
He and whitehill are akin DJT and David Dennison


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
]A liar? If I were a mod I would have labelled you a troll account long ago. Come here pushing a bullshit agenda.
You most ceratinly called me a liar
and another lie.
You like labeeling others dont you?
Good thing you are not a mod
That would require an unbiased and objective view

You are actually suggesting the Oil companies do not spend money lobbying politicians?
In the US Oil companies spend money lobbying politicians on both sides of the isle
They view it as supporting the democratic process

Chevron and Exxon boost campaign donations to Democrats - Electrek
In 2019-20, Donald Trump received $1,873,342, and Joe Biden received $769,956 from fossil fuels.
This lobbying most ceratinly is not to push anti-AGW propganda , that woud be a tremendous waste in Biden case and Trump did not stop the flow of govt money to AGW promotion
Political extraction of corporate donations in Washington has been a corrupt game since the time of muskets
If there is a villian in this case it is politicans with thier hands out
Had Biden refused the donations you might have point, but he did

Or contributing to “charities” that in turn spend money politically?
Do you mean money to WWF, GreenPeace or the Serira Club?
Rest assured the money going to alarmist causes is massive relative to money recieved by mincule amount recived by skeptical organizations

You act like “Dark Money” was never written, or the nobody has ever read it. Apologize? How about stop insulting our intelligence.


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
]Ben Shapiro believes a bunch of Bs….
Yeah, he beleives AGW
It’s the funding he (and other right wingers) attract.
His business is based on attracting private donations

I am sure the young Truks have the same business model, they are just not as suscessful

Stating he believes AWG is not denying he takes money from oil companies, and it’s to push an ideology.
How can one push anti- AGW ideology if one state quite claerly one beleives it ?

He promotes free markets, personal freedoms , smaller govt and the assumption of acceepting indivdual responsibility
He is quite opposed to racissm and against anti-semitiscm for obvious reasons
He has a strong opinion on abortion which inherriently will deter approx 1/2 the market for donations, so money does not influence his principles

Oil companies are not funding David Suzuki.
No David Suzuki beleives in extracting money primarily from the taxpayer
so glad you mentioned him

David Suzuki Net Worth (2022 Update) (celebritynetworth123.com)
In 2022, David Suzuki's net worth was estimated to be $25 Million.
He has managed to do quite well for himself as a dim-witted biologist/ ecologist who claimed the carbon in the glass of a greenhouse is what retains the heat
FYI glass is made from silcon dioxide , a speck of carbon in glass would make it opaque
David Suzuki is a snake oil salesman, who soaked CBC for millions

David Suzuki stopped being a scientist decades ago. He found constantly promoting the sins of mankind was far more lucrative
The man has three homes, flys to Asia to pick up an award and has a carbon footprintt well in excess of 99% or the population, yet got filthy rich promoting AGW
He is the posterboy for what is wrong with AGW and net zero idelogy

I certainly hope you are now kicking yourself for sending him money

And the Koch brothers actually host secret meeting with politicians and other billionaires… they create fake charities, Donate anonymously, and use the charities to spend the money on political ideology. They are targeting schools. Set up many many social media channels…. All that money came from somewhere…? Hmm.
If they are secret, meetings how do you know about them ?
and the right get accused of promoting conspiracy theories
Yeah OK
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Well-known member
Jan 15, 2013
The super spreader selfie convoy managed to show everyone how they're fighting for their "right" to take a dump on people's lawns, intimidate soup kitchens, and display hate symbols.


Everyone's hero's, tell everyone's lies.
Jun 1, 2006
Yeah, he beleives AGW

His business is based on attracting private donations

I am sure the young Truks have the same business model, they are just not as suscessful

How can one push anti- AGW ideology if one state quite claerly one beleives it ?

He promotes free markets, personal freedoms , smaller govt and the assumption of acceepting indivdual responsibility
He is quite opposed to racissm and against anti-semitiscm for obvious reasons
He has a strong opinion on abortion which inherriently will deter approx 1/2 the market for donations, so money does not influence his principles

No David Suzuki beleives in extracting money primarily from the taxpayer
so glad you mentioned him

David Suzuki Net Worth (2022 Update) (celebritynetworth123.com)
In 2022, David Suzuki's net worth was estimated to be $25 Million.
He has managed to do quite well for himself as a dim-witted biologist/ ecologist who claimed the carbon in the glass of a greenhouse is what retains the heat
FYI glass is made from silcon dioxide , a speck of carbon in glass would make it opaque
David Suzuki is a snake oil salesman, who soaked CBC for millions

David Suzuki stopped being a scientist decades ago. He found constantly promoting the sins of mankind was far more lucrative
The man has three homes, flys to Asia to pick up an award and has a carbon footprintt well in excess of 99% or the population, yet got filthy rich promoting AGW
He is the posterboy for what is wrong with AGW and net zero idelogy

I certainly hope you are now kicking yourself for sending him money

If they are secret, meetings how do you know about them ?
and the right get accused of promoting conspiracy theories
Yeah OK
John…. Stick to the subject. Oil companies pay people to promote an anti-climate change agenda. Whether Ben believes it is irrelevant. What David Suzuki does is irreverent.

You claim oil companies do not spend funds on that. I called you a liar. And you are. You are smart enough to know all this and yet you still post that bullshit. Why? Please answer that one. Why do you post nonsense you know isn’t true?


Well-known member
Jan 22, 2022
Isn’t it ironic that millions and millions of people love movies that celebrate rebellion and underdogs who resist oppression, yet in the real world they obey rules without ever questions authority?
It’s a lifesaver for humanity the sheeple will eventually fizzle away.


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
]John…. Stick to the subject. Oil companies pay people to promote an anti-climate change agenda. Whether Ben believes it is irrelevant. What David Suzuki does is irreverent.
What is wrong with you ?
You introduced both Ben Shaperio and David Suzuki to the discussion using each to support your incorrect position and now after learning more about each you now say they are irrelavant?

You still do not understand how the debate process works
If you introduce information be pareared to have it questioned and in this case refuted all together

You can stop sending your hard earned dollars to the snake-oil salesman David Suzuki
Your welcome

You claim oil companies do not spend funds on that. I called you a liar. And you are.
Again the false liar accusation.
Stop that
I am perfectly capable of defending myself but FYI the Mods do not view insults well

You do not seem to understand most corporate donations are bi-partisan
Corporations will support the democratic process, ensuring both sides recieve money to campaign
Again if there is a villian it is the politicans who have created the lobby abomination is Washington. That is also bi-partisan
In 2019-20, Joe Biden received $769,956 from fossil fuels.
That is a full stop to your arguement
Had he refused the donation..... but he did not

You are smart enough to know all this and yet you still post that bullshit. Why? Please answer that one. Why do you post nonsense you know isn’t true?
I am smart enough to know that the lobby machine has been running in Washingtoon since word go and it is bi-partisan
Politicans will take money from who ever hands it to them.......... Just ask Sleepy Joe

I am also smart enough to know that there is no way oil companies spend anywhere near a tiny fraction of $2.4 Billion promoting anti-AGW propoganda, if any at all

You have been bombarded with AGW propganda since 2015. it is unavoidable
You may have seen the odd commerical from CAPP showing the efforts of Canadian Energy companies to reduce thier emissions, that is not anti-AGW propaganda

Wille Soon is an astrophyisicts who beleives solar variation is responsible for some tempature flucations on earth
Is he right ? Could be, maybe not

Several years ago Willie Soon accepted $10K from an oil company to fund the hiring of a summer student-a research assitsant to help Willie process some data
No doubt a great oppourtunity for the student to get some much needed money and intial expereince in the world of theoretical physics
A good guesture on the part of the oil compay and on Willie Soon to help a student

The climate nutters got wind of this and smeared Wilie Soon, intruppting his presenations and "Labelling" him as in the pocket of big Oil

This is just as bad as the supposed subsides "big oil" recieves from Govt
The flow of cash is to the govt not the other way around

Lets us know the name of the Govt department managing these fantesy "Subsidys" and let us know the name of the fantesy program??

These supposed subsides are nothing more than Capital Cost Allowance deductions from taxable income in the calculation of cash taxes
Deductions made available to ALL corporations who invest Capital into depreciating assets. Quite important to overall economic growth for all sectors
The climate nutters propganda protrays these accounting deductions as "Subsidy Money being funelled to oil from government

Yeah so I am smart enough to recognise the difference between propaganda and truth
It is not my fault if you blindly accept what enviornuts tell you
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Everyone's hero's, tell everyone's lies.
Jun 1, 2006
What is wrong with you ?
You introduced both Ben Shaperio and David Suzuki to the discussion using each to support your incorrect position and now after learning more about each you now say they are irrelavant?

You still do not understand how the debate process works
If you introduce information be pareared to have it questioned

You can stop sending your hard earned dollars to the snake-oil salesman David Suzuki
Your welcome

Again the false liar accusation.
Stop that
I am perfectly capable of defending myself but FYI the Mods do not view insults well

You do not seem to understand most corporate donations are bi-partisan
Corporations will support the democratic process, ensuring both sides recieve money to campaign
Again if there is a villian it is the politicans who have created the lobby abomination is Washington. That is also bi-partisan
In 2019-20, Joe Biden received $769,956 from fossil fuels.
That is a full stop to your arguement
Had he refused the donation..... but he did not

I am smart enough to know that the lobby machine has been running in Washingtoon since word go and it is bi-partisan
Politicans will take money from who ever hands it to them.......... Just ask Sleepy Joe

I am also smart enough to know that there is no way oil companies spend anywhere near a tiny fraction of $2.4 Billion promoting anti-AGW propoganda, if any at all

You have been bombarded with AGW propganda since 2015. it is unavoidable
You may have seen the odd commerical from CAPP showing the efforts of Canadian Energy companies to reduce thier emissions, that is not anti-AGW propaganda

Wille Soon is an astrophyisicts who beleives solar variation is responsible for some tempature flucations on earth
Is he right ? Could be, maybe not

Several years ago Willie Soon accepted $10K from an oil company to fund the hiring of a summer student-a research assitsant to help Willie process some data
No doubt a great oppourtunity for the student to get some much needed money and intial expereince in the world of theoretical physics
A good guesture on the part of the oil compay and on Willie Soon to help a student

The climate nutters got wind of this and smeared Wilie Soon, intruppting his presenations and "Labelling" him as in the pocket of big Oil

This is just as bad as the supposed subsides "big oil" recieves from Govt
The flow of cash is to the govt not the other way around

These subsides are nothing more than Capital Cost Allowance deductions from taxable income in the calculation of cash taxes
Deductions made available to ALL corporations who invest Capital into depreciating assets
The climate nutters propganda protrays these accounting deductions as "Subsidy Money being funelled to oil from government

Yeah so I am smart enough to recognise the difference between propaganda and truth
It is not my fault if you blindly accept what enviornuts tell you
I blindly support whatever the enviro-nutters tell me? Or do I look up what the Oil Companies admit in court?

I blindly believe propaganda? Or did I read Dark Money cover to cover.

I guess you can keep peddling the Oil Companies are wonderful line…. You can pretend the Oil Oligarchs the Koch’s do not spend hundreds and hundreds of millions to influence elections… But I am done with the Tap Dancing lessons for today.


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
I blindly support whatever the enviro-nutters tell me? Or do I look up what the Oil Companies admit in court?
Like I did not see that coming
Supposdely spend Billions fighting AGW and stand up in court and say you accept it?
I do not think so

I blindly believe propaganda? Or did I read Dark Money cover to cover.
Too funny,
that sounds like a confession with supporting evidence to me

I guess you can keep peddling the Oil Companies are wonderful line…. You can pretend the Oil Oligarchs the Koch’s do not spend hundreds and hundreds of millions to influence elections… But I am done with the Tap Dancing lessons for today.
Again, its is very odd how the right get protrayed as " Conspracy theorists" and then we see what is keeping you from a sound sleep at night

Odd how "anti-AGW" got changed to "influencing elections" ?????

In 2021/2022 Koch Industries donated to the following Democrats
Henry Cuellar (D-Texas)
Jim Costa (D-Calif)
Kurt Schrader (D-Ore)
Sanford Bishop (D-Ga)
Terri Sewell (D-Ala)
Koch Industries PAC Contributions to Federal Candidates • OpenSecrets

Oops there goes the conspiracy theory
Again, had these democrats refused the donations.... but they did not

More $ was given to Republicans , however it was not exculsive
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