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I think the Freedom Convoy may have already accomplished something…


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
Besides the truckers can always claim they delivered a package, letter or a message enroute and did send an invoice for the delivery to the GoFundme account

The point is the Govt is screwing the Truckers and now you want the Govt to do an icrtemental painful nasty anal probing as well?

Your suggestion is petty and vendictive and displays an abscence of common sense
Do you think people should be allowed to fraudulently deduct personal expenses as business expenses, or is it a special rule you want for truckers?

I am against all kinds of tax fraud, and I think CRA should make sure truckers do not deduct expenses to fuel for their joyride to Ottawa.


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
Do you think people should be allowed to fraudulently deduct personal expenses as business expenses, or is it a special rule you want for truckers?
I file my taxes as per the tax code, how others file thier taxes is thier business
And as per the tax code, what other citizen claim or do not claim is none of your business

Justin & Bill Monreau as elected officals are held to a higher standard,, you know to avoid govt corruption..... Oops too late
We charity is held to a higher standard because corruption there will impact public trust in the charity sector .... Oops tooo late

I am against all kinds of tax fraud, and I think CRA should make sure truckers do not deduct expenses to fuel for their joyride to Ottawa.
I am against using governemnt authority to inflict punative actions against a targeted oppressed group in order to fulfill what appears to be an irrational vendetta

Such an audit would be far more costly than any net benefit to the tax coffers, which would be more foolish waste of taxpayers money
I know this is not a concern for you, however it should be

If your bloodlust against truckers is so strong, why dont you just boycott all goods that spend any time on a truck?
That should show them you mean business
Better take some vitamins before this boycott

There are lots of problems in the world, no need to invent new ones because your pissed other people have the right to say what gets injected ino thier bloodstream


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
I file my taxes as per the tax code, how others file thier taxes is thier business
And as per the tax code, what other citizen claim or do not claim is none of your business

Justin & Bill Monreau as elected officals are held to a higher standard,, you know to avoid govt corruption..... Oops too late
We charity is held to a higher standard because corruption there will impact public trust in the charity sector .... Oops tooo late

I am against using governemnt authority to inflict punative actions against a targeted oppressed group in order to fulfill what appears to be an irrational vendetta

Such an audit would be far more costly than any net benefit to the tax coffers, which would be more foolish waste of taxpayers money
I know this is not a concern for you, however it should be

If your bloodlust against truckers is so strong, why dont you just boycott all goods that spend any time on a truck?
That should show them you mean business
Better take some vitamins before this boycott

There are lots of problems in the world, no need to invent new ones because your pissed other people have the right to say what gets injected ino thier bloodstream

I will repeat the question: Do you think people should be allowed to fraudulently deduct personal expenses as business expenses?

A simple yes or no will suffice.
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dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
There are lots of problems in the world, no need to invent new ones because your pissed other people have the right to say what gets injected ino thier bloodstream
Nonsense, these fools are free to refuse the vaccine.
They just don't want the repercussions from their personal choices to ignore the science and public good.


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
I will repeat the question: Do you think people should be allowed to fraudulently deduct personal expenses as business expenses?

A simple yes or no will suffice.
And I will repeat the answer
I file my taxes as per the tax code, how others file thier taxes is thier business
And as per the tax code, what other citizens claim or do not claim is none of your business

You get pissed when you can not control other peoples behaviour dont you?
One would think you would have figured out by now what a useless endever that is


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
And I will repeat the answer
I file my taxes as per the tax code, how others file thier taxes is thier business
And as per the tax code, what other citizens claim or do not claim is none of your business

You get pissed when you can not control other peoples behaviour dont you?
One would think you would have figured out by now what a useless endever that is
You seem to be in favor of fraudulent tax deductions in your previous post:

Besides the truckers can always claim they delivered a package, letter or a message enroute and did send an invoice for the delivery to the GoFundme account
You should be aware that fictional invoices are a violation of the tax code.
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dangling member
Apr 10, 2015


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
You seem to be in favor of fraudulent tax deductions in your previous post:
Nope they can send an invoice for deliverng a message, package or even a person

You should be aware that fictional invoices are a violation of the tax code.
Message delivered, invoice sent, invoice paid, records saved.

What did it cost to transport a person to Cop26 to listen to a teenage girl berate adults?
$11K for Michael Sabia

So sending a person from Edmonton to Ottawa to deleiver an important message to the moron Justin Trudeau >>> $1,000 , sounds reasonable
CRA could say you should have flown..... yeah but not vaccinated so air travel is ........ ???? , and we could not book a we went by truck instead

Time to admit your vendetta agisnt the Truckers is petty, vendictive and just a really bad idea

Better to ask, what was the moron Justin thinking?
He was told this was going to be a huge problem and he flip floped for a day before .....once gain .... making the wrong decision.
How many bad acts from this clown do you need to see?


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
Nope they can send an invoice for deliverng a message, package or even a person

So sending a person from Edmonton to Ottawa to deleiver an important message to the moron Justin Trudeau >>> $1,000 , sounds reasonable
CRA could say you should have flown..... yeah but not vaccinated so air travel is ........ ???? , and we could not book a we went by truck instead
Now we know that you are firmly in favor of tax evasion.


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
Now we know that you are firmly in favor of tax evasion.
Actually now we know that you will conflate anything

seriously our Federal debt grows by $17 MM per hour
Canada's National Debt Clock : The Canadian Taxpayers Federation

and you want to spearhead a vendetta against truckers just in case they might or might not claim a $1,000 in fuel expenses you do not like ???

Peety vendictive and just plain nasty

What has happened to the loonie left here?
Your lot use to be the champion of the little guy, yet now you want to crush truckers via the CRA ????????
Jimmy Hoffa must be rolling over in Giants stadiumn
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Well-known member
Nov 7, 2008
By disgracing Terry Fox. I'm guessing they"ll go after Tommy Douglass next on their way back.

Lies and propaganda.......

No one defaced nothing, and if placing a canadian flag on a statue is defacing, i.mean .. what can i say here...


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
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Well-known member
Jan 31, 2014
Actually now we know that you will conflate anything

seriously our Federal debt grows by $17 MM per hour
Canada's National Debt Clock : The Canadian Taxpayers Federation

and you want to spearhead a vendetta against truckers just in case they might or might not claim a $1,000 in fuel expenses you do not like ???

Peety vendictive and just plain nasty

What has happened to the loonie left here?
Your lot use to be the champion of the little guy, yet now you want to crush truckers via the CRA ????????
Jimmy Hoffa must be rolling over in Giants stadiumn
I heard that Jimmy's under the Renaissance Center in Detroit. 😆
The left took the cue from the NDP and abandoned the working class in Canada three decades ago. Not very original, the other lefty parties in the developed world have done the same, but it has never been so obvious and so glaring. The hate and contempt for the working men and women is on full display. And there ain't no way to squeeze that genie back in the bottle.


Well-known member
Oct 13, 2010
Once again you are completly wrong
corporation spend money to promoe thier products/ services. They do not spend money to promote ideology
Unless of coarse you believe the lastest commerical offering an ointment for relief of hemoroid itching and swelling is somehow trying to change your understanding of atmospheric physics
They truely want to ensure you understand that there is medication available fro your itching butt hole
Hello?...They fund rightwing "think tanks" and they contribute to political parties and candidates to buy influence. Surely you knew that
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Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
Hello?...They fund rightwing "think tanks" and they contribute to political parties and candidates to buy influence. Surely you knew that
Corporations spread the money between political parties to support the political process
They know political sentiment changes

Corporations also employ "think tanks" left and right to gauge things like economic forecasts, market reviews and product evaluation

Joe Biden got $800K from the oil industry
Do some research & learn something for a change


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
Aah, now I understand. It is OK in your opinion for everybody to cheat $1,000.00 on their taxes.

Is your limit the same for everybody?
No you obviously do not understand if you want CRA to fulfill a nasty, vindictive & petty vendetta against truck drivers

What is really striking is if you were to ask me what most people disliked about Donald Trump, It would be his nasty, vindictive & petty nature
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Well-known member
Oct 13, 2010
Corporations spread the money between political parties to support the political process
They know political sentiment changes

Corporations also employ "think tanks" left and right to gauge things like economic forecasts, market reviews and product evaluation

Joe Biden got $800K from the oil industry
Do some research & learn something for a change
where did I say they only donate to right wing parties? Of course they hedge their bets. Learn to read, man!
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