Do you think people should be allowed to fraudulently deduct personal expenses as business expenses, or is it a special rule you want for truckers?
I file my taxes as per the tax code, how others file thier taxes is thier business
And as per the tax code, what other citizen claim or do not claim is none of your business
Justin & Bill Monreau as elected officals are held to a higher standard,, you know to avoid govt corruption..... Oops too late
We charity is held to a higher standard because corruption there will impact public trust in the charity sector .... Oops tooo late
I am against all kinds of tax fraud, and I think CRA should make sure truckers do not deduct expenses to fuel for their joyride to Ottawa.
I am against using governemnt authority to inflict punative actions against a targeted oppressed group in order to fulfill what appears to be an irrational vendetta
Such an audit would be far more costly than any net benefit to the tax coffers, which would be more foolish waste of taxpayers money
I know this is not a concern for you, however it should be
If your bloodlust against truckers is so strong, why dont you just boycott all goods that spend any time on a truck?
That should show them you mean business
Better take some vitamins before this boycott
There are lots of problems in the world, no need to invent new ones because your pissed other people have the right to say what gets injected ino thier bloodstream