]John…. Stick to the subject. Oil companies pay people to promote an anti-climate change agenda. Whether Ben believes it is irrelevant. What David Suzuki does is irreverent.
What is wrong with you ?
You introduced both Ben Shaperio and David Suzuki to the discussion using each to support your incorrect position and now after learning more about each you now say they are irrelavant?
You still do not understand how the debate process works
If you introduce information be pareared to have it questioned and in this case refuted all together
You can stop sending your hard earned dollars to the snake-oil salesman David Suzuki
Your welcome
You claim oil companies do not spend funds on that. I called you a liar. And you are.
Again the false liar accusation.
Stop that
I am perfectly capable of defending myself but FYI the Mods do not view insults well
You do not seem to understand most corporate donations are bi-partisan
Corporations will support the democratic process, ensuring both sides recieve money to campaign
Again if there is a villian it is the politicans who have created the lobby abomination is Washington. That is also bi-partisan
In 2019-20, Joe Biden received $769,956 from fossil fuels.
That is a full stop to your arguement
Had he refused the donation..... but he did not
You are smart enough to know all this and yet you still post that bullshit. Why? Please answer that one. Why do you post nonsense you know isn’t true?
I am smart enough to know that the lobby machine has been running in Washingtoon since word go and it is bi-partisan
Politicans will take money from who ever hands it to them.......... Just ask Sleepy Joe
I am also smart enough to know that there is no way oil companies spend anywhere near a tiny fraction of $2.4 Billion promoting anti-AGW propoganda, if any at all
You have been bombarded with AGW propganda since 2015. it is unavoidable
You may have seen the odd commerical from CAPP showing the efforts of Canadian Energy companies to reduce thier emissions,
that is not anti-AGW propaganda
Wille Soon is an astrophyisicts who beleives solar variation is responsible for some tempature flucations on earth
Is he right ? Could be, maybe not
Several years ago Willie Soon accepted $10K from an oil company to fund the hiring of a summer student-a research assitsant to help Willie process some data
No doubt a great oppourtunity for the student to get some much needed money and intial expereince in the world of theoretical physics
A good guesture on the part of the oil compay and on Willie Soon to help a student
The climate nutters got wind of this and smeared Wilie Soon, intruppting his presenations and "Labelling" him as in the pocket of big Oil
This is just as bad as the supposed subsides "big oil" recieves from Govt
The flow of cash is to the govt not the other way around
Lets us know the name of the Govt department managing these fantesy "Subsidys" and let us know the name of the fantesy program??
These supposed subsides are nothing more than Capital Cost Allowance deductions from taxable income in the calculation of cash taxes
Deductions made available to ALL corporations who invest Capital into depreciating assets. Quite important to overall economic growth for all sectors
The climate nutters propganda protrays these accounting deductions as "Subsidy Money being funelled to oil from government
Yeah so I am smart enough to recognise the difference between propaganda and truth
It is not my fault if you blindly accept what enviornuts tell you