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Behind the camera
Jun 18, 2011
Have a hard time reading?

I will quote mysefl
Tell me in that sentence you said anything about it being wrong. Where you even indicated it?

All I see is how life is full of double standards and you will screw yourself over. Nothing about the lesson in morality or how to treat another human with respect. Just when pussy is involved, you are screwed.

Here is another quote from you in the same post. It might help refresh your memory.

Anyway, a dire warning to all the young 16 year old boys out there. Do not allow yourself to be in a situation like this because if a pussy gets involved, any pussy, you're going to go to jail.
It is the pussy's fault they went to jail. Not because what they did was WRONG.

Please keep back paddling. You are a man, therefore you are allowed to change your story. It is okay.


Apr 14, 2011
From what I have read, the case is a long way from clear cut.

The victim in all of this had changed her story several times. She had also been drinking excessively and had no real recollection of the events. No-one poured the booze into her, she did this of her own accord.

The whole situation was out of control. Excessive drinking, partying, 16 year old kids who have poor judgment. It's a recipe for disaster.

If I had a 16 year old son, I'd use this case as a very stern warning to him - "look son, whether you like it or not, our society is FULL of double standards and you mess with a girl, a drunk girl, or a stoned girl - and you think just because she didn't say no that you're ok to fuck around with her, look and see what can and will happen to you."

If it was a 16 year old boy who got drunk and a couple of drunk girls pulled his pants down and started fondling his penis, nothing would have happened to the girls, but because it's a young girl being messed with - it makes international headlines. Such is the double standard that exists between men and women in our society. (I'm guilty of it myself. When I hear about these hot 30 something teachers having sex with their 16 year old students, I snicker and I say, "lucky bastard", but yet when it happens to a 16 year old girl, it's a different story.)

Anyway, a dire warning to all the young 16 year old boys out there. Do not allow yourself to be in a situation like this because if a pussy gets involved, any pussy, you're going to go to jail.
well sure hope its cool if your 16 year old son passes out, from drinking too much and then gets raped by a buncha guys...

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
well sure hope its cool if your 16 year old son passes out, from drinking too much and then gets raped by a buncha guys...
I wonder if it would even make it to court.

But yes, sadly, I would blame him for allowing himself to be in that situation, just as I would blame those who did it to him for taking advantage of the situation.

People need to take responsibility for their actions.

Being drunk out of your gourd is your own fault.

If I had a 16 year old son, I would try to teach him not to be in a situation where he lost all control.


Behind the camera
Jun 18, 2011
I wonder if it would even make it to court.

But yes, sadly, I would blame him for allowing himself to be in that situation, just as I would blame those who did it to him for taking advantage of the situation.

People need to take responsibility for their actions.
Sadly, without the support of loving parents he could turn to, you are right. It probably would not even make it to the police station, let alone a court house.

I am sorry James, but I can't say another time on this board in my over a decade here where I lost that much respect for a poster that quickly. I know my opinion holds no weight with some here, and you could be one of them. But I am truly shaking my head right now man.

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
Sadly, without the support of loving parents he could turn to, you are right. It probably would not even make it to the police station, let alone a court house.

I am sorry James, but I can't say another time on this board in my over a decade here where I lost that much respect for a poster that quickly. I know my opinion holds no weight with some here, and you could be one of them. But I am truly shaking my head right now man.
Fortunately, I don't care what you think of me.


you must be fk'n kid'g me
Nov 13, 2001
I wonder if it would even make it to court.

But yes, sadly, I would blame him for allowing himself to be in that situation, just as I would blame those who did it to him for taking advantage of the situation.

People need to take responsibility for their actions.

Being drunk out of your gourd is your own fault.

If I had a 16 year old son, I would try to teach him not to be in a situation where he lost all control.

yes you should teach your kids not to be in bad situations and not pass out. but the people who take advantage of someone who is drunk or who pass out are completely to blame. anyone who takes advantage in such a situation should feel the full force of the law. its shameful.

I am disappointed that you would think about blaming your son in that situation.


Behind the camera
Jun 18, 2011
Fortunately, I don't care what you think of me.
I guess that is good then for you. I suspected as much being as I have a pussy and all. I know, I am the bad guy here.

yes you should teach your kids not to be in bad situations and not pass out. but the people who take advantage of someone who is drunk or who pass out are completely to blame. anyone who takes advantage in such a situation should feel the full force of the law. its shameful.

I am disappointed that you would think about blaming your son in that situation.

Hopefully he doesn't care much of what you think either. You have a penis, so it might be different, but I doubt it.

Fortunately, he does not have a 16 year old of either sex.


you must be fk'n kid'g me
Nov 13, 2001
I guess that is good then for you. I suspected as much being as I have a pussy and all. I know, I am the bad guy here.

Hopefully he doesn't care much of what you think either. You have a penis, so it might be different, but I doubt it.

Fortunately, he does not have a 16 year old of either sex.
i have kids and grandkids so I get plenty upset just thinking that someone could do something like this or dismiss it.

Jessica S

Supporting Member
Nov 17, 2012
I am not much older than this girl. I am still within that age group where if you remember what you did on a night out partying, you were not drunk enough. Or you did not have enough fun. To be honest I have been there drunk out of my mind. I was fortunate enough to have good and sort of sober friends who ensured I got home safely. I found it quite scary to not remember certain parts of my night. I learnt from such incidents to try and drink more responsibly. So when I said I hoped she learned from this incident I was not condemning or blaming her for what happened. Just hoping she would learn that it is ok to stop drinking after a certain point. That it is ok to not be nursing a hangover the next day. In a perfect world anyone whether male or female should be able to drink, pass out and awake without incident. However we do not live in a perfect world. Precautions should be taken while drinking.

Not to say what happened could or would not have happened while she was sober. Due to the specifics of the case I brought up drinking responsibly. I apologize to you and anyone else I may have offended with my earlier posts. This is a sticky one, it's just not black or white.

And, should she fail to drink responsibly, then what?


Apr 24, 2005
yes you should teach your kids not to be in bad situations and not pass out.
Agree, it's like crossing the street on a green light, please still look both ways to make sure nothing is coming at you.
but the people who take advantage of someone who is drunk or who pass out are completely to blame.
Agree again, should not place any blame on an abused helpless victim.


Behind the camera
Jun 18, 2011
Agree, it's like crossing the street on a green light, please still look both ways to make sure nothing is coming at you. Agree again, should not place any blame on an abused helpless victim.
Exactly. You don't tell a child, well see I told you to look both ways. Now you have been hit by a car and have years of therapy ahead of you, you have been blasted all over the news. Told you so. Hopefully now you have learned your lesson.

Then say to the person who went speeding illegally through the intersection and hit the child. No worries man, it was her fault for not looking. You should not be speeding or running red lights, but the kids has some serious blame in this too.

Shouldn't the boys' parents have taught them its never okay to take advantage of helpless people?
You would think......

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
yes you should teach your kids not to be in bad situations and not pass out. but the people who take advantage of someone who is drunk or who pass out are completely to blame. anyone who takes advantage in such a situation should feel the full force of the law. its shameful.

I am disappointed that you would think about blaming your son in that situation.
I agree that the guys in question were low lifes. Or at the very least, they made a very very bad decision. But they are 16 year old kids. Calling the hard core rapists is bullshit. And likewise labelling this young woman as a slut or anything idiotic like that is bullshit.

There was very bad decision making all round and these 2 young men are going to pay for their crimes and in my opinion the punishment that they received is just. I'm not one calling for them to receive 20 years on this, nor am I saying that they should have got off scot free.

But to respond to your other comment, yes, I would blame my son for putting himself in that situation where he was so irresponsible that he lost all control and was so drunk that he allowed something like that to happen. (Getting ass raped.) (Though this young woman was not penetrated by a penis, she was penetrated by fingers.)

Can't help how I feel.

I would blame the other males too, but I would also blame my son in part for his stupidity, and his inability to control his drinking and I would blame myself for failing to teach him not to drink himself to the point where he lost all control.

I've made bad choices over the years myself and I used to blame the other guy, but the truth is that the only one to blame is me. If another person has done wrong to me - it's because I allowed it to happen. That's not to say that the other guy wasn't a prick, but I should have been smarter. I have lived my life by this philosophy of self responsibility for over 20 years now and I find I am better for it.


Apr 24, 2005
If those kids' parents had money, they probably could have made this whole thing go away, like Michael Jackson did with his "problem".


internets icon
Feb 8, 2009
I guess that is good then for you. I suspected as much being as I have a pussy and all. I know, I am the bad guy here.

Hopefully he doesn't care much of what you think either. You have a penis, so it might be different, but I doubt it.

Fortunately, he does not have a 16 year old of either sex.
do you hate him more than me ? i mean we are on the same side on this particular topic.


New member
Mar 14, 2012
I think it's pretty hard to know at 16 when too much is too much. Picture this, you have drank a few times in your life infrequently. Your tolerance is low but you're young and think you can take it. So you take a large swig (let us say 2.5 shots) of hard booze and chase it with some pop while with your friends. The taste in your mouth is gross but otherwise you're fine and you take another one within a few minutes. Now you're feeling good and have a beer or two. At this point you are over the line puking and passing out. Honestly you are going to blame this young person (a girl that for all we know weighs 105lbs) for her stupidity? Yeah they made a mistake but I still do not think the blame is on her. As well JTK unless you drink with your kids to the point where they are over the line how would they know where that line is? And if you do drink with your kids to the point where they are passed out drunk well I'm not sure what kind of parent that makes you.


internets icon
Feb 8, 2009
She is getting death threats now because of tweets she made and is in police protection.
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