Roma Football Club owner Dan Friedkin was a producer and Tom Hardy's pilot double in Dunkirk. His grandfather was a WWII Fighter Ace, he's maintaining tradition.
Tommy Boy is an over the top narcissist, he claims he can actually fly an F18 Super Hornet, can hold his breath underwater for 10 minutes and can smash a cinder block with his forehead. He gives no credit to his stunt co-coordinators, taking it all for himself. That's part of being the Messianic figure his cult makes him out to be. They should have left
Ghostbusters alone
, you cannot top the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man! Star Wars: Return of the Jedi is one of the worst films I paid to watch in a theater, Star Wars: The Phantom Menace nearly put me in a coma. I wouldn't pay to watch any of Disney's woke shit. Sorry can't suspend my disbelief, a fay girl cannot beat Ex-Marine Adam Driver in a sword fight. Looking forward to Jake Gylenhaal's latest, Guy Ritchie needs a hit. Hollywood's blackballing of Will Smith is starting to bite, his new film
Emancipation came and went - Apple have taken a bath on it.
Sad to announce that Melinda Dillon (
Close Encounters, A Christmas Story) has passed away at the age of 83.
Sensitive types will be offended by this scene.