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  1. R

    Olympic cameraman focuses on what's really important at the games: DAT ASS

    If wanting to jam my tongue all the way up there is wrong, then I don't wanna be right.
  2. R

    Got a complaint at work

    Bullshit. You absolutely have to defend yourself aggressively here, otherwise you are basically admitting guilt, and this kind of nonsense can follow you around for the rest of your career. Follow all the steps Hangman and others have outlined. I suggest you consult an attorney and let your...
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    Kim Kardashian

    My life is meaningless without more pictures of her ass. Back to Google I guess...
  4. R

    Kim Kardashian

    After taking a look at that round juicy ass I think Kim deserves a Pulitzer, Nobel Peace Prize and an Oscar!
  5. R

    50% unemployment, 90% stock market collapse predicted....

    If the USA would just legalize hobbying and tax it all of its financial problems would be solved. (Actually I'm not sure about that, but it is worth a try - the government might have to make it mandatory to raise enough funds!)
  6. R

    Kim Kardashian

    It's fine if you guys want to post a thread criticizing Kim Kardashian, but for crying out loud, please include some pictures of that scrumptious big round ass of hers! Now I have to go Google her!
  7. R

    Do you ever wonder why you're such a lying, cheating bastard...

    Since I don't know the lady in question I can't say what her intentions were. It isn't uncommon for young ladies to present themselves as sex-crazed vixens when courting in order to "hook" their man. To be fair, there are plenty of guys who present themselves as upwardly-mobile...
  8. R

    Do you ever wonder why you're such a lying, cheating bastard...

    How can you read those words and not get the impression that Kirk was tricked, if not outright scammed?
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    smoking fetish

    I consider myself lucky that we had one or two posts that actually related to the fact that some men find women who smoke arousing before things went south. I know smoking isn't healthy, and I would never encourage a lady to start smoking for my gratification. Cigarettes are also quite...
  10. R

    Do you ever wonder why you're such a lying, cheating bastard...

    Consider yourself extremely lucky that you don't have two kids, two cars, a house and half your life savings involved here. Lots of us find out that all that delicious kinky sex was just a temporary marketing gimmick never-to-be-repeated after we're in that position. My advice is to thank...
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    smoking fetish

    Believe me, I'm not worried about your smoking fetish clients as far as smokey breath goes. To me that's the ambrosia of the Gods. It's those odd-balls who don't share this fetish I'm wondering about. I have noticed that a lot of men here don't like to smell smoke either on an escort or in...
  12. R

    Do you ever wonder why you're such a lying, cheating bastard...

    Is there a Darwinian advantage in being a self-righteous asshole?
  13. R

    Do you ever wonder why you're such a lying, cheating bastard...

    Whether or not one hobbies when in a committed relationship is a matter of personal ethics and choice. What I'm speaking to is the urge to screw lots of women, which I believe is more or less universal in men. My main point is that men and women are very different in their sexual needs, and I...
  14. R

    Do you ever wonder why you're such a lying, cheating bastard...

    Then the "scientific community" is a bunch of fucking idiots. The existence of boards like this and the entire sex industry (i.e. the "oldest profession on earth") proves conclusively to me that men have a tendency to want sexual variety. I think this has obvious Darwinian roots, but maybe it...
  15. R

    Do you ever wonder why you're such a lying, cheating bastard...

    If you take a fundamentalist Christian view of the issue then even masturbation could be seen as "spreading the seed". From that perspective the percentages would be more like 99.5% of men straying (with the other .5% being damn liars!). If anything I would say that cultural influences greatly...
  16. R

    Do you ever wonder why you're such a lying, cheating bastard...

    I don't even think about it. I was "born this way". The fact is that if it wasn't for the hyper sex-drives most men have the human race would have gone extinct tens of thousands of years ago. Women happily take advantage of our desperate need for sex when they want something (marriage...
  17. R

    smoking fetish

    Whenever this topic comes up here there's always lots of self-righteous posts about the dangers of smoking and how disgusting it is etc. etc. I just wanted to get in here first and say I'm with you - nothing turns me on like a lady really enjoying a cigarette. Of course there are countless...
  18. R

    lady gaga would you

    I would bang her like a cheap Chinese gong, if only I had the oppportunity. Would I do her without make-up? Does just a little blush to enhance the shape of my face count?
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    Sunshine Girl - Shona - got to be a dancer somewhere?

    And lots of fat guys on here screaming to get in!
  20. R

    Homemade synthetic pussy

    You could charge more for it if you said it was a synthetic asshole.
Toronto Escorts