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  1. S

    Healthcare is rationed in America

    The real problem is that there are not enough doctors and they get paid too much. Some people here think too much in terms of the bottom line. Not everything should be run from the perspective of finances with health care being a perfect example. It is bad for society if the mission statement...
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    Need help: Knocked a girl up, need to know my rights

    MTT, You can't get a vasectomy, because you don't want to give up the possibility of having children in your future even though you don't want one now but you expect the woman, whom you fucked without a condom, to give up the possibility of the child she is now pregnant with and seems to want...
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    Hamas TV Bunny Killed

    Zaig, Listen, I don't hate Jewish people. I don't know how I can be any clearer than that. I don't want Jewish people to die just as I don't want Palestinian people to die. The Jewish contribution to the world has been indeed wonderful for the most part, and this world wouldn't be what it is...
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    Hamas TV Bunny Killed

    Zaig, You think of the Jewish people as a superior group of people just like Hitler thought of the Aryan race as superior. How many times have you tried to make the point that the Jewish race is far more successful than other races, especially on a per capita basis, with your list of geniuses...
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    Hamas TV Bunny Killed

    I see the moral equivalency on both sides. You do not. Your position is racist and mine is not. Pretty simple if you ask me. Again are you being purposefully retarded or are you just plain retarded? Really it is hard to tell. If you whack a hornet's nest what do you expect to happen? If you...
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    Hamas TV Bunny Killed

    I have to say your posts are a laugh. According to you, I am guilty of insidious biases and pseudo-intellectual posturing. I have to give you credit, at least, for being more original and imaginative than basketcase. I would mainly deal with the underlying causes of why Hamas is in power. It...
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    Hamas TV Bunny Killed

    It has everything to do with situation. Extreme poverty and oppression breeds extreme fanaticism. A lot of that is on Israel. In Israel's last attack they caused close to $2 billion dollars worth of damage and they constantly disrupt Palestinian society with blockades. See you don't seem to...
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    Hamas TV Bunny Killed

    Basketcase, You've already been badly, badly discredited. If you don't think the two sides are morally equivalent it is you that is the racist. It is such incredible hypocrisy, to try to claim I am the racist when I am the only one of us both that thinks the two sides are the moral equivalent...
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    Hamas TV Bunny Killed

    If you don't understand words like moral equivalency don't use them. Just because what the Palestines do is "just wrong" doesn't mean there isn't moral equivalency since what the Israelis do is just as wrong. Stating that what the Palestinians do is "just wrong" doesn't disprove moral...
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    Hamas TV Bunny Killed

    Too funny. Insidious really does make me sound bad and evil, doesn't it? Claiming the two sides are the moral equivalent while others won't is such an insidious bias. I think you lifted that turn of phrase from somewhere. Lifting a page from basketcase now, are we? Is it too much to ask for...
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    Hamas TV Bunny Killed

    Don't be a pussy. At least have the balls to show your true colours in full. Your last sentence is meant to negate what you know to be a racist stance (the two sides aren't morally equivalent) and doesn't make sense in the overall context of democracy. You came out charging with your true...
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    Jewish Religous Fanaticism and the behaviour of the IDF

    I have already stated I don't dispute the validity of it. From your post it is evident you aren't clear on what constitutes propaganda. Please pay particular attention to definition one. Note that propaganda doesn't have to be a lie. I suspect MEMRI...
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    Jewish Religous Fanaticism and the behaviour of the IDF

    As I said a lot of finger pointing and hypocrisy. Sometimes a ton. You seemed to be okay with the "Hamas TV Bunny Killed" zionist propagandistic bullshit.
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    Jewish Religous Fanaticism and the behaviour of the IDF

    I would agree that zionism has a definite ugly side, but what about the Hamas side? Two sides of the same coin, wouldn't you say? The extremist (religous) indoctrination is happening on both sides. It is obviously very effective for the purpose it serves. Going forward, what is the best way in...
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    Hamas TV Bunny Killed

    You are anything but neutral. In actual fact you are very bias and prejudice with a definite agenda. When are you going to admit that you don't think the two sides are morally the same? I have to say, based upon the above, you can't seriously think you aren't very pro-Israeli with a very...
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    Hamas TV Bunny Killed

    Basketcase, You would love to paint me as a racist, instead of debating the moral issues of my arguments. Do you, or do you not, see the two sides in the conflict, however you want to label them, as morally the same? I do. You do not. You're racist, I'm not. Get it? Racist means you see one...
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    Hamas TV Bunny Killed

    Yes, but show me where you put down someone that has gone too far pro-Israeli. Otherwise you are nothing more than a hypocrite since you said it was not enough that I criticize Hamas I must also criticize the posts of Gryfin and Persis. You can't hold me to a higher standard than you hold...
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    Hamas TV Bunny Killed

    Coming from a guy named basketcase who has never once criticized Israel for her actions. Sure buddy, if you say so. Please refer me to the posts where you criticize Israel and the pro-Israeli side. There is such a pile-on with gryf and persis, I don't need to really pursue it. However, as I...
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    Hamas TV Bunny Killed

    It's very one-sided and dishonest. Surely deep down you know that. What is the source of my brainwashing? The NA media heavily favours Israel not Palestine. So if I check your posts I will see you coming down on both sides, fairly and objectively? Will I even see one criticism of Israel...
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