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Jewish Religous Fanaticism and the behaviour of the IDF


New member
Aug 30, 2001
The ideology of zionism has many ugly sides as we all know. One of the most repulsive and hidden is the Hesder Yeshiva. It trains youths and adults in a witches brew of religious fanaticism and military training. All are partially financed by the Israeli government. Therefore, they are part of Israeli government policy and aims. What must be galling for the 20% of Israelis who are not jewish, is that the government uses their money to further the state religion of Israel and finance an education that teaches a racist intolerance towards Israel's minorities.

"The army has encouraged this trend by creating some two dozen hesder yeshivas, seminaries in which youths can combine Biblical studies with army service in separate religious units. Many of the yeshivas are based in the West Bank, where students are educated by the settlements' extremist rabbis.

Ehud Barak, the defense minister, has rapidly expanded the program, approving four yeshivas, three based in settlements, last summer. Another 10 are reportedly awaiting his approval.

Manekin, however, warned against blaming the violence inflicted on Gaza's civilians solely on the influence of religious extremists.

"The army is still run by the secular elites in Israel and they have always been reckless with regard to the safety of civilians when they wage war. Jewish nationalism that justifies Palestinian deaths is just as dangerous as religious extremism."


New member
Jun 1, 2005
I would agree that zionism has a definite ugly side, but what about the Hamas side?

Two sides of the same coin, wouldn't you say? The extremist (religous) indoctrination is happening on both sides. It is obviously very effective for the purpose it serves.

Going forward, what is the best way in your opinion to resolve the conflict between the two sides? Right now what is happening is a lot of finger pointing and hypocrisy.


Apr 7, 2005
Oh for god's sake!
Could you find a more biased source? Not.

Gryfin, when are you going to realize no one cares about your racist anti-semitic rants and cut and paste palestinian propagandist bullshit? Over a dozen posters in the last few days, including me, have called you a moron, idiot, jackass, etc, etc, etc. Please take a hint and kindly FUCK OFF!!!


New member
Feb 3, 2002
Since this is on the top of the page anyway I'll comment.

Solitaria: I've learned asking gryfin a question is pointless, he ignores them and continues ranting about his side.


New member
Jun 1, 2005
dj1470 said:
Oh for god's sake!
Could you find a more biased source? Not.

Gryfin, when are you going to realize no one cares about your racist anti-semitic rants and cut and paste palestinian propagandist bullshit? Over a dozen posters in the last few days, including me, have called you a moron, idiot, jackass, etc, etc, etc. Please take a hint and kindly FUCK OFF!!!
As I said a lot of finger pointing and hypocrisy. Sometimes a ton. You seemed to be okay with the "Hamas TV Bunny Killed" zionist propagandistic bullshit.


Never Been Justly Banned
Jan 10, 2002
solitaria said:
I would agree that zionism has a definite ugly side, but what about the Hamas side?

Two sides of the same coin, wouldn't you say? The extremist (religous) indoctrination is happening on both sides. It is obviously very effective for the purpose it serves.

Going forward, what is the best way in your opinion to resolve the conflict between the two sides? Right now what is happening is a lot of finger pointing and hypocrisy.
I was thinking the same thing, was tempted to edit it and change Israel to Iran and Hesder Yeshiva to Hamas....

You beat me to it, but I think you get the point......



New member
Aug 30, 2001
onthebottom said:
I was thinking the same thing, was tempted to edit it and change Israel to Iran and Hesder Yeshiva to Hamas....

You beat me to it, but I think you get the point......

The trouble is, the Hamas and Iran thing has been done and written about countless times. Israel constantly tries to paint itself as a bulwark against fanaticism, but the fact is, Israel is a hotbed of religious fanaticism. The government finances it and uses it to push Palestinians out and seize more and more land.

If the religious fanaticism has to stop, then it must on both sides. Israel's been talking out of both sides of its mouth. The jewish community has been largely talking out of both sides of its mouth on this issue.

As long as we remain unaware of, and the government involvement in, the fanaticism be used by zionist groups, we'll never have a true understanding of the conflict and why it continues despite every effort.

Understanding this fanaticism also helps you understand why the settlement activity continues unabated despite countless promises made a series of deceitful Israeli leaders.

Understanding this fanaticism will also explain why ethnic cleansing, population transfer, and the unabashed racism of so many Israeli politicians is acceptable discourse in Israel.


New member
Aug 30, 2001
onthebottom said:
I was thinking the same thing, was tempted to edit it and change Israel to Iran and Hesder Yeshiva to Hamas....

You beat me to it, but I think you get the point......

At least you are seeing the parallels. But one has to wonder why you don't make such comparisons when you see criticism of Iran or Hamas.


Persian Lover
Dec 6, 2005
gryfin said:
If the religious fanaticism has to stop, then it must on both sides.
Holy shit, I fell of my chair, I can't believe I read this, don't know if everyone else read it as well, or am I the only one who can read this on my compouter.

Is it possible, even remotely possible that gryffy jr. is cracking? Even the minute possibility that he sees that maybe, and I do mean the slightlest hair line maybe, that he is making some sort of admission that there is some small fanaticism on the Palestine side? My lord what has happened? :eek:

I know the rest of his post is all Israeli bashing, but come on guys, let's give him credit, he could have made a minor admission that Paelestine is not perfect. Wow!

Ok gryffy, is it possible now to have a rational, objective discussion on this? Let's start by admitting that there are faults on both sides, both the Hamas and the extreme Zionists, both fanatical groups, and then we can move from there. Possible?


New member
Aug 30, 2001
Your powers of interpretation are appallingly weak if you ever found any support in my writings for religious fanaticism.

Zionism as it's practiced is a form of fanaticism. It's track record is obscene.

The degree of Israeli government involvement in propagating that fanaticism is little understood.


New member
Jan 19, 2006
solitaria said:
As I said a lot of finger pointing and hypocrisy. Sometimes a ton. You seemed to be okay with the "Hamas TV Bunny Killed" zionist propagandistic bullshit.
Solitaria, are you saying that the "TV Bunny Killed" was NOT aired on Palestinian Television?


Never Been Justly Banned
Jan 10, 2002
gryfin said:
At least you are seeing the parallels. But one has to wonder why you don't make such comparisons when you see criticism of Iran or Hamas.
I have been very critical of Israel, the continued push to settle the West Bank is the beginning of the end of Israel. At the end of the day (10-15 years from now) the Jews will be out numbered in their Jewish state and then all hell will break loose.

What really pisses me off is that we've been talking about this since I was in the 7th grade, back before color TVs and still they can't divide up this little piece of land... a pox on both their houses.



Jan 26, 2004
gryfin said:
Your powers of interpretation are appallingly weak if you ever found any support in my writings for religious fanaticism.

Zionism as it's practiced is a form of fanaticism. It's track record is obscene.

The degree of Israeli government involvement in propagating that fanaticism is little understood.

gryffy, you are nothing more than an antisemite, who has consistantly shown your hatred towards anything Jewish or Israeli.

You are indeed a one dimentional person, at least with your postings on this board. For all I know you just might be a model citizen, who neighbours can't say enough good things about, but I sincerely doubt it. A leopard doesn't change its spots. You are a very sad human being.

Personally, I would actually like to meet you. I have never seen ignorance and antisemitism personified in living colour. I know that would be impossible, because that would mean you would have to come out of your cave. Some peoples children.

Tell me, in real life, when someone asks you a question, do you ever give an answer, because I have yet to see you answer any question that has been posed to you on this board.

One last thing, although the chances of getting a response to the question is really slim.. What do you hope to gain by all your insane postings and posturing? What purpose does it serve? Do you think you can spread your hatred on an escort review board? Do you really think that anyone other than the other antisemites on this board will listen to you.


New member
Jun 1, 2005
Aardvark154 said:
Solitaria, are you saying that the "TV Bunny Killed" was NOT aired on Palestinian Television?
No, I'm pretty sure it was aired.

Cinema Face

New member
Mar 1, 2003
The Middle Kingdom
Oh man, Gryf. Electronicinfada and you have the nerve to criticize the validity of other people’s sources.

Your posts aren’t worthy of a response. However, I will respond anyway.

You want to discuss religious fanaticism? OK, let’s go:

Yes. It’s true that all religions have their fanatics. There is one very key difference between Islamic fanatics and all others. In all other faiths, the fanatics are considered nuts by the moderate majority. In Islam, the fanatics are considered heroes.

All other faiths marginalize their fanatics. People distance themselves from them and will rat them out when they are discovered. The fanatics have to operate mostly in secret, on the fringe of the faith.

Islam glorifies the fanatics. They sing songs about them. They even brag about their murderous exploits. The moderate majority supports them, either directly or they turn a blind eye, no matter how heinous their crimes are. It’s extremely rare to have an Islamic terrorist ratted out by the peaceful majority. The fanatics operate within the Mosques and Madrassas with the blessing of the Imams, clerics and the congregation. Fanaticism is the very core of the faith.

Don’t believe me? Osama bin Laden has an over 80% approval rating within the Islamic world. You won’t hear a Muslim condemn OBL unless they’re put on the spot. He’s the man, cuz he’s got a real body count of dead infidels under his belt.

You are a peddler of bullshit.


Persian Lover
Dec 6, 2005
gryfin said:
Your powers of interpretation are appallingly weak if you ever found any support in my writings for religious fanaticism.
Damn, I thought there was an ounce of hope for you, guess not, it's too late for you I fear.

gryffn said:
Zionism as it's practiced is a form of fanaticism. The degree of Israeli government involvement in propagating that fanaticism is little understood.
Gryffy, do you consider yourself a fanatic of some form? Interesting to hear your take on this, or are you going to avoid answering questions as you usally do. What the heck, let's try Gryffy, give it a shot.

Cinema Face

New member
Mar 1, 2003
The Middle Kingdom
Good Muslims vs. bad Muslims

peteeey said:
Thanx for this video, peteeeey,

This video illustrates the conflict within Islam between good Muslims and bad Muslims. And here comes the conflict to Canada. :( You can see how upside down Islamic morality is.

Good Muslims are the ones that follow the true path of Mohammad. They blindly follow the Qur'an to the letter. Good Muslims are the true believers. Deviation of the path is not tolerated. Anyone who disagrees needs to be silenced and/or killed.

Bad Muslims have deviated from the path. Bad Muslims are the ones that think we should live in peace, integrate into society and be tolerant of other beliefs. Bad Muslims have a conscience and they ignore the parts of the Qur’an that conflict with their sense of right and wrong. Muhammad called bad Muslims, "hypocrites." Bad Muslims were the ones that acted the part of good Muslims but wouldn't kill for Muhammad when the time came. Muhammad said that the hottest part of hell was reserved for the hypocrites.

As you can see, good Muslims are bad people. Bad Muslims are good people. Unfortunately, good Muslims always seem to win in the end. Good Muslims claim divine authority (the Qur’an and Hadith support their position) and good Muslims will resort to brute force, intimidation and killing to get their way.

We need to support the bad Muslims. Help them stand up against good Muslims.


New member
Apr 1, 2005
solitaria said:
I would agree that zionism has a definite ugly side, but what about the Hamas side?

Two sides of the same coin, wouldn't you say? The extremist (religous) indoctrination is happening on both sides. It is obviously very effective for the purpose it serves.

Going forward, what is the best way in your opinion to resolve the conflict between the two sides? Right now what is happening is a lot of finger pointing and hypocrisy.
Article today in Globe and Mail(op - ed) wherein an Israeli says there is no solution and there never will be. Aim should be to mitigate damage. He recommends opening dialogue with Hamas.
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