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Jewish Religous Fanaticism and the behaviour of the IDF


Mar 24, 2002
solitaria said:
As I said a lot of finger pointing and hypocrisy. Sometimes a ton. You seemed to be okay with the "Hamas TV Bunny Killed" zionist propagandistic bullshit.
How was it "zionist propagandistic bullshit"? It was produced BY Palestinians FOR Palestinians (impressionable children, at that). Do you dispute that?

Yes, these is propaganda and hypocrisy on both sides. But you are certainly not alleviating the problem with your bombastic rhetoric.

Practice what you preach and address the issues.


New member
Apr 19, 2006
Cinema Face said:
As you can see, good Muslims are bad people. Bad Muslims are good people. Unfortunately, good Muslims always seem to win in the end. Good Muslims claim divine authority (the Qur’an and Hadith support their position) and good Muslims will resort to brute force, intimidation and killing to get their way.

We need to support the bad Muslims. Help them stand up against good Muslims.
I disagree with this statement. I have spent alot amount of time studying and analyzing Islam and Muslims (as well as Judaism, Christianity, Jews and Christians) so I have a more balanced view of this.

The problem is not with Islam. The problem seems to be with Muslims who interpret and twist their religion for their own political motives. Hate, intolerance to other religions, killing of innocent civilians, damaging the environment are all graves sins. Promotion of Islam by force is also clearly prohibited in their scriptures.

There seem to be only two conditions that Muslims are allowed to take up arms:
1. If Muslims are being oppressed and persecuted unjustly. They are encouraged to Jihad to defend their rights, property and right to worship.

2. If a government prohibits Muslims from promoting Islam through peaceful means. Todays' freedom of speech and freedom to worship whatever, eliminates this.

The larger issue facing Muslims is that they need to embark on radical reformation and education process within their community.

I have long advocated that they way to attack Muslims opposed to free, democratic and secular societies is to throw their own book at them. They wouldn't know what hit them and they would lose all of their credibility.

Yes, I've read and familiar with all of the guys who claim that the Koran promotes and incites violence, but it pales in comparison to the Bible and Talmud.


Well-known member
Dec 7, 2001
kmalle said:
I disagree with this statement. I have spent alot amount of time studying and analyzing Islam and Muslims (as well as Judaism, Christianity, Jews and Christians) so I have a more balanced view of this.

The problem is not with Islam. The problem seems to be with Muslims who interpret and twist their religion for their own political motives. Hate, intolerance to other religions, killing of innocent civilians, damaging the environment are all graves sins. Promotion of Islam by force is also clearly prohibited in their scriptures.

There seem to be only two conditions that Muslims are allowed to take up arms:
1. If Muslims are being oppressed and persecuted unjustly. They are encouraged to Jihad to defend their rights, property and right to worship.

2. If a government prohibits Muslims from promoting Islam through peaceful means. Todays' freedom of speech and freedom to worship whatever, eliminates this.

The larger issue facing Muslims is that they need to embark on radical reformation and education process within their community.

I have long advocated that they way to attack Muslims opposed to free, democratic and secular societies is to throw their own book at them. They wouldn't know what hit them and they would lose all of their credibility.

Yes, I've read and familiar with all of the guys who claim that the Koran promotes and incites violence, but it pales in comparison to the Bible and Talmud.
please do not try to use logic and reason with TERB's self promoted expert on Islam, Cinema Face, time and time again he has been proven to be nothing more than an extreme right wing Zionist who just hates Arabs and Muslims in general.

People like him would never acknowledge people like Mustafa Akyol

or anti Wahhabist groups like CIP

or Fethullah Gulen's


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
kmalle said:
The problem is not with Islam. The problem seems to be with Muslims who interpret and twist their religion for their own political motives. Hate, intolerance to other religions, killing of innocent civilians, damaging the environment are all graves sins. Promotion of Islam by force is also clearly prohibited in their scriptures....
I appreciate a thought out post.

One of the problems though is that there are groups of Muslims who propagate hatred and they are unfortunately a very well funded group who also provides for people in need. Because this, they are very successful at spreading their interpretation. The more moderate Muslims (or those who see the religion in the same way you do) are unfortunately marginalized.


New member
Jun 1, 2005
Inferno said:
How was it "zionist propagandistic bullshit"? It was produced BY Palestinians FOR Palestinians (impressionable children, at that). Do you dispute that?

Yes, these is propaganda and hypocrisy on both sides. But you are certainly not alleviating the problem with your bombastic rhetoric.

Practice what you preach and address the issues.
I have already stated I don't dispute the validity of it.

From your post it is evident you aren't clear on what constitutes propaganda.

1) The systematic propagation of a doctrine or cause or of information reflecting the views and interests of those advocating such a doctrine or cause.
2) Material disseminated by the advocates or opponents of a doctrine or cause: wartime propaganda.
3) Propaganda Roman Catholic Church. A division of the Roman Curia that has authority in the matter of preaching the gospel, of establishing the Church in non-Christian countries, and of administering Church missions in territories where there is no properly organized hierarchy.
Please pay particular attention to definition one. Note that propaganda doesn't have to be a lie. I suspect MEMRI only broadcasts messages aimed at bringing world focus/attention to the wrong-doings of Palestinians while completely ignoring the wrong-doings of Israelis because the goal of their systematic propagation of information (stemming from their doctrine of the Israelis being superior to the Palestinians) is to bring sympathy to the Israeli cause and make the Palestinians look bad. MEMRI isn't fair and balanced and everything they broadcast is meant to influence and sway the beliefs of their audience instead of to just inform.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Mia.Colpa said:
Holy shit, I fell of my chair, I can't believe I read this, don't know if everyone else read it as well, or am I the only one who can read this on my compouter.
I would take this as his handlers have told him about flies, honey, and vinegar.


New member
Aug 30, 2001
Cinema Face said:
Oh man, Gryf. Electronicinfada and you have the nerve to criticize the validity of other people’s sources.

Your posts aren’t worthy of a response. However, I will respond anyway.

You want to discuss religious fanaticism? OK, let’s go:

Yes. It’s true that all religions have their fanatics. There is one very key difference between Islamic fanatics and all others. In all other faiths, the fanatics are considered nuts by the moderate majority. In Islam, the fanatics are considered heroes.

All other faiths marginalize their fanatics. People distance themselves from them and will rat them out when they are discovered. The fanatics have to operate mostly in secret, on the fringe of the faith.

Islam glorifies the fanatics. They sing songs about them. They even brag about their murderous exploits. The moderate majority supports them, either directly or they turn a blind eye, no matter how heinous their crimes are. It’s extremely rare to have an Islamic terrorist ratted out by the peaceful majority. The fanatics operate within the Mosques and Madrassas with the blessing of the Imams, clerics and the congregation. Fanaticism is the very core of the faith.

Don’t believe me? Osama bin Laden has an over 80% approval rating within the Islamic world. You won’t hear a Muslim condemn OBL unless they’re put on the spot. He’s the man, cuz he’s got a real body count of dead infidels under his belt.

You are a peddler of bullshit.
On the contrary, racism within Israel is tolerated, supported, and funded by the Israeli government and by its jewish citizens. Transparent religious racists are regarded as heroes. Transparent religious and political racists are elected.
Witness the recent elections. Witness the Hesder Yeshiva's. Witness the IDF Rabbi's.

The evidence is abundant. It's overwhelming. It's sickening. And it's right in front of your eyes.
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