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Hamas TV Bunny Killed


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Wow, what a laugh. You do nothing to refute your being a racist; just added to the evidence.

solitaria said:
It has everything to do with situation. Extreme poverty and oppression breeds extreme fanaticism. A lot of that is on Israel.
Ok, you think it's Israel's fault Hamas is thuggish. I guess you think the Palestinian leadership aren't capable of being responsible for their actions. You wonder why I'm comparing you to gryf.

When you say a Jewish conspiracy are you really referring to Jewish propaganda? Are those two words - conspiracy and propaganda - interchangeable for you? I'm not sure if you are being purposefully retarded or are just plain retarded and don't understand the difference. Which is it?
A "few Jewish names" are some of the most powerful media names in the USA and even around the world.

Obviously not every Jewish person will mindlessly support Israel but enough will. You are a HUGE case in point.
Again, what does this have to do with anything. Why do you insist that Jews most likely support Israel beyond religion? In your mind, because they are Jewish (no matter their background) you believe them to be a part of a plan to subvert North American opinion and that is why I consider you racist.

p.s. I had a Jewish born grandfather which I found about in my teens. I'm just a WASP Canadian (unless you believe in the theories that German guy with the funny moustache adhered to).

You think of yourself as objective but you refuse to look for the moral equivalency on both sides. Say, for example, you owned FOX news Corporation like Rupert Mudoch.
Is Murdoch Jewish all of a sudden?

Valkyrie started shooting in July of 2007.

Defiance started shooting in September of 2007.

Both movies were shot by Jewish directors. So you tell me. Two movies, shot by Jewish directors in 2007, released at the same time in December of 2008, when Israel was attacking in the Gaza strip. The timing of the releases seem awfully, awfully coincidental to me. I don't believe in coincidences of that magnitude, do you?
Here's where you really start to lose the thread.

Do you really believe that two directors (and the Jewish controlled movie industry) knew in 2007 that Hamas would initiate a major increase in missile attacks and Israel would respond to it precisely as the movies were set to be released? (and you wonder why I put you in the category of conspiracy believer)

You are also a complete idiot because that Tom Cruise movie is not a holocaust movie, just a movie about the morals of German officers. I gave you too much credit and assumed you were talking about The Boy in the Striped Pajamas as the second movie.

Really, after this idiocy from you, there is really no reason for me to continue bashing you. You have clearly shown your illogical hatreds.


New member
Jun 1, 2005
basketcase said:
Wow, what a laugh. You do nothing to refute your being a racist; just added to the evidence.
I see the moral equivalency on both sides. You do not. Your position is racist and mine is not. Pretty simple if you ask me.

basketcase said:
Ok, you think it's Israel's fault Hamas is thuggish. I guess you think the Palestinian leadership aren't capable of being responsible for their actions. You wonder why I'm comparing you to gryf.
Again are you being purposefully retarded or are you just plain retarded? Really it is hard to tell.

If you whack a hornet's nest what do you expect to happen? If you get stung whose fault is it?

Israel just totaled the Gaza strip with close to $2B in damage and over 1100 deaths. Think of that as akin to whacking a hornet's nest. It was dumb, dumb, dumb not to mention immoral.

Human beings aren't really that much different than hornets when you piss them off and destroy their homes and lives. This is basic common sense.

basketcase said:
In your mind, because they are Jewish (no matter their background) you believe them to be a part of a plan to subvert North American opinion and that is why I consider you racist.
I want you to start reading EXACTLY what I write. EXACTLY.

You have a Jewish affiliation of some kind since, as you stated, you had a Jewish born grandfather. I think you are totally biased in favour of Israel in your analysis of the conflict between the Palestinians and the Israelis. Now does that mean I think you are part of a plan to subvert North American opinion? No, you just follow lockstep with Israeli propaganda because you have such a high emotional attachment with Israeli Jews. (If you deny this, I submit all your posts as proof of my assertion.) Therefore I don't think anyone is telling you what to do nor do I think you are part of a conspiracy. However, what I do think is that you become part of the Israeli propaganda because you continually propagate the propaganda even though you have no direct association with the source of it. Same deal, to varying degrees, with the list of powerful Jewish people in the media I gave you.

basketcase said:
Is Murdoch Jewish all of a sudden?
No, not all of a sudden.

basketcase said:
Here's where you really start to lose the thread.
Just in your rabidly pro-Israeli mindset.

basketcase said:
Do you really believe that two directors (and the Jewish controlled movie industry) knew in 2007 that Hamas would initiate a major increase in missile attacks and Israel would respond to it precisely as the movies were set to be released? (and you wonder why I put you in the category of conspiracy believer)
You don't really think outside of the box do you? It is either or for you: either a conspiracy or coincidental and nothing in-between. What a complete lack of intelligence on your part.

I don't think even the Israeli government knew that they were going to attack Hamas in December 2008 way back in September 2007 and that is not what I am claiming. Those directors held on to the movies, until the release date was opportune. Those directors made the movies because they have pro-Israeli agendas.

basketcase said:
You are also a complete idiot because that Tom Cruise movie is not a holocaust movie, just a movie about the morals of German officers.
That's a distinction without much of a difference. A movie set in Nazi Germany during WW11 and you don't think there is an association with the Holocaust and how the Jewish people were victims of a terrible tragedy and how everyone should know they have to be forever vigilant against another Holocaust even if it means leveling the Gaza strip and killing more than 1000 Palestinians?

basketcase said:
I gave you too much credit and assumed you were talking about The Boy in the Striped Pajamas as the second movie.
Fuck I can't keep track of them all, my bad. You are proving my point though about the very, very pro-Israeli NA media.


Jan 26, 2004
soly, you are one very sick demended ignorant antisemitic. Just when I thought that gryffy was the most moronic poster here, you have out done yourself.

Rupert Murdoch jewish. Don't tell him.

Tell me, when you post your garbage, do you sit at the computer and jerk off.
I am actually speechless. There are hate laws in this country. Dare I say that if you espouse your views public, two things would happen. First you would be riddiculed then you would be arrested. Then you would get Keegsta and deported Nazi's lawyer, Christie to defend you with our tax dollars.
Let me save you and the government some time. We can start a fund to have you sent to Gaza, and we will even buy you lunch.

You are one sick prick. (to the board, excuse my profanity, but it is very justified)


New member
Jun 1, 2005

You think of the Jewish people as a superior group of people just like Hitler thought of the Aryan race as superior. How many times have you tried to make the point that the Jewish race is far more successful than other races, especially on a per capita basis, with your list of geniuses and Nobel Prize winners whom are Jewish. What's your point? It is no different than Nazi supremacist thinking.

Then, you have the audacity to claim that I am racist, when I state there are no real moral or genetic differences between the thinking capacities of the two groups of people, and the only observable differences are superficial brought on by geo-political factors that most people are either too stupid or too intellectually lazy to bother to examine.

Here's the definition of racism for the benefit of both yourself and basketcase.

Racism is the belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race.
Please note it is not the belief that Israel has launched a very successful PR (propaganda) campaign and that North American society is very pro-Israeli because of AIPAC and the composition of media ownership.

Now let’s bring out a sample of posts from you and basketcase.

In this post, basketcase is trying to establish that the Palestinians are a bloodthirsty group compared to the Israelis. He wants us to believe, as he does, that there are real observable moral differences between the two groups.

basketcase said:
You will not find many Israelis celebrating the deaths of Palestinian civilians yet Palestinians who kill Israeli civilians are hailed as martyrs and heros
With the following statement from basketcase, please observe his intentions of not wanting to see the sides as morally equivalent since that wouldn't reinforce his racist beliefs of moral superiority on the Israeli Jewish side.

basketcase said:
To sum up, I have no interest in searching for a moral equivalency...
No we turn to your posts of Jewish superiority. There is definitely the idea of inherent Jewish superiority in your posts.

zaig said:
On only a semi related idea, and I don't have the answer, but it would be fun to find out, Jews as mentioned represent 1.7% of the earths population and have garnered approxamately 1/3 of all Nobel Prizes. And I am not saying this in a negative way, but Muslims represnt 25% of the worlds population, how many Nobel Prizes have they garnered.
Sure it would be fun to find out Zaig. Fun for a racist.

Lastly, and I know you aren't the only one, stop using words that you don't fully understand.

soly, you are one very sick demended ignorant antisemitic.
I mean what the hell is demended? I bet it sounds bad and evil to you though. Also please use the noun (anti-semite) not the adjective (anti-semitic) when trying to label me. Otherwise you just sound like a moron. Just like your buddies,you argue from emotion and not intelligence.


Jan 26, 2004
solitaria said:

You think of the Jewish people as a superior group of people just like Hitler thought of the Aryan race as superior. How many times have you tried to make the point that the Jewish race is far more successful than other races, especially on a per capita basis, with your list of geniuses and Nobel Prize winners whom are Jewish. What's your point? It is no different than Nazi supremacist thinking.

Then, you have the audacity to claim that I am racist, when I state there are no real moral or genetic differences between the thinking capacities of the two groups of people, and the only observable differences are superficial brought on by geo-political factors that most people are either too stupid or too intellectually lazy to bother to examine.

Here's the definition of racism for the benefit of both yourself and basketcase.

Please note it is not the belief that Israel has launched a very successful PR (propaganda) campaign and that North American society is very pro-Israeli because of AIPAC and the composition of media ownership.

Now let’s bring out a sample of posts from you and basketcase.

In this post, basketcase is trying to establish that the Palestinians are a bloodthirsty group compared to the Israelis. He wants us to believe, as he does, that there are real observable moral differences between the two groups.

With the following statement from basketcase, please observe his intentions of not wanting to see the sides as morally equivalent since that wouldn't reinforce his racist beliefs of moral superiority on the Israeli Jewish side.

No we turn to your posts of Jewish superiority. There is definitely the idea of inherent Jewish superiority in your posts.

Sure it would be fun to find out Zaig. Fun for a racist.

Lastly, and I know you aren't the only one, stop using words that you don't fully understand.

I mean what the hell is demended? I bet it sounds bad and evil to you though. Also please use the noun (anti-semite) not the adjective (anti-semitic) when trying to label me. Otherwise you just sound like a moron. Just like your buddies,you argue from emotion and not intelligence.
May I first apologize for my incorrect spelling of demented. I have never been a good speller.

Second, antisemite, antisemitism, antisemitic

The term anti-Semitism was coined in 1879 by Wilheim Marr, an anti-Jewish spokesman in Germany, as a euphemistic substitute for "judenhass", Jew-hatred. The term is a misnomer, of course since it has nothing to do with Semites. Threfore, in order to avoid any confusion, historian James Parkes, suggested that antisemitism be written as one word. Many historians have adopted this spelling, explaining the spelling ought to be antisemitism without the hyphen, dispelling the notion that there is an entity "Semitism" which anti-Semitism opposes.

Unlike you and your fellow Iranian, I don't preach hate, although have to honestly say that you are light years ahead of the other guy.

If in fact you have read my posts, you must have missed where I have said that the whole Middle East situation is very sad. I support a two state solution that can achieve a lasting peace, so that both the Israelis and the Palastinians could finally get on with their lives. Senseless wars solve nothing.

The main point I tried to make with reference to the Noble prizes and the thread I started quoting an Arab writer was to show the differences in ideology between the Jewish people and the Muslim arabs.

I could go on and quote chapter and verse of how through history the Jewish people have been persecuted in every society they have lived in throughout history, culminating with the Holocaust, and continuing on to today. What most people don't know or understand about the Jewish people is the Jewish faith. It revolves around 4 components: God, Torah (laws and teachings), Israel (Jewish nationhood), and Chosenness. Throughout Jewish history, the Jews affirmation of one or more of these components has challenged, even threatened, the gods, laws, and cultures of non-Jews among who the Jews have lived. Continuing along this thought, that is why modern antisemites, now use the term anti-Zionist to mask their antisemitism, saying its not the Jews we hate, only that Zionist state in the middle east.


Jan 26, 2004
solitaria said:

You think of the Jewish people as a superior group of people just like Hitler thought of the Aryan race as superior. How many times have you tried to make the point that the Jewish race is far more successful than other races, especially on a per capita basis, with your list of geniuses and Nobel Prize winners whom are Jewish. What's your point? It is no different than Nazi supremacist thinking.

Then, you have the audacity to claim that I am racist, when I state there are no real moral or genetic differences between the thinking capacities of the two groups of people, and the only observable differences are superficial brought on by geo-political factors that most people are either too stupid or too intellectually lazy to bother to examine.

Here's the definition of racism for the benefit of both yourself and basketcase.

Please note it is not the belief that Israel has launched a very successful PR (propaganda) campaign and that North American society is very pro-Israeli because of AIPAC and the composition of media ownership.

Now let’s bring out a sample of posts from you and basketcase.

In this post, basketcase is trying to establish that the Palestinians are a bloodthirsty group compared to the Israelis. He wants us to believe, as he does, that there are real observable moral differences between the two groups.

With the following statement from basketcase, please observe his intentions of not wanting to see the sides as morally equivalent since that wouldn't reinforce his racist beliefs of moral superiority on the Israeli Jewish side.

No we turn to your posts of Jewish superiority. There is definitely the idea of inherent Jewish superiority in your posts.

Sure it would be fun to find out Zaig. Fun for a racist.

Lastly, and I know you aren't the only one, stop using words that you don't fully understand.

I mean what the hell is demended? I bet it sounds bad and evil to you though. Also please use the noun (anti-semite) not the adjective (anti-semitic) when trying to label me. Otherwise you just sound like a moron. Just like your buddies,you argue from emotion and not intelligence.
May I first apologize for my incorrect spelling of demented. I have never been a good speller.

Second, antisemite, antisemitism, antisemitic

The term anti-Semitism was coined in 1879 by Wilheim Marr, an anti-Jewish spokesman in Germany, as a euphemistic substitute for "judenhass", Jew-hatred. The term is a misnomer, of course since it has nothing to do with Semites. Threfore, in order to avoid any confusion, historian James Parkes, suggested that antisemitism be written as one word. Many historians have adopted this spelling, explaining the spelling ought to be antisemitism without the hyphen, dispelling the notion that there is an entity "Semitism" which anti-Semitism opposes.

Unlike you and your fellow Iranian, I don't preach hate, although have to honestly say that you are light years ahead of the other guy.

If in fact you have read my posts, you must have missed where I have said that the whole Middle East situation is very sad. I support a two state solution that can achieve a lasting peace, so that both the Israelis and the Palastinians could finally get on with their lives. Senseless wars solve nothing.

The main point I tried to make with reference to the Noble prizes and the thread I started quoting an Arab writer was to show the differences in ideology between the Jewish people and the Muslim arabs.

I could go on and quote chapter and verse of how through history the Jewish people have been persecuted in every society they have lived in throughout history, culminating with the Holocaust, and continuing on to today. What most people don't know or understand about the Jewish people is the Jewish faith. It revolves around 4 components: God, Torah (laws and teachings), Israel (Jewish nationhood), and Chosenness. Throughout Jewish history, the Jews affirmation of one or more of these components has challenged, even threatened, the gods, laws, and cultures of non-Jews among who the Jews have lived. Continuing along this thought, that is why modern antisemites, now use the term anti-Zionist to mask their antisemitism, saying its not the Jews we hate, only that Zionist state in the middle east.

Honestly, I feel very sad for the Iranian people, who have had 30 years of backward leadership, preventing Iran from taking a place among modern forward thinking nations. I commiserate with you for your country's situation, but by constantly bashing Israel and the US is not going to solve your or your country's problem.

Just in case you aren't aware of it, the Jewish holiday of Purim is coming in March. Do you know why we celebrate Purim. Well let me give you the readers digest abridged version.

The King of Persia had an advisor named Haman. He wanted the King of Persia to pull a Nazi Holocaust by killing all the Jews. The King of Persia was actually married to a Jewish woman, Ester, although he did not know that.
When he decided he was going to kill all the Jews on Haman's suggestion, she asked him if he (the King) was going to kill her as well. Once he found out that she was Jewish, he reversed the decision, (after getting better advise from Ester's brother Mordechai, and arrested and hung Haman. That is why on Purim, I am going to be eating humintashin (3 sided pastry resembling the hat of Haman). Of course, whether this really happened is anyones guess, since the history of the time was as well documented as it is today, but you get the general idea.

Don't you see SA, when you spread hate and lies such as Rupert Murdoch, being Jewish when he is absoulutely not, you lose all credibility. Your arch-rival Persis, who along with gryffy, nottiboi, and a few others are so antisemitic and hate-filled sad people. I honestly don't think that you belong in that group, but if you keep posting lies and misinformation, you are only fooling yourself.

I have found most of your posts rational and even interesting at times, but don't lower yourself to their levels.

When all is said and done, I honestly hope that these types of threads on this board would disappear, they solve nothing and only add to the hate on both sides.

If you wonder why Jewish people are always concerned when antisemitic posts pop up on the Internet, it is because, throughout history, the Jewish people have been the most hated and tortured people on the planet. All you have to do is go to Craigs list for almost any city, go to the politics section and just read the hate spewed posts by ignorant antisemites, and you might understand why we try to counter the lies and hate.

My plea to this board and its moderaters would be to not allow such nonsense to be posted, as all it does is increase hatred on both sides.

When it comes to the English guy Landsdink, well he is just a shit disturber, trying to get a rise out of everyone else. I dislike his postings as much as you do.


New member
Jun 1, 2005

Listen, I don't hate Jewish people. I don't know how I can be any clearer than that. I don't want Jewish people to die just as I don't want Palestinian people to die.

The Jewish contribution to the world has been indeed wonderful for the most part, and this world wouldn't be what it is without them. No argument from me there. There are indeed some great thinkers on the Jewish side, and who can deny the genius of Einstein. Diversity is indeed a great thing, and is what makes the world an interesting place to live.

I am not Iranian, like you seem to think I am. I am a Canadian and my background is entirely of UK descent. Personally, of all the active posters in this discussion, I think I am the only one without a bias of descent.

Unfortunately, I think you are right, there is still a lot of anti-Semitism in the world, but this hatred is more confined to the lower socio-economic class in my opinion whom are without real success or power. I don't think there is any real danger of another Holocaust. Israel has nukes, so no power can really defeat her. I think the hatred towards Arabs in NA society is more palpable, and is more prevalent and universal across all social classes in NA because it is borne from irrational fear instead of lack of success and envy.

Right now I think the Holocaust is being used to manipulate another genocide of sorts against the Palestinian people albeit on a much smaller scale. To me, a Canadian observer without a reason to hate either side, I think Holocaust movies are now made to portray the Israeli side as victims of brutality instead of perpetrators of brutality. In actual fact, I do believe there has been a reversal in national identity and power here.

While I have heard your story about Mordechai, as I was brought up religious, I think the bible, new and old testament, along with other religious texts are a pile of bunk as I am an Atheist. Two comments though: don't you think you are living way too much in the past as events change - I don't see how this story is really relevant as it is hardly verifiable and even if it was true it happened such a long time ago; second comment many of my family is religious and they are very pro-Jewish/Israeli as I believe most Christian religions are so I don't think this hatred is nearly as widespread as you seem to think and in actual fact many Christian people will back Israel no matter what or at least think the Arabs are automatically way worse. This mindset is very evident in this and other threads here on Terb.

As far as Rupert Murdoch goes, he is actually Jewish but hides the fact. There have been many articles to this effect. His mother was an Orthodox Jew. Rupert has this fascination with trying to appear neutral when really he is not. He promotes Fox as the most fair and balanced network on TV when really it is just a right wing Republican newscast. Have you seen a picture of him? He does not have UK features as his mother must have contributed more strongly to his genotype. Denying the obvious is just denying the obvious for the sake of being political correct. Do you really believe he is not Jewish?

Even if I am wrong about Rupert Murdoch (which I know I am not), does this really change the picture of the composition of NA media owners and their pro-Israeli bias? I gave you a significant list, and even if Rupert Murdoch isn't Jewish, he sure favours the Israeli/Zionist side. I don't think you can argue the point. I've seen many pictures of him chumming around with Ariel Sharon and he has a more extreme Jewish position than many Jewish people with guests including many former Israeli-PM's and pro-Israeli proponents without nearly adequate representation from the other side. Where's the balance in that?

Do you really deny that North Americans as a whole have a very pro-Israeli bias that is very unhealthy in trying to resolve the conflict between Palestinian and Israel. I mean AIPAC is horrible in dictating USA foreign policy. Most other UN countries don't nearly have the same bias, as shown by their voting record against Israel's wrong-doings as compared to the USA.

If the situation was reversed, and the Palestinians were killing 100 times more people that the Israelis, I would change my position to be more damning of them. That’s the huge problem I have with the NA pro-Israeli bias, it tries to persuade us to think the death toll is morally okay when from a humanitarian standpoint what Israel is doing to the civilian population in the Gaza strip is sickening. You and others can keep hammering me all you want about my opinion being anti-Israeli in the conflict and therefore I must be an anti-Semite, but my criticism has nothing to do with whom the perpetrators of the violence are but rather what they are doing in terms of killing innocent civilians.


Jan 26, 2004
Ok, you said your piece, which I don't agree with and lets leave it at that.
I am not going to go into the histroy of the birth of modern day Israel, because it would not solve anything on this board. The haters will continue to hate.
The only sane thing to do on everyone's part is to just let this whole topic elapse. The fewer postings on terb will make it a nicer place to be.
Once that happens, maybe, just maybe sanity will prevail.
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