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Hamas TV Bunny Killed


New member
Jun 1, 2005
dj1470 said:
Actually I think that his sig pic is a very factual representation of what is happening.
It's very one-sided and dishonest. Surely deep down you know that.

dj1470 said:
What about your obvious brainwashing?
What is the source of my brainwashing? The NA media heavily favours Israel not Palestine.

dj1470 said:
You are obviously anti-semitic as evidenced by your posts over the last little while in most threads, re: Israel.
You always seem to come down on the side of Palestinians
So if I check your posts I will see you coming down on both sides, fairly and objectively? Will I even see one criticism of Israel?

You probably think I am pro-Palestinian because you are so extremely pro-Israeli. I am in fact neutral, as I have stated both sides have immoral leaders that don't give a shit about civilian deaths and that the Jews and Arabs are morally the same with an equal percentage of extremists and moderates within their populations. I doubt you would agree with that statement which makes you the biased bigot and not me.


New member
Jun 1, 2005
basketcase said:
Read my above comment. Your credibility is zero.
Coming from a guy named basketcase who has never once criticized Israel for her actions. Sure buddy, if you say so.

basketcase said:
I can't take this seriously. You let 18 billion posts by gryf and persis go by without criticism but an occasional post showing Hamas for what it is comes by and you suddenly want balance.
Please refer me to the posts where you criticize Israel and the pro-Israeli side.

There is such a pile-on with gryf and persis, I don't need to really pursue it. However, as I said, it's the Israeli side that is getting away with murder not Hamas. That's why the spotlight needs to be re-directed. The Israeli side killed way more innocent people than the Hamas side did this last year and way more people accept what the Israelis are doing as okay. That NA mindset desperately needs to change.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Actually mr "neutral", I have often criticized the Israeli right, especially the settler movement. That being said, I have much more criticism for Hamas, Palestinian militants and the fools who claim their actions are justified.

You saying
However, as I said, it's the Israeli side that is getting away with murder not Hamas.
pretty clearly shows your bias and lack of moral compass, as did your posts about "the Jews" controlling the media. Even amidst your attempts to claim a rational and moral viewpoint, your real feelings become abundantly clear.


New member
Jun 1, 2005
basketcase said:
Actually mr "neutral", I have often criticized the Israeli right, especially the settler movement. That being said, I have much more criticism for Hamas, Palestinian militants and the fools who claim their actions are justified.
Yes, but show me where you put down someone that has gone too far pro-Israeli. Otherwise you are nothing more than a hypocrite since you said it was not enough that I criticize Hamas I must also criticize the posts of Gryfin and Persis. You can't hold me to a higher standard than you hold yourself to and maintain credibility.

basketcase said:
You saying pretty clearly shows your bias and lack of moral compass, as did your posts about "the Jews" controlling the media. Even amidst your attempts to claim a rational and moral viewpoint, your real feelings become abundantly clear.
Yes this is very expected. It is part of your brainwashing. Anyone that doesn't agree with you doesn't have a moral compass and is anti-semitic ( I have to question your IQ since you just blindly absorb propoganda and regurgitate it with no independent thought process of your own to speak of - there are millions of idiots just like you that do the same). Again I call one side the Arabs or Palestinians and the other side the Jews. Nothing wrong with that as I use the same terminology to describe both sides and have stated I mean no offense by the way I choose to put a description on each side and even the Bible refers to Jesus as the King of the Jews (do you question the terminology that your bible uses?). Keep trying to paint me as a racist over that and you are just proving what a hysterical moron you are. I have stated numerous times that I think the two sides are the moral equivalent. Do you think they are the moral equivalent? No, of course you don't however that doesn't matter to your brainwashing. All that matters is that I have criticized the Jews, and instead of analyzing whether or not it truly is fair criticism, you just respond with hystrionics since you can't deny the moral logic of what I state.

Hystrionics and hypocrisy are your game basketcase.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Pretty plain example of your bias.

1. You made the racist claim in another thread about the Jews controlling the media. I probably could stop right there.

2. You criticize one thread about Hamas indoctrinating children for not being balanced as it sits amid hundreds of gryf and persis threads. Where exactly is the need for balance here?

solitaria said:
... Again I call one side the Arabs or Palestinians and the other side the Jews...
3. Anything else will escape you if you have no idea of how pathetic the above quote is. You could comment on Muslims and Jews in your racist generalizations if you want balance. At least both are religions. You could get away with commenting on Israeli Jews vs Palestinians if you were talking about the conflict in the middle east. Can you not conceptualize the difference between nations/national groups and religions that exist world-wide? You simply ignore the fact that Israel is home to only about 1/3 of the world's Jewish population and that the vast majority of Israelis are in favour of a two state solution. If you want to comment while hiding your bias you should learn to use the word 'Israel' instead of 'Jews'.

The simple fact that you believe that "the Jews" control the media to 'brainwash' people to support Israel's view speaks much more than anything else I could say.

p.s. I have criticized cinema face and if digdoo started as many threads as your partners gryf and persis, I'd criticize him too.


New member
Jun 1, 2005

You would love to paint me as a racist, instead of debating the moral issues of my arguments.

Do you, or do you not, see the two sides in the conflict, however you want to label them, as morally the same?

I do. You do not. You're racist, I'm not. Get it?

Racist means you see one group of people as better in some way over another group of people.

I have made very clear this point in a good many of the threads I've posted in regarding this issue.


New member
Jun 1, 2005
basketcase said:
Everyone has a bias and there is no such thing as completely neutral. As for my ethnic background, I'm a non-religous Anglican who found out about 10 years ago that one of my grandfathers was Jewish. I have always been interested in military history and was reading about the Israeli military long before I found out about the Jewish connection. I've never been to Israel and although the Nazis would consider me Jewish, Israeli law doesn't.
You are anything but neutral. In actual fact you are very bias and prejudice with a definite agenda. When are you going to admit that you don't think the two sides are morally the same?

I have to say, based upon the above, you can't seriously think you aren't very pro-Israeli with a very pro-Israeli bias. Sure you are more objective than me. What a joke.


Mar 24, 2002
solitaria said:
You are anything but neutral. In actual fact you are very bias and prejudice with a definite agenda. When are you going to admit that you don't think the two sides are morally the same?

I have to say, based upon the above, you can't seriously think you aren't very pro-Israeli with a very pro-Israeli bias. Sure you are more objective than me. What a joke.
Your claim of objectivity is the most insidious bias of all.

You are always anti-Israel, no matter what. You were in 2006, and nothing has changed to this day.

Sure, you may state your positions more eloquently than persis or gryfin (retards, both) but in the end, you espouse the same view: that Israel is ALWAYS wrong.

Of course, Israel doesn't always do the right thing - show me one country that does. But Israel has a right to exist, and it has a right to defend its existence.

Your posts never seem to acknowledge this.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
solitaria said:
You are anything but neutral. In actual fact you are very bias and prejudice with a definite agenda. When are you going to admit that you don't think the two sides are morally the same?

I have to say, based upon the above, you can't seriously think you aren't very pro-Israeli with a very pro-Israeli bias. Sure you are more objective than me. What a joke.
In the conflict between Hamas and Israel, you are correct in that I don't see a moral equivalency. Hamas and Israel('s Government) are VERY different in their views on civilians. You will not find many Israelis celebrating the deaths of Palestinian civilians yet Palestinians who kill Israeli civilians are hailed as martyrs and heros. So yes, it that comparison, I am pro-Israel.

In a comparison of average Palestinian civilians and average Israeli civilians, they are pretty equal, mostly just wanting to go on living their lives in peace.

Unfortunately, Hamas needs the conflict to survive, desires to kill Israeli civilians, and are willing to put their own people's lives at risk in order to further their goals.

In the overall conflict, I am a supporter of a two state solution on the rough basis of the 1967 borders; the only exception would be a swap of land to allow land access between Gaza and the West Bank. I abhor the Israeli settler movement almost as much as I detest Hamas and am glad that Netenyahu didn't win the election (though it might be for naught). If it wasn't for the years of intense conflict, I would support a Western one state solution but there is no way I could see it happening in the next 50 years. Maybe with years of peaceful relations, Israel and Palestine could get along well, just like Israeli relations with Jordan have become.

To sum up, I have no interest in searching for a moral equivalency where there is none.

Your post history though, despite your recent attempts, has shown clearly that you are not an unbiased individual, even with your feeble attempts to disguise you own words.


New member
Jun 1, 2005
basketcase said:
In the conflict between Hamas and Israel, you are correct in that I don't see a moral equivalency. Hamas and Israel('s Government) are VERY different in their views on civilians. You will not find many Israelis celebrating the deaths of Palestinian civilians yet Palestinians who kill Israeli civilians are hailed as martyrs and heros. So yes, it that comparison, I am pro-Israel.

In a comparison of average Palestinian civilians and average Israeli civilians, they are pretty equal, mostly just wanting to go on living their lives in peace.
Don't be a pussy. At least have the balls to show your true colours in full. Your last sentence is meant to negate what you know to be a racist stance (the two sides aren't morally equivalent) and doesn't make sense in the overall context of democracy. You came out charging with your true feelings (i.e. you will not see Israelis celebrating the deaths of Palestinians yet Palestinians who kill Israeli civilians are hailed as martyrs and heros) then backed off with the bullshit of "average" Palestinian versus Israeli civilians which doesn't possibly make sense considering how the two governments/powers came to be.

Unfortunately, Hamas needs the conflict to survive, desires to kill Israeli civilians, and are willing to put their own people's lives at risk in order to further their goals.
I would agree. The Israeli government also needs Hamas to gain sympathy so they don't need to give away the West Bank, which, let's face it, they have no intention of doing. Hamas is terrible for the cause of the Palestinian people and plays right into the Israeli government's hands.

basketcase said:
To sum up, I have no interest in searching for a moral equivalency where there is none.
That is why you are intellectually my inferior as well as why you are a racist. You can't see the two sides are really morally the same and situations/circumstances, which are superficial, just cause them to appear different on the surface to the average person not possessing a great deal of intelligence.

basketcase said:
Your post history though, despite your recent attempts, has shown clearly that you are not an unbiased individual, even with your feeble attempts to disguise you own words.
Man, you love to smear without justification or facts on your side.


New member
Jun 1, 2005
Inferno said:
Your claim of objectivity is the most insidious bias of all.
Too funny. Insidious really does make me sound bad and evil, doesn't it? Claiming the two sides are the moral equivalent while others won't is such an insidious bias. I think you lifted that turn of phrase from somewhere.

Interno said:
You are always anti-Israel, no matter what. You were in 2006, and nothing has changed to this day.
Lifting a page from basketcase now, are we?

Is it too much to ask for you to try and understand the different between anti-Israel and anti-Israeli policy? I am anti-Hamas policy as well. People claimed that I was anti-American when I argued against the American war in Iraq. I guess I hate Americans too? Does it really take that much intelligence to understand the key, subtle difference?

Interno said:
Sure, you may state your positions more eloquently than persis or gryfin (retards, both) but in the end, you espouse the same view: that Israel is ALWAYS wrong.
Has their basic policy changed since 2006? I think Hamas is always wrong when it launches rockets into Israel not to mention stupid. Well perhaps not stupid since that is what it takes for their political survival but the people that support them are being counter-productive (stupid) to their own self-interests.

inferno said:
Of course, Israel doesn't always do the right thing - show me one country that does. But Israel has a right to exist, and it has a right to defend its existence.
The conflict is not about self-defence. That's the guise.

Cinema Face

New member
Mar 1, 2003
The Middle Kingdom
The problem with the Palestinians is that they hate Israel more than they love their own children.

Hatred that deep needs to be fostered at an early age. The purpose of the Hamas bunny, to instill hatred into children.

There is no moral equivalency here. This is just wrong.


New member
Jun 1, 2005
Cinema Face said:
The problem with the Palestinians is that they hate Israel more than they love their own children.

Hatred that deep needs to be fostered at an early age. The purpose of the Hamas bunny, to instill hatred into children.

There is no moral equivalency here. This is just wrong.
If you don't understand words like moral equivalency don't use them.

Just because what the Palestines do is "just wrong" doesn't mean there isn't moral equivalency since what the Israelis do is just as wrong. Stating that what the Palestinians do is "just wrong" doesn't disprove moral equivalency.

You bias (disdain for Arabs probably) prevents you from objectively viewing the wrong-doings/hatred on the side of the Israelis. In actual fact the hatred on both sides feeds off of each other.

PS - Golda Meir was a hypocrite. She cared more about Zionism than peace.
“Arab sovereignty in Jerusalem just cannot be. This city will not be divided-not half and half, not 60-40, not 75-25, nothing.”
You can very easily turn that phrase on her. As long as she cared more about her mythical biblical Jerusalem than actual people there could be no peace. Both sides just as dogmatic and self-serving.


Mar 24, 2002
solitaria said:
The conflict is not about self-defence. That's the guise.
All of your pseudo-intellectual posturing doesn't change the fact that the conflict was - and will continue to be - about self-defence.

Stop trying to complicate things. This is a very simple issue: Israel told Hamas to stop firing rockets at its civilians or it would come in and kick its ass. So what does Hamas do? Fire more rockets.

What would you do, solitaria? How would YOU deal with Hamas?

Spare me your 'moral equivalency' bullshit... The world knows you cannot negotiate with terrorists.

It's tragic that Hamas knowingly sacrificed Palestinian women and children in this war. Believe what you want, but the majority of Israelis do not take comfort in these civilian casualties. They do not fire automatic weapons from their rooftops while jubilantly ululating. They know that the deaths of all those civilians will only sow the seeds of hate deeper and deeper.

But they are at a loss to find any other solution. How can you negotiate with terrorists? By giving away your entire country?

Israel is (or until recently, was) willing to accept a two-state solution. But is that acceptable to Hamas? No. They insist on having the whole enchilada.

So again, I ask you: what would you do?


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Just so we don`t get too confused by sol`s pretty words, heres a selection of his best of being non-biased.

solitaria said:

The Jewish lobby groups have significant control over the American media and therefore the way the American people think and act…

solitaria said:
I can`t imagine how anyone could be so naive as to think that the Jewish lobby groups aren`t extremely powerful in the USA.

Everything about US foreign policy is pro-Jewish. I could post countless articles about it. As a presidential nominee you basically have to swear your allegiance to Israel or you will be vetted.

solitaria said:
It`s not racist to say the North American media is Jewish controlled. Why don`t you try to dispute what I have said instead of emotionally reacting? I don`t think you have any idea who owns what. The point is factual…

solitaria said:
Surely you don`t believe your poll is representative of a global opinion. Most definitely the world is against Israel. You obviously don`t travel much or read anything apart from North American Jewish controlled media.
solitaria said:
onthebottom said:
Do you mean that Jews own media outlets or do you mean that Jews shape and program the news?

Both. If you own a media outlet you are going to shape and program the news according to your biases.


New member
Jun 1, 2005

You've already been badly, badly discredited. If you don't think the two sides are morally equivalent it is you that is the racist. It is such incredible hypocrisy, to try to claim I am the racist when I am the only one of us both that thinks the two sides are the moral equivalent. You think the Israeli Jews are an inherently superior group from a moral perspective. You can't argue intelligently from your underlying philosophy since it is inherently racist and a load of crap.

You scream racist, hysterically as if you were being raped, all the time, in response to any criticism leveled at the Israeli Jews. You automatically go into smear campaign response mode and your mental programming is very obvious to the objective, intelligent observer. Perhaps you confuse your hystrionics for intelligent debate but I guarantee anyone with a MENSA IQ thinks you are just a hysterical moron.

Sorry to disappoint you but we have a very pro-Israeli perspective and part of that is borne from the North American media and the other part from lobby groups such as AIPAC.

Do you dispute that AIPAC (Jewish lobby group) is the 2nd most influential lobby group in the USA?

Do you know the following individuals and the media corporations they own/run:

Murray Rothstein
Edgar Bronfman Jr
Jeff Zucker
Michael Eisner
Rupert Murdoch
Peter Chernin
Mortimer Zuckerman
Donald E. Graham
Steven Spielberg

It's not a racist claim to state the US is very pro-Israeli. In UN votes the US record is far, far, far more pro-Israeli than any other country. Do you dispute that? Please tell me why the US is so very pro-Israel, if it isn't for media control/influence and lobby groups such as AIPAC.

Obama couldn't get elected until he swore his allegiance to Israel. He selected for VP a self-proclaimed "Zionist" in Joe Biden. Even still, there was still a campaign to try to smear him as a Muslim and terrorist. Do you dispute that? All this is factual.

At Christmas when Israel was attacking the Gaza strip did you notice we had no less than 2 Holocaust movies come out to garner support for Israel. How long ago did the Holocaust happen? How many movies have we been bombarded with since then? I don't see Hollywood making movies about Palestinians and other Arab countries. Correct me if I am wrong, please.

The claim that we are very pro-Israel as a NA society is factual. Do you disagree? I don't think you possibly can but you are very biased in your perspective so I know you will try. Assuming your agreement, why on earth is that, according to you, if not for the reasons I stated?


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
1. Israel as a democratic nation ISfar superior to the thugs of Hamas. It has nothing to do with race or religion, just theocratic thugs who forcibly displaced all opposition compared to a state where democracy works as it should. Beyond that, people are people.

2. I believe my use of the term racist or anti-semitic has been limited to a few on this board like gryf with their do anything to attack Israel mentality and people like you who believe that there is a Jewish conspiracy.

3. AIPAC is nowhere near the most influential lobbies in Washington. Oil, Auto sector (with it's billion dollar gift), and Pharma are clearly the big shots.

4. What kind of logic assumes that because someone in media is Jewish that they mindlessly support Israel? That is about the equivilent that all Christian media members us their influence to support the Pope. This belief of yours and your going to the length of trotting out a few Jewish names is why I feel completely justified in calling you a racist and why I will continue to do so.

5. Do you seriously think that either the movie industry had advance notice of the Gaza conflict and produced movies well in advance as a plan or do you think that the movies were made in just a couple of days after the conflict broke out?

6. NA media has pro-Israel and anti-Israel views. In Toronto, the Star leans anti-Israel and the Post pro-Israel. Balance is what the internet is for and is why many, including myself, will read al-Jazeera and other non-American media.

7. Why are their no Nakba movies? Maybe it's because people haven't wanted to invest in them or thought they wouldn't be successful. All that is needed is a producer and investors.

8. Whether or not NA media is pro-Israel, your belief in what amounts to a Jewish conspiracy does nothing to provide balance. All it does is expose your racist beliefs.

p.s. If you think MENSA means anything special, you have issues.


New member
Jun 1, 2005
basketcase said:
1. Israel as a democratic nation ISfar superior to the thugs of Hamas. It has nothing to do with race or religion, just theocratic thugs who forcibly displaced all opposition compared to a state where democracy works as it should. Beyond that, people are people.
It has everything to do with situation. Extreme poverty and oppression breeds extreme fanaticism. A lot of that is on Israel. In Israel's last attack they caused close to $2 billion dollars worth of damage and they constantly disrupt Palestinian society with blockades. See you don't seem to understand cause and effect too well. Part of that, I'm sure, is not wanting to see the moral equivalency between the two sides because you are rabidly pro-Israeli.

basketcase said:
2. I believe my use of the term racist or anti-semitic has been limited to a few on this board like gryf with their do anything to attack Israel mentality and people like you who believe that there is a Jewish conspiracy.
When you say a Jewish conspiracy are you really referring to Jewish propaganda? Are those two words - conspiracy and propaganda - interchangeable for you? I'm not sure if you are being purposefully retarded or are just plain retarded and don't understand the difference. Which is it?

basketcase said:
3. AIPAC is nowhere near the most influential lobbies in Washington. Oil, Auto sector (with it's billion dollar gift), and Pharma are clearly the big shots.
Such denial. Was the president speaking at their annual conferences like he was at AIPAC?

AIPAC, whose own literature notes that it has been described by the New York Times as "the most important organization affecting America's relationship with Israel," has been highly successful in building strong relationships with both U.S. political parties. This year's conference was attended by everyone from Vice President Dick Cheney to Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama (and other 2008 presidential contenders), as well as former CIA director James Woolsey. Leaders from Congress were there, as were numerous officials from the State Department and White House.

AIPAC has been one of the top two most influential groups in Washington for a long time.

The fact that AIPAC, which is ranked as the second-most powerful lobby in the country (trailing only AARP, but ahead of the NRA) virtually dictates U.S. policy in the Mideast has long been one of those surreal facts of Washington life that politicians discuss only when they get near retirement -- if then. In 2004, Sen. Ernest "Fritz" Hollings had the bad taste to reveal this inconvenient truth when he said, "You can't have an Israel policy other than what AIPAC gives you around here." Michael Massing, who has done exemplary reporting on AIPAC for the New York Review of Books, quoted a congressional staffer as saying, "We can count on well over half the House -- 250 to 300 members -- to do reflexively whatever AIPAC wants." In unguarded moments, even top AIPAC figures have confirmed such claims. The New Yorker's Jeffrey Goldberg quoted Steven Rosen, AIPAC's former foreign-policy director who is now awaiting trial on charges of passing top-secret Pentagon information to Israel, as saying, "You see this napkin? In twenty-four hours, we could have the signatures of seventy senators on this napkin."

Here's an article in CNN from 1997

The Power 25 is a highly eclectic--almost curious--collection. From the 33-million-member American Association of Retired Persons, which polled No. 1 (to no one's surprise), to the ever controversial International Brotherhood of Teamsters (No. 25), and from the calculatedly quiet American Israel Public Affairs Committee (a remarkable No. 2) to the newly emergent National Restaurant Association (No. 24), the Washington 25 is as diverse as the nation itself. But it is more than that. It is a crystalline reminder that Alexis de Tocqueville was right more than 150 years ago when he observed that Americans were inveterate joiners who liked to cluster themselves into quasi-political volunteer groups.
So how about we cut the conspiracy shit? You are only proving your own ignorance.

basketcase said:
4. What kind of logic assumes that because someone in media is Jewish that they mindlessly support Israel? That is about the equivilent that all Christian media members us their influence to support the Pope. This belief of yours and your going to the length of trotting out a few Jewish names is why I feel completely justified in calling you a racist and why I will continue to do so.
A "few Jewish names" are some of the most powerful media names in the USA and even around the world.

Obviously not every Jewish person will mindlessly support Israel but enough will. You are a HUGE case in point. You think of yourself as objective but you refuse to look for the moral equivalency on both sides. Say, for example, you owned FOX news Corporation like Rupert Mudoch. There is no way, there would be very much criticism of Israel (token at best) and you would be hysterically screaming racist at criticism from the other side and accusing the progressive critics of believing in a Jewish conspiracy to try to marginalize them. That's your game.

basketcase said:
5. Do you seriously think that either the movie industry had advance notice of the Gaza conflict and produced movies well in advance as a plan or do you think that the movies were made in just a couple of days after the conflict broke out?
Valkyrie started shooting in July of 2007.

Defiance started shooting in September of 2007.

Both movies were shot by Jewish directors. So you tell me. Two movies, shot by Jewish directors in 2007, released at the same time in December of 2008, when Israel was attacking in the Gaza strip. The timing of the releases seem awfully, awfully coincidental to me. I don't believe in coincidences of that magnitude, do you?

basketcase said:
6. NA media has pro-Israel and anti-Israel views. In Toronto, the Star leans anti-Israel and the Post pro-Israel. Balance is what the internet is for and is why many, including myself, will read al-Jazeera and other non-American media.
NA has a pro-Israeli bias. Can you honestly not see that? Again people elect governments that represent their interests for the most part. Do you dispute that the USA government has sided with Israel way more than any other country in the UN?

basketcase said:
7. Why are their no Nakba movies? Maybe it's because people haven't wanted to invest in them or thought they wouldn't be successful. All that is needed is a producer and investors.
In the end, the Palestinian side isn't nearly as powerful/controlling of public perception as the Israeli side. You can't argue the fact. Holocaust movies are made now to reinforce the idea that the Jewish people are victims (and by extension blameless). Sure they were indeed the victims of a Nazi Holocaust but that doesn't mean they are the victims of the ME conflict too but that powerful association is a very successful part of Israeli propaganda.

basketcase said:
8. Whether or not NA media is pro-Israel, your belief in what amounts to a Jewish conspiracy does nothing to provide balance. All it does is expose your racist beliefs.
Please try to understand the difference between conspiracy and propaganda for your next post, okay? You and Inferno have this bad habit of throwing around words that sound bad and evil without a real understanding of their meaning.

You also need to understand the word racist. It is embarrassing your ignorance. Saying that Israel (and by extension some very successful Jewish people whom identify with the Israeli cause) have been extremely successful from a public relations standpoint in NA is not racist. However saying that one group of people would act morally different than another group of people in the same situation is racist.

basketcase said:
You will not find many Israelis celebrating the deaths of Palestinian civilians yet Palestinians who kill Israeli civilians are hailed as martyrs and heros


New member
Jun 1, 2005
Inferno said:
All of your pseudo-intellectual posturing doesn't change the fact that the conflict was - and will continue to be - about self-defence.
I have to say your posts are a laugh. According to you, I am guilty of insidious biases and pseudo-intellectual posturing. I have to give you credit, at least, for being more original and imaginative than basketcase.

Inferno said:
What would you do, solitaria? How would YOU deal with Hamas?
I would mainly deal with the underlying causes of why Hamas is in power. It has everything to do with the Israeli policy of destruction and oppression and the ensuing poverty and fanaticism that follows. To answer your question: I would build up Palestinian infrastructure and goodwill by investing a lot of money in their society. No more overreactions, massive death tolls, and provocations. As well, I would have to bargain with land and go back pre-1967.

The Houdini

Mar 18, 2008
solitaria said:
I would mainly deal with the underlying causes of why Hamas is in power. It has everything to do with the Israeli policy of destruction and oppression and the ensuing poverty and fanaticism that follows. To answer your question: I would build up Palestinian infrastructure and goodwill by investing a lot of money in their society. No more overreactions, massive death tolls, and provocations. As well, I would have to bargain with land and go back pre-1967.
That has been attempted already. The building of infrustructure was taking place before the first Intifadah. Once it started everyhing was ruined. There were many Israeli/Palestninan business initiatives at play...all ruined.

Negotiations to 1967 borders were done and agreed upon but the "right of return" clause put it all in a quagmire.

You see, this conflict has lasted this long because the PA is fractured and leaderless. There's no-one to really negotiate with. So, I understand your sympathy to the Palestinian suffering, but also understand that fanatical forces within the PA are undermining any resolution to this grave situation.

You seem to be an educated person, and as such I really find it unsettling that you do not understand the complexities and frustrations Israel has to deal with.

And the $2 Billion of damaged caused, guess who's going to pay for it, not the PA. In fact it's actually going to create much needed employment within Gaza to rebuild it all. Silver lining of sort...
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