Club Dynasty
Toronto Escorts

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  1. G

    Astrology...does it play into sizing up a mate or friend?

    Yes I do enjoy the Stars horoscopes, and I find that they are generally spot on with what's going on (in my life at least). I don't really lead with horoscopes or astrology when meeting people, as I am among the skeptics. However I do notice trends among the signs. I almost always get along...
  2. G

    Flaherty (nee Harper) is either....

    Nah, it's just fun to parrot a quote from something that happened almost 5 years ago. Now where's that Harper coalition letter c. 2004
  3. G

    Save Democracy! Save Canada!

    save democracy by keeping Stephen Harper in power. That's rich Thanks for the laugh
  4. G

    SATA hard drive question

    Welcome to the complicated world of PC's. What has likely happened is that your motherboard would need a bios update/upgrade in order to recognize the SATA drive. That might explain why the mobo couldn't recognize the drive. The reason being is that Windows XP treats all SATA drives as RAID...
  5. G

    More telemarketer calls

    About a month ago I was receiving weekly calls from some duct cleaning company. When I told them I'm not interested they'd persist and get very aggressive demanding to know why I don't want their service.
  6. G

    Neve Campbell shows off those titties

    I'd climb aboard.
  7. G

    Daily ssg challenge

    So how about today's girl (Apr 3). Says she enjoys dancing (code for?), anyone recognize her?
  8. G

    Eons have passed and still a virgin, what do I do?

    funny I was just going over a thread I started on the same topic
  9. G

    what is ur favorite fetish?

    Stockings mmm not the whole leg ones but the ones that come up to the thigh with the frilly tops. Especially fish nets but not too large.
  10. G

    Anybody here ever play the choking game?

    we used to play a game called the dream machine. Where you'd take 10 or so deep breathes while hunched over. Quickly stand up straight and someone would apply pressure to your chest. Supposedly it would knock you out and put you in a kind of dream state. I tried it once, and if I recall I...
  11. G

    Jennifer Love Hewitt Bikini

    She looks fine, most actesses look like shite w/o their makeup on. As for the cellulite take any woman you see on the streets in this city wearing tight fitting pants, take them out of those pants and they'll prob look the same. She was never a stunner IMHO but more of the sweet girl next door...
  12. G

    Oh, Boo Hoo

    If you have nothing to hide. Then pull over, not a difficult concept eh?
  13. G

    How Can Virgins Stand It??

    I lost my 'V' days before my 28'th birthday (nice gift eh!), but I wound up doing it with a dancer that I've been a regular customer of not an SP. I kept repeating to myself that it's just sex, don't get to serious etc. In fact it was her actually that offered to meet outside the club. I was...
  14. G

    Gents? are there a Gym with more privet shower facilities?

    Ballys has dividing partitions between each shower. Not completly enclosed but it still is private
  15. G

    Tim Hortons Question

    Hear hear! It drives me nuts when people seem to be ordering half the menu, 20 coffees, or some convoluted combo that they haven't fully decided on what they want yet. If it takes longer than 10 seconds to order or more than 2 handfulls to carry out. Order then damn stuff inside. Half the...
  16. G

    Tim Hortons Question

    Does everything in life need to be pre packaged and homogenized. Enjoy a little variety in your coffee and you life.
  17. G

    road rage..... what do drivers do to piss you off???

    Better hope you don't find me on the highway. There's more than enough room on all but some on ramps to merge without being driven off the en of the lane. People just don't want to join the line until they get all the wa to the end of the line. In fact what I do is leave a couple carlengths...
  18. G

    road rage..... what do drivers do to piss you off???

    Another reason why speeding violations should be in %'s above the posted limit rather than a hard (made up) value. You tell me which is more dangerous. Doing 80 in a 40 or doing 140 in a 100. Obviously a 40 zone is a residential area with much more obsticals (sic?) than a 100 zone. But under...
  19. G

    road rage..... what do drivers do to piss you off???

    I thought I'd add. It's unrealistic in nearly all peak traffic situations to expect that the far left lane be left open for those who choose to travel above the speed limit. In fact every highway in the GTA is arguably above 50% capacity at all times of the day except for late nights and...
Toronto Escorts