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road rage..... what do drivers do to piss you off???


Active member
Jan 7, 2002
The Daulfin said:
Actually, it is you who needs to hit the books as MLAM is correct. There are reams of documents in city archives and at the MTO that outline how police request and get speed limits changed all the time to set up speed traps to bring in revenue for the province.
You should look again; and perhaps try reading the documents this time. Dictionaries are available at a modest price if you have trouble with the words. Or you may continue to maintain your illusions; as ignorance is bliss, you must be a happy man.


Active member
Jan 7, 2002
MLAMbut I didn't consider you worth the effort. [/QUOTE said:
Yet you continue to post your inanities, and continue to advertise your shortcomings. Again I'm glad to have been of service.

I suppose it's not really your fault; atavistic displays of bravado are common symptoms of that which afflicts you. Que la paix soit avec vous et votre esprit.


Posts: 10,000000
Feb 4, 2003
vsailor said:
When you're passing in Europe in the left hand lane and flying up on a car in front and you flick on your highbeams...guess what???...the car pulls over immediately!!!!..in Canada the asshole gives you the finger and applies his brakes!!
The difference is this doesn't happen very often in Europe. People tend to have some respect for other drivers and don't think they are the most important person in the world - even if they're in a hurry.

But in N America, well Toronto anyway, every time you drive they'll be some asshole swerving between lanes, tailgating, running red lights, etc. That's why people don't have patience with them.


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
mmouse said:
The difference is this doesn't happen very often in Europe. People tend to have some respect for other drivers and don't think they are the most important person in the world - even if they're in a hurry.

But in N America, well Toronto anyway, every time you drive they'll be some asshole swerving between lanes, tailgating, running red lights, etc. That's why people don't have patience with them.
Yeah, it doesn't happen very often in europe because, PEOPLE MOVE OVER....and flashing your lights has nothing to do with respect for the other driver. See, in the US, they don't have to flash their lights because people don't drive in the left lane. THAT is respecting other drivers.

Ok, I will admit, there are lane hoppers and tailgators around. But running red lights? Ok, well, maybe once a month you MIGHT see that. As for patience, if someone is doing all this, do you really think the best thing to do is to cause a confrontation by fucking around with him? Wouldn't it be best to just let him by? Obviously there are some in this thread that think the best course of action would be to try to piss him off, cause an accident, or have him get out of his car and pop a cap in their ass. Remember this: it is extremely difficult for a car to hit you if it is in front of you doing 20 kph faster than you.


New member
Apr 28, 2006
My pet peeve is when I'm entering a highway trying to merge in and there is a car beside me who is going the same pace as me and wont let me in. Don't be so greedy! And who can forget TAXI's!!! GRR!


Jul 5, 2003
tboy said:
Yeah, it doesn't happen very often in europe because, PEOPLE MOVE OVER....and flashing your lights has nothing to do with respect for the other driver. See, in the US, they don't have to flash their lights because people don't drive in the left lane. THAT is respecting other drivers.

Ok, I will admit, there are lane hoppers and tailgators around. But running red lights? Ok, well, maybe once a month you MIGHT see that. As for patience, if someone is doing all this, do you really think the best thing to do is to cause a confrontation by fucking around with him? Wouldn't it be best to just let him by? Obviously there are some in this thread that think the best course of action would be to try to piss him off, cause an accident, or have him get out of his car and pop a cap in their ass. Remember this: it is extremely difficult for a car to hit you if it is in front of you doing 20 kph faster than you.
Absolutely brilliant! You are definitely smarter than everyone else.


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
MmmMilena said:
My pet peeve is when I'm entering a highway trying to merge in and there is a car beside me who is going the same pace as me and wont let me in. Don't be so greedy! And who can forget TAXI's!!! GRR!
Dear, you don't realize that it is YOU who have to merge into the traffic not the other way around? If he is going the same pace as you, YOU have to either speed up, or slow down.

Know what happens if he slows down? TRAFFIC JAM. Why? because he hits his brakes, the guy behind him hits his, and all the way down the line for about a kilometer. When that happens it takes about 10 - 20 seconds for each car to speed back up. That's EACH car, not all at once. So if you delay him for only 1 second, that could be as much as 5 minutes for traffic to get back up to the speed limit. That's only if he just touches his brakes. If he actually slows a considerable amount or even stops it could be an hour before traffic reaches the speed limit again.

Where did I get these numbers from? There was a program on the discovery channel about traffic patterns etc.


New member
Apr 28, 2006
I'm actually thinking about the rush hour..sorry. When everyone is going 5km/h it won't hurt to let me in..and don't pretend you don't see me.


The White Knight
Jul 12, 2006
tboy said:
Dear, you don't realize that it is YOU who have to merge into the traffic not the other way around? If he is going the same pace as you, YOU have to either speed up, or slow down.

Know what happens if he slows down? TRAFFIC JAM. Why? because he hits his brakes, the guy behind him hits his, and all the way down the line for about a kilometer. When that happens it takes about 10 - 20 seconds for each car to speed back up. That's EACH car, not all at once. So if you delay him for only 1 second, that could be as much as 5 minutes for traffic to get back up to the speed limit. That's only if he just touches his brakes. If he actually slows a considerable amount or even stops it could be an hour before traffic reaches the speed limit again.

Where did I get these numbers from? There was a program on the discovery channel about traffic patterns etc.

Actually you are wrong again. If you are in the right lane and you are approaching an on-ramp where the traffic is trying to merge onto the highway and you are not allowing or able to be able to allow the oncoming traffic to merge onto the highway, you are suppose to move to the next left lane next to you to allow these drivers to safely merge onto the highway. The lane that a merging traffic is to gain the speed to get onto the highway at the same speed as the traffic is going. If the people in the right lane are not allowing the oncoming traffic to merge onto the highway by giving them enough room to merge safely or keeping the traffic from merging, you are at fault if anything ends up happening in an accident. You are suppose to yield to oncoming traffic and are suppose to either allow them the space to merge into traffic or move over so they can do so.

It's obvious that some of you have no clue about driving or the highway laws. SMH.

TBOY (and others like you) bring your bashing on. You are fucking clueless about most things in life and this is one of them.

Oh by the way, I don't give a shit what you have to say about this or any other topics. You have no clue, just own up to it and take it like a man.


The White Knight
Jul 12, 2006
MmmMilena said:
I'm actually thinking about the rush hour..sorry. When everyone is going 5km/h it won't hurt to let me in..and don't pretend you don't see me.
MmmMilena, do what I do. If I find myself trying to get onto the highway, turning signal on and see someone who obviously can see I am trying to merge and either stays put or speeds up to not allow me to move in safely and I'm about to be driven off the road........I JUST MERGE! If an accident happens, it's his fault. If someone is obviously about to cause an accident by driving you off the highway, have it with them. Too many times these pricks don't care about anyone except themselves and their shit. They will move if they plan on saving their insurance. People who think about how to drive like TBOY who think that you are suppose to slow down for these bastards to accommodate them better not catch me on the road with them around. These types who think you should do everything the way they want (move over if they want to speed past you, slow down when you are trying to merge on the the highway so they can get in front have you) got serious issues that a professional needs to touch. Got to get on with your day and not worry about the dickless assholes who got so much to prove to the world that they are superior. If you can't beat them, Fuckem. Not literally LOL. :D


Active member
Aug 26, 2001
MLAM said:
...I give a shit what you think as well, right?

Perhaps you should talk to someone about that inferiority thing....because there are apparently people on this board with A LOT more money than me, but I don't feel inferior to them, nor do I think they are "bragging". Besides - don't hate me because I have a big dick...I didn't have any say it the matter.

And get a sense of humor while you are at it too.

Thank you for sharing though....
Glad you appreciate my sharing... and I have some shit I'd like to give you, next time I have a big bowel movement I'll send you a PM and you can come get it, LOL. See... a joke, turns out I do have a sense of humour.

Also I don't "hate" you, just find you occasionaly act like a big dick (whether you have a big one, I'll have to take your word ). Not all the time but certainly in this thread, the whole "speed limits don't apply to me" and "get out of my way" make you seem very pompous. That you don't care about my opinion, sounds fair.... as the feeling is mutual. Just don't run me over, Mr Humility J. Modesty. See that is another joke, a type called sarcasm. Perhaps you are the one needing the sense of humour? Looking forward to your next (hopefully at least a little bit funny) reply.


Registered User
Sep 26, 2003

wumpscut said:
Glad you appreciate my sharing... and I have some shit I'd like to give you, next time I have a big bowel movement I'll send you a PM and you can come get it, LOL. See... a joke, turns out I do have a sense of humour.

Also I don't "hate" you, just find you occasionaly act like a big dick (whether you have a big one, I'll have to take your word ). Not all the time but certainly in this thread, the whole "speed limits don't apply to me" and "get out of my way" make you seem very pompous. That you don't care about my opinion, sounds fair.... as the feeling is mutual. Just don't run me over, Mr Humility J. Modesty. See that is another joke, a type called sarcasm. Perhaps you are the one needing the sense of humour? Looking forward to your next (hopefully at least a little bit funny) reply.

...does this mean you'll stay the fuck out of the passing lane then, or not? I somehow got lost between your feces obsession and your obsession with me in general.

That line over there? To the left? Those are those haters who can kiss my ass...feel free to fall in at the rear...

But thanks again for your contribution, and for doing your part to keep the board lively. Glad I was able to give you the inspiration...


New member
Oct 17, 2004
DoingWhatIDoBest said:
MmmMilena, do what I do. If I find myself trying to get onto the highway, turning signal on and see someone who obviously can see I am trying to merge and either stays put or speeds up to not allow me to move in safely and I'm about to be driven off the road........I JUST MERGE! If an accident happens, it's his fault. If someone is obviously about to cause an accident by driving you off the highway, have it with them. Too many times these pricks don't care about anyone except themselves and their shit. They will move if they plan on saving their insurance. People who think about how to drive like TBOY who think that you are suppose to slow down for these bastards to accommodate them better not catch me on the road with them around. These types who think you should do everything the way they want (move over if they want to speed past you, slow down when you are trying to merge on the the highway so they can get in front have you) got serious issues that a professional needs to touch. Got to get on with your day and not worry about the dickless assholes who got so much to prove to the world that they are superior. If you can't beat them, Fuckem. Not literally LOL. :D
Better hope you don't find me on the highway. There's more than enough room on all but some on ramps to merge without being driven off the en of the lane. People just don't want to join the line until they get all the wa to the end of the line. In fact what I do is leave a couple carlengths between myself and the car in front of me allowing people to merge. But slowly close the gap at the end of the on ramp.

I've seen it happen where drivers will ignore the opening at the beginning of the ramp, only to rush to the end of the on ramp and force their way into traffic.


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
DoingWhatIDoBest said:
Actually you are wrong again. ......
actually dude, I am right. At NO time is any traffic supposed to relocate to allow any other driver into your lane. WHile it is common courtesy to do so, it is NOT mandatory. So, I guess you also say that someone turning right off a side street onto a thoroughfare has the right of way over oncoming traffic and that all oncoming traffic has to move over to allow the other driver to complete his or her turn? You're fuct dude.

As stated from the MTO website:

"As you leave the ramp and enter the acceleration lane, signal and increase your speed to merge smoothly with traffic. Freeway drivers should move over, if it is safe to do so, leaving room for merging vehicles."

Notice the line says SHOULD move over not MUST move over? Oh yeah, you don't know the difference.


The White Knight
Jul 12, 2006
tboy said:
DoingWhatIDoBest said:
Actually you are wrong again. ......
actually dude, I am right. At NO time is any traffic supposed to relocate to allow any other driver into your lane. WHile it is common courtesy to do so, it is NOT mandatory. So, I guess you also say that someone turning right off a side street onto a thoroughfare has the right of way over oncoming traffic and that all oncoming traffic has to move over to allow the other driver to complete his or her turn? You're fuct dude.

As stated from the MTO website:

"As you leave the ramp and enter the acceleration lane, signal and increase your speed to merge smoothly with traffic. Freeway drivers should move over, if it is safe to do so, leaving room for merging vehicles."

Notice the line says SHOULD move over not MUST move over? Oh yeah, you don't know the difference.

That's all you got? Just trying to prove that your an asshole I see...you are doing a great job by the way! :cool:

Guess I have to educate again.......

Entering a freeway

There are usually two parts to a freeway entrance: an entrance ramp and an acceleration lane. In this lane, drivers raise their speed to the common speed of traffic on the freeway before they merge with it. (meaning if it takes the whole damn length of the acceleration to get to speed then it takes the whole damn length)

As you move along the freeway entrance ramp, look ahead and check your mirrors and blind spots to assess the traffic to see where you will move into the nearest freeway lane.

As you leave the ramp and enter the acceleration lane, signal and increase your speed to merge smoothly with traffic. Freeway drivers should move over, if it is safe to do so, leaving room for merging vehicles. (Yes ass..oops I meant TBoy, that would be move your ass over and let me in if you don't feel like slowing your ass down to let me in)

A few entrance ramps join the freeway on the left. This means you enter the fastest lane of traffic first. Use the acceleration lane to match your speed to the traffic, increasing your speed more quickly.

Now what you got to say?


The White Knight
Jul 12, 2006
For all you tailgaters

Keep a safe distance from other vehicles
Illustration of safe distance between vehicles

As a general rule, drive at the same speed as traffic around you without going over the speed limit. Leave a cushion of space around your vehicle to let other drivers see you and to avoid a collision.

Whenever you follow another vehicle, you need enough space to stop safely if the other vehicle brakes suddenly. A safe following distance is at least two seconds behind the vehicle in front of you. This lets you see around the vehicle ahead and gives you enough distance to stop suddenly.

To give yourself a two-second space, follow these steps:

1. Pick a marker on the road ahead, such as a road sign or telephone pole.
2. When the rear of the vehicle ahead passes the marker, count "one thousand and one, one thousand and two".
3. When the front of your vehicle reaches the marker, stop counting. If you reach the marker before you count "one thousand and two," you are following too closely.

Leave more than a two-second distance in bad weather and when following large vehicles that block your view of the road ahead. You will also need to leave more space when your vehicle is heavily loaded and when following smaller, lighter vehicles, such as motorcycles, limited-speed motorcycles and mopeds, that can stop more quickly than you.


Committee Member
Oct 29, 2002
Alexa Taylor said:
I was driving down a country road earlier this evening and had my high beams on. It ticks me off when they flicker at you to turns yours off but they'll drive right by with theirs still on.
Probably to teach you a lesson in driving etiquette.

There is no excuse for getting to the point of someone giving you the "Flicker". You fucked up. Learn from it.


Committee Member
Oct 29, 2002
Alexa Taylor said:
Judging by all your posts here, you are a person that I would NEVER take advice from. LMAO.
Good for you, but I guarantee that you will listen to my words and not be such an inconsiderate asshole on the roads.

You fucked up. Live and learn.


New member
Jul 27, 2003
Who died and made you King of the roads? Speaking of assholes, your head isn't certainly far from your ass Grow up and write posts that serve as a meaningful contribution instead of calling people such names.
The problem is everyone thinks they are king of the roads and that they are good drivers. :rolleyes:


Committee Member
Oct 29, 2002
Alexa Taylor said:
Who died and made you King of the roads? Speaking of assholes, your head isn't certainly far from your ass:rolleyes: Grow up and write posts that serve as a meaningful contribution instead of calling people such names.
Oh come on Alexis. You made a mistake of highbeaming a driver and you are mad at me?

You fucked up. Plain and simple. Learn from it. Better to learn here than on the road where you could be involved in an accident right?

Give your head a shake woman! Pay attention! Other drivers do not want to die because you were negligent!

As for Edifice, he is just an insecure loser looking to score some points from you on a possible future date.
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