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road rage..... what do drivers do to piss you off???


"The Gatekeeper"
Aug 29, 2006
Last night on the "Fifth Estate" quite the story. Actually had a guy who admitted that if ticked he'll, for a second, lock his brakes in front of a transport. 160 is his normal speed on the four lane high ways. Could not convince him that he was dangerous. Had many tickets and apparently fought them and won. Talk about the biggest fool on the planet...


New member
Jan 23, 2004
Drivers that tailgate, then angrily speed up and pass you only to end up directly in front of you and driving at the exact same speed as when they were behind you. What's up with that? What did they accomplish? There's too much anger out there on the road.
Mar 19, 2006
I hate the asshats who travel in a faster lane and merge the last minute into the slow moving lane. Like they're more important than those of us who patiently waited in the slower lane.

I refuse to let those phuckers in and will, if necessary, let them hit me first.

I noticed the OPP are starting to pull these people over and I think this is long over due.

If any of you are out there, beware the late model white Lincoln LS. You're not getting into my lane in front of me!


Jan 31, 2005
tboy said:
ok, dude, if it is NOT to warn someone of an approaching vehicle when they are jay walking or ?? what in your opinion IS it for?
People j-walk in cities. Slow down and wait. If you don't like that, don't drive downtown. Absolutely do not annoy the 1000 people within earshot because you are such a road raged dickhead that you can't wait 5 seconds for a guy to cross the street.

Downtown is not the 401, expect people to cross the street, and expect to have to slow down for them.


Registered User
Sep 26, 2003
I expect...

fuji said:
People j-walk in cities. Slow down and wait. If you don't like that, don't drive downtown. Absolutely do not annoy the 1000 people within earshot because you are such a road raged dickhead that you can't wait 5 seconds for a guy to cross the street.

Downtown is not the 401, expect people to cross the street, and expect to have to slow down for them.
...people to cross at the CROSSWALK!!!

I was once driving on the right lane. On my left...a semi truck, sitting in a row of traffic. Hence, I cannot see what is on my right.

Out of NO WHERE comes a woman with her small child, crossing in the middle of the street, in front of the stopped semi, right into front of me. I slam on the brakes, and it is only by the grace of God that I didn't run her and her kid down.

She is pissed AT ME!!!

I felt bad for the kid...he nearly lost his life, or at least could have been injured. Her, on the other hand, I was tempted to give her a "tap" in response to her dirty look.

No, being downtown does NOT excuse "J-Walking". "J-Walking" is DANGEROUS and AGAINST THE LAW.

I had a conversation a few months ago with a cop...I was at the accident center following up on my wife getting rear ended...I saw a news clipping regarding the number of bicycle and pedestrian accidents being up...we chatted about it....and he said that in the VAST majority of cases the fault lies with the pedestrian...they weren't doing what they were supposed to be doing...


bored and sleepless again
The little pukes that feel the need to have everyone within half a mile hear that crap that they call music. With that going how the hell can they hear anything that is going on around them, like sirens from an emergency vehicle.


Registered User
Sep 26, 2003

johnhenrygalt said:
You are lecturing others about following the law?

...I am pointing out that I should not have to "expect people to cross the street"

Besides, only an idiot thinks that driving 20 clicks above the speed limit on a clear road is comparable as blindly jay walking across a busy street, putting a child at risk. Well...idiots and car hating speed nazis....


Active member
Jan 7, 2002
MLAM said:
...I am pointing out that I should not have to "expect people to cross the street"
Then nor should I have to expect people to be using the left lane to exceed the speed limit.

Besides, only an idiot thinks that driving 20 clicks above the speed limit on a clear road is comparable as blindly jay walking across a busy street, putting a child at risk.
Nobody made this comparison; certainly not I.

The Daulfin

New member
May 6, 2006
johnhenrygalt said:
You are lecturing others about following the law?
Since you obviously missed it earlier in the thread, allow me to recap the ground we have already covered: breaking a speeding law alone is one that can never result in an accident thus no loss of life; breaking pretty much any of the rest of the traffic laws CAN result in causing an accident and significant loss of life.

Can you see how the two are not in any way equivalent?


Active member
Jan 7, 2002
The Daulfin said:
Since you obviously missed it earlier in the thread, allow me to recap the ground we have already covered: breaking a speeding law alone is one that can never result in an accident thus no loss of life; breaking pretty much any of the rest of the traffic laws CAN result in causing an accident and significant loss of life.

Can you see how the two are not in any way equivalent?
Think a little. It's not a difficult concept.

Excess speed (even a little) greatly increases the reaction time needed to adjust to changing road conditions. Those who speed put themselves and everyone else at risk. Excess speed is a factor in most fatal accidents.

No traffic law violation is dangerous in and of itself. J-walking across a deserted street is not dangerous (contrary to the erroneous captalized affirmation of another poster who suggested that J-walking is always dangerous). Running a red-light when there is no traffic is not dangerous either. However, errors happen; violation of traffic laws (including the speed limits) increase the risk. Other motorists and road users have a right to expect that the rules of the road will be observed.

If you don't like the speed limits, take it up with your city councillor and MPP; don't just decide that the rules don't apply to you.


Registered User
Sep 26, 2003
Don't bother...

The Daulfin said:
Since you obviously missed it earlier in the thread, allow me to recap the ground we have already covered: breaking a speeding law alone is one that can never result in an accident thus no loss of life; breaking pretty much any of the rest of the traffic laws CAN result in causing an accident and significant loss of life.

Can you see how the two are not in any way equivalent?

...the speed nazis simply must have their way...and be in our way. They must punish us for our sins.

You should know better than to argue with anyone who automatically assumes exceeding the speed limit is people educated on the topic know, speed limits are almost always arbitrary, designed primarily to catch speeders, fine them, and fund the coffers of the government. hence the AVERAGE SPEED on the major highways during non-rush hour times is typically 10 to 20% greater than what is posted...the speed limits are unnaturally low...this is the consensus as evidenced by peoples collective behavior.

The last ticket I got was driving down Eglington Ave. in Mississauga early one Sunday morning on my way to breakfast with the wife and kid. This stretch, between roughly Mavis and...someplace west of Mavis (LOL....under the overpass for those familiar...I don't recall the street name) is 3 lanes wide. It was a bright Sunday morning, and the street was EMPTY. I was exceeding the limit, but I was not racing, or anything else the speed nazis would assume. I was just driving along at a normal natural speed for the conditions.

There were three cops on the other side of the underpass, picking people off like siting ducks. They KNOW that the speed limit is unnaturally low, so they line up to collect the revenue. No one was doing anything one else was present to pass, or to worry about "reaction times". I was going 14 clicks over....that was my crime. Not that I was a danger to anyone else...there WAS no one else. My crime was that I was 14 clicks over. doesn't matter...we know the deal...speed nazis are passive aggressive control freaks who seek to punish those who are not as anal retentive as them. Why else would someone not simply GET THE FUCK OUT OF THE WAY??
Last edited:


Posts: 10,000000
Feb 4, 2003
You are right, that's a cash grab.

But people being in your way is something completely different. Why should I get the fuck out of your way. You should slow the fuck down.


Jan 31, 2005
MLAM said:
No, being downtown does NOT excuse "J-Walking". "J-Walking" is DANGEROUS and AGAINST THE LAW.
Dude, j-walking isn't dangerous. What's dangerous is crossing the street without looking. You know what? I have almost been killed MORE TIMES crossing the street on a green light than I have j-walking. That's because the green light can fool you into not paying attention.

If I come out of an office tower downtown and I need to go to the office tower across the street neither I, nor anyone else I've ever seen, walks down to the end of the street, waits for the light, and crosses. Nobody does that. I don't even think it's required by law to do that.

In the downtown there are people walking around. If you don't like to drive where there are people walking around, don't drive downtown. Take the subway and walk around. If you want to drive downtown you're welcome to do so--just accept that every now and then you're going to have to slow down for someone walking across the street and don't be an asshole and honk your horn when they do as if you have some sort of right of way, because you don't.

As for your assertion that it is illegal --

Most people think crossing a road anywhere is j-walking but it's not. Most of the time you can cross the road and it's not j-walking, it depends on how close you are to the intersection or a marked crossing.


Jan 31, 2005
I looked in the HTA and what it says there is that there's a $150 fine if a section of road has markings for a pedestrian to cross, and a pedestrian crosses outside the markings.

It doesn't define section of road or say how far away from a marking you have to be before it doesn't apply to you. I would assume that in the middle of the block if there are no markings you are entitled to cross, but if you are close to an interesection you are expected to use it.


Aug 20, 2001
if it weren't for my amazing driving skills i would have put this idiot in the cemetary about 30 minutes ago for making a u-turn right in front of me. then he tells me to go fuck myself. if i could do it all over again.......... mofo!!!


Active member
Jan 7, 2002
MLAM said: people educated on the topic know, speed limits are almost always arbitrary, designed primarily to catch speeders, fine them, and fund the coffers of the government
I suggest you engage in some remedial reading, and improve your "education" on the topic. You may actually learn something if you put your mind to it. These are not difficult concepts.

Why else would someone not simply GET THE FUCK OUT OF THE WAY??
I suppose it is for the same reason that some don't care to yield to j-walkers.

Really. If you can't be bothered to follow the rules of the road, just surrender your licence and stay the fuck off the road. It's really that simple.

In any event if your insults, blustering and angry posting help you feel like a man or help you get through the night without crying yourself to sleep in your pillow, I am happy to have served as the lightening rod for your choleric outbursts. It is therapeutic. However, professional help would probably be advisable. Cheers, and have a safe and law-abiding weekend.


New member
Oct 17, 2004
I thought I'd add. It's unrealistic in nearly all peak traffic situations to expect that the far left lane be left open for those who choose to travel above the speed limit. In fact every highway in the GTA is arguably above 50% capacity at all times of the day except for late nights and weekends. Cutting road capacity by 1/3 by not using the left lane only makes congestion worse. That said. If I'm in the left lane and see someone coming up behind me, I'll shift over when I can and let him pass.

Happened to me this morning. Travelling in to work on the 401 west at Dixie, traffic was unusually heavy so I hit the 410 north to get around it. I HAVE MY SIGNAL ON TO MOVE TO THE RIGHT LANE AND SOME JACKASS DOESN'T EVEN BOTHER TO CHECK HIS BLIND SPOT AND MERGES RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME!@! He only bothers to signal once he's half way into the lane. Then once I'm off the highway, we come to a light where there has been a recent collision. Light turns green and I hit my signal to merge right to get around the obstacle. Chick decides to stay directly in my blind spot giving me no opportunity to merge and I have to come to a full stop in the middle of the intersection to wait for a gap. Where's the courtesy!

The Daulfin

New member
May 6, 2006
johnhenrygalt said:
Think a little. It's not a difficult concept.
I know...and yet the concept seems to totally escape you.

Excess speed (even a little) greatly increases the reaction time needed to adjust to changing road conditions. Those who speed put themselves and everyone else at risk. Excess speed is a factor in most fatal accidents.
Actually, what you are describing above is careless/reckless driving (as you apparently have never read the HTA). Excess speed is never a factor in any accident but it does affect the severity of injuries once the other mistake is made. And any driving instructor will tell you that the people who put everyone else at risk is the person driving outside the accepted norm, thus the moron driving in the passing lane and refusing to let speeders by is far more dangerous than the speeder.
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