road rage..... what do drivers do to piss you off???


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
Moraff said:
However, even in the middle lane you still fall under the same law and therefore if the middle lane traffic around you is moving faster than you, you still could be ticketed since you were not in the right lane (unless of course you were involved in passing people in the right lane).

Simple physics bud, two objects moving the same speed cannot catch up to each other. It's when one object is moving at a different rate of speed than another that accidents occur.

Too right!

Wump, the problem is not that everyone should drive like me, or get off the highway, the problem is if everyone is going slightly over the speed limit, SO SHOULD YOU! Either that or stick to the right lane or GET OFF THE HIGHWAY.

If everyone else is going under the speed limit due to weather or congestion, then there is no way to be passing anyone because there is too much traffic. But with that being said, do YOU know what the major cause of traffic congestion is? It isn't volume, it isn't weather conditions, it is people driving TOO fricken slow!

How can I say that? Look at it this way: compare traffic to a bucket of water that is continually being filled up with a 1 litre milk carton. How long will it take to empty the bucket if you use a coffee cup? How long will it take to empty it using a 1 litre milk carton? There are SO many vehicle entering the traffic grid that you have to remove as many vehicles as quickly as possible to accomodate the increase in volume. For eg: ever driven on the DVP southbound between 4 and 7? It's backed up all the way from eglinton to north of the 401...why? Because fucking idiots hit the big hill and SLOW DOWN.

I want to start producing bumper stickers that say this:

If I passed you on the right
YOU are driving in the wrong lane!


The White Knight
Jul 12, 2006
tboy said:
A great example of this rule is on the autobahn in Germany. If a vehicle is driving any less than 160 mph in the fast lane, they will die. EOS. WHy? Because there's a guy coming up behind them at 200 mph....Why don't people drive slow in the passing lane? BECAUSE THEY KNOW HOW TO DRIVE

I bet you ALSO don't know that if the majority of vehicles on a highway are going 120 kph and you're doing 100, YOU could be ticketed for impeding the flow of traffic unnecessarily.

Frankly I'm sick of idiots on the highways. Those that drive too slow are just as dangerous as those that drive too fast. They just don't realize it. If one doesn't want to drive at highways speeds, there are plenty of surface routes that you can drive on without slowing anyone else down.

Ok first off, why are people bothering quoting road rules of other countries? This is Canada. Who cares what goes on over somewhere else. It's like talking about the Toronto Hobby and saying "hey I shouldn't pay more then $20 for and evening because in Thailand charges that rate so why can't I have it here." Because you are in CANADA. Toronto. THE GTA.

I bet you ALSO don't know that if the majority of vehicles on a highway are going 120 kph and you're doing 100, YOU could be ticketed for impeding the flow of traffic unnecessarily.

Yah, this one would be great to take to traffic court. Hey judge, I was doing the speed limit and got a ticket for driving too slow. :confused:

Those that drive too slow are just as dangerous as those that drive too fast. I would agree if someone was going way below the posted speed limit but for people doing 100-110, I think not. There are many different type of drivers out there but when does what one wants (the speeders & tailgaters) verses the one who chooses to follow the rules of the road finally come to some sort of understanding. If I choose to drive 100-120 I will stay in the middle and right lane and use the left lane only to pass (if the traffic decides to be in a hurry and drive 130+ in the left lane, BUT when I do, stay off my ass and respect me and keep a safe distance from my car no matter what lane I am in. If I see you are a speeder, by all means, I'll move aside. If I drive down my street to my local market, there should be no reason you and I arrive together in the same lane. If I choose to drive the speed limit of 60 in the left lane then I drive 60. No need to be right on my bumper since the left lane on a residential road is not considered a passing lane.

See that's the point I try to make in this arrangements. I don't care if people want to speed but know that you don't own the road and have to disrespect someone who drives defensively and follows (most of the time) the rules of the road. I would like to arrive alive when I drive somewhere, there is no need to have to make the journey stressful. I do take it personal when someone deliberately puts my life in harm on a regular bases because they just feel like it.


The White Knight
Jul 12, 2006
Moraff said:
However, even in the middle lane you still fall under the same law and therefore if the middle lane traffic around you is moving faster than you, you still could be ticketed since you were not in the right lane (unless of course you were involved in passing people in the right lane).

Simple physics bud, two objects moving the same speed cannot catch up to each other. It's when one object is moving at a different rate of speed than another that accidents occur.
blah blah blah.

use your head. I would be in the middle lane obviously if I am traveling faster then the traffic in the right lane.
Talking about tailgating. Try 18 wheeler barely a foot from your bumper while doing 130km going downhill. I got boxed in the passing lane going into Mile-high. Stood on pedal of the rental, but no match for gravity (of the big rig).

That's the last time I rent a sub-compact!

wumpscut said:
You agressively honk your horn to try and make someone move out of your way, he responds by not moving. He is just as aggresively saying back to you, "your demands are unimportant to me, you'll wait until I say you can pass" From here it can build into a mutual road rage where you and the other driver start driving crazy until you and the other driver hit each other or go to the side of the road where you can duke it out/ shoot each other/whatever. Imagine dying for something so stupid as 2 drivers powertripping over who gets thier own way. A friend of mine who pulled over to the shoulder to fight some driver who he was having this kind of "contest of wills" and the guy stuck a gun in his face. My friend quickly realized that a) you never know how nuts the other driver is and b) risking lives over who "gets thier way" would be a pretty senseless way to die.
Exactly what happened between groups of Boston city workers & construction men. Holding bats & pipes like going to war. I didn't stick around for the outcome.
Last edited:


Jul 25, 2005
Braking with nothing in front of them....

I can't figure this out.

Over and over I have come up on someone...on the city streets, the highway...whatever.

Out of the blue they hit the brakes. I jam mine on thinking "wow - a tractor trailer must have just flipped or something..."


Peace. Tranquility.


The idiot has NOTHING in front of them.

It happens over and over.

What is with this? I go on by and think they must be having an acid flashback or something and just saw hell open up in front of them. There's no other explaination.


Go Ahead Make My Day
Aug 2, 2004
foolnarnd said:
I can't figure this out.

Over and over I have come up on someone...on the city streets, the highway...whatever.

Out of the blue they hit the brakes. I jam mine on thinking "wow - a tractor trailer must have just flipped or something..."


Peace. Tranquility.


The idiot has NOTHING in front of them.

It happens over and over.

What is with this? I go on by and think they must be having an acid flashback or something and just saw hell open up in front of them. There's no other explaination.
I feel the same way you do.


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
9 times out of 10 they do this because they think you're driving too close. The thing they don't realize that this too is a tickable offence and, if they're in the left lane, they should pull over and let you pass. Many don't realize that the "slower traffic keep right" applies to surface city streets as well not just the highways.

Come on people, move the fuck over. They do it on the race track, they do it on bike paths, hell I've even let people go ahead of me in the line at the grocery store when they've got 3 items and I've got a cartfull. It only takes a second to let someone by, is it worth your life just to be a dick?


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
DoingWhatIDoBest said:
I bet you ALSO don't know that if the majority of vehicles on a highway are going 120 kph and you're doing 100, YOU could be ticketed for impeding the flow of traffic unnecessarily.

Yah, this one would be great to take to traffic court. Hey judge, I was doing the speed limit and got a ticket for driving too slow. :confused: .
See? That is where you, and about 50% of the other drivers are wrong. This was a new law enacted a few years ago called "the gridlock' law or something like that. I know it applies to the 400 series highways and not the gardiner/qew.

As for your day in court, sure, that could be your argument and the opp officer would then state: I noticed the defendant's vehicle was causing a backlog of about 20 vehicles and witnessed a number of dangerous passing situations arise as a result of his moving at less than the current traffic flow. This was occurring in the middle lane of xx highway and he was directly next to another slower vehicle in the right lane thereby causing a "moving road block". The driver failed to move over or pass the vehicle driving in the right lane even when prompted to do so by other drivers.

See, the deal is that now even the courts realize that EVERYONE has a right to travel at their own speed and if you want to go slower than everyone else, or even ONE other driver for that matter, they enacted rules that allow for this. IT IS CALLED DRIVING IN THE CORRECT LANE. I can tell you never drive in the US because they've got it down to a science. Travel on any major highway and you come over a hill and for miles you see everyone in the right lane of a 2 lane highway. You can watch people pull out to pass, then right back into the right lane.

DoingWhatIDoBest said:
Those that drive too slow are just as dangerous as those that drive too fast. I would agree if someone was going way below the posted speed limit but for people doing 100-110, I think not. There are many different type of drivers out there but when does what one wants (the speeders & tailgaters) verses the one who chooses to follow the rules of the road finally come to some sort of understanding. If I choose to drive 100-120 I will stay in the middle and right lane and use the left lane only to pass (if the traffic decides to be in a hurry and drive 130+ in the left lane, BUT when I do, stay off my ass and respect me and keep a safe distance from my car no matter what lane I am in. .
You're wrong again my friend. SLOWER VEHICLES KEEP RIGHT. If someone wants to pass you in the middle lane, MOVE THE FUCK OVER. If you're in the right hand lane and EVERYONE IS DOING 130, DO 130, or get off the highway. End of fucking story.

DoingWhatIDoBest said:
If I see you are a speeder, by all means, I'll move aside. If I drive down my street to my local market, there should be no reason you and I arrive together in the same lane. If I choose to drive the speed limit of 60 in the left lane then I drive 60. No need to be right on my bumper since the left lane on a residential road is not considered a passing lane. .
Wrong again, the left lane is a passing lane ON ANY STREET! Think about it for a second, why do they allow parking in the curb lane? SO PEOPLE CAN PASS ON THE LEFT. When a bus pulls over and stops, do you drive on the curb to go around it? NO you PASS ON THE LEFT. Read the rule book again my friend, WE PASS ON THE LEFT IN CANADA. In other countries they pass on the right, but here? WE PASS ON THE LEFT because the right lane is reserved for slower moving vehicles (which no one gets btw).

DoingWhatIDoBest said:
I do take it personal when someone deliberately puts my life in harm on a regular bases because they just feel like it.
I couldn't agree more, but when someone drives slower than I want to in the PASSING lane, doesn't move over and let me pass, or puts the brakes on to "drive me off" then THEY are creating a dangerous situation.

The Daulfin

New member
May 6, 2006
DoingWhatIDoBest said:
"speeding in itself has never caused a single accident"???? Are you serious??? Where do you get your facts?
Name one instance where speeding alone has caused an accident. But I'll warn you that as I've already mentioned in this thread, I have posed his one to a traffic court judge and he couldn't do it so good luck with that.

The Daulfin

New member
May 6, 2006
foolnarnd said:
I can't figure this out.

Over and over I have come up on someone...on the city streets, the highway...whatever.

Out of the blue they hit the brakes. I jam mine on thinking "wow - a tractor trailer must have just flipped or something..."


Peace. Tranquility.


The idiot has NOTHING in front of them.

It happens over and over.

What is with this? I go on by and think they must be having an acid flashback or something and just saw hell open up in front of them. There's no other explaination.
Oh, I've got a good one for you then: years ago, some friends and I were going into Toronto late on a Saturday night to hit the clubs and we got stuck in this huge traffic snarl a little bit past Ford Drive on the QEW. We always went at about the same time and never had that much traffic so we figured it had to be really serious since it was so dense for so long as we crawled forward. Eventually got to almost Dixie Road and at the mall there we saw that they had a carnival set up in the parking lot with all the blinking lights and so on. And wouldn't you know it.....traffic sped up right after that. We were stuck in near gridlock for 10 kms because some morons were looking at blinking lights.

The Daulfin

New member
May 6, 2006
DoingWhatIDoBest said:
No need to be right on my bumper since the left lane on a residential road is not considered a passing lane.
I would love to know where you found this one in the HTA. Despite "excellent" drivers like yourself always claiming it exists, I have never been able to find it.


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
Daulf, for some reason the QEW always backs up there lately. I don't know whether it is the mall itself or the compass sign that everyone slows down to is kind of ironic when the sign says "traffic moving freely at the next interchange" because traffic would be moving freely at THIS interchange if the frickin sign was turned off

Sasha Jones

Smart Ass ;-)
Aug 17, 2001
Really Retired.....REALLY!
What I don't understand is why people feel they need to squeal their tires out of the parking lot accross from my house ( or any parking lot for that matter).
Squealing your tires does not make you cool, it just makes me want to get a shotgun and sit in my window ;)


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
Sasha: just a couple of points on your post:

1) I used to have a Ford Ranger Pickup that was so light in the ass end that if I was making a tight right turn, unless I turtled my way around the turn, the right back wheel would ALWAYS break loose. I even went so far as to have my brother who was a ford mechanic look at it in case the diff was locking up or something.

2) Many cars like mustangs do the same thing

3) Many cars have so little power that that is the ONLY way a gino can get em to squeal so that's what they do. Try to be cool. Pity them don't shoot them lol.

I know how irritating something like that can be, where I used to live there was a guy across the street who had a harley with straight pipes on it. Every morning he'd fire it up and rev and rev it over and over until it was warmed up and he'd go roaring down the street (took about 5 minutes).

One day I woke early and he can out and started doing the same thing. I walked across the street and said to him: Dude, nice bike, won't it idle when it's cold? He said "yeah it does...why?" I said "because you revving it like that just wakes up everyone in the neighbourhood. Now I like the sound of a harley but NOT at 6:30 in the morning. My suggesion to you if you don't want any trouble is fire it up, let it idle until it's warm, then ride away slowly because if I'm not mistaken those pipes are illegal and I'm sure the cops would be happy to ticket you for them. "

Needless to say I wasn't worken up at 6:30 to the sound of a revving harley...

My suggestion to you is: call the cops, let them know, and I bet if enough of you or your neighbours complain, they will park a car there. Cops LOVE busting guys doing this.....
tboy said:
Daulf, for some reason the QEW always backs up there lately. I don't know whether it is the mall itself or the compass sign that everyone slows down to is kind of ironic when the sign says "traffic moving freely at the next interchange" because traffic would be moving freely at THIS interchange if the frickin sign was turned off
Same deal with sign on Hwy 20 heading into Montreal. People slow right down to see that it says, slow traffic ahead. It doesn't help when the sign is in French most of the time. A lot of good when most are Ontario drivers.

They removed the radar sign from DVP (SB) offramp to 401W that used to clock your speed. People speed up just to see how fast they can clock.


Well-known member
Apr 17, 2003
goodtime said:
Only a stretch in Germany with no speed limit. Rest of Autobahn with posted limit.
It's a good stetch though, about 60% of the Autobahn network.


The White Knight
Jul 12, 2006
The Daulfin said:
I would love to know where you found this one in the HTA. Despite "excellent" drivers like yourself always claiming it exists, I have never been able to find it.
ask your local police department, right from their mouths


Active member
Jan 7, 2002
tboy said:
There has been more than one occasion where I've been tempted to follow them wherever they are going and teach them a lesson they won't soon forget.
If such tough talk on an internet board makes you feel like a man or helps you get through the night without crying yourself to sleep while holding your pillow, I'm glad to have been of service as a vent for your bent up rage. But you really should seek some help.


Mar 24, 2002
Wow, 6 frickin' pages to this thread and I can't believe no one's posted one of my all-time most annoying pet peeves: inconsiderate assholes who don't give you the wave when you let them in ahead of you.

You know the scenario: traffic is crawling along and there's some person at a perpendicular intersection with their signal on, trying to join the flow. So you stop and allow them in, perhaps even with a courteous hand gesture or a quick flash of the high beams. Then this person (usually driving a M-B or some other self-aggrandizing status symbol) just dives in without so much as a mouthed "thank you" or a wave in the rear-view mirror.

A sub-section of this category would be drivers who clearly make a mistake -- i.e. changing lanes without checking to see if there's a car in their blind spot -- and nearly cause an accident, then look straight ahead and ignore the offended party when they pull alongside, naturally irate. Come on, everyone makes a mistake from time to time -- even the best drivers do -- but you should be polite, acknowledge your screw-up and apologize if you do.

What the hell is wrong with all these arrogant twats who drive as if they're the only ones on the road? They diminish my faith in humanity.
Ashley Madison
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