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How Can Virgins Stand It??


New member
Dec 28, 2005

My honest advice if you do not want to do it with an SP just travel. I do not know if it is just me but I find if I get out of Toronto I find more available and friendly women then I do here.


New member
Dec 28, 2005
how does nice shoes make one a good man

foxwilly said:
Its their expectations talking. A good man is hard to find. When one appears to be in front of them, they may just think " oh this is too good to be true, he must be gay....or married"
so all you need is nice shoes to be too good to be true to a women ? LOL


New member
Apr 21, 2007
Even more important than nice shoes, have clean fingernails.

It's these kinds of things that some men overlook but are an important indication to women.


Natural D's please!
Jul 5, 2003
Robio said:
so all you need is nice shoes to be too good to be true to a women ? LOL
No, but when they are going on first impressions before hearing the jibberish that comes out of our mouths, its one of the things they notice first.

Dont you remember that "Moores" commercial?


Natural D's please!
Jul 5, 2003
As ZZ top put it best

" Every girl's crazy bout a sharp dressed man"


Well-known member
Jul 22, 2006
bestillmehard said:
its the confidence. women love it
Bang on! That's the magic word. If you are confident around them, they are already sold. Words and looks just help you get the thing going.


Well-known member
Jul 22, 2006
foxwilly said:
Its their expectations talking. A good man is hard to find. When one appears to be in front of them, they may just think " oh this is too good to be true, he must be gay....or married"
Women alwaz SAY they are looking for a nice guy. ACTUALLY they are looking for the bad guy who has a nice side too. SO, do not project yourself as a "nice guy". I should know as it NEVER worked for me.


Still sexless
Jul 22, 2007
drlove said:
In this case, usually what happens is, guys tend to psyche themselves out. What I mean by that is, they are so obsessed with getting into a girl's pants that they invariably say something stupid/off the wall along the way. The reason for this is that they are nervous due to their inexperience with women. Once you have a few notches on your belt, you will be more relaxed and at ease with yourself. When a guy knows he can get sex whenever he wants, it becomes less of a big deal to him and he can act in a more nonchalant fashion, which women love. This in turn makes him immediately that much more desirable.
Yes I admit I psyche myself out all the time. I mean when I see a hot girl, I do think about how it'd be like to be with them etc. But I think I'm just plain scared of talking to women I'm interested in. I mean I'm somewhat nervous around women in general regardless, but around attractive women, I'm just a nervous wreck. I usually don't say anything to them and when I do it comes out awkward. I guess I need more practice in talking to them in general I think.

Like if I were suddenly to become a millionaire and could see as many escorts as I wanted when I wanted, I'm not sure how much that would help me with civilian women. I mean even if I could get sex anytime I wanted, so that that burden would be off of my shoulders, I don't know if talking to civilian women would be that much easier. It might turn out that way, but I guess I'm skeptical.


Natural D's please!
Jul 5, 2003
RaunchIsGoood said:
Yes I admit I psyche myself out all the time. I mean when I see a hot girl, I do think about how it'd be like to be with them etc. But I think I'm just plain scared of talking to women I'm interested in. I mean I'm somewhat nervous around women in general regardless, but around attractive women, I'm just a nervous wreck. I usually don't say anything to them and when I do it comes out awkward. I guess I need more practice in talking to them in general I think.

Like if I were suddenly to become a millionaire and could see as many escorts as I wanted when I wanted, I'm not sure how much that would help me with civilian women. I mean even if I could get sex anytime I wanted, so that that burden would be off of my shoulders, I don't know if talking to civilian women would be that much easier. It might turn out that way, but I guess I'm skeptical.
What you need to do is go into the situation / conversation as if you already know you have no chance to sleep with her, nor the desire. She might think/realize that you do not want her. that will make her want you!

Just be yourself!

I know its easier said than done. I was hopeless with women until I was 20. Once I had one, It was an instant change to my psyche.


New member
Apr 21, 2007
RaunchIsGoood said:
I mean I'm somewhat nervous around women in general regardless, but around attractive women, I'm just a nervous wreck. I usually don't say anything to them and when I do it comes out awkward. I guess I need more practice in talking to them in general I think.
You're right, it just takes practice.
Set your sights lower and chat up an average looking woman you might see around on a regular basis, one that you're fairly comfortable with. You'll find women aren't so different, they deal with the same issues and enjoy things in life like guys do.
You'll gain the confidence to approach someone more attractive or you'll find that you're happy with someone else first.


New member
Feb 28, 2007
Robio said:
I could not image some one getting out of their teens let alone their twenties without getting laid some how but who is to say we all have the same level of sex drive maybe some don’t get to that breaking point were one would compromise there morals or standards
Sometimes standards have nothing to do with it.

Maybe some guys just don't have any "game" with women. I know I don't, plus shyness/anxiety issues prevent me from really getting out and mingling much. I got to 19 before having my first GF, and its not like I picked her up -- she pursued me. Once that ended my 20s were a wasteland... I fucked a female friend a couple of times and also a couple of SPs. Then along came my next ex at 30. Again, she initiated contact and pursued me and we were together for almost 5 years. Now that's over.

So here I am at 35, and basically screwed. No sexual prospects, and no social life to speak of either.

There is no way I am going to be able to pick up a civilian woman since I've never even tried and wouldn't even know where to begin. I basically missed the boat back in high school so it's probably too late to learn now since I'm not prepared to do the hard, embarrassing and awkward work that would be involved. I'm not ugly or stupid, it's just that I am really not that outgoing, not great at conversation and reading signals/body language.

Oh well, at least there are SPs and I've got disposable income!


New member
Dec 27, 2002
The poet Charles Bukowski spoke of getting rid of his virginity at age 24 with "a 300 pound whore", breaking the bed while doing so.

That's what I think the virgins over 20 should do. Just get it over with man, don't think about it too much. Sex is all just crazy bullshit anyway.


New member
Oct 17, 2004
I lost my 'V' days before my 28'th birthday (nice gift eh!), but I wound up doing it with a dancer that I've been a regular customer of not an SP. I kept repeating to myself that it's just sex, don't get to serious etc. In fact it was her actually that offered to meet outside the club. I was TERRIBLE! Went through 2 condoms in the process and couldn't finish b/c I was so wound up. But in hindsight I'm glad I got it over and done with.

It's different though once you've done it. In many ways ignorance is bliss. Not knowing the intimate touch of being with a woman sort of dulls the sex drive. Sure you still have the primordial need for procreation and companionship, that can grate on you over the years (I was growing desperate by the years to finally do it). But having done it now, the desire for more has grown. You've done it, you know the feeling and almost like a drug you want it again.

Like most guys who commented here the combination of shyness and low self esteem conspired to make every attempt to meet woman a disaster. I think some of us miss out on those stages of highschool/teens where you strike out 1000's of times but in the process build a rapport and confidence around women, and by the time I was in my 20's I was already 5 laps behind everyone else. I'd get so psyched up with every woman I was attracted to I'd find myself beginning to think about being in a relationship with her before I'd even spoken to her. Obviously this would lead to awkward stares and inaction.

The only advice I'd give my fellow men out there is to put yourself out there, get used to social situations and make an effort to talk to women just for the pure sake of experience. The more you do it the more natural it will become. If you feel that you need to see a SP to become more comfortable and confident with women than do so. One other thing, practice putting that condom on, you don't want that awkward moment where you struggle to put your jimmy hat on

<end rant>


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
drlove said:
I think there are one or two on this board, as a matter of fact.
At 40 if you are still a virgin, it is likely not your choice.


Ph.D. in Pussyology
Oct 14, 2001
The doctor is in
papasmerf said:
At 40 if you are still a virgin, it is likely not your choice.
Agreed. My question was, given the ease of which escorts are available, what keeps someone in this situation from doing it.


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
drlove said:
Agreed. My question was, given the ease of which escorts are available, what keeps someone in this situation from doing it.
Popular demand


"The Gatekeeper"
Aug 29, 2006
"Set your sights lower" - WHAT!!!!

trisket said:
You're right, it just takes practice.
Set your sights lower and chat up an average looking woman you might see around on a regular basis, one that you're fairly comfortable with. You'll find women aren't so different, they deal with the same issues and enjoy things in life like guys do.
You'll gain the confidence to approach someone more attractive or you'll find that you're happy with someone else first.

Next thing you'll be saying is that you're to beautiful for me.


You have it or you don't!


New member
Apr 21, 2007
No, you learn confidence, you aren't born with it.

I meant for the guy to set his sights lower since he's a nervous wreck around gorgeous women.
He should get comfortable with women in general first, then he can move up to someone more beautiful if he wants.

ah fuck it, you were too stunned to understand the first time I explained it.


"The Gatekeeper"
Aug 29, 2006
Oh dear, regretion...

trisket said:
I meant for the guy to set his sights lower since he's a nervous wreck around gorgeous women.
He should get comfortable with women in general first, then he can move up to someone more beautiful if he wants.

ah fuck it, you were too stunned to understand the first time I explained it.

You can be born and educated into it or learn it over time.

Stunned:- "Surprise greatly; knock someone's socks off". Yep that describes me.

You're just too good to me!!!!!!!!!!!!
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