Oh, Boo Hoo


New member
Apr 9, 2006
Wilds of the GTA
What a crappy BS article!

Dick Starbuck said:
Another "tragedy" on the streets.

Yet another "innocent" life snuffed out by the corrupt Toronto Police Service.

He was such a good kid.... :rolleyes:



P.S. - Flame away, bleeding hearts!
Seems to me the most common reason for 'wrong' plates is to plan a crime.

And, I heard the other driver was actually in pretty bad shape. I wouldnt sacrifice my wrist (or worse) for this asshole's life!


New member
Jul 27, 2003
Didn't they say the same thing about Jane Creba?

So, it's okay to say the victim 'was such a good kid' if they are caucasian but not African American? :cool:

Dick Starbuck

Dec 25, 2005
Edifice said:
Didn't they say the same thing about Jane Creba?

So, it's okay to say the victim 'was such a good kid' if they are caucasian but not African American? :cool:

Isn't she the girl that got caught in the crossfire at Yonge & Dundas? If so, how does that relate to today's story? Do you consider this kid a victim? Give your head a shake!


Dick Starbuck

Dec 25, 2005
Back Burner said:
Oh please please let's not start this shit again. He ran, he died, he's family is sad. Did you expect them to say he deserved it?

AND......the family said they do not blame the police. But that's not good enough for you Dick, is it?
YES! JUST FOR A CHANGE!!! Could the family of a criminal every once in a while admit that their family member was a f*cking criminal who got what they deserved? Am I the only idiot that thinks this way? Can't be. I KNOW there are a lot of Terbites out there who are just as tired of this kind of bullsh*t as I am! Right, Bear?

And by the way, I'd say I'm more pissed at City TV for leaning this story the way they did, than any comments the family or friends made.


New member
Oct 22, 2002
Dick..there must be some thing in your make up, something missing,you must be a sad human being..wallowing in smugness over somebody dying in a car chase...15 posts in almost 2 years and nothing of any use to this discussion board...

Dick Starbuck

Dec 25, 2005
twobigo said:
Dick..there must be some thing in your make up, something missing,you must be a sad human being..wallowing in smugness over somebody dying in a car chase...15 posts in almost 2 years and nothing of any use to this discussion board...
Wow. Has it been almost TWO YEARS already? Well, you're mostly right. Not really a sad human being, more of an angry one. And yes, the only thing I've added to this board is my two cents worth, which I believe I'm just as entitled to as any of the members? (And for the most part, quite worthless).

Thanks for your input though, very astute. (Believe it or not, that WASN'T sarcastic!).

Dick Starbuck

Dec 25, 2005
No, man, you got it all wrong. It's not about rejoicing in his death. It's about stopping the inevitable outcry. It's about not hooking it all on the cops. I know there are a lot of shitty cops out there, but I don't see why when someone gets hurt or killed in a police chase, people start an outcry about ending police chases. It's all wrong, going in completely the wrong direction. Let's call the criminal AVOIDING the police the bad guy for a change.


Active member
Sep 26, 2001
In a house somewhere
Well, I do not support criminals. However, with a son who is turning 17 and learning to drive, mistakes can be made.

Perhaps his driving skills were not good. Some neighbourhoods are not that police friendly (YES, THIS IS TRUE). The police might decide to check a young looking kid driving an Acura. This to me is reasonable. If a police car is chasing you, maybe you will panic and start speeding. Who knows what was going on in this boy's mind. But he was speeding, lost control (young people might not be able to control powerful vehicles even though they may have a licence).

Whatever....but does he deserve to die?? I don't think so. I myself wouldn't be running from the cops. But should I die because of my indiscretion? I don't think so either. If the cops pull you or I over and we happen to make a gesture that could be mistaken to be reaching for a gun, should you or I die?

All I am saying is that it is tragic, but I wouldn't blame the cops, and I won't jump out and support the kid who got killed. The facts must be known. I support police chases sometimes, since if you are speeding from a crime scene, then you should get caught. But I think it is too early to pass judgement on this one.

Dick Starbuck

Dec 25, 2005
I haven't been watching CP24 tonight (isn't "The Chief" on tonight?), but I'm sure that when it IS on, this will be the main topic, as it usually is after one of these incidents, most people opposing chases, some all for them. Me, I'm all for them, I don't see how letting a criminal go does us any good, sends the wrong message to the scumbags: just drive fast and you're free!!!

Now, I'm sure someone will pipe up with "well Dick, I bet if one of YOUR family members were killed or hurt during a police chase, you'd feel differently". Well how's this: If they're involved in the police chase and brought it on themselves, oh well, guess they had it comin'. If they're bystanders or other drivers, I'll be taking it up with the person who caused it, or their family.

And if your reaction to police lights in your rearview mirror is to panic and start speeding, then I think you should really be taking the bus. Most young people take driving courses, and I don't think any of them suggest speeding up when the police want you to pull over.


Could afford the car but.
Dec 30, 2005
Dick Starbuck said:
YES! JUST FOR A CHANGE!!! Could the family of a criminal every once in a while admit that their family member was a f*cking criminal who got what they deserved?
I don't see anywhere that implies Shilton was a criminal...am I missing something? I read your link and watched the video...nothing. Or maybe because he failed to stop for the police that made him a criminal? Regardless, "he got what he deserved"...death? :rolleyes:

I dunno, Dick...poor example to get on pedestal for.

If your beef is with CityTV for their editorial position or society's indifference to police in fatal car chases, then it sure didn't come out that way with your first post.

All I read is a guy who wants more "criminals"...proven or not, dead.


New member
Sep 18, 2002
Ode to Lumber

I am deeply saddened by this great loss. It is all so senseless. One minute you are there and the next minute gone, erased from this earth. It really puts life into perspective. To think of all the time and effort spent raising something that you have worked so hard on to be gone so quickly. I'm talking about the wooden fence of course.
BTW, I loved the line "he wound up in an Acura that was chased by police". That happens to me all the time!


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
slk55amg said:
I don't see anywhere that implies Shilton was a criminal...

...except fleeing from the police. I am pretty sure that Young Drivers still teaches that when you see the flashing lights, you pull over to the right.

Comments are a bit harsh though.


New member
Oct 17, 2004
Dick Starbuck said:
Another "tragedy" on the streets.

Yet another "innocent" life snuffed out by the corrupt Toronto Police Service.

He was such a good kid.... :rolleyes:



P.S. - Flame away, bleeding hearts!

If you have nothing to hide. Then pull over, not a difficult concept eh?


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
And have you chosen to flee from the cops because of it. Being hassled for an hour is better than becoming a criminal and putting other drivers lives at risk.

If he wasn't involved in criminal activity before the cops than he was selfish and reckless.


Jan 18, 2004
Let's see, he's driving "his car" with a set of plates that aren't his. Forgive me if I'm wrong, but if someone were to take the plates off your car, do you think they'd put someone elses on your car? If he had taken the plates off someone else's car, at a minimum he could have done that to avoid having to pay to renew his licence plate because his tags had expired or too may parking tickets. The same goes if you didn't know. So you get pulled over, take the ticket, pay the fine.

If you want'd to do something and not be identified, like let's say Robbery, or a drive by shooting wouldn't you steal someone else's plates? And on the OFF chance that you didn't know your car had someone else's plate on it and the cops pulled up behind you with their lights and sirens on, you'd pull over, wouldn't you?

You'd floor it only if you've been up to no good.

He was stupid and paid for it. Should it have cost him his life, no. But he ran and didn't give a dam about what his actions could have cost someone else.

What would have been his family's reaction if he had survived and killed the driver of the other car who had escaped with a broken wrist? Would they be blaming him for crossing their son's path causing the evil racist police to arrest him.

If he was a victim, it wasn't my fault, or your's. The fault lies with his family, cause you didn't find me out late at night getting into shit. I had school the next day.

Don't like it when someone dies needlesly, but he was no victim except of his own stupidity.

As to DWB, well years ago I got pulled over on going south on Younge St after Yorkmills because it was late at night and I was looking for an address. The cops pulled me over and asked to search my trunk. They never told me way this did so, but I kinda figured out afterwards that maybe they had thought I was looking for a ground floor apt that was not lit up that I could break into.

The police will pull you over if they don't like the look of you, get used to it.
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