Vaughan Spa

Search results

  1. C

    Flashes in the night sky

    Did your municipality install red light cameras?
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    Anyone use ComFree to sell their home in GTA?

    Just finished doing a house search. As far as I could figure out, the ComFree houses were consistently priced below market. Our agent did not take us to visit any of them. In terms of private sales, one person did a private open house. A week later, they listed with an agent, and the agent...
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    Need help calculating odds

    I'm pretty sure that spread betting doesn't work that way. The odds of winning by betting 81-0 against the spread are much higher than what you are calculating.
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    Good looking girls rejected...revealing

    The first thing I learned attending trade shows was to avoid the girls like the plague. They are there to attract you to the booth, so some other person can talk to you. Much better strategy is to avoid them. If you want to know more, you need to talk to the head guy (which is often obvious.)...
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    What is the biggest financial crisis you could handle?

    Financial disasters are kind of weird. If the banks collapse tomorrow, who is worse off? The person with nothing, or the person with $1,000,000 in the bank. The person with nothing is probably used to disasters and can whether them well. The person with $1,000,000 in the bank will have...
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    Gender neutral driver licences and health cards for Ontairio

    Many transgender people have messed up chromosomes. If XY = men, and XX=female, then a whole subset of the population exists that are neither male nor female. Similarly, exterior genitalia do not always match what the chromosomes say. Many doctor's have been confused on that point. If you...
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    Police Entrapment

    Go with "I gave him money so he wouldn't trash my car." This story also explains why there have been so many unusually well dressed panhandlers around lately.
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    Plagiarising Works

    The universities do not permit you to submit the same assignment in two different courses. However, if you really wanted to be an annoy the university, you could do is post your paper on a web-site that you owned, under do not redistribute for license conditions. Then, if you got...
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    Skyway bridge crash: Judge cites charter, rules out breath tests

    I was wondering if this legal tactic could backfire. If he wasn't drunk, then maybe he did it deliberately. Makes some of the other charges much easier to prove.
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    History channel?

    Major cinematic achievements should be on the history channel. Skyfall was the best grossing Jame's Bond movie in history. Profit!!!!
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    Mental Illness Screening

    Finding mental illness is easy. Solving it ...
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    Question for those who know the CRA (Revenue Canada) best

    The CRA insists that you keep the original receipts because the credit card statement does not break out GST and gas. They are specifically looking for this detailed information. In future, you could look at getting a gas card from the relevant gas companies, and this will list all of the...
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    FRO...Family Responsibility services of Ontario

    The issue with a business is that the payment is a percentage of a fictitious number. When things are going well, it is possible to do quite well. When things go badly, ... even Donald Trump has went bankrupt. It's not hard to extrapolate out from Donald Trump's best year, and conclude he...
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    FRO...Family Responsibility services of Ontario

    Anyone that owns a business, and gets divorced, is screwed. The entire divorce system is based on fixed cash-flows, and business is not. Business cash flows go up and down. Sometimes, simply the distraction of the divorce case results in the business failing. After the business closes, the...
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    Ram or Silverado or Sierra ?

    All of the big manufacturers make 4-door cab pickups with 8 foot boxes. It might not be available in the 1/2-ton model in some lines however. Take a look at the 3/4-ton pickups.
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    Megyn Kelly

    Most of the stuff that Jon Stewart commented on was absurd. The fact it was other news stations air absurd material is their problem - not his. Making fun of absurdities is not biased. It is just good comedy. To quote a political comedian: "I keep wanting to retire, but the politician's...
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    to buy or not to buy a franchise

    Pizza-Pizza is notorious for making there money off the franchisee via supply agreements. I would avoid any franchisor that requires access to the franchisee's bank account, or can unilaterally charge fees to the franchisee. Every so often, a franchisor goes bankrupt. In that case, as the...
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    fridge repair?

    From the description, it sounds like something went wrong with the display panel / computer at first, but the fridge could continue cooling. Now you have a second problem. That makes me think you have two failures, you will have to fix the computer first to find out what the second failure is...
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    Meyer Briggs type indicators

    ENFPs are aliens from outer space to an INTJ. Your going to live up to your name ...
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    Ontario survivalist builds underground shelter from 42 school busses

    He probably built a fairly good structure. The buses will act as forms for the reinforced concrete. Two feet of reinforced concrete under earth will survive a small artillery barrage. The primary danger to the structure is water and earth movement. If he didn't build it too deep, the...
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