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  1. C

    New stealth fighter is dead meat in an air battle

    Given our previous missions, Canada will be using these fighter planes for "show the flag" missions, or missions requiring visual target identification. We will be using them to patrol the far North, or far off-shore. We will use them on peace-keeping missions where we need visual target...
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    What's with Spanking?

    Some girls like it. Some girls don't. Some orgasm when spanked. Many don't. Ask before you try, and start gently.
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    Anybody here work for RBC?

    I married my local RBC branch manager. Now, all I have to do is build a robot dog, and I will have the wife of the future!
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    House Insurance Premium

    Almost all of the insured and licensed contractors pay WSIB and have the documentation to show it. It is a pretty standard request in both home and commercial work. Some companies place the documentation on their website, and/or inside the bid documentation. Commercial companies care that...
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    House Insurance Premium

    This is a big effect. Insurance companies, particularly life insurance companies, are large players in the stock market.
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    Got a ticket for driving with no insurance...what to expect?

    Someone else's car insurance company will not volunatarily cover third parties in the event of an accident. As such, the pedestrian or cyclist is primarily covered under their own personal insurance policies. Read the fine print on the policy. The insurance covers third-party liability. As...
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    Marriage is a Trap

    The attack is only ad-hominem if it is off-topic. For example: Claim: "Chastity is beautiful." Ad-hominem attack: "This said from someone who is a drunk." (off-topic) Not Ad-hominem attack: "You have a mistress." (on-topic)
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    can someone give me advice

    Someone else might know your email password.
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    Copyright Troll is after my money for downloading porn....

    I would be wary of a US server. If you use a US server, you can be charged under US law, and civilly taken to court under US law. In terms of US and international law, it is way easier to go after a Canadian committing crimes in the US using a US server and communicating with US citizens, than...
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    SP famous clients

    Don't be so sure. Firstly, while an NDA can't stop you from testifying in court, it can effectively silence you in public (which is the point.) Secondly, the celebrities in question are often so isolated that the legal trail becomes grey. Everyone around a celebrity is often screened, if...
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    All female Ghostbusters remake greenlighted.

    Play writes and song writers love new ideas. In the case of music, statistically, the audience prefers songs that they hear often. A very similar effect happens for movies. Not knowing which movie is best, the audience goes for the sequel in preference to an original movie. When scaled, the...
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    Puppy Swap - New Service
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    NDA vs patent

    You definitely need an NDA, and a plan to develop it to a patent. If you discuss sales, you must patent within one year, so scope your conversation accordingly. A very common mistake is to patent something that everyone in the technical community knows "won't work." This happens because the...
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    Bill C-36: A Possible Workaround

    Ask her to pose for a photo-shoot, and then upload them to the internet. Undercover cops never want their pictures on the internet ...
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    Wynne Win

    Pretty much. The bond people want a plan to keep the budget balanced. Kathleen will be hit with the realities of the financial situation quickly enough. She will introduce the budget, pass it, and then tack right so fast it will make our heads spin.
  16. C

    23 cops fired 377 rounds at two unarmed men inside a vehicle.

    The problem in these "group of cops open fire" situations is that if: (a) you hear gunfire, and (b) your cop/buddy/partner is shooting, then the temptation to open fire is overwhelming. Also, once the firing starts, the temptation to keep firing is overwhelming. The volume of noise generated...
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    30% tax cut for corporations - yeee haaaaa

    Subsidizing energy costs for large users = Attracting Manufacturing Jobs China was built on subsidized energy. Closer to home, Stelco, Dofasco, and Alcan are also big energy users, and are attracted by cheap energy. Even Google wants to locate computer datacenters near big dams in an effort...
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    Smuggling drinks just became a whole lot easier...with alcohol in powder form

    I think they embed the alcohol into lemon drops (or something similar.) They made a movie about this: Lover Come Back, 1961. It ended with them selling the rights to the liquor conglomerates, who wanted the product off the market to preserve their monopoly. I wonder if the same thing will...
  19. C

    dating a woman with herpes

    A great deal of misinformation in this thread. Go to your Doctor, and find out if you can get the Herpes Antibodies test to see if you have already been exposed to HSV-2. While you are at it, do HSV-1 to. I suspect these tests may only be available for extra cost. However, they will tell you...
  20. C

    Are compensation levels of Public Sector employees sustainable?

    The issue is that Ontario bases its exports on manufacturing, and the Canadian dollar has increased alot in the last 10 years. If I think back to 2003 the dollar was at 66 cents US (plus or minus.) We were paying our manufacturing workers about $60,000 Canadian per year (for skilled workers)...
Toronto Escorts