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  1. H

    Making friends after 30 How the hell do you do it?

    One way I always found was to join some type of team. I was somewhat good at sports but even if you are not there are many different levels and organizations where you don't have to be. There was something called Toronto social sports club - a friend of mine joined and met a few women. If not...
  2. H

    BJ In Mainstream Movies

    I think the French one referred to in an earlier post was Devil in the Flesh - Maruschka Detmers ?
  3. H

    SSG from Oct. 18

    check out photo #8 - is it my imagination or do you see a pussylip also?
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    Asian Man on the Totem Pole

    You all need to grow up a bit. Some repeating, with my added 2 cents: - work on improving yourselves (take classes, meet women with common interests, etc.); you will be more interesting and gain confidence - don't be materialistic, and that includes being obsessed with your cars - I see some...
  5. H

    a 1 player fucks up big time

    Awesome story! Too bad it's not really a story, per se. I've had this almost happen to me before, but usually I could read the signs about a half-hour in advance. Once had to do the interruptus thing and make a young lady wait about 20 minutes so I could discreetly pinch a loaf in an effort...
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    Tim Hortons Employee Fired

    Bad PR but they'll survive. Remember a few years back when some dude claimed to have injured his johnson when he sat down to take a crap on a faulty toilet at timmies? Whatever happened to that case?
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    AMERICAN IDOL - 2008 - Season 7 PICKS!

    Don't know why I just noticed this but...Syesha has a smokin' bod. She won't stay around much longer I'm sure, but she's growing on me (or is that I have a thing growing...for her). Kristy is hot but for some reason not j/o material for me so I won't be sad to see her go (unless she starts...
  8. H

    Bobby Orr..can you believe it..

    Espo was lucky to have Orr, but it worked both ways. His 76 goal mark looked like it was never going to be broken until Gretzky came in (even then it seemed unlikely, since Gretzky was known more for assists). In '72, he was the best player on team Canada, IMHO, and in the opinions of several...
  9. H

    How long before Spezza gets traded by Ottawa?

    I know nothing about Spezza's ability to lead, but I do think he's a Thornton clone in the way / style he plays - all I was saying was, if SJ is looking to fill a hole - another playmaking centre is not going to fill it. No puns were intended despite this being on TERB.
  10. H

    How long before Spezza gets traded by Ottawa?

    Love it when us leaf fans talk about totally unrealistic trades, like the guys who phone into the fan and say JFJ should trade Antroturd for ... (anyone). Even better when someone from Ottawa eggs it on and starts making us believe a Tucker-Spezza trade could happen.
  11. H

    How long before Spezza gets traded by Ottawa?

    San Jose? But Spezza's kind of a Joe Thornton clone. Great passer, not that fast, etc. Also, I think that the imitations might be overblown. Spezza only started to flourish under Murray, and the guy is still a kid - I think it'd be really shortsighted if they make a big deal about this.
  12. H

    Alec Baldwin leaves msg for his daughter

    That was pretty emotional, he lost it, but big deal? I suffered much worse and although I know my parents made mistakes (and they admit they do) with their temper, I truly believe I am better off for having parents who cared than parents who wanted only to be my best friend. Those quick to...
  13. H

    What's up with Torontonian

    I agree that Chicagoans are the nicest in the US. I find that Chicago is the US city most similar to TO. I would not compare it to Western Canadian cities, however - Chicago is not as laid back as Vancouver, and not as 'redneck' as Alberta. All right, if all we're talking about is...
  14. H

    What's up with Torontonian

    I've lived here (Toronto, not TERB) all my life and I agree with the fact that people have a cold facade in Toronto. I've travelled all over the States and can say that even NYC (in the fun places, clubs, bars, etc.) people seemed friendlier, and southerners seemed extremely friendly by...
  15. H

    Colangelo the Chemist

    Bargnagni comparison to other big men? Have no idea about this guy, but it always takes big overseas guys time to adjust to the NBA. Anybody know what this guy plays like? Any comparison to, say, Yao Ming (who took at least 1/2 season to figure anything out), or is that being totally unrealistic?
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    Could Marian Gaborik be a 50-goal scorer?

    Kovalenko had a big season?
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    Could Marian Gaborik be a 50-goal scorer?

    Imagine him on Atlanta? He'd actually give their forwards a defensive conscience. Who would Atlanta give up, and who would Lemaire want?
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    San Diego

    Flamingo Theater - that's the place I was talking about - but I'm pretty sure LA Cock recommended that one to me before, so that place must have changed, is too far from SD (2 hrs?), or just isn't around anymore. Club was pretty dead when I was there over a year ago...
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    San Diego

    I recall a spot in Anaheim that was pretty good - got a good handshake there for not much more than what you'd pay in TO, not bad quality - do a search, this was posted but a long time ago.
  20. H

    Dave King to coach Canada's 2010 Olympic team...

    Are the Olympics always on big ice? i.e. was Salt Lake on big ice or NHL-size?
Toronto Escorts