Toronto Escorts

Search results

  1. T

    Is the police funeral over the top?

    pay They pay their own transport - but they bill the hours to us the tax payer.... Depending on the staff sarg they took the rest of the day off - otherwise they had to work a double I've heard... eg. 10 am - 5 pm + night shift etc
  2. T

    High cpu usage in Ubuntu

    Ubuntu 9.04 has messed up video driver settings due to the new version of I had the same thing with my thinkpad. I would either search the forums for a tweak, try 9.10 Beta (my buddy is doing that), or go back to an older version of ubuntu. Occurs with ATI and Intel video drivers... cheers
  3. T

    why can't we have girls like these in toronto

    was over there this spring. Better deal is to hop on the ferry to Macau. There are a ton of walk-in places just near the ferry terminal on the Macau side. Also tried the 141 site - got bait and switched a couple of times so I just walked. Oh BTW you can pick up a 1000 sq ft condo with view in...
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    Your favourite women come from which country?

    Japan and France Top 2 bar none - Maybe Israel for #3
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    Cyclists need to obey the law

    Bikes and the roads I get the feeling when I bike that most of the rules were written to protect drivers - not really with pedestrians or bikes in mind. And as the Auto sector is one of the largest exports of Ontario I can kind of understand why cars are protected. These bicyclists are...
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    FTA Receivers

    Ethernet Any recommendations for a PVR type box? My buddy has had the Dreamworks one for years and can record to Hard Drive and has wifi so you can download directly to the box (no PC necessary). But he says that one is end of life. CaptiveWorks 3000 seems to support it. Is this any good?
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    Hobbying in Hong Kong

    I just returned from HK. Found good quality - but not so cheap in Macau. Check out english forum for Zhuhai and Macau. Lots of options.
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    Hobbying in Hong Kong

    Visited Macau/HK/Shenzhen Returned from a quick trip around Asia. After reading the reviews of forum area I checked out some massage places in Macau. I have to say that while not the cheapest - (about 1400 HK - approx 190 Cdn) the section of hotties and the overall service is par...
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    Y'think this is repairable?

    any recommendations for a windshield place around T.o.?
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    Kankoku Shucho - korean influx

    Interesting article from Mainichi Japan's mid-Noughties love affair for all things South Korean appears to be on the wane, except when it comes to the pleasures of the flesh, where feelings are as lustier as ever and Japanese men can't seem to get enough kimcheesecake, according to Shukan Asahi...
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    Just returned - due to a recent police crack down in Tel Aviv there is limited pay for play of the incall variety. Lots of outcall ads all over the place - but didn't partake.
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    Top 10 Cities of the World with the Most Beautiful Women

    Vancouver Last time I checked Vancouver isn't part of Asia but North america... :)
  13. T

    Who gives the best RRSP GIC for 1 year?

    Discount brokerage I would highly recommend going with a discount broker. You should be able to get CDN Libor -.25 or .5 Canadian 1 Yr libor is 5.09 currently
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    Top 10 Cities of the World with the Most Beautiful Women

    Top ten hobby cities Tijuana, Mexico Batam, Indonesia Prague, Czech Rep Caracas, Venazula Cartagena, Colombia Rio, Brazil Shanghai, China Amsterdam, NL Medellin, Colombia Angeles, Philippines Pataya, Thailand Up and comers? Kiev, Ukraine?
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    Torrent site for audio books?

  16. T

    asians and orgasms

    Asians What the hell is an asian girl? north Asian? (Chinese, korean etc), South Asian (Indian?) Indonesian? If you mean Mainland Chinese - ya many of them think DATY is dirty or something. Others are loose. With over a billion of them it is kind of hard to generalize.
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    Top 10 Cities of the World with the Most Beautiful Women

    asian top 10 10 - Dalian, China - northern chinese girls 9 - Kunming, China 8- Nagoya, Japan 7 - Taipei, Taiwan 6- Seoul, Korea 5 - GuangZhau, China tied with Shanghai, China 4- Makati Metro Manila, Ph 3- Hong Kong 2- Tokyo, Japan 1 - Bangkok, Thailand - but beware they may be guys Note I...
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    Best Hakka In The City?

    hakka Hakka is a language from Guadong or Fujian prov. In mandarin it is called KeJia Hua. But chinese often refer to the speakers as an ethnic group. Kind of like saying someone is catonese. But in general there is a group of Hakka speakers to emigrated from southern china following the...
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    This year's hobbying stats

    Include flights? 5K would get you 1-200 all nite experiences in Manila/Thailand. However if you include the flights its a lot less. I enjoy lower cost local where you get more bang for the buck. But toronto at times ok value...
  20. T

    Toronto Asian female cops

    Apparently there are only 10 east asian female police officers in Toronto. 1 Philippina, 2 Koreans, 1 Japanese, and the rest chinese. 5 are active and generally have to do some undercover work. The filippina used to frequent massage parlors. Apparently none of the Chinese can read or write in...
Toronto Escorts