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asians and orgasms


New member
Aug 5, 2003
I have a fondness for asian ladies and I love daty. I consider myself pretty good at it as well, both at the front and at the back. My concern is I cannot seem to get the Asian ladies to orgasm. I do not know if they are purposely holding back or if there is something in their physiology that makes it more difficult to acheve orgasm. I became very friendly with one particular lady who loved me going down on her, both ends, but I could never get her off no matter how long I was at it. She would twitch every so often, but never have a full blown one. Is it me or has anyone else found this to be a problem?


New member
Apr 9, 2006
Wilds of the GTA
Read this first.

r2d2 said:
I have a fondness for asian ladies and I love daty. I consider myself pretty good at it as well, both at the front and at the back. My concern is I cannot seem to get the Asian ladies to orgasm. I do not know if they are purposely holding back or if there is something in their physiology that makes it more difficult to acheve orgasm. I became very friendly with one particular lady who loved me going down on her, both ends, but I could never get her off no matter how long I was at it. She would twitch every so often, but never have a full blown one. Is it me or has anyone else found this to be a problem? then this


New member
Mar 28, 2004
Women aren't like us. We can come simply from manual manipulation. Usually, a woman must be put in the mood, emotionally and then through foreplay. That's unlikely to happen even in a 2-hour session, given that the SP has little to no emotional attachment to her customer. Guys often don't appreciate that, and get frustrated when they rub the hell out of a woman's clit yet she doesn't get off. As a rule of thumb, if she's not emotionally attached to her lover, she probably won't come. Yes there are exceptions, thousands of them I'm sure. But for the majority...........


Sep 20, 2005
im asian and ive never really encountered serious problems with not being able to get off...but maybe im just not that hard to please
True some Asian gals may be bit more uptight or less expressive. But most have pleasure spots, you'll know when you cum across it.

True, few will be stone cold - no matter how hard you try. But usually the exception, ime. For those, there's plenty of area of the body to explore. Happy hunting:)


Posts: 10,000000
Feb 4, 2003
I used to live in a shared house, and the guy in the next room was living with his girlfriend, a student from china. All night long they would go at it, either he had a magic dick or magic tongue. Her moaning and panting were pertty much the same level throughout. I swear she never came.


Aug 17, 2001
Heaven, definately Heaven
r2d2 said:
I consider myself pretty good at it as well, both at the front and at the back. My concern is I cannot seem to get the Asian ladies to orgasm. I do not know if they are purposely holding back or if there is something in their physiology that makes it more difficult to acheve orgasm.
First you get her clit hard. If you don't know how to do that, then I think at that point YOU are having the trouble. You don't necessarily need your tongue to do that......duh. :cool:


you must be fk'n kid'g me
Nov 13, 2001
if she is asian you have to go right to left and not left to right


Dec 27, 2006
r2d2 said:
I have a fondness for asian ladies and I love daty. I consider myself pretty good at it as well, both at the front and at the back. My concern is I cannot seem to get the Asian ladies to orgasm. I do not know if they are purposely holding back or if there is something in their physiology that makes it more difficult to acheve orgasm. I became very friendly with one particular lady who loved me going down on her, both ends, but I could never get her off no matter how long I was at it. She would twitch every so often, but never have a full blown one. Is it me or has anyone else found this to be a problem?

Many years ago I had a non pro Asian friend and a similar discussion started over some late night scotch and cognac. She told me that in her formative years she was taught that faking an orgasm was neither necessary nor desirable. She confessed to never learning how to do it convincingly.

Perhaps you are just experiencing a similar situation? Are western Sps much better actresses?

I would suggest that you pretend the slightest movement is an orgasm, simplest solution.


Dec 27, 2006
kitaa said:
Technique, patience and chemistry.

I don't think that the ethniticity makes a difference whether a woman can reach orgasm or not.
As far as asians are concerned, I made Korean, Chinese and Vietnamese chicks cum through DATY and one Filipina though DIGITS, massaging her G-spot and let me tell ya those contractions were real.
Yup no question they can and do cum. Indeed some might claim they cum incredibly well They just come from a culture where faking is a no-no..
kitaa said:
though DIGITS, massaging her G-spot and let me tell ya those contractions were real.
an MPA I know just let her mind go...with all the signs of the big O without being touched. The client go away thinking he's Casa Nova & she gets a big tip.


Dec 27, 2006
I have a solution !

r2d2 said:
I have a fondness for asian ladies and I love daty. I consider myself pretty good at it as well,.....?

Just tell them you give big tips for women who cum! The problem will no longer exist!


New member
Jul 10, 2002

What the hell is an asian girl? north Asian? (Chinese, korean etc), South Asian (Indian?) Indonesian?

If you mean Mainland Chinese - ya many of them think DATY is dirty or something. Others are loose. With over a billion of them it is kind of hard to generalize.
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