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  1. C

    Rogers continues to force people to switch to analogue

    I think a big issue is the way Rogers is controlling what you have in your private home. Their responsibility really is up to the box as it enters the house. If somebody messes up the cables in their house then bill them for that service request. The idea that they did it out of the goodness of...
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    What is your Favourite Fruit to Eat?

    If the question is about succulent fruits, I would say blueberries. If the question is about dry fruits, I would say hazelnuts.
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    John Tory using the I-didn’t-know-until-now excuse on TTC fares and budget loan

    There are a few point that I will argee with in the first paragraph. They are: - "Rob Ford admitted he was bad in his personal life" Agreed. - "While he admitted that he spoke out the fact almost everyone else in the council had the same skeletons in their closets and that was why he asked if...
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    John Tory using the I-didn’t-know-until-now excuse on TTC fares and budget loan

    This is ironic. Could what you wrote here be used to describe Rob Ford and his, never smoked crack, then yeah I tried it, then never again, then I do it again, ...? Holding two people to different standards (Tory and Ford) is worse.
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    Liberals pressuring children to have gay anal sex and grooming them for pedaphiles

    This is more like it happ. This is the standard of rants we've come to expect from you! Good job bud! Let's for argument sake say that corruption is determined by association, would not then the Conservatives and NDP fall into the same boat? By simple political association as colleagues they...
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    Liberals pressuring children to have gay anal sex and grooming them for pedaphiles

    The Internet just expressed a collective emotive response: What the fuck? Happ, it doesn't even seem like you're trying anymore. Your typical rants at least we're somewhat believable/plausible/grounded in misunderstood facts. Now it just seems like you're phoning it in! I think I speak for...
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    Dating a sex worker. First timer go further or dump it?

    It's interesting to see responses of individuals that don't really have any substantial thought to put forward. Sometimes these people are jealous or bitter for some reason, they percieve that some group or part of society has wronged them, and instead of keeping their own toxic feelings to...
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    Dating a sex worker. First timer go further or dump it?

    I don't know you or her, but it sounds like you're in an emotionally vulnerable place, and from my own experience it's those times when I'm best doing the 'soul searching' alone. From what you wrote it sounds like you both enjoy each other's company and are enjoying each other, and from my own...
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    John Tory's budget to boost taxes 3.2%.

    I agree that it should have run west, but it should go as far as the airport. Running east to UoT/centennial college/zoo is important.
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    John Tory's budget to boost taxes 3.2%.

    The plan as its laid out now has the scarborough subway ending at Sheppard, as you correctly infer, a dead end. I would hope that it would be connected to the Sheppard subway line. That is my hope. Everyone has the best intentions but nobody wants to pay for it (read: taxes). The government...
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    John Tory's budget to boost taxes 3.2%.

    Development increased a lot along the Sheppard line, but the problem with the Sheppard line is that it isn't connected at the other end. A transit design isn't effective if it doesn't actually do what people want it to do.. Imagine the YUS line stopping at Rosedale instead of going to Bloor...
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    John Tory needs 52% more for his office campared with the last full year of Rob Ford

    Are you considering the time that Rob Ford was in rehab - then hospital to be a time when he worked? Plus, the city was a much more productive place when Rob Ford was in rehab. If I were to consider Norm and Rob together I'd also want to factor in how much time and money was wasted by Ford and...
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    John Tory's phony budget is under attack from the left as well as from the right.

    Not everyone that suggests a toll is David Miller or Sarah Thomson or Doug Holyday or Adam Vaughn or etc. If he makes fun of my idea, flip-flops, or does something else - it's still better than saying you're for the poor and the people in general, but never face charges for admitted drug use...
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    Hot new girl at work and flirting like crazy

    +1 for Canada-man
  15. C

    John Tory's phony budget is under attack from the left as well as from the right.

    The solution would be to toll the DVP, Lakeshore, and Gardiner. Just as the people that use the TTC should be paying for improvements (in the form of fare increases), so too should the drivers of cars and trucks have to pay for the repairs to city-run highways they use.
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    John Tory needs 52% more for his office campared with the last full year of Rob Ford

    Why would this be surprising? When you're actually doing work the expenses to do that work rises. Plus the expenses for personal drugs aren't billed to taxpayers.
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    John Tory's pledge to freeze TTC fares an election language?

    Anabrandy, a futile effort and a lesson in futility is complaining to a board used by 'John's' (although not all members are 'Johns') about civic policy issues. It's unfortunate that you don't recognize that your words will be lost in cyberspace never to be passed on or debated - all because you...
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    John Tory's pledge to freeze TTC fares an election language?

    I don't understand how the Scarborough subway (that hasn't been designed or built or had environmental assessments completed) is a "gravy train". The Ford brothers were the original champions of subways and it speaks to that base of voters. How is this Tory wasting money? Olivia Chow pushed for...
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