Club Dynasty

John Tory's pledge to freeze TTC fares an election language?


Bitter House****
Apr 27, 2006
John Tory? "You Cannot Trust That Guy"

Mayor Tory’s reversal of TTC fare freeze promise sows seeds of doubt

MARCUS GEE The Globe and Mail Last updated Monday, Jan. 19 2015, 9:06 PM EST

How many times have we seen this movie before? A politician running for office makes a promise not to do something unpalatable – raise taxes, say, or cut services or run a budget deficit. After taking office, the politician claims that, to his horror, the previous government has left things in far worse shape than he ever imagined, requiring him, with great regret, to abandon his promise.

This is the tired script that Mayor John Tory followed on Monday when he broke a campaign promise not to raise Toronto Transit Commission fares. Mr. Tory said that when he made that the pledge, he was merely an uninformed candidate on the campaign trail. So, “I’m not going be much of an expert on the transit system.”

Now that he has taken office, talked to the TTC and viewed up close the devastation wrought on our transit system by that bad, bad man Rob Ford, he can see that he was wrong.

To help cover the cost of various improvements to transit service – more buses, better off-peak service, more express and nighttime bus service – he proposes to raise non-cash fares by 10 cents. It was only a foolish promise, after all. It is not as if anyone actually expected him to keep it.

To distract voters from this reversal, which comes less than two months after he took his oath of office, he offered one of the more blatant sweeteners proposed in recent Toronto politics: free rides for children. The mayor’s people summoned reporters to a school library to make the happy announcement. The kids cheered. How much will your ride cost, asked TTC chair Josh Colle. “Free,” they roared. Louder, he told them. “Free!”

It was clever politics, for who could ever object to letting our precious little ones ride the streetcar without a ticket? But the cost of this shiny little bauble was $7-million in forgone revenue for an underfunded transit system. That is a pretty steep price to drown out any clamour over that broken promise. The kids-for-free measure seemed to come out of nowhere.

Asking adult riders to pay 10 cents more per trip, on the other hand, is defensible policy. Everyone wants better transit service and the money has to come from somewhere. It would even make sense to institutionalize a modest annual increase, avoiding all the political wrangling.

What is harder to defend is Mr. Tory’s claim that he didn’t know the true state of the TTC when he made his promise not to raise fares. Mr. Tory has been around a long time. As a former radio talk-show host, a two-time mayoral candidate and a civic leader who campaigned for better transit, he is hardly a babe in the woods.

Transit was the centrepiece of his election campaign. He criticized Mr. Ford’s transit record and held forth on a multimillion-dollar transit-improvement plan that the TTC put out last summer. Where, he demanded then, was all the money going to come from? This avowed non-expert considered himself expert enough to propose an elaborate $8-billion transit plan, SmartTrack.

It is unfair to hold politicians to every one of their promises. If the facts change, they have a right, even a responsibility, to change tack. But when he made his promise, Mr. Tory knew that the TTC was struggling to restore service. He must have known, as well, that finding the money to get the service back would be tough without asking commuters to pay more at the fare box.

He made the promise regardless. Now he has broken it, and that is never a small thing. Mr. Ford, making sense for once, put it simply. “John said he wasn’t going to increase fares. We all heard it during the mayor’s debate. And he has.”

If we accept that politicians are always going to go back on what they promise, it makes evaluating their competing platforms impossible. Worse, it makes voters doubt everything they say. If Mr. Tory reverses himself on a fare increase, will he do the same on his pledge that SmartTrack will cost local property taxpayers nothing?

Sowing that kind of doubt so soon in his term was a mistake that even free streetcar rides for tots should not obscure.


New member
Jul 29, 2002
Above 7
Pretty soon he is going to have us thinking he is a Liberal (ie Chretien with the GST).


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
"Tory said once he began to take a look at the books, it became apparent a fare freeze wasn't possible if he wanted to invest in the service."

Didn't read the book and didn't ask TTC before pledging, eh Snake-Oil salesman John Tory?

Very seasonal and experienced CEO, isn't he?
Much like our former Mayor's promise to repeal the Land Transfer Tax, and still not raise general property taxes. Both promises broken, without apology, in fact without ever admitting he'd made them, and owed us an explanation. Not that Rob's example wants for instances of '…and even worse', but how could he have done all that homework, and sat through all those budget debates as a Councillor without knowing that would be impossible, and it would be a barefaced lie to say he would?

Once again, no point boo.


New member
Oct 11, 2013
I don't understand how the Scarborough subway (that hasn't been designed or built or had environmental assessments completed) is a "gravy train". The Ford brothers were the original champions of subways and it speaks to that base of voters. How is this Tory wasting money? Olivia Chow pushed for more family oriented policies, and children riding free speak to that. I don't agree with it but it speaks to that base or voters.

Is a prerequisite for reading this thread a complete absence of critical thought and facts?

Boodog and Anbarandy,
John Tory will be at Scarborough Civic Centre tonight in the council chambers for a town-hall type community meeting. Stop bitching on here about his policies - take your illogical ideas to him directly.


Bitter House****
Apr 27, 2006
I don't understand how the Scarborough subway (that hasn't been designed or built or had environmental assessments completed) is a "gravy train". The Ford brothers were the original champions of subways and it speaks to that base of voters. How is this Tory wasting money? Olivia Chow pushed for more family oriented policies, and children riding free speak to that. I don't agree with it but it speaks to that base or voters.

Is a prerequisite for reading this thread a complete absence of critical thought and facts?

Boodog and Anbarandy,
John Tory will be at Scarborough Civic Centre tonight in the council chambers for a town-hall type community meeting. Stop bitching on here about his policies - take your illogical ideas to him directly.
+$1billion in tax increases, LRT cancellation costs, EA, route design and planning, in addition to +$1billion in operating subsidies for a 3 stop BDL extension that all studies, analysis, data and ridership projections conclude is unnecessary, not needed and a huge waste of scarce taxpayer dollars both now and decade upon decade from now.

Especially galling since a 'a free and at no cost' to Toronto property taxpayers and Torontonians, '7 station right-of-way LRT, which is still the agreed upon plan in the Master Agreement, met all criteria as the best transit service delivery mode for the replacement for the Scarborugh RT.

The BDL extension that John Tory endorses not only meets the definition of, but is also epitome of the The Gravy Train.

Not only did Tory heap scorn about other candidates and their plans for funded TTC and social service increases, he also promised not to raise taxes, fares or revenue to achieve the same results. Now that is the definition of 'bald-faced false promises and pledges' and just blatant outright 'lies'.

To answer your question:

It is a prerequisite in replying with critical thought and facts in absence thereof in your post.

And in response to your advice may I humbly suggest that you:

Take off your rose colored ideological glasses and stop defending the indefensible.
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Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
I don't understand how the Scarborough subway (that hasn't been designed or built or had environmental assessments completed) is a "gravy train". The Ford brothers were the original champions of subways and it speaks to that base of voters. How is this Tory wasting money? Olivia Chow pushed for more family oriented policies, and children riding free speak to that. I don't agree with it but it speaks to that base or voters.

Is a prerequisite for reading this thread a complete absence of critical thought and facts?

Boodog and Anbarandy,
John Tory will be at Scarborough Civic Centre tonight in the council chambers for a town-hall type community meeting. Stop bitching on here about his policies - take your illogical ideas to him directly.
They would never actually show up. The keyboard warriors they are have an obligation to go on various sites like this and pound pixelated sand.

I just like to watch them get riled up. The union guy is essentially powerless at this point so is gasping about to keep sane I suppose. And Boo Radley is a fan-boy. Not often you find them fixated on a guy like Ford but hey if he has a "Thing" for him it's cool.

And rest of the normal citizens understand that the election is over for 3 and a half years, so rehashing events in motion is moot. And that politicians aren't necessarily breaking promises when events take over.

I've even acknowledged the GST is a good thing and Chretien was right not to cancel it.

This is a matter of looking at the books and making a hard but good choice. That's why I elected him. To manage pragmatically, not idealogically.


Bitter House****
Apr 27, 2006
They would never actually show up. The keyboard warriors they are have an obligation to go on various sites like this and pound pixelated sand.

I just like to watch them get riled up. The union guy is essentially powerless at this point so is gasping about to keep sane I suppose. And Boo Radley is a fan-boy. Not often you find them fixated on a guy like Ford but hey if he has a "Thing" for him it's cool.

And rest of the normal citizens understand that the election is over for 3 and a half years, so rehashing events in motion is moot. And that politicians aren't necessarily breaking promises when events take over.

I've even acknowledged the GST is a good thing and Chretien was right not to cancel it.

This is a matter of looking at the books and making a hard but good choice. That's why I elected him. To manage pragmatically, not idealogically.
Why would I show up? Did he ever really give anything but vague, general responses, 'bob and weave', 'evade' and basically 'run away' from scrutiny of his various 'free and at no cost' policy platforms, promises and pledges during the election campaign?

Now he wants everyone to believe he just didn't realize that there was a funding deficit with the TTC. An honest and forthright answer? Yeah right. Ya'all get nothing of the sort from that guy.

How is he going to explain that his promised 'free and at not cost' GhostTrack fantasy is going to actually cost local Torontonians $4-$5billion? What excuse is he going to conjure up to answer to all the Torontonians who voted for him based upon his promise?

Not rehashing events at all my friend. The events, or shall we say the public unveiling of his campaign lies, are happening now in real time and will continue to be shamefully exposed throughout the balance of his term.

"Looking at books, making hard choices, managing pragmatically not ideologically"?

How pragmatic is a 'sudden dawning' that there is a funding deficit with the TTC when everyone but Ford nation didn't have their collective heads up their arses?

How pragmatic will a 'sudden dawning' appear to be when Tory will have to make up excuses that he requires $4-$5billion from Torontonians to fulfill his 'free and at no cost' GhostTrack fantasy?

Doesn't sound very pragmatic at all.

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Well-known member
Aug 29, 2001
Why would I show up? Did he ever really give anything but vague, general responses, 'bob and weave', 'evade' and basically 'run away' from scrutiny of his various 'free and at no cost' policy platforms, promises and pledges during the election campaign?

Now he wants everyone to believe he just didn't realize that there was a funding deficit with the TTC. An honest and forthright answer? Yeah right. Ya'all get nothing of the sort from that guy.

How is he going to explain that his promised 'free and at not cost' GhostTrack fantasy is going to actually cost local Torontonians $4-$5billion? What excuse is he going to conjure up to answer to all the Torontonians who voted for him based upon his promise?

Not rehashing events at all my friend. The events, or shall we say the public unveiling of his campaign lies, are happening now in real time and will continue to be shamefully exposed throughout the balance of his term.

"Looking at books, making hard choices, managing pragmatically not ideologically"?

How pragmatic is a 'sudden dawning' that there is a funding deficit with the TTC when everyone but Ford nation had their collective heads up their arses?

How pragmatic will a 'sudden dawning' appear to be when Tory will have to make up excuses that he requires $4-$5billion from Torontonians to fulfill his 'free and at no cost' GhostTrack fantasy?

Doesn't sound very pragmatic at all.

Is this your first municipal election you troll?


Active member
Sep 22, 2010
One of the reasons municipalities dont expand transit is because they dont want to take on the burden of the militant transit union.


New member
Oct 11, 2013
Anabrandy, a futile effort and a lesson in futility is complaining to a board used by 'John's' (although not all members are 'Johns') about civic policy issues. It's unfortunate that you don't recognize that your words will be lost in cyberspace never to be passed on or debated - all because you refuse to tackle the issue head on and you refuse to see that for all your copy and pasting of articles it doesn't mean anything because you haven't engaged in civic action.

Somehow you think that complaining on a board used for sex services will change Toronto policies? And you say I'm wearing 'rose-coloured glasses'? :rofl:

Butler1000, I think you may be right.


Mar 12, 2004
He's on tv now folks.. Rogers channel 10. Call him and ask him a question
Some one should warn him about the laid off garbage collector though,...



CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
One of the reasons municipalities dont expand transit is because they dont want to take on the burden of the militant transit union.
All they have to do is treat their workers fairly and deal with them honestly while maintaining a safe and healthy workplace and they can stay as happily union-free as a Hamilton steel company.

No one working for a well-managed company that does right by its workers needs a union to fight for her. Unions certainly aren't the best way to deal with crappy management, but they're the only tool the workers have. Managers and owners have all the rest. If they don't or can't use them effectively, the union gets called in to try to fix the problems they could not.


Bitter House****
Apr 27, 2006
Butler1000, I think you may be right.
Butler1000 bitterly complained about Olivia Chow's funded plan to increase and improve lower order transit service because it would cost money. He lauded Tory's criticism and rejection of Olivia's plan and cheered Tory's promise not to do so.

Butler1000 railed about Olivia Chow's funded plans to increase and improve social services by even the slightest amounts because it would cost money. He chortled with glee Tory's abject indifference in the form of funding and plans with regard to same.

Butler1000 was terrified that Olivia Chow would tax and spend, tax and spend and that Tory would do no such thing.

Fast forward a few months later and voila:

1) Here is Mr. Tory happily breaking his promise to Butler1000 and Torontonians by announcing to a school of cheering toddlers a TTC fare increase. Exactly what he had criticized Chow about he suddenly embraced.

2) Here is Mr. Tory increasing social services funding in contrast to his indifference as witnessed by his lack of campaign thought and plans.

3) There was Mr. Tory, the happy fiscal conservative CEO promising to fund all his promises and balance the budget through 'efficiencies and other levels of government'. Here is Mr. Tory obtaining a $200million L.O.C. from the provincial government to balance the budget.

And we're only a coupla months in.

Butler1000 must be having some very, very sleepless nights worrying about the leftie in the mayor's chair.

Can't wait to hear the excuses and explanations when the $4-$5billion price tag of that 'free and at not cost' GhostTrack hits the shitter.
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Bitter House****
Apr 27, 2006
Anabrandy, a futile effort and a lesson in futility is complaining to a board used by 'John's' (although not all members are 'Johns') about civic policy issues. It's unfortunate that you don't recognize that your words will be lost in cyberspace never to be passed on or debated - all because you refuse to tackle the issue head on and you refuse to see that for all your copy and pasting of articles it doesn't mean anything because you haven't engaged in civic action.

Somehow you think that complaining on a board used for sex services will change Toronto policies? And you say I'm wearing 'rose-coloured glasses'? :rofl:
Thank you for that pseudo, psycho-political 'insight' that you posted on a internet board used for sexual services that is full of 'Johns'.

Futile eh?
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Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
Butler1000 bitterly complained about Olivia Chow's funded plan to increase and improve lower order transit service because it would cost money. He lauded Tory's criticism and rejection of Olivia's plan and cheered Tory's promise not to do so.

Butler1000 railed about Olivia Chow's funded plans to increase and improve social services by even the slightest amounts because it would cost money. He chortled with glee Tory's abject indifference in the form of funding and plans with regard to same.

Butler1000 was terrified that Olivia Chow would tax and spend, tax and spend and that Tory would do no such thing.

Fast forward a few months later and voila:

1) Here is Mr. Tory happily breaking his promise to Butler1000 and Torontonians by announcing to a school of cheering toddlers a TTC fare increase. Exactly what he had criticized Chow about he suddenly embraced.

2) Here is Mr. Tory increasing social services funding in contrast to his indifference as witnessed by his lack of campaign thought and plans.

3) There was Mr. Tory, the happy fiscal conservative CEO promising to fund all his promises and balance the budget through 'efficiencies and other levels of government'. Here is Mr. Tory obtaining a $200million L.O.C. from the provincial government to balance the budget.

And we're only a coupla months in.

Butler1000 must be having some very, very sleepless nights worrying about the leftie in the mayor's chair.

Can't wait to hear the excuses and explanations when the $4-$5billion price tag of that 'free and at not cost' GhostTrack hits the shitter.
Actually I stated at the time I agreed with a plan to restore TTC service. I never said I didn't want to spend the money. What I stated was the cost will be much higher than the 15 million she stated. And I was right.

As for the social services and other goodies it's my belief that the amounts placed in this budget are less than what Chow would have done. And I don't believe she would be putting the money into infrastructure that Tory is.

I also think the hike would have been higher.

I remain satisfied with the budget. And that he will continue to do right by the city. I voted for him to be a good manager. So far so good.

As to the no fare hike promise this is my take. The specific promise was not to hike them IN HIS FIRST YEAR. So all he really did was do what needed to be done anyway 10 months sooner, and hopefully for parts in time for the PanAm games.

I can accept that and the improvements a bit earlier.


Bitter House****
Apr 27, 2006
Actually I stated at the time I agreed with a plan to restore TTC service. I never said I didn't want to spend the money. What I stated was the cost will be much higher than the 15 million she stated. And I was right.

As for the social services and other goodies it's my belief that the amounts placed in this budget are less than what Chow would have done. And I don't believe she would be putting the money into infrastructure that Tory is.

I also think the hike would have been higher.

I remain satisfied with the budget. And that he will continue to do right by the city. I voted for him to be a good manager. So far so good.

As to the no fare hike promise this is my take. The specific promise was not to hike them IN HIS FIRST YEAR. So all he really did was do what needed to be done anyway 10 months sooner, and hopefully for parts in time for the PanAm games.

I can accept that and the improvements a bit earlier.
Well you must be absolutely furious that not only has Tory done a complete 180 degree turn on his rejection of Olivia's TTC lower order service funding increase and promise to 'hold the line', he has also completely dwarfed her funding increases:

1) Under the proposal, the TTC would receive an additional $38-million in its operating budget towards service improvements, including reductions in wait time, new express services, and expanded overnight services for buses and streetcars.

I also recall you ranting and railing about Olivia Chows miniscule $2million a year plan to increase social services spending. Seems Tory is more the leftie than Olivia ever would have been.

2) The budget pledges almost $8-million in additional funding towards shelters and homelessness, including the opening of 181 shelter beds, and two new 24-hour drop-in centres for women. The budget also calls for an additional $2.2-million towards “strategic initiatives” in poverty reduction

3) The department would see an extra $8-million, with much of it allocated towards state of good repair for existing facilities. The funds would also go towards building or expanding 13 new community centres, as well as the completion of the Regent Park Community Centre.

Rail against unions and city services staffing levels much? Yes you have and do. Add a bunch more lazy union types to your payroll.

4) The city’s emergency services prevention and response would receive $4.6-million in new investments, including the hiring of 56 new paramedics

5) The TTC budget to increase by 7 per cent in 2015, to $1.814-billion accounts for the money to hire 802 more people

Did Tory really have to try cover his ass by;

6) Eliminating fares for children under 13 which will resulted in a projected cost of $5.4-million

I also remember you bitterly complaining about Olivia's plans to expand the leftie pinko's road hogging bicycle network. Well here is Tory's answer to you:

7) A $90-million expansion of the city’s bicycle network.

I would be remiss if I didn't remind you of tree-hugger, leftie Tory's budget that includes:

8) $8million for restoration of the tree canopy for 2015

Now, now my dear union hating, leftie baiting friend, as you can plainly see your idol John Tory is much, much more the leftie, tax and spend mayor than your worst nightmares could have ever imagined.


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
Well you must be absolutely furious that not only has Tory done a complete 180 degree turn on his rejection of Olivia's TTC lower order service funding increase and promise to 'hold the line', he has also completely dwarfed her funding increases:

1) Under the proposal, the TTC would receive an additional $38-million in its operating budget towards service improvements, including reductions in wait time, new express services, and expanded overnight services for buses and streetcars.

I also recall you ranting and railing about Olivia Chows miniscule $2million a year plan to increase social services spending. Seems Tory is more the leftie than Olivia ever would have been.

2) The budget pledges almost $8-million in additional funding towards shelters and homelessness, including the opening of 181 shelter beds, and two new 24-hour drop-in centres for women. The budget also calls for an additional $2.2-million towards “strategic initiatives” in poverty reduction

3) The department would see an extra $8-million, with much of it allocated towards state of good repair for existing facilities. The funds would also go towards building or expanding 13 new community centres, as well as the completion of the Regent Park Community Centre.

Rail against unions and city services staffing levels much? Yes you have and do. Add a bunch more lazy union types to your payroll.

4) The city’s emergency services prevention and response would receive $4.6-million in new investments, including the hiring of 56 new paramedics

5) The TTC budget to increase by 7 per cent in 2015, to $1.814-billion accounts for the money to hire 802 more people

Did Tory really have to try cover his ass by;

6) Eliminating fares for children under 13 which will resulted in a projected cost of $5.4-million

I also remember you bitterly complaining about Olivia's plans to expand the leftie pinko's road hogging bicycle network. Well here is Tory's answer to you:

7) A $90-million expansion of the city’s bicycle network.

I would be remiss if I didn't remind you of tree-hugger, leftie Tory's budget that includes:

8) $8million for restoration of the tree canopy for 2015

Now, now my dear union hating, leftie baiting friend, as you can plainly see your idol John Tory is much, much more the leftie, tax and spend mayor than your worst nightmares could have ever imagined.
So why are you complaining then, if he is doing what your girl Chow would have done.

What I like is his infrastructure plans. I knew he would have to do some spending to keep council at bay. That was a given.

And I was happy to see the increased TTC service. I said at the time it was needed. And stand by that.

It was Chow's claim of only 15 million I said was unrealistic. And I was right.

What you don't get is I voted for a manager, not a politician. He isn't going to do everything I like. No politician will. There will always be things and decisions made that can be found to have fault. But I don't get emotionally charged up over it.

I do look forward to the garbage privatization, building of the subway and Smart-Track, and expansion of the Island Airport.

Most of all I look forward to a council that actually stops acting like children and gets things done. That's what Tory does.

Your wish for a divided council and sidelined Mayor is over.


New member
Oct 28, 2009
Well you must be absolutely furious that not only has Tory done a complete 180 degree turn on his rejection of Olivia's TTC lower order service funding increase and promise to 'hold the line', he has also completely dwarfed her funding increases:

1) Under the proposal, the TTC would receive an additional $38-million in its operating budget towards service improvements, including reductions in wait time, new express services, and expanded overnight services for buses and streetcars.

I also recall you ranting and railing about Olivia Chows miniscule $2million a year plan to increase social services spending. Seems Tory is more the leftie than Olivia ever would have been.

2) The budget pledges almost $8-million in additional funding towards shelters and homelessness, including the opening of 181 shelter beds, and two new 24-hour drop-in centres for women. The budget also calls for an additional $2.2-million towards “strategic initiatives” in poverty reduction

3) The department would see an extra $8-million, with much of it allocated towards state of good repair for existing facilities. The funds would also go towards building or expanding 13 new community centres, as well as the completion of the Regent Park Community Centre.

Rail against unions and city services staffing levels much? Yes you have and do. Add a bunch more lazy union types to your payroll.

4) The city’s emergency services prevention and response would receive $4.6-million in new investments, including the hiring of 56 new paramedics

5) The TTC budget to increase by 7 per cent in 2015, to $1.814-billion accounts for the money to hire 802 more people

Did Tory really have to try cover his ass by;

6) Eliminating fares for children under 13 which will resulted in a projected cost of $5.4-million

I also remember you bitterly complaining about Olivia's plans to expand the leftie pinko's road hogging bicycle network. Well here is Tory's answer to you:

7) A $90-million expansion of the city’s bicycle network.

I would be remiss if I didn't remind you of tree-hugger, leftie Tory's budget that includes:

8) $8million for restoration of the tree canopy for 2015

Now, now my dear union hating, leftie baiting friend, as you can plainly see your idol John Tory is much, much more the leftie, tax and spend mayor than your worst nightmares could have ever imagined.
Sorry John Tory's Butler got no straight answers for you.

Never got any straight answer to defend his Master/Owner John Tory.
Ashley Madison
Toronto Escorts