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  1. S

    Porn chicks without make up..

    But they provide top notch service.
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    Leafs playoff game assessments

    I never praised Kadri. He is skilled but streaky like Grabovski. Either way there are 2 players that are standing out right now offensively for the leafs. Those players are Lupul and Grabovski ( although Grabovski has nothing to show for it). This is Toronto, we can tolerate and even love a...
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    Leafs playoff game assessments

    Phaneuf's mistake is EXACTLY why the Leafs lost. This is overtime hockey. The previous 60 minutes are done and don't matter, next goal wins. Besides that mistake he flinches away from shots and rarely plays hard. Look at Lupul or Grabovski that is how all of those guys should play. Instead Dion...
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    People who don't take off their shoes...

    So University students are akin to apes and you are uneducated. Well there we have it. Anyway as a sign of respect I always take off my footwear when entering someone's home, unless instructed to do otherwise. Anything less would be uncivilized. Quote Originally Posted by VIPhunter View Post...
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    People who don't take off their shoes...

    Shoes, boots whatever. I know people who go all winter in sneakers unless it is really bad out,. For guys it's a little different, most of us don't have a purse and don't want to carry extra stuff. Also, what about spontaneous invites ie. meet a friend on the street unexpectedly and say "why...
  6. S

    People who don't take off their shoes...

    To everyone that doesn't take off their shoes, what do you do in the winter? Your shoes/boots are dirty and wet and would ruin a person's floor. Making a mess is just being a poor guest and I would never again invite that person into my home. Very odd as I have many friends of varied background...
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    Rogers vs Bell

    Go straight to the cancellation people as they are the only ones who can do anything. Don't spend hours getting the run around being bounced to one dept to the next. Been there, done that. Also when the promo period is up call them back and try to get fresh promotions.
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    walking dead. season 3.

    Meh. This whole season was pretty deflated. I keep watching because I know this show has so much potential, but rarely lives up to it. Really lazy writing. I'm not sure if I'll still keep viewing next season.
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    Vikings TV Show

    "Vikings" is a really fun show, thanks for recommending it. As for "Spartacus" if you like that check out "Rome" and be blown away.
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    Anyone else looking forward to the 3rd season of the Game of Thrones?

    YES! But if you are really into the show you should read the books. Way more depth and detail. the books are around 1000+ pages each but it's a fast read.
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    New In Call Agency Opening

    "Bangbang party shack"
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    Human trafficing

    I doubt the sp would give good service under these conditions. If I knew I would walk then talk.
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    Guilty in Steubenville

    I think it's pretty hard to know at 16 when too much is too much. Picture this, you have drank a few times in your life infrequently. Your tolerance is low but you're young and think you can take it. So you take a large swig (let us say 2.5 shots) of hard booze and chase it with some pop while...
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    Chinese boob cleavage clamp creates epic boobs

    imagine the disappointment.
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    top 3 stand up comics of all time. what are your pics.

    richard pryor george carlin tie between chris rock and eddie murphy
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    Saturday 11 pm

    watching organic chemistry videos...
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    The Appeal of Facials ????

    to me the most physically beautiful aspect of a woman is her face. when i cum on her face i just associate extreme pleasure and release with her pretty face. although i also like it when they swallow.
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    RIP Amanda Todd (Bullied teen had topless pics of her passed around for years)

    I'm really glad the last couple comments have been sensible. reading some of these posts just erodes any sense of humanity I have. to the strange and heartless posters... i hope you get better.
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    RIP Amanda Todd (Bullied teen had topless pics of her passed around for years)

    so according to you it's a good thing she's dead... for doing something relatively minor... and according to you the guy that texted her and banged her should also have the shit bullied out of him, be stalked, told to kill himself, lose all his friends, be beat up by several people, have people...
Toronto Escorts