RIP Amanda Todd (Bullied teen had topless pics of her passed around for years)

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May 22, 2007
It's always sad when a young life is cut short. It's particularly repulsive when it's children who make other children feel so worthless that they feel like their life is worthless and end up taking their own life. Something very evil about this because it's children harming children in a way that has life and death consequences. As adults, we hope that our life experience keeps us from harming other people in ways that destroy their meaning for life. Our life experiences when we were kids, we hope, would give us the compassion necessary not to destroy a persons's sense of worth. Hell, we have enough to worry about as it is. I would never want to be a student who was part of a smear campaign to hurt them to cause them to commit suicide. That's awful.

Bullying needs harsher consequences, because the outcomes can also be harsh. I don't really know what the answer is, because nowadays, kids see someone who does jail time as cool. So putting a bully in a "pump me up the ass" prison would only kill them also. Two or more lives cut short by bullying.

Maybe we have to get to the point where we lethally inject bullies as a deterrent to other kids wanting to bully. Sounds crazy I know, but kids need to know this is very wrong. Criminalizing a bully might just make them a better criminal. Also, in the days of Facebook, bullying becomes a wider audience, and immediate thing that is constantly there 24/7 among one's peers. There is no downtime from this type of humiliation. so kids that are bullied get no rest from it even ad home.

There is something very dark when someone takes it upon themselves to destroy one's social network because they hate them, and spreads lies to destroy the relationships between them. This type of behaviour is ultimately self defeating, but it has a very real immediate impact.

It's tragic when anyone commits suicide because they feel that their self of worth is meaningless. It's easy to propagate this using Facebook. And even though not exclusive to children, but especially so, the gossip mill has a way of really hurting them. At least when there was no Facebook, a kid could go home, cry it out, talk with their parents, get some downtime and go back to school. Here, the hurting continues through Facebook when school is over and they go home. No downtime from bullying.

Sometime I feel like bullies should just be taken to a room of adults and get the shit kicked out of them.

It the case of Amanda Todd, while am always sad to hear of a child committing suicide, I certainly feel that a lot of attention has been given to her because she is white, young, somewhat pretty, a girl, had topless photos, a teen, etc, etc, etc. Had this been a brown girl, this probably would not have made international news. The pain is the same.

I also suspect that there are probably some guys on here who would have liked to fuck her, and that's probably why these threads are going on so much. While everyone is concerned (which is right), the same amount of concern and investment should be made for the brown kid who commits suicide. I imagine that this would have been long forgotten if this were the case.


New member
Sep 29, 2004
Sometime I feel like bullies should just be taken to a room of adults and get the shit kicked out of them.
Almost got it, but not quite.

Unfortunately, in schools today, the kids aren't allowed to "police" themselves. If a few kids got together and said enough is enough, and took matters into their own hands, they would likely get more shit thrown at them than the bully. It wasn't always like this. I went to an boys Catholic high school in northern Ontario. Were there bullies - for sure. But there was also a group of students that looked out for the bullied. For the most part, it worked. The teachers knew about it but they let us handle it. There is NO way that could happen today.


Mr. Debonair
Apr 8, 2011
Fuck you asshole.

This should have never happened....i hope that the people that caused all this harm to her wakes up every day and feels the pain that she felt....I also hope there is an arrest and these people go to hell
A young privileged dumb slutty white girl kills herself in a failed cry for attention over boyfriend issues. The horror.
Save your sorrow for people and events that matter. Do you people ever get tired of pretending to care about stuff like this? Every couple of months its the same bullshit with you queers.
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Jan 31, 2005
That's it exactly. You hit the nail on the head. They're teenagers. They've got the bodies to mess around, but not necessarily the minds to go with it.

They're giving drivers licenses, and don't have the where-withall to use good judgment when driving. The pie-chart on the second page here - shows that 35% of all teenage deaths in the US are vehicle related (48% unintentional injuries x 76% unintentional injuries being vehicle related). They've got the freedom, but not the minds to use it.

So yes, the "slut" couldn't "hack" "slutting around". The bullies that tormented her couldn't process their emotions properly regarding her sexuality. The one's that posted her pictures on Facebook couldn't see the consequences of their actions. Teenage years are TOUGH for these exact reasons. They DO lack judgement, maturity and experience in a number of key areas.

However, while you look at them with disdain, and with an expectation that they should be "adult" from the moment they start their periods and have wet dreams, my view is that they need support, compassion, oversight, education and patience to work through what is a very difficult and formative time in their lives.
Best post on this thread so far.
it would be sad... if people didnt make such a huge deal about it and if all the details weren't out there for everyone to see... it would be different if it wasn't her own admission to these behaviours.

Why should a girl be praised or known to so many people for not being able to face what she has done.

Seems to me, it's alot like the guy who bankrupted himself or used up the family savings and offing himself
the person who commits the crime, but kills themselves before they make it to sentencing so they don't have to go to jail and face the consequences.

This girl knew what the consequences were. The girl being cheated on wasn't going to give her a handshake for seing her boyfriend behind her back. I dont care how naive a kid is... unless your completely delusional, you know that that is not what going to happen. I don't need to know that if I go out and have an affair with a married man that when his wife find out.. she's not going to come over every saturday and bake me cookies... she's going to be fucking pissed. i'll probably be harassed and maybe even assaulted. my property could be vandalized, I could be outed or attacked on social media... or worse, in person at a social gathering. I understand she was probably too young to weight all the consequences.... but there were some there. My argument is... are we really going to feel bad for a girl who was too stupid to know right from wrong or too much of a hedonist to care what the consequences were? Those other kids obviously knew it was wrong and their decisions weren't based on nude photos, they were based on her actions. so... let's all spread a story about a teen our kids are going to hear about, when they really shouldn't and think hey... being a slut is okay... being bullied for being a slut or some truly undesirable behaviour isn't.. so people can be dicks... but you can't call them out on it.. makes perfect sense.


internets icon
Feb 8, 2009
i feel bad for the kids that are being beaten on a daily basis cuz their dad is a drunk that no one cares about yet.


New member
Mar 14, 2012
it would be sad... if people didnt make such a huge deal about it and if all the details weren't out there for everyone to see... it would be different if it wasn't her own admission to these behaviours.

Why should a girl be praised or known to so many people for not being able to face what she has done.

Seems to me, it's alot like the guy who bankrupted himself or used up the family savings and offing himself
the person who commits the crime, but kills themselves before they make it to sentencing so they don't have to go to jail and face the consequences.

This girl knew what the consequences were. The girl being cheated on wasn't going to give her a handshake for seing her boyfriend behind her back. I dont care how naive a kid is... unless your completely delusional, you know that that is not what going to happen. I don't need to know that if I go out and have an affair with a married man that when his wife find out.. she's not going to come over every saturday and bake me cookies... she's going to be fucking pissed. i'll probably be harassed and maybe even assaulted. my property could be vandalized, I could be outed or attacked on social media... or worse, in person at a social gathering. I understand she was probably too young to weight all the consequences.... but there were some there. My argument is... are we really going to feel bad for a girl who was too stupid to know right from wrong or too much of a hedonist to care what the consequences were? Those other kids obviously knew it was wrong and their decisions weren't based on nude photos, they were based on her actions. so... let's all spread a story about a teen our kids are going to hear about, when they really shouldn't and think hey... being a slut is okay... being bullied for being a slut or some truly undesirable behaviour isn't.. so people can be dicks... but you can't call them out on it.. makes perfect sense.
so according to you it's a good thing she's dead... for doing something relatively minor... and according to you the guy that texted her and banged her should also have the shit bullied out of him, be stalked, told to kill himself, lose all his friends, be beat up by several people, have people show up at his school to harass and assault him and then drink some bleach right. ok then....


internets icon
Feb 8, 2009
just an fyi- i am on facebook right now on a thread of people talking about this. those people that are saying bullies like what happened to this chick are evil. those people are now emailing a former employer of mine things that i say to try and get me fired. i hope you guys can see the hypocrisy of this.


May 13, 2006
As a young man I boxed in the UK. I was also in a few punch ups outside the ring. Whilst I have a love of the English language in the spoken and written forms, I assure you that being grammatical is not necessary in areas of potential physical conflict. I also recognise that there are folk who have not had my good fortune when it comes to some areas of education. If I were to look down on them for their perceived shortcomings, it would say a lot about me and very little about them.
Dude, that poster was being a giant dick. Just giving a little back.


New member
Apr 13, 2012
it would be sad... if people didnt make such a huge deal about it and if all the details weren't out there for everyone to see... it would be different if it wasn't her own admission to these behaviours.

Why should a girl be praised or known to so many people for not being able to face what she has done.

Seems to me, it's alot like the guy who bankrupted himself or used up the family savings and offing himself
the person who commits the crime, but kills themselves before they make it to sentencing so they don't have to go to jail and face the consequences.

This girl knew what the consequences were. The girl being cheated on wasn't going to give her a handshake for seing her boyfriend behind her back. I dont care how naive a kid is... unless your completely delusional, you know that that is not what going to happen. I don't need to know that if I go out and have an affair with a married man that when his wife find out.. she's not going to come over every saturday and bake me cookies... she's going to be fucking pissed. i'll probably be harassed and maybe even assaulted. my property could be vandalized, I could be outed or attacked on social media... or worse, in person at a social gathering. I understand she was probably too young to weight all the consequences.... but there were some there. My argument is... are we really going to feel bad for a girl who was too stupid to know right from wrong or too much of a hedonist to care what the consequences were? Those other kids obviously knew it was wrong and their decisions weren't based on nude photos, they were based on her actions. so... let's all spread a story about a teen our kids are going to hear about, when they really shouldn't and think hey... being a slut is okay... being bullied for being a slut or some truly undesirable behaviour isn't.. so people can be dicks... but you can't call them out on it.. makes perfect sense.
Have you ever been a teenager? Maybe you still are one? This is so shocking.. you talking about the consequences in your example. You do realize that in OUR profession we have 'affairs' all the time.. so it seems you don't listen to your own advice. Direct example. This is just so mean. Have you REALLY never taken a topless photo yourself and sent it? I doubt it.


New member
Mar 14, 2012
I'm really glad the last couple comments have been sensible. reading some of these posts just erodes any sense of humanity I have. to the strange and heartless posters... i hope you get better.

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Slightly Swollen Member
Sep 13, 2005
I'm really glad the last couple comments have been sensible. reading some of these posts just erodes any sense of humanity I have. to the strange and heartless posters... i hope you get better.

Some of the posts on the first pages of this mess are disgusting and disheartening. If your response to a teenage girl killing herself after prolonged chronic bullying is, 'Dumb slut won her Darwin award', then it's probably not just her mental health issues we should be talking about.


Active member
Aug 21, 2009
Who cares....she flashed her tits.

Clearly there was a ton of behind the scenes psychological problems that are not being discussed here.

I would guess...early on, that she may well have thought it cool to post tit shots.

But with other deep rooted mental problems, and witH age causing these to manifest and overtake her emotions, she could not handle life. The tits is nuthing in the big picture.


Active member
Nov 10, 2011
it would be sad... if people didnt make such a huge deal about it and if all the details weren't out there for everyone to see... it would be different if it wasn't her own admission to these behaviours.

Why should a girl be praised or known to so many people for not being able to face what she has done.

Seems to me, it's alot like the guy who bankrupted himself or used up the family savings and offing himself
the person who commits the crime, but kills themselves before they make it to sentencing so they don't have to go to jail and face the consequences.

This girl knew what the consequences were. The girl being cheated on wasn't going to give her a handshake for seing her boyfriend behind her back. I dont care how naive a kid is... unless your completely delusional, you know that that is not what going to happen. I don't need to know that if I go out and have an affair with a married man that when his wife find out.. she's not going to come over every saturday and bake me cookies... she's going to be fucking pissed. i'll probably be harassed and maybe even assaulted. my property could be vandalized, I could be outed or attacked on social media... or worse, in person at a social gathering. I understand she was probably too young to weight all the consequences.... but there were some there. My argument is... are we really going to feel bad for a girl who was too stupid to know right from wrong or too much of a hedonist to care what the consequences were? Those other kids obviously knew it was wrong and their decisions weren't based on nude photos, they were based on her actions. so... let's all spread a story about a teen our kids are going to hear about, when they really shouldn't and think hey... being a slut is okay... being bullied for being a slut or some truly undesirable behaviour isn't.. so people can be dicks... but you can't call them out on it.. makes perfect sense.
You do realize she's 15, right? I can't believe you're trying to justify this and say that she had this coming to her. In this thread I've seen the lowest form of humanity, and it's truly disgusting.


Into Ties and Tail
Aug 13, 2009
Durham & Toronto
it would be sad... if people didnt make such a huge deal about it and if all the details weren't out there for everyone to see... it would be different if it wasn't her own admission to these behaviours.

Why should a girl be praised or known to so many people for not being able to face what she has done.

Seems to me, it's alot like the guy who bankrupted himself or used up the family savings and offing himself
the person who commits the crime, but kills themselves before they make it to sentencing so they don't have to go to jail and face the consequences.

This girl knew what the consequences were. The girl being cheated on wasn't going to give her a handshake for seing her boyfriend behind her back. I dont care how naive a kid is... unless your completely delusional, you know that that is not what going to happen. I don't need to know that if I go out and have an affair with a married man that when his wife find out.. she's not going to come over every saturday and bake me cookies... she's going to be fucking pissed. i'll probably be harassed and maybe even assaulted. my property could be vandalized, I could be outed or attacked on social media... or worse, in person at a social gathering. I understand she was probably too young to weight all the consequences.... but there were some there. My argument is... are we really going to feel bad for a girl who was too stupid to know right from wrong or too much of a hedonist to care what the consequences were? Those other kids obviously knew it was wrong and their decisions weren't based on nude photos, they were based on her actions. so... let's all spread a story about a teen our kids are going to hear about, when they really shouldn't and think hey... being a slut is okay... being bullied for being a slut or some truly undesirable behaviour isn't.. so people can be dicks... but you can't call them out on it.. makes perfect sense.
There is a potential inherent danger for women that escort. The risk is that the knock on the door might be a physcopathic rapist or worse. SPs know that this is a risk and pursue this business. Using your logic, if something awafull happened to them, they would have nobody but themselves to blame. I wonder if you adhered to this belief system when you were escorting? On this board we see some pretty trashy stuff at times. But some of the posts in this thread have taken things to a new low and have clearly disgusted a lot of people. It harkens back to the bile that the departed moeman used to spew. Chantelle, you, GG2 and Simon seem to be cut from the same piece of coarse cloth.

that is just the coldest, least compassionate post from a woman that I've ever read. I got chills.

You do realize that a large number of young girls are "sluts" and make poor decisions based on low self-esteem etc, and at the end of the day you have absolutely know idea why she chose to behave how she did, you don't know her thought process. Who are you to say she just sat there and was like hey it would probably be a bad idea to sleep with this girls boyfriend but I'm going to do it anyway and nothing should happen to me... Highly doubt that's how it went down but that seems to be the way you're processing it. Weird.... Lol.

Have you ever been a teenager? Maybe you still are one? This is so shocking.. you talking about the consequences in your example. You do realize that in OUR profession we have 'affairs' all the time.. so it seems you don't listen to your own advice. Direct example. This is just so mean. Have you REALLY never taken a topless photo yourself and sent it? I doubt it.

You do realize she's 15, right? I can't believe you're trying to justify this and say that she had this coming to her. In this thread I've seen the lowest form of humanity, and it's truly disgusting.


Into Ties and Tail
Aug 13, 2009
Durham & Toronto
Dude, that poster was being a giant dick. Just giving a little back.
Fair enough luvgirlz. Apologies, I read it the wrong way.


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
I was watching both CTV & CNN News last night which had stories on Amanda Todd.

CNN said she was trying to reach out to people about her situation on YouTube (Erin on CNN also said that the video was removed).

This is why I question about the support of those who loved her. Why would she do such a thing if there was help around?

It looks like she was a victim of the internet, and that her sense of self worth was measured in terms of how people viewed her online. The internet social media either gave her validation or not.

This is one reason why she needed help. There were probably other issues at work here.

As others have said, she indeed had a fragile mind (and perhaps rightly so for a young lady her age).

She fell thru the cracks. Let's not denigrate her. I think many people here would've helped her if they knew her.


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
just an fyi- i am on facebook right now on a thread of people talking about this. those people that are saying bullies like what happened to this chick are evil. those people are now emailing a former employer of mine things that i say to try and get me fired. i hope you guys can see the hypocrisy of this.
Right or wrong. You are stupid for posting an opinion like that on a charged topic on facebook for everyone to see.

I know a person who lost their job thanks to facebook..... they posted what they thought were innnocent pics but since it featured clients in the background without their knowledge or consent they were let go.

Guess you value your principles more than your job. That's admirable. No sarcasm.


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
I'm not sure if anyone has pointed this out yet.

But what about the failure or responsibility of the parents of the bullies?

And what about parents of kids who sat silent, or in someway helped the bullying to continue?

Flashing and doing it with someone else's bf are terrible choices but that doesn't mean the victim of the bullying deserves what she got. As many others have pointed out she is a teenager.

And for those who think bullying has changed or is getting better..... kids are still picked on for being poor, small, from the wrong area, fat, ugly, dumb, different race, diability, intelligence, sensitivity and the list goes on. A bullly will find something to pick on no matter what. I don't know if the incidence or severity is getting any better. Sure doesn't feel like it sometimes......

But on a positive note there are some great kids out there.,,, I hope the number is getting bigger.


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
Nobody killed her. She killed herself. How is a pic of her flashing her tits reason for her to want to kill herself?

It is sad but you can't save everybody from themselves. Sometimes they're their worst enemy.

I have pics of my dick posted (albiet anonymously) all over the internet solo and in women's holes. People her age are posted naked and having sex all over the internet.

If she was so mentally weak, I would put more responsibility on her parents for failing her. Somebody with solid family support wouldn't even care to post a Youtube video detailing their situation because they would have brushed it off as a mistake that doesn't merit a second thought. Sadly it seems everybody in that family was a failure in some way and it proved fatal.

I do hope she rests in peace though.
There's big differences between you posting pics of yourself anonymously versus a girl who was not anonymous. Furthermore, not being a girl in high school you have no idea how damaging socially and obviously emotionally what happened to her. You situation is in no way analogous to hers.

I'm disturbed that there are people who have no sympathy for this girl and call her weak, a slut, and a skank.
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