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    Leung doesn't exactly sound like a black guy's last name :/ and in any case, I think the person's actions, and not his race, should be condemned.
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    Former President Bill Clinton hospitalized

    ALL human beings have lots of heart and arteries issues, maybe some cultures more than others based on the foods eaten, but it's not much of a greater risk than any other. No matter what culture you are from, take care of yourself.
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    Time for a party?(I'm thinking of having a B-day SC party)

    I'm in if Carmen's in :)
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    The area near Filmores is so fucking scary

    George Street is where the Seaton House is located; it's a facility that houses men with drug and alcohol addictions and mental illness. The rest of the houses on that street between Dundas and Gerrard are mostly, if not all, crack houses. I always tell my customers not to walk down that street...
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    Was it one of those days???

    I think it's going to be one of those nights for me tonight.
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    The Ask-A-Dancer Thread

    I like old punk music and some alternative rock, but it's not that easy to dance to. So I stick with M.I.A. or something upbeat to dance to, even though I don't really listen to it outside of the club. As for guys with the bill, I'm still new to stage dances so I found it very awkward the...
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    Favorite junk food?

    Pizza :)
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    Furniture Store?

    There's a really great furniture store on Parliament between Carlton and Gerrard. It's the only one, so you can't miss it. But they have good quality furniture that's reasonably priced, and they do free delivery. It's a family owned business. I think it might even be called Parliament Furniture.
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    The Ask-A-Dancer Thread

    I think it depends on the dancer you get. I've never overcounted songs, I wouldn't feel right with myself if I did. My name does mean 'Honest', after all ;)
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    Hungry Cat

    Oh my gosh, I volunteer @ the humane society feeding kittens, and this is EXACTLY how they sound and act! They scream so loud!!! When I played this video all of my cats ran into the kitchen and started growling haha
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    The Ask-A-Dancer Thread

    Nope, never again. I would be at a loss as to what to say to him if I ever did. Maybe "Give me back my bra" for starters...
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    The Ask-A-Dancer Thread

    I remember my first customer! He was a bit of an oddball; we'd go for dances, then sit down by the bar to chat, I remember him crying over his mother who was deceased and I spent a lot of time comforting him. Then we went back for more dances, he bit me on the leg and stole my bra! I had a huge...
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    What's the best beer for breakfast?

    I'd say Corona; it's nice and light, and you can put a wedge of lime in it, so you get your fruit intake for breakfast! :p
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    Really bummed...

    You can have her put down in your home by a mobile vet, less traumatic for the cat, that's what I'm planning to do with mine, he has cancer as well. PM me if you'd like the info. I'm so sorry to hear about your cat :(
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    Jogging Advice?

    I think that's going to be my plan of action for the next few weeks! Seems like a good way to build endurance. I checked with my cardiologist, he couldn't give me a clear answer other than to start off slow and see how I do.
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    Jogging Advice?

    Really? I must have missed the thread... I am Egyptian, with ancestry in East India. I developed a bit of an arrhythmia a few years ago, the cardiologists can't determine whether it is hereditary or due to a previous high stress lifestyle. They wanted to do an angiogram on me, but then decided...
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    Jogging Advice?

    Thanks so much for all the advice!! I just came back. I'm going to run around my block for the first few weeks and build up my endurance. I did buy actual running shoes and made sure they were specifically designed for just that. I did some stretches beforehand, so no aching muscles or injuries...
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    Jogging Advice?

    Going on my first run tomorrow, just wondering if there are any other runners out there with any good tips/warm up advice?
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    Muslim Gang kill/ and torture man for weeks because he is non muslim in france

    Because only Muslims do these things, right? I guess domestic violence is non-existent in North America and everywhere else? It may be for different reasons, but it exists all the same within every race, religion, culture, etc. Nice wording of the latter, must make things easier to justify ;)...
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    Really bummed...

    I have 4 cats, my eldest being 16 years of age. He has thyroid cancer and is slowly wasting away. I've had him for the majority of my life, and don't know how I will function once the inevitable comes. I've made the choice to have a mobile vet visit the house rather than taking him to the vet...
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