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Jogging Advice?


New member
Feb 20, 2009
Going on my first run tomorrow, just wondering if there are any other runners out there with any good tips/warm up advice?


The Balance of Opposites
Jan 17, 2004
Ameena said:
Going on my first run tomorrow, just wondering if there are any other runners out there with any good tips/warm up advice?
Stretch...A good full body stretch...
Concentrate on the leg muscles obviously like the Hamstrings, Quads and Calves. Warm up the hips and joints especially the knees and do ankle rotations - Before and After your run....

Go at a good pace - Don't push it since its your first time - Kind of feel it out....Up the intensity with each run...

Avoid running on concrete or any real hard surface where there is no give....Try to run on grass or wood (like the boardwalk along the beaches) if possible...

Have a decent pair of running shoes...."Running Room" is the best place for Running Footwear (and other Running Accessories)...


Active member
Aug 6, 2006
having run/trained at a competitive level, here are some tips from me.

- Run a lap or two to get your muscles warmed up/loosened first then stop for a good stretch.

- I cannot stress the importance of stretching enough, before and after the main run. It will help your muscle recover fast and prevent you from tearing a muscle. More importantly for you, stretching your muscles, especially the calves and hamstrings, will help you achieve beautiful/sexy form which I assume is the reason why you're running. Years ago when I started out running, I never used to give much focus on stretching and believe me, stretching gives your muscle a far better definition, form and the potential to increase your training intensity much faster. If you don't stretch properly, your muscles will look butch and stiff. You will feel it yourself when you walk around and people will notice it by the way you walk too :D

- Start slowly and gradually increase the distance. Don't force yourself to run a marathon the first week no matter how fit you think you are.

- If you really want to achieve a toned/perfect form on your legs, there are many sprinters exercises that will help in that. Best of all, you will become a fast runner. Its probably not what you want, but I can give you advice if you need tips on this area.

- Drink lots of fluids after you run and all day. Bananas will help your muscles recover fast... I mean the fruit btw... but a guys banana could possibly help with the recovery too... I cannot guarantee you in that lol

- Get a music player and put on some music while you run.... When I run without music I struggle getting in 10 laps around a football field; with music on, I can get 20 easily.

- Stretch before, stretch during, stretch after .... stretch your calves and legs anytime you can.

- I agree with what Manji said about running on grass or soft surface... I too tend to prefer runnning on grass but occasionaly around the hard track. Running on hard surface does seem to tone my muscle more because more of my calf muscles are required to cushion the impact of my feet with the ground... but its not recommended

- oh and like already mentioned, a good pair of running shoes. Your feet will be impacting the ground while running and without a good pair of running shoes to cushion it, you'll hurt your feet, ankle and knee joints and possibly injure yourself.


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
Running form nowhere to nowhere. Should be banned. :rolleyes:


Jun 30, 2002
hey lkd, i run on the trendmill about 3-4 times a week, i can do 12 laps(3 miles) in 22 mins... how would i do against pro runners? i know running on a trendmill is different than running on a track...
Ameena said:
Going on my first run tomorrow, just wondering if there are any other runners out there with any good tips/warm up advice?
I don`t run anymore due to old ACL (knee) injuries in my youth, but the advice given is bang on.
  • HAVE GOOD SHOES! Extremely important. Ones made specifically for running. Depending on your budget- Nike, Brooks, Adidas, New Balance, Asics, all great brands for runners... make sure they are running specific and not crosstrainers.
  • Stretching before and after is very important.
  • Start slow and work your way up to a comfortable pace.
  • Hydration!
Are you running outside or on an indoor track... If outside, instead of using an MP 3 player, try listening to the sounds of nature instead. Several others have mentioned running on a softer surface. Are you lucky enough to live in an area with hiking trails? Instead of running, I ride the trails, and I often see runners on these same trails. This is the sort of thing I`m talking about:

Listening to nature can sometimes be very exhilarating. Just a thought. Regular exercise is extremely beneficial to you both physically and mentally! (It is a great stress reliever...)

And above all... HAVE FUN! :)


Active member
Jul 19, 2003
Deep within the Forest
papasmerf said:
Running form nowhere to nowhere. Should be banned. :rolleyes:
The same could be said about exercising in general PS.

Due to shoulder concerns and too many visits to the physiotherapy clinic, I joined a fitness club about a year and a half ago. Its been one of the best decisions of my life. My shoulders are 100 percent and now I'm working on weight training and increasing my flexibility.

Unless, I read your message wrong and you were saying that Ameena's "running form" should be banned, due to the fact that her avatar (picture) is just too damned adorable.

There's something about the pic that keeps drawing me back to it....nice shot and good luck with the running Ameena.

If you get bored or don't want to run due to the weather, I recommend you check out a nearby gym. Try it for a month and let me know what you think...


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
Macator2003 said:
The same could be said about exercising in general PS.

Due to shoulder concerns and too many visits to the physiotherapy clinic, I joined a fitness club about a year and a half ago. Its been one of the best decisions of my life. My shoulders are 100 percent and now I'm working on weight training and increasing my flexibility.

Unless, I read your message wrong and you were saying that Ameena's "running form" should be banned, due to the fact that her avatar (picture) is just too damned adorable.

There's something about the pic that keeps drawing me back to it....nice shot and good luck with the running Ameena.

If you get bored or don't want to run due to the weather, I recommend you check out a nearby gym. Try it for a month and let me know what you think...
More of a tounge in cheek comment. I am 100% behind working out. One need to choose what is right for them and go for it. When I blew out a kne as an alternative to surgery I took up KARATE and never regretted it.


Jan 31, 2005
Very important:
-- Do laps, around a block, not a long distance
-- Not to early in the morning
-- Do not wear a sports bra
-- Let us know where you are going to be running

I will set myself up in a lawn chair to watch you go by again and again and make sure you are doing it right.


Retired Perv
Apr 3, 2007
trinbal said:
hey lkd, i run on the trendmill about 3-4 times a week, i can do 12 laps(3 miles) in 22 mins... how would i do against pro runners? i know running on a trendmill is different than running on a track...
22 Minutes is very fast for 3 miles. The best I can do outside is about 26 minutes.


Jun 30, 2002
Radio_Shack said:
22 Minutes is very fast for 3 miles. The best I can do outside is about 26 minutes.
i start at 8mph and end at 9mph.... i love the trendmill because i can maintain the speed.... i tried on a track and wasn't even close, 25-27 mins....


Active member
Aug 19, 2001
If you want to begin a running program, you can't go wrong at the Running Room. If you want to do it on your own,

keep in mind you're in for the long haul, don't expect too much gain too fast
Maintain a pace at which you can talk
Try a walk/run interval 1 minute walk 2 minute run. Add the run minutes as you're able to.
Stretching is NOT important. It doesn't prevent injury, it doesn't make you more flexible. It feels good and is an ok part of a warm up, but you can do that by just starting very slowly.

Don't jog. Run. ;)


Farkin Icehole
Mar 1, 2004
dont bend over
Be sure to wear nothing but black and have absolutely nothing reflective on and run down the middle of the road at about 5 am with your Ipod jacked up on high so you are completely oblivious to all traffic . And then bitch because you almost got run over .. At least that seems to be how its done up here !!!


Apr 24, 2005
I use to run sprints in high school (not really jogging and not distance running). Use to run a consistent 10.2 seconds in the 100 yard (not metre) sprint and a 6.2 seconds in the 50 yards.

Do a lot of upper and lower body stretching and some light jogging around the track to warm-up. Then do some short sprints. Then do some quick and then really quick short sprints. Do not eat or drink within an hour of running.

BTW What distance are you running? I only ran short sprints because in most sports like tennis, baseball, football, hockey, etc. it is sprint speed that matters and not the ability to run a marathon.


Apr 24, 2005
poonhunter said:
Don't have sex before you run, you'll cramp up in the crotch area.
Sex with the Rock is fine at anytime so the above rule only applies to other guys and girls (if that is also your inclination).:cool:


New member
Feb 20, 2009
Thanks so much for all the advice!! I just came back. I'm going to run around my block for the first few weeks and build up my endurance. I did buy actual running shoes and made sure they were specifically designed for just that. I did some stretches beforehand, so no aching muscles or injuries to speak of. I want to make a habit out of running because I've had some minor heart problems in the past and I feel the symptoms coming back. The last time I spoke to my cardiologist, he told me he wasn't sure if excersise would help my heart or exacerbate the problems, but to try it out and start off slow, so it's an experiment in the works.


Apr 24, 2005
Ameena said:
I've had some minor heart problems in the past
What heart problems? You don't seem old enough to have heart problems. I mentioned this in another thread: "Are you of East Indian descent?"

(BTW I have "heart" problems everytime a young lady says no.:p )


New member
Feb 20, 2009
Rockslinger said:
What heart problems? You don't seem old enough to have heart problems. I mentioned this in another thread: "Are you of East Indian descent?"
Really? I must have missed the thread... I am Egyptian, with ancestry in East India. I developed a bit of an arrhythmia a few years ago, the cardiologists can't determine whether it is hereditary or due to a previous high stress lifestyle. They wanted to do an angiogram on me, but then decided it was too risky and instead I have been made to wear heart monitors every month or so, so they could monitor the progression of the arrhythmia and try to figure out the cause of it. I've stopped wearing the monitors, they weren't really helping determine anything and I was tired of looking like a cyborg a few times per month.
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