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Really bummed...


Oct 26, 2002
My cat, who has been with me for 14 years, has lesions near her teats. I took her to the vet & they're going to do a biopsy to determine what it is. If it's breast cancer, it's pretty much a death sentence. I love my cat, she always knows when something's wrong & tries to make me feel better. People who say "it's just an animal" don't get it. I've never really lost anyone close to me, but if I have to put her down, I'll be pretty broken up. I'm trying not to worry until I know for sure I have something to worry about, but...

Any cat owners out there had this sort of thing happen to them? If so, how did it turn out?
Feb 21, 2007
Cat(s) and dog owner.

Love them all.

My dog had a "growth" on her elbow, which I got removed. Non-cancerous. Thanks heavens.
I have two older cats, both 20. Dreading the day.


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
As you may know I am not a cat fancier but I am one who appreciates a caring owner. Hope it turns out well for your kitty


Active member
Nov 14, 2003
My last cat, whom I had been lucky enough to have for approximately 13 years had a bad reaction to some medicine (ironically that I had obtained to help her with some arthritic pain) and I had to choose between putting her down or subjecting her to lengthy surgery that might have extended her life, but with a drastic reduction in her quality of life. Even though it was the best thing to let her go it was the hardest decision I've had to make so far.

I hope your companion's problems turn out to be minor, but I do understand exactly how you're feeling right now.

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
Well, being an animal lover myself and owning a couple of cast off cats (nobody wanted) I can relate.

I don't have any advice other than:

Take her to The Cat Clinic in Hamilton for a second opinion if needed.


The vet who runs the place is one of 3 "cat practitioners" in Canada. (Basically a vet who has trained over and above in the cat field.)

Dr. Obrien.

I've taken my cats there and the clinic is very well run, clean, and Obrien is truly great.

Word of caution, though, if you phone to make an appointment, you have to INSIST that you are to see Obrien. There are 2 other fucking bitches who work there (the dark haired one is the worst - a complete "I'm so much smarter than you" fat dyke. Avoid her like the plague. She is so condescending it will make you sick.

There is a guy who works there - Camaleri who is very good too.

But for the real PRO advice and service, insist on Obrien.

Just as an aside on vets. I once was asked by a vet in Toronto in Etobicoke to give him a quote to do some work to his building. I went "in the back" and it was a HORROR SHOW. Dirty, unorganized, animals stacked in cages on top of one another. I'd never take my cat there. I couldn't believe what I saw. Your cat would be better off with you treating her yourself than taking her to that hell-hole.

At least the Cat Clinic in Hamilton is very clean, and organized. They will also let you visit your cat if she's in the hospital.


Retired Hobby Horse Rider
Apr 5, 2006
james t kirk said:
Well, being an animal lover myself and owning a couple of cast off cats (nobody wanted) I can relate.

I don't have any advice other than:

Take her to the cat clinic in Hamilton for a second opinion if needed.


The vet who runs the place is one of 3 "cat practitioners" in Canada. (Basically a vet who has trained over and above in the cat field.)

Dr. Obrien.

I've taken my cats there and the clinic is very well run, clean, and Obrien is truly great.

Word of caution, though, if you phone to make an appointment, you have to INSIST that you are to see Obrien. There are 2 other fucking bitches who work there (the dark haired one is the worst - a complete "I'm so much smarter than you" fat dyke. Avoid her like the plague. She is so condescending it will make you sick.

There is a guy who works there - Camaleri who is very good too.

But for the real PRO advice and service, insist on Obrien.

Just as an aside on vets. I once was asked by a vet in Toronto in Etobicoke to give him a quote to do some work to his building. I went "in the back" and it was a HORROR SHOW. Dirty, unorganized, animals stacked in cages on top of one another. I'd never take my cat there. I couldn't believe what I saw. Your cat would be better off with you treating her yourself than taking her to that hell-hole.

At least the Cat Clinic in Hamilton is very clean, and organized. They will also let you visit your cat if she's in the hospital.
thanks Kirk for that info..much appreciate it. I have one little black cat that supposedly has asthma...this fur guy has been a god send for me in many ways..adopted from Spca
We are Cat people... We have 2 cats, Max, who HAS to be in the same room as me always when I'm home (his rule not mine), and Gracie (I think she's a lesbian- she hates men!) But before Gracie, we had Lily. (My Kid's named both Lily and Gracie...)

Lily we had for only a year... We got her when she was just a 6 week old kitten, and the kids just loved her! She was a very cuddlie kitten and they took turns sleeping with her, almost like a real live teddy bear! Lily LOVED IT! Unfortunately she developed feline leukemia at 10 months and she died when she was about a year old. Very Sad!

My Kids actually held a "funeral" for Lily and we buried her in our garden and they even set up a little "memorial" for her and everything. :(

I hope it works out for you Bob.


Feb 25, 2008
Downtown TO
I have two cats, one who I almost had to put down last year before he got miraculously better in a few days. I was devastated at the idea of having to put him down and cried for three days until I learned that he was saved.

My thoughts are with you.


New member
Jan 19, 2006
Bobzilla, I hope that your cat turns out to be ok. Anyone who can't love an animal and who isn't quite upset upon the death of a beloved friend, will have problems relating to people as well - I don't believe there is much room for argument on on these points.

You are in my thoughts.


Dec 24, 2001
You might want to call the vet faculty at the University of Guelph to see if they can help you.

A buddy has taken his dog there for treatment.

Best of luck.


New member
Sep 29, 2004
vsailor said:
I hope things work out well for you and your little buddy!

People that say "It's just an animal" have obviously never had a close pet and they can FUCK OFF!!

All the best...good luck!
I've had the pleasure of the company of about a half dozen cats over the years. And they were all close to me. The last one one was a real sweetheart, until she she scratched my daughter on the hand - deep. Strike one. A little later she scratched her right beside my daughter's eye. Strike two and there was no strike three. At the end of the day they are just an animal, whether you like it or not.


New member
May 29, 2005
My dog had a health condition that the doctor was 90% certain it was due to cancer. I went ahead with a $4000 operation that I was warned would be futile. My dog recovered completely and the sample analysed was negative. I know it's the doctors' jobs to be upfront and honest but she was brutal...AND WRONG.

The shock of it all left me a blubbering idiot the entire time my dog was in the hospital. I was surprised myself how emotional I was. I feel for you.


New member
Feb 20, 2009
I have 4 cats, my eldest being 16 years of age. He has thyroid cancer and is slowly wasting away. I've had him for the majority of my life, and don't know how I will function once the inevitable comes. I've made the choice to have a mobile vet visit the house rather than taking him to the vet when he needs to be put down. She gives a mild tranquilizer before the injection, and it's a lot less frightening and traumatic for the cat. I can PM you her info if you'd like, she also does regular calls and check ups for animals in their homes. I hope the biopsy comes back fine, and that she still has many years left in her!


Active member
Nov 24, 2005
It is unfortunate that are beloved pets have to go at such an early age. To all pet lovers out there, keep loving your beloved animals because they are all about unconditional love.


Active member
Nov 14, 2003
Used to go to the Cat Clinic but did not like the brusque way they handled my cat. Switched to Dr. Angela Whelan (now at Spencer Creek in Dundas) and never looked back. My cat, who almost never took to strangers, would actually rub up against Dr. Angela for attention after the examination was done.

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
Moraff said:
Used to go to the Cat Clinic but did not like the brusque way they handled my cat. Switched to Dr. Angela Whelan (now at Spencer Creek in Dundas) and never looked back. My cat, who almost never took to strangers, would actually rub up against Dr. Angela for attention after the examination was done.
With me, it wasn't the way they handled my cat, it was the way they handled me. Both the fat dyke, and the 40'ish blonde one treat you like you are stupid. Especially the fat dyke. God, what a piece of work she is. She is both condescending and rude. I was going to tell her to fuck right off, but my cat was there for a minor issue. Note to self, never accept another appointment with this one, or blondie.

However, that said, Obrien is excellent and extremely knowledgable. My cat had some serious kidney issues and Obrien took a lot of time with her, was very thorough with her and helped me more than any other vet. Problem is, she doens't work a lot of hours, so you need to insist that you are to see her.

The guy is also very decent too. (I don't know how he puts up with the other 2 bitches in that place.)

I should have taken pictures of that horror show vet I saw in Etobicoke. You wouldn't believe how dirty and unorganized the place was. Being run by high school kids also.


Oct 26, 2002
Thanks everyone, for the positive thoughts.

I've been pretty stressed all day, I keep thinking about the worst case scenario. I've pretty much decided that if it's cancer, there's no way I'm putting her through chemo, which I consider cruel. The odd thing is that, aside from grooming the area more than usual, she's not lethargic, is still eating, & doing other stuff as normal. It's the only thing giving me hope right now.

For the poster who had his/her child scratched by a cat: the girl I lived with when I got my cat as a kitten had a baby. I find that generally cats are very patient with children, they seem to understand that when a baby hits them or whatever, they're not doing it intentionally. BUT, you have to remember that a cat can't tell you to get your kid away from it; their warning signal is a swat, & if that doesn't work, it's a scratch. I'm not saying that it was your kid's fault, all I'm saying is that children have to be taught how to treat any animal and you can't necessarily blame a cat for scratching.


Sensual Seduction
Feb 1, 2008
Good luck with your cat Bob,,,,I have had a number of cats over the years (and one dog) and cried over each and every one of them that got sick or hit on the road. I sobbed like a baby when I had to have my dog put down, she had been my best and most loyal friend for sixteen years and losing her was one of the most painful experiences I have ever gone through. Hopefully it turns out to be some mild allergy,,,maybe fleas or she is over grooming, dry skin etc. crossing fingers for you.
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