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Really bummed...


Oct 26, 2002
LadyTY2Uall said:
Good luck with your cat Bob,,,,I have had a number of cats over the years (and one dog) and cried over each and every one of them that got sick or hit on the road. I sobbed like a baby when I had to have my dog put down, she had been my best and most loyal friend for sixteen years and losing her was one of the most painful experiences I have ever gone through. Hopefully it turns out to be some mild allergy,,,maybe fleas or she is over grooming, dry skin etc. crossing fingers for you.
Thanks, I'm hoping for the best, but there's a lump that you can feel, so I doubt it's something that simple. If I have to have her put down, I'm gonna be a wreck.

Carrie Moon

Sep 12, 2002
Cats, as well as dogs for that matter, don't always tell you when they're dying. I had 2 cats some years ago that I got as brother and sister. I got them fixed and b/c they were eating out of the same bowl and pooping in the same litter I hadn't realized that the male wasn't eating. His abdomen was hard and bloated so I called the vet who told me to bring him in first thing the next morning.. too late. I woke up and he was dead as a doornail.

I screamed so loud my downstairs neighbours heard.. I was so upset. I believe she had done the surgery incorrectly but it there was nothing I could do.. the thing is the whole time he purred and wasn't lethargic or anything..


Active member
Nov 14, 2003
Swingdancer said:
This may sound strange but I cried harder when I put down my cat that was suffering, and also another one was killed by roomates dogs. I cried harder for those cats than i did a loved one at a funeral. Now if I may explain, I was just as sad. But i felt that the cats were mine, my responsibility to keep them healthy. They loved me and didnt understand what was happening or why. Like a child.
I can understand that, you spend a lot more time with your pets than you do most of your family (unless they too are living with you) so it is certainly understandable that you feel their loss more keenly than say for an aunt - whom you may love, but not have lived with)


Active member
Nov 14, 2003
dcbogey said:
I've had the pleasure of the company of about a half dozen cats over the years. And they were all close to me. The last one one was a real sweetheart, until she she scratched my daughter on the hand - deep. Strike one. A little later she scratched her right beside my daughter's eye. Strike two and there was no strike three. At the end of the day they are just an animal, whether you like it or not.
Must be a sign of the times, when I was young and our cat scratched me, my parents taught me to be nice to the cat.......


Sensual Seduction
Feb 1, 2008
I am sorry hon

Bobzilla said:
Thanks, I'm hoping for the best, but there's a lump that you can feel, so I doubt it's something that simple. If I have to have her put down, I'm gonna be a wreck.

Still hoping for the best for you and your feline friend.


Sensual Seduction
Feb 1, 2008
Actually they don't just purr when content.....

Carrie Moon said:
Cats, as well as dogs for that matter, don't always tell you when they're dying. I had 2 cats some years ago that I got as brother and sister. I got them fixed and b/c they were eating out of the same bowl and pooping in the same litter I hadn't realized that the male wasn't eating. His abdomen was hard and bloated so I called the vet who told me to bring him in first thing the next morning.. too late. I woke up and he was dead as a doornail.

I screamed so loud my downstairs neighbours heard.. I was so upset. I believe she had done the surgery incorrectly but it there was nothing I could do.. the thing is the whole time he purred and wasn't lethargic or anything..
....they will purr when sick or in pain or anxious even. Common mistake thinking that a purring cat is a happy cat,,,,kind of like thinking a dog who is wagging his/her tail is a happy dog, not lol

Carrie Moon

Sep 12, 2002
LadyTY2Uall said:
....they will purr when sick or in pain or anxious even. Common mistake thinking that a purring cat is a happy cat,,,,kind of like thinking a dog who is wagging his/her tail is a happy dog, not lol
Yes.. and it was a painful lesson to learn..

I had to put my beloved Lhasa Apso down 3 years ago and haven't gotten another dog since. I get my doggie fix whenever I see someone with a dog and ask if it's okay to pet it and then I smother it with love.

Having to put an animal down is heartbreaking.. and that was my first time directly doing it.. as my parents had always done it with previous pets we'd had. I learned something.. I will never watch again.


Oct 26, 2002
Well, it's official....mammary cancer, the vet recommends against surgery due to my cat's age. I'd already decided not to have surgery and/or chemo because my cat gets really traumatized by a visit to the vet. Now I've got to have her put down, she may have a month or two left. Thanks to everyone who PM'd me with well wishes.


New member
Feb 20, 2009
You can have her put down in your home by a mobile vet, less traumatic for the cat, that's what I'm planning to do with mine, he has cancer as well. PM me if you'd like the info. I'm so sorry to hear about your cat :(


Mar 17, 2005
wow...I am sure feeling sad for you right now....

I was never much of a cat person until I got one about 5 years ago (apartment dweller...not good for dog) I can't imagine my life without her!

After reading this thread though, I am really scared for her! Last night while rubbing her belly I noticed a lump next to one of her nipples AND her belly is hard as a rock!

Me thinks it's time for a vet visit!

Bobzilla...I am sorry for your sad news :(


Oct 26, 2002
Ameena said:
You can have her put down in your home by a mobile vet, less traumatic for the cat, that's what I'm planning to do with mine, he has cancer as well. PM me if you'd like the info. I'm so sorry to hear about your cat :(
I'm sorry about yours too. I was going to PM you for the mobile vet info, but then I came across this:


All pet owners want their pet's last moments to be as comfortable as possible and as stress free for themselves and their pet as the situation can be. The natural question is "Can the veterinarian come to our home to administer the euthanasia solution?" The answer is Yes. However, there are a number of things for you to consider.

First: What will you do with your pet after euthanasia?
Second: Will your pet require restraint so that the needle can be carefully placed into a vein? In the animal hospital, the staff is trained in gentle restraint procedures which allows for proper administration of the euthanasia solution.
Third: The veterinarian will most likely have to schedule the home visit after regular office hours. Are you willing to pay for an after-hours in-home visit?
Fourth: Do you understand that often, as the pet is euthanized, there will be an emptying of the bowels and bladder? In an animal hospital setting this is not a problem.
Fifth: Understand that in the animal hospital most animals are willing to accept that they are not in their own territory and they become less defensive than they would be in their own home. This realization by the pet actually allows for easier handling of the pet in the hospital than the same handling as taking place in the pet's home.
Sixth: Are you willing to have your pet sedated prior to attempts to place the needle for euthanasia? Sometimes the process goes much more smoothly if sedation is given prior to the visit. Sedation is a good topic to discuss with your veterinarian to lessen any stress on your pet prior to an in-hospital or in-home procedure.

There are veterinarians who have made it a policy never to euthanize a pet outside of the animal hospital setting. They have some very good reasons for this policy. However, if you must have your pet euthanized at home, don't be reluctant to make some phone calls and you will be able to find a veterinarian who will accommodate your wishes.
from this source:

Now I'm re-thinking it. No matter how/where it happens, I'm gonna be a basket-case.
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