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  1. T

    Bush, Cheney comforted troops privately

    Bush Logic 101. They hate us for our freedom, so let's wiretap illegally and throw away habeas corpus. Then America will be less free...and they won't hate us so much. And voila, no terror attacks on American soil since Sep 11/01. Take a bow, Mr. Bush.
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    The nightmare of the we hate Governor Palin group

    The same skill, grace and greatness he used when he palled around with the terrorists, right?
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    The Bush Years

    A must see! And it boggles my mind that he will now simply slink away to Texas, hands clean, after 8 years of corruption, incompetence and criminality.
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    As easy as it would be

    John Wayne, following the election of JFK, is quoted as saying, "I didn't vote for him, but he's my President, and I hope he does a good job." I love that quote. How about giving the man a chance, Lancs?
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    Palin takes prank call from fake French president

    I actually felt sorry for her for a few moments, but that passed.
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    Palin Got Pranked -- And You Can Hear It.

    I think she needs another visit from that witch doctor of hers to cast those evil pranked spells away.
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    What's a Canadian to do when there's no Bush to beat around?

    Wait, let me pick myself off the ground. I was laughing way too hard. You gotta warn us before you say stuff like that. The income gap in America widened to unparalled degrees over the past 8 years, just like the Grand Canyon which took hundreds of millions of years. So, would that be...
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    palin 'going rouge'

    In 2012, my bet is that Barracuda will be a U.S. Senator from the state of Alaska. Then watch her take a stab at the big Kahuna in 2016 or 2020.
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    I feel so sorry for John McCain

    He may have been a stand-up guy, but in 2008 he looked as though he sold his soul to the devil and it backfired.
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    Sarah Palin's $150k fashion spree

    As assinine as this is, what's even worse is that after all this publicity and all this blatant hypocisy, Joe the Plumber and Sheila the Nurse and Tom the Tailor and Dennis the sewer worker and Nancy the manicurist would still march behind Sarah right off the edge of a cliff.
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    India Moon probe ready for launch

    Hey meat head......get outta my chair!!!
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    Now it's Sarah and her Alaska travel expenses

    Fear would only kick in if she lands in the oval office (which is looking less and less likely every day). At this point, I think the emotions expressed on this board about Sarah tend to be more along the lines of mockery, revulsion, laughter, shock, and awe. But fear? I don't sense any of...
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    The Fate of Sarah Palin

    In a CNN interview, when questioned about referring to Obama as a socialist, her first response is to quote Joe the Plumber. And you somehow find a way to support her Aardvark? Have you no pride?
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    Powell endorses Obama, criticizes tone of McCain campaign

    President Obama + 60 Democratic senators + overwhelming majority in the House = payback for 8 years of disaster Bush-style
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    Senator Biden wonders whether Senator Obama is qualified to be commander-in-chief

    The same reason why they took advantage of Bush. But I think Obama may respond a whole lot differently than reading a book about goats for 7 minutes while his country is "under attack." And I think Biden feels the same way, too. By the way, is the actual "My Pet Goat" book in the Smithsonian?
  16. T

    The Fate of Sarah Palin

    So I guess she need to cross off her list a professorship at Harvard's JFK School of Government. She does not cease to amaze. BTW, my bet is still on her taking a run at the US senate at the next available opportunity, and she will win.
  17. T

    Powell endorses Obama, criticizes tone of McCain campaign

    A Powell tell-all would be a dream, but I think the man has too much class to really lay it to them. But here's hoping.
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