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    Resident Evil 5

    Awesome game! Love the boss fights :)
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    Gas Prices a pain in the..........

    As somebody who lives in Barrie and works in Toronto, I think I can speak to this. Affordable housing for a divorced father such as myself or for young families starting out is nowhere to be found in the GTA. Combined with much lower salaries and wages in Barrie, it is easy to see why many...
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    Blue Jays 2008 Season

    How much longer do we have to watch Frank Thomas (aka the Big Whiff) flail helplessly at fastballs? JP needs to swallow his immense pride and realize Matt Stairs would make a better DH which in turn helps the TEAM! It's obvious who is calling the shots and it ain't Gibby! We cannot wait for...
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    Has any body tried those dating web sites.

    This is spot on! I used LL for years and it takes lots of patience unless you are indeed "perfect". The biggest issue for me came down to height! I am 5' 7" but fairly well built and athletic. I can't tell you how many times I got the buzzer because I am not 6 feet or more. Even if the girl is...
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    Putins new girl

    You dont have to be a President to hook up with a smokinhotakova! There are plenty to go around. :)
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    Find that lost cash! I did :)

    Sure, rain on my parade why dont ya? :p
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    Find that lost cash! I did :)

    Woohooo! I am in the process of claiming a lost fortune - $22. The last remants of an old business from 1998 have been located. Yep, no looking back now. Give it a try. Ya never know :)
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    More girls from the fish plant

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    Internet Explorer freezing

    Have you scanned for spyware? I have seen many instances where it has completely locked up internet explorer. Also, have you deleted your temp. internet files recently? Start with the easy stuff first..
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    The Eagles - how many times does Hell freeze over?

    how many times does Hell freeze over? Ask the Who or the Rolling Stones.
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    Nine West??

    As long as you are happy ... with your little man-purse... that is all that matters! :p
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    Vietnamese man beats the crap out of his girlfriend video

    I assume they don't want their asses kicked like hers by the same cowardly piece of shit (well said Rubmeister). Just a shame a couple dudes didnt come and wipe that douche out. :mad:
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    The Masters: Who will win

    Agreed, KJ can wield the putter with the best of them.
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    Vietnamese man beats the crap out of his girlfriend video

    I truly hope this is not entertaining or funny to anyone. A real tough guy there. :rolleyes: Man, what I wouldnt do for a chance to fuck his world up..
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    Amazing Robot video

    That's a bit creepy. What if one day the AI on those goes rogue and we will have to battle them to save earth. I mean it happened to Will Smith so who knows? ;)
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    Well.. yes and no. Going deep in the playoffs would mean large cash to be sure but there is a fear that if you reach the pinnacle (i.e. win the cup) there would be a drop off in buzz / fan interest ..ala your Toronto Blue Jays. Not saying that would happen for sure but I have heard this...
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    Shareholders in the Teachers Pension Plan and the suits at MLSE are only concerned with improving to the point of making the playoffs. Lots of gate revenue, extra concession money etc. etc. Anyone who believes they are commited to fielding a stanley cup winner is deluding themselves.
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    101 Freebies

    Some great freeware nicely organized in this article. From anti-virus to games. Enjoy...
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    Toronto Sunshine girl Monday April 7th 2008

    Hmmm... she wants to get into broadcasting. I say park her beside Jennifer Hedger and let the good times roll.
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    gun club in the gta?

    I would imagine there would be red tape out the wazoo in trying to get a new club up and running. Just the word "gun" makes a lot of people nervous, especially in TO. The club in Barrie does a really good job trying to get people to see the "sporting" side to it with sponsored family days...
Toronto Escorts