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Has any body tried those dating web sites.


New member
Aug 7, 2004
Hey guys,

I would like to know if any body tried those dating web sites, like, and,, just to name a couple.

I would like to know if they really work or we are just waisting our time and money.

Please e-mail me soon with your thoughts...



Sep 14, 2003
I have had some limited success with; Plenty of Fish

I always seem to fair better with girls I meet in person

Like anything else you get out of things what you put into them!

Miss Maya Blue

New member
Aug 21, 2003
san francisco

I once worked marketing dating websites, here is what i found:

Friendfinder, adultfriendfinder and sexsearch all have fake profiles. i personally know people that place fake profiles for a living. they are there for a few reasons they do so

a)to lure you towards other websites
b)to entice you to join to begin with, and to keep you there a little longer

On sites like AFF, you will be outnumbered, something like 20 guys to 1 woman.

Plenty of fish is geared more towards dating and LTR's, then casual sex.
Its free, and pretty fantastic.

Lavalife is comparable to plenty of fish, but costs money.

Collarme is a great free site for kinky folk, and people in the BDSM lifestyle
I personally have met a few like minded people there.

Hope this helps. :)


Nov 14, 2006
Try posting 2 ads - 1 as a good looking 27 year old banker with his BMW and Davisville home, and another one as yourself. Text can be approximately the same but the picture of the banker has to be hot - you'll be stunned by the response. Me and my buddy did that once and it was...educational.


Well-known member
Dec 7, 2001
wetnose said:
Try posting 2 ads - 1 as a good looking 27 year old banker with his BMW and Davisville home, and another one as yourself. Text can be approximately the same but the picture of the banker has to be hot - you'll be stunned by the response. Me and my buddy did that once and it was...educational.
why would anyone do a time wasting pointless exercise like that just to prove that there are gold diggers out there??

I have had some success with Plenty Of Fish, ya go in, be yourself, be creative and funny with a touch of cocky, gals love the cocky and funny guy, stay away from sex talk right off the bat, alot of guys make that mistake and the girl runs away. There are alot of hotties on there, but if ya looking just for hookups and casual encouters dont go expecting the Angelina Jolie/Jennifer Anniston types to be looking for the same.


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
wetnose said:
Try posting 2 ads - 1 as a good looking 27 year old banker with his BMW and Davisville home, and another one as yourself. Text can be approximately the same but the picture of the banker has to be hot - you'll be stunned by the response. Me and my buddy did that once and it was...educational.
and they say MEN are shallow? lol......

Sorry, IMO dating websites are pure BS. The ONLY way I'd ever partake again is if it was free......


New member
Mar 10, 2004
OKCupid rocks my world. Free and everything you could ask for, though it's geared toward the younger crowd.

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
I've used Lava Life with some success. It does take work however.

Many of the late 30's women on there are completely out of touch with reality. They all think that they are somehow entitled to a perfect guy. (I call it "Searching for John F. Kennedy Jr.")

They have these lists (we all do, but you have to be realistic)

1. Handsome

2. Good Career

3. Better yet rich

4. Tall

5. Good Lover

6. Emotionally available

7. Likes to spend money on them

8. Good teeth

9. All his own hair

You name it, they want it.

Now, the reality is that they are 38 years old, 5'-4" tall with a bit of a wide ass, working a very average job, living in an apartment in Mississauga, etc. etc.

But for some reason, they think that JFK jr. is out there searching for them. They haven't been able to find it in 38 years, but dammit, he's there and they won't "settle"

Do you know how many late 30's early 40's women are on Lava Life with "I won't settle" in their profile?


Well baby, you are going to end up dead in the ground before you find Mr. Perfect.

LL attracts a lot of women looking for perfection.


Aug 17, 2001
Heaven, definately Heaven
3. Better yet rich
7. Likes to spend money on them

HA HA HA! I got all that, but I'm looking for a woman with loads of money, so I won't have to buy her anything. There are plenty of good HOT looking women that have! That's what I'm going for.

I want a Japanese woman that can create money WITH ME together, so we can share it. What she and I have before all that, we keep.

Can I find a woman like that?

Gyaos Baltar.


Active member
Mar 18, 2003
Dating sites have worked for me in terms of casual and long term relationships.

I took some time at the beginning to learn an approach, and then meeting people became easy.

Later, I learned to discern probable good matches from probable poor matches, to increase my odds of a successful face to face meeting.

Good luck.


Well-known member
Apr 17, 2003
james t kirk said:
I've used Lava Life with some success. It does take work however.

Many of the late 30's women on there are completely out of touch with reality. They all think that they are somehow entitled to a perfect guy. (I call it "Searching for John F. Kennedy Jr.")

They have these lists (we all do, but you have to be realistic)

1. Handsome

2. Good Career

3. Better yet rich

4. Tall

5. Good Lover

6. Emotionally available

7. Likes to spend money on them

8. Good teeth

9. All his own hair

You name it, they want it.

Now, the reality is that they are 38 years old, 5'-4" tall with a bit of a wide ass, working a very average job, living in an apartment in Mississauga, etc. etc.

But for some reason, they think that JFK jr. is out there searching for them. They haven't been able to find it in 38 years, but dammit, he's there and they won't "settle"

Do you know how many late 30's early 40's women are on Lava Life with "I won't settle" in their profile?


Well baby, you are going to end up dead in the ground before you find Mr. Perfect.

LL attracts a lot of women looking for perfection.
Very good analysis.

In their defence you have to realize that 70% of guys on those dating sites just want a good lay for a couple of months and then move on. While this is appealing to most guys it doesn't usually work for women. So unless these women put their foot down they will continually be just used for sex and then dumped.

I can't believe I'm defending Milfs.:eek:


Mar 5, 2005
LavaLife doesn't work for me. I dont think LL's women find me attractive.
POF though, met few people from there. It's agreat site and it's free. is a good site too. Met someone from the site and had a relationship with her for a year.
My conclusion, I think I get more luck with the American ladies than the newTorontonian ones. I think Torontonian ladies are snob, trying so hard to be New Yorkers, therefore they dont have their own personalities.

That's just my 2 cents.


New member
Feb 21, 2008
james t kirk said:
I've used Lava Life with some success. It does take work however.

Many of the late 30's women on there are completely out of touch with reality. They all think that they are somehow entitled to a perfect guy. (I call it "Searching for John F. Kennedy Jr.")
This is spot on! I used LL for years and it takes lots of patience unless you are indeed "perfect".

The biggest issue for me came down to height! I am 5' 7" but fairly well built and athletic. I can't tell you how many times I got the buzzer because I am not 6 feet or more. Even if the girl is 5'1"!! That said, I did manage 2 long term relationships and a few ..umm... much shorter ones ;) If you can convince someone to see you, they may find shorter guys are not so bad afterall.

What is funny, is that many of the girls seeking perfection were still on the system long after I had moved on.

Overall I found it way too frustrating a process. I prefer traditional methods of meeting so people can get to know you instead of judging you on some stats in an online profile.


Aug 26, 2006
If you communicate well via the written word, you can do well on the more legit datings sites.


open to suggestion
Apr 9, 2008
The East End
I showed my swinger friends some guys on MySpace, then they showed me some couples on their swinger's web site. And there was the picture of the same guy we had just seen! So he's an available single guy on one, and part of a horny lets-do-it-right-away couple on the other! What a worm!
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