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Has any body tried those dating web sites.

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
Genie said:
I showed my swinger friends some guys on MySpace, then they showed me some couples on their swinger's web site. And there was the picture of the same guy we had just seen! So he's an available single guy on one, and part of a horny lets-do-it-right-away couple on the other! What a worm!
Don't think for a minute that there are not a lot of women on LL who already have boyfriends, or are actively dating someone and are simply looking to see what's on the market in the hopes of trading up.

If I had to sum up the people on LL, I'd have to say:

The women are looking for JF Kennedy Jr. (And since they'll never find him, they keep looking forever.)

The men want to fuck lots of women before they finally settle down (and continue to fuck lots of women)


POF is good for a free site. Check out the fourms section for info on POF get-togethers & events in various cities. You can meet several women in a fun atmosphere. If you study the profiles of possible matches that interest you, it helps if you should meet them at an event. Many members 'sign up' for an event so you have an idea which members may be there. You really don't even have to be a member, just find out when the get together are near you & go.
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