Gas Prices a pain in the..........


New member
Jun 11, 2004
Well here in Toronto Today it is at $1.20 a litre and if the lovely $26/hr TTC union goes on strike on Monday April 21, 2008, we could hit the $1.50 a litre sooner then the summer. The gas system is such a monoply it is unbelieveable the rise in this is worse then our dollar. I have been told by a reliable source that it should be between $0.75 to $0.80 a litre max, but how can they get away with it. That is our lovely GOVT for you, filling their pockets do not care for the average person. It would be great if every day we could all boycott gas station a day meaning that no one fills up there for example monday petro canada, tuesday shell, etc. :mad:


People Are Strange!!!!!
Jul 14, 2003
i drive a great distance to work (my choice i know) and need my car while there for appointments. We get a paltry gas allowance that hasnt risen in about 3 years now although gas prices are through the roof ( i know take it up with the union..i would but there isnt one) Im at a point where im paying more a month on gas than on my car payment. Im also thinking its worth it to me to quit and look closer to home. its insane. When the gas prices go down to $1.00 they will have conditioned us to think "yeah look how cheap gas is"


New member
Feb 28, 2007
gas pricing is based on futures purchased. ie; they are buy the production for August now and that is the price being paid for it. Speculators are running the prices up based on what they think is going to happen.

Back in the bad old days you would hear about a rise in crude prices and the cost of gas would pop that day, when prices went down the line from the oil companies was the cheaper crude takes 30 days to get into the system. They get it both ways in this system.

The only way to stop it is to boycott one company. Everbody buys the gas they are going to by anyway from anybody but the target company. When the sales stop the price will drop and everybody else will drop to match. Unfortunately the sheep we have buying gas don't have the guts to do it.


Active member
Nov 24, 2005
When people are being interviewed on radio or television in regards to the soaring gas prices, they would all basically say "I don't like it but I need gas to go to work" Complete idiots.

I think if everyone went to this particular website it would help a great deal.


Active member
Nov 24, 2005
vsailor said:
It will NEVER matter who we boycott...the price will go up until oil runs out!! The Europeans are dealing with $2 - $2.50 CDN a litre!!! How do they cope?....ready for it???.....SMALLER CARS ( see smart car thread)
Agreed. Smaller cars are definitely the way to go.

I think people are upset is because we are an oil rich country where as maybe Russia and Norway are the top two oil producers in Europe. In Canada, there is plenty of oil reserves available as well. We should be paying lower prices than in Europe.


Never Compromised

Hiding from Screw Worm
Feb 1, 2006
lawyerman said:
Agreed. Smaller cars are definitely the way to go.

I think people are upset is because we are an oil rich country where as maybe Russia and Norway are the top two oil producers in Europe. In Canada, there is plenty of oil reserves available as well. We should be paying lower prices than in Europe.

NAFTA has locked us into paying prices that we sell to the Americans too. Further, most oil and gas in Canada is owned by MultiNational Corporations that will gladly sell to the highest bidder.

Also, Canada IMPORTS oil from Saudi Arabia.


Active member
Nov 24, 2005
Compromised said:
NAFTA has locked us into paying prices that we sell to the Americans too. Further, most oil and gas in Canada is owned by MultiNational Corporations that will gladly sell to the highest bidder.

Also, Canada IMPORTS oil from Saudi Arabia.
Thanks Compromised. I fully understand how it works. What I was trying to say is that that is the way it should work. I should have explained myself in clearer terms. My apologies.




New member
Feb 28, 2007
The higher prices in europe are a result of the taxes to pay for the 30 hour work weeks and indexed pensions. Most of Canada's oil is from western canada a small portion of it is imported to the east cost but that is changing as eastern production stabalizes. The Saudi contracts are very old and will not be renewed


Buff and I got's da stuff
Aug 16, 2003
vsailor said:
It will NEVER matter who we boycott...the price will go up until oil runs out!! The Europeans are dealing with $2 - $2.50 CDN a litre!!! How do they cope?....ready for it???.....SMALLER CARS ( see smart car thread)
I've read that overall consumption has gone down because people are going out less or buying more fuel efficient cars. So why is price still going up? What's even worse is that's it's going up at an astronomical rate. Gas is essential. It's like telling a starving person to eat less I think.

There is no way out of this unless there is a competing energy source.


Active member
Nov 24, 2005
I was commuting from Mississauga to downtown Toronto for a number of years and I truly love Mississauga. I was in my vehicle for about 2 1/2 hours to 3 hours per day and that was just the commute to work and back home again. I told my fiancee that we are moving right downtown as she works there as well and we can both walk to work now. I sold one of my vehicles and sometimes we drove in together and now I only have the one vehicle which I barely use. We had spent so much money on gas and parking per month as we could have easily purchased another brand new vehicle.

Now that the price of gas went to $1.20 per litre and there are predicting an end of summer price of $1.50 per litre, I am absolutely thrilled to be where I am now.

Time is something you will never get back. That is what is most important to me. I truly don't understand why people live in Barrie, Hamilton, etc, and commute into the city so they can have the "dream" home that they always wanted regardless if it was far from their workplace. What possible time during the week do you have to actually enjoy your home? I know when I was living in Mississauga (and I had a great home in a great area), there was not much time for anything during the week.


New member
Feb 28, 2007
the bad winter was a factor especially in diesel production ( diesel and heating oil are basically the same thing). Right now we are paying the price of to much centralization of production rifining and distribution facilities. A made in Canada price would be a good thing for us considcering the reserves og oil we have but it went thew way of the dodo when Petro Canada went public and was finally sold. Some of you might remember the Ntional Energy Program a Trudeau idea . It reulted in bumper stickers in Calgary reading LET THE EASTERN BASTARDS FREEZE IN THE DARK.

It did not go over so well

S.C. Joe

Client # 13
Nov 2, 2007
Detroit, USA
3.7 liters is 1 US gallon, you are paying $4.44 a US gallon.

Today I paid $3.49 for the cheap stuff, everyday its been going up, started the week at $3.31. Your prices seem more steady but are always higher.

But my car gets 10 mpg, not sure what that is in KM but it burns the gas but when I was changing stuff in it, gas was $1.50 a US gallon. Not going to change anything but I don't drive it as much, other car gets 22 mpg, so thats for longer trips.


Well-known member
Apr 17, 2003
lawyerman said:
I told my fiancee that we are moving right downtown as she works there as well and we can both walk to work now.
Yeah, but think of how much gas you are wasting now to go to Allure.:D


BuffNaked said:
I've read that overall consumption has gone down because people are going out less or buying more fuel efficient cars. So why is price still going up? What's even worse is that's it's going up at an astronomical rate. Gas is essential. It's like telling a starving person to eat less I think.

There is no way out of this unless there is a competing energy source.


Well gas is going up because people in China India Russia and Africa are buying cars. All commodities are going up all around the world. They are going to keep going up for at least another few years, until enough people get priced out of the market.

Most of the worlds big oil companies are nationalized BTW. Saudi Aramco, is pothetially the biggest in the world. Exxon Mobil, Shell, Elf Aquitaine, and BP are just not as powerful as they were in "days of yore".

Food is another issue. Modern farming is: the conversion of seeds oil and sunlight into food. Food prices are expolding around the world.



Active member
Mar 18, 2003
BuffNaked said:
I've read that overall consumption has gone down because people are going out less or buying more fuel efficient cars. So why is price still going up?
Supply and demand is only part of the picture. Another part is taxes. And still another part is using a fiat currency (the Canadia dollar) instead of real money (gold and silver). When the Bank of Canada lowers the interest rate and increases liquidity this means that the Bank of Canada is creating more fiat (counterfeit) money. If the Bank of Canada doubles the money supply then the price of everything doubles. If your paycheque doesn't increase as much as the percentage increase in money supply then you just took a pay cut and everything is more expensive to you. Increasing the money supply is a form of income tax that few people talk about even as mom and dad go to work to buy what formerly could be bought with one pay cheque.

landscaper said:
The only way to stop it is to boycott one company. Everbody buys the gas they are going to by anyway from anybody but the target company. When the sales stop the price will drop and everybody else will drop to match. Unfortunately the sheep we have buying gas don't have the guts to do it.
Gas sells on the global market, so if we don't buy it here, the gas will be bought somewhere else. If you want to protest then don't borrow from the bank. New money is brought into existence as a loan.
Last edited:


Crotch Sniffer
Oct 22, 2003
Caledon East
I just came back from a trip to the american midwest where they complained of gas prices over 3.30/gallon... i had no problem with the price as that still is well below a buck a litre...

i feel bad for the folks that i had to lay off at my brampton plant... they are getting hit with alot of bad stuff of late. high housing costs, high gas, high food prices, and unemployment...

and the Toronto Real Estate Board, premier Dalton, and all say the gta economy is resillient... :rolleyes:


Active member
Nov 14, 2003
lol, everytime the price goes up people start saying we should boycott one company on one day, a different one the next day and so on.

People you are accomplishing nothing other than perhaps hurting the local gas station owners who have no say in the matter.

Take the daily ban thing. Do you honestly think it would matter to the big guys whether you bought gas from them one less day of the week? The other 6 days they would have higher sales because you'd be boycotting someone else. Net result -> 0.

And if we boycotted one supplier continuously that would again only hurt the local owner as the supplier would just sell his gas to one of the other suppliers (since they'd be selling more gas to those who normally filled up at the boycotted supplier).

They only way to get them to possibly reduce prices would be for everyone to USE LESS GAS! Car pool, buy more efficient vehicle, move closer to work, plan trips better (ie one trip/two weeks to get groceries not 6 trips to pick up a few things here and there)


New member
Feb 21, 2008
lawyerman said:
I truly don't understand why people live in Barrie, Hamilton, etc, and commute into the city so they can have the "dream" home that they always wanted regardless if it was far from their workplace.
As somebody who lives in Barrie and works in Toronto, I think I can speak to this. Affordable housing for a divorced father such as myself or for young families starting out is nowhere to be found in the GTA. Combined with much lower salaries and wages in Barrie, it is easy to see why many people make the tedious commute every day.

I live in a very humble townhome and certainly not my "dream home". My experience suggest this scenario is much more prevalent than the example you cited. The difference in our perspectives perhaps lies in our Terb member names.

Make no mistake about it, I HATE the commute and the ridiculous cost of gas and I fully agree with you about all the lost time. Unfortunately there are many of us who cannot pull up the stakes and move on so readily.


dino p.

New member
Dec 14, 2005
Too high??

I never complained about the gas prices. I visited my mothercountry( easterneurope) in last year and the gas price was 2.20$ a liter but the average income just 800$/month. If you working here for just 20$ an hour you'll get 16 liter gas for your money but there you have to work 6-7 hour for 15 liter gas. So I think I'm so lucky and the life is much easier here than in Europe.When I came here( 8 years ago) the gas price was higher there than here right now. CANADA IS BEAUTIFUL!:)
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