Search results

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    New DNA strategy snagging suspects, including an attorney

    It doesn't matter, most of the matches that I've read about are matches to family members of the perpetrator. They can trace it down to your immediate family and from there they look further to see which family member it was. You're going to have to convince your parents, brothers, sisters...
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    TD Bank stock heavly shorted - is this the end ?

    CIBC had a decent quarter, up 2.5% today vs. TD which was down 2.2%
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    Prank Gone Wrong? Youtuber shot at Virginia mall | WUSA9+ Special Report

    I'm still waiting for the next update that says all of this was a set-up and done intentionally to be famous.
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    Carol Burnett Happy Birthday!

    As a kid I watched this show every week without fail, waiting for someone to crack up and break character or for her tarzan yell at the end when she took questions from the audience. She's amazing!
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    I see lots of ads for Temu anyone buy from them?

    On Facebook I came across a ton of spam posts to different groups from Temu. I don't know if it was people trying to work the system for some referral bonus, or if it was the company that was behind it as advertising but either way it came across as being so scammy that I wouldn't order from them.
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    Personal Injury Lawyers

    It wasn't that Diamond was "too busy" it's more like they only referred potential clients to other lawyers and didn't do the work themselves even if they portrayed otherwise.
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    Personal Injury Lawyers
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    Anyone been to Burning Man in Nevada?

    This is probably one of the least helpful posts I've seen on this board.
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    Can you two fuck already and get it over with? Some of us are trying to masturbate over here. Just kidding.
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    Kid Rock Shoots Up Cans of Bud Light Beer.

    Doesn't he have a mall to open or something?
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    Need help to access dark web

    Seriously, there's hundreds of articles and videos out there on it. If you need hand holding at this stage, I don't think OP will be able to find much on the dark web once they're on.
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    Flair Airlines in trouble?

    From the same article: “The leasing of the four Airborne-managed aircraft was terminated following a five-month long period, during which Flair was regularly in default of its leases by failing to meet its payments when due, with payment arrears reaching millions of dollars,” Airborne said...
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    Veronica 3405

    Did you really just post like 7 threads looking for intel on different women? TOFFT already
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    Outrageous: Cop costs city $8 million for arresting black woman at Starbucks

    No, you're moving the goalpost. What you said was " cops have been exonerated despite bodycam footage showing their guilt " That doesn't happen.
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    Thoughts about Onlyfans?

    Absolutely, you can find everything for free. Some of the videos showed women I thought were attractive so I supposed them. Not montly, but just one off's, twice. What type of porn? I'll keep that to myself :p
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    Outrageous: Cop costs city $8 million for arresting black woman at Starbucks

    Yeah, if they did it and it's on video they would be convicted. Seriously, you can't find any examples of cops F'ing up and you have to make things up? Dude. Just google it. There's so many examples it's embarrassing.
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    Thoughts about Onlyfans?

    I subscribed to a Patreon once because they generated specific content I was interested in. I did it for one month and cancelled. Downloaded the content and still have it. I've done it with the same person three times now, so I've spent about $30. I feel it's pretty fair, and I go back every...
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    Outrageous: Cop costs city $8 million for arresting black woman at Starbucks

    Where did this happen? Is this the thing in California? Do you really have to venture that far afield to find instances where cops mess up or are you trying to cherry-pick stuff? If you have to go all the way to California to cite instances of cops screwing up, then overall it really can't...
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    "Rogers Promotion" Phishing Scam Phone Calls

    There are Rogers and Bell resellers that often target new subdivisions. They don't work for Rogers, but they legitmately sell Rogers services. I'm not saying that's what's happening here, but that does happen.
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    Eva 9628 warning scammer.

    Just the remote, it fits in your pocket.
Toronto Escorts