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    AIDS conference seems surreal

    Lewis blames straight men for spread of disease "Lewis admitted that in the battle against AIDS, the factor that makes him feel "most helpless and most enraged" is the inequality of women and how that puts them at high risk of becoming infected through rape or by partners who refuse to practise...
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    Toby’s 99cent hamburger no deal at all…

    Toby's at St.Clair was a trendy hang-out back in the day before it went bust.
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    Hezbollah planted disabled children in basement to die

    The Israelis proved tonight on CNN that Hezbollah militants were using a hospital as their base.
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    Would you rather live under Jewish or Muslim rule

    If you only had two choices would you vote for a Muslim or Jewish government.
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    How about that Mel Gibson?

    Looking for night of Mel Gibson's arrest pix online
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    Need to find a publisher

    What`s it about how you threatened some officer for charging a SP whose fooled you into believing you`re her man.
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    CROC's...anyone wear them????

    Old news, Do a search
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    "The Hobby"

    The term is gay in my opinion.
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    Hosting a party at Republik Night Club

    Sorry you have to be over 18.
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    Film Festival events

    Toronto Intl. Film Fest. What's the inside scoop, parties, how do you get into the press area to take pix, when and where will the biggest stars be out?
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    Sexy Christina Aguilera Pictures

    it's amazing she's hid her average looking face for so long.
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    Sexy Christina Aguilera Pictures

    she's actually not as pretty as i thought no wonder she hasn't made it bigger
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    The Docks lose their liquor license.

    They'll sell water and drugs and open the doors to all ages. The dealers are probably celebrating.
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    The Docks lose their liquor license.

    I am all for closing anything that encourages drugs and alcohol, it's frightening to be at the docks and see all those cars at night. I can't imagine how people get home safely, or why the cops don't do more spot checks. At the Guv. it's expected some people OD every night; I've always...
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    Who has the best vegetarian food ?

    King's Café 192 Augusta, at Baldwin in Kensington Market, good food and good prices, dinner for two $30 range, casual dining. I heard Fressen on Queen is good, #3 on NOW's list. Only trouble with veggie restaurants is a lot aren't open late.
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    New Porsche 911 - Hot Car

    Not true I've heard representatives from Porsche on tv saying it is pronounced differently without the "uh" in North America and that is fine by them.
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    New Porsche 911 - Hot Car

    Looks like the last model year. You can't beat the lines on the classic Carrera 70s and 80s model years
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    Viral Video

    how quickly can word spread online thru websites like myspace or YouTube, my experience has been not greatly unless the event is really dramatic. two girls kissing isn't going to cut it.
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    Viral Video

    What's it all about, is it word-of-mouth online or is it possible to make it happen with technology? Thanks
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    Professional camera equipment

    Would the media be less likely to show up to an outdoor event if it was raining?
Toronto Escorts